Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2369 Jingchen

"As for the Sui Lord, he also regarded the Emperor of Liuhe as his great cause, but later he went to Yujing Mountain and did not even reach the last section of the road——"

Ji Yumin looked at Wu Daoyou with cold eyes: "Dear Master Tianshi, today's Taoist Zixu, he will be punished when he fails, can't he be considered a hero?"

Then he looked at Yu Yu: "Xiao Yu, what do you think?"

History is a cycle.

Just as Yu Yu had given guidance on Lou Yue's practice.

When Yu Yi, who was only seven years old, climbed Mount Yujing for the first time, Ji Yumin was also a guest on the mountain. As a contemporary figure, although Ji Yumin was not the most distinguished person of the times, he was also a close friend of Taoist Master Zixu. Zong Dezhen has a few words to say. He often represented the imperial family and had the most direct communication with Yujingshan.

To be honest, the majestic and noble Yujingshan and the Jingguo imperial family, who were in charge of the country, had a very close relationship. This kind of intimacy exists even more than the other two channels. Today, it was also the Celestial Master of Yujing Mountain who was the first to stand up.

The Taoist sect and Jingguo are one, and the three branches of the Taoist sect are one family - this is what they say, and it is also true to the outside world. But Daomen Jingguo is a different term after all, and the three branches of Daomen are also different from each other.

If we can really blend into one body, there is no need for each to have its own country.

Among the Tao Kingdoms under the Tao Kingdom system, it is very clear which one is dedicated to building Daluo Mountain, which one is building Yujing Mountain, which one is building Penglai Island, and which one belongs exclusively to Jingguo.

Even biological brothers and sisters, behind closed doors, still feel close and distant.

In short, Ji Yumin once touched the little Taoist priest's head and praised him for being polite and spiritual.

Even if the little Taoist priest grows up to be Yu Tianshi, he has no choice but to accept this little Yu.

As for the question Ji Yumin asked him...

what is the problem?

"Ordinary people often judge heroes based on success or failure. But when you set up in this palace, you are in charge of the administration of each place and the shepherd guarding one area. You have a high vision and can see thousands of miles. Is it true that if you win, you will be cheered for eternal life, but if you lose, you will slander and ridicule the court?"

Ji Yumin's voice in the palace was loud and majestic of its own: "There are many heroic deeds in ancient and modern times, but as long as you have the courage to change the world, you will be a hero in victory, and you will be a hero in defeat!"

Who dares to say that Ji Yusu is not a hero?

He personally created the national system and almost ushered in a new era, lifting the torrent of humanity to such a high level.

All people after the new beginning of the Taoist calendar are living under his influence.

Who dares to say that Emperor Jingwen Ji Furen is not a hero?

Even if you don't agree with it in your heart, you can't say it with your mouth.

He is still alive, and he is one of the transcendent beings who are free and at ease for eternity. He is immortal and knows and hears only by thinking.

As for Zixu Daojun Zong Dezhen...

The Celestial Master is almost the most noble person in Taoism. The reason why it is "almost" is because there is still Daojun above.

The Celestial Master of Yujing Mountain pretended not to hear.

Can the Celestial Master representing Daluo Mountain who is having the conversation really give advice to the Taoist Lord of Yujing Mountain?

Ji Yumin moved these people out and asked if they could be called heroes if they failed. They were indeed invincible.

There have always been voices commenting on Ji Yumin, saying that he would only hide behind Ji Yusu, raise the flag of the wind, and cut the sword of peace. This evaluation is really biased!

Wu Daoyou sneered in his heart, Ji Yumin clearly used his strength to fight, and he had a set of fists that were impervious to wind and rain!

He looked at this 'Taizu's Imperial Disciple' and carefully examined the imperial party's determination to measure the strength of the slaughter - if it was too heavy, it would lead to a deadlock and the knife would not be able to cut it, while if it was too light, it would inevitably waste the opportunity.

Lu Qiu Wenyue was begging for death when she came up and almost didn't want to talk about it.

He has made it clear that he will use his life to force them to let go, how can he make these imperialists get their wish?

Lu Qiu Wenyue wants to die, but Lu Qiu Wenyue may not be able to die!

"Lord Zongzheng, if you want to say that Taizu, Emperor Wen, and even Taoist Lord Zixu failed, I cannot agree with you." Wu Daoyou said seriously: "The Emperor of Liuhe is the highest achievement since the beginning of the world. He must exist beyond three generations of human emperors. Countless heroes have been destroyed by this, and no one has achieved anything in the past - can these things be compared to now?"

Ji Yumin looked at him: "Has anyone ever succeeded in bringing peace to the sea? Today's emperor is sitting in court and looking at the sea. When he falls, he stirs up the wind and clouds. Once the road to heaven crosses the sky, the sea people run like wolves and swine. I think this is a great achievement. Martial Arts!”

Wu Daoyou only asked: "But what's the result?"

"The result was that we failed due to the interference of the Transcendent, so what? Don't you, Wu Daoyou, have the courage to start over from the beginning? I, Ji Yumin, do! I want to be even more powerful today!"

Ji Yumin said loudly: "In the past, the Duke of the Huai Kingdom of Southern Chu, he jumped to the top with two certificates, and ended up as a transcendent person in the Forest of Meteor Immortals. That is also an external cause and an external result. Can you say that Zuo Xiao is not Hero? But Zuo Xiao is not qualified to do it again, but we in Jingguo still have it! We have the courage and qualifications to start all over again. How can we be called sad, why are we uneasy, and how can we be as we are today? !”

His posture was already extremely stern: "Wu Daoyou, you are younger than me, but you are older than me!"

"Hahahaha!" In the central hall, Wu Daoyou laughed: "I am older than you! Yes!"

He suppressed his smile: "Why? I am outside Tianmen, and you are at Zongzheng Temple. I am doing things for the world, and you are doing things for one family! Just like the Nanchu Xingsha is about to expire, it is always worries that make people decline. I am old. Isn’t it natural to be faster than you?”

"Courage and qualification, these are two beautiful words. I have faced them, have you faced them? Where did they come from? Did you start with one word and say nothing, or did it accumulate over four thousand years and the dedication of billions of people , how can we build up such a bargaining chip with countless efforts? "Start from the beginning again", Master Zongzheng, you say it too lightly! You can start from the beginning again, Your Majesty can start from the beginning again, Yu Que is dead, and the Dou'e Army is gone. , can they start again?”

Finally, we talked about the current Emperor Jing, Ji Fengzhou.

Beitian Master Wu Daoyou finally had the word "Your Majesty" in his mouth.

Everyone's breath caught.

And Ji Yumin said: "It's not that I said it too frivolously, but that you looked at it too frivolously!"

He stood in the main hall, under the gaze of hundreds of officials, and said with a big hand: "The Heavenly King of the Shangguo, Yongzhao Liuhe, the Central Emperor, the number one in the heavens. The royal family named Ji has been in power for four thousand years, and the affairs of the clan are the world's. Things in the world are not necessarily Taoist affairs. You don’t seem to understand that we are standing in the central hall, with Jingguo at our feet!”

"Is it because I don't understand?" Wu Daoyou strode forward and confronted him, his hair waving: "I think you have forgotten how the Central Hall came to be and how Jingguo was established!"


All the civil and military officials in the palace were shocked.

Why did the noise get to this point?

Do you want to say such serious words?

The undercurrent at the bottom of the river has broken out of the water. Will the cracks left when Tianjing City was founded be torn apart again today?

Over the past four thousand years, the power of Taoism and imperial power has been complicated and complicated, and there have been several situations where they have fought for each other, and they have directly fallen out with each other.

Basically every time there was a huge power change.

Some people are happy to see it happen, and some people are uneasy.

How will this magnificent ship that leads the torrent of humanity turn around today?

Although Ji Yumin's attitude was tough, Daomen seemed unwilling to give in at all this time.

Everyone is a little bit careless.

I just don’t know what roles Daluo Mountain, Yujing Mountain, and Penglai Island play respectively?

"How this country was established, Wu Daoyou, I know better than you." Ji Yumin finally softened his tone: "If you want to learn the history of that year, you can find time to come to Zongzheng Temple and I will explain it to you one by one. Listen. But today we are standing here to discuss the future of this country, the future of billions of people, and the direction of the current of humanity... Wu Daoyou, do you know what it means to be here?"

"Although you made a lot of arrogant remarks today, one thing you said is right. That high place is not for people to sit on and enjoy the scenery."

The founder of the country and the elder of the clan loudly said: "As Taizu said back then, if you want to achieve great things, you must face great dangers. How can you talk about building a country if you are timid? If you don't have the courage to create a new world, if you don't dare to be a human being, If you don’t dare to do something that you can’t do as an adult, how can you take on the world and benefit the people?”

Wu Daoyou mentioned Taizu and Emperor Wen in order to express how inferior the present emperor was.

As the younger brother of Jing Taizu and the uncle of Emperor Jingwen, Ji Yumin undoubtedly had more say in these two affairs. He also mentioned Taizu and Emperor Wen, but he said that the current times may not be inferior to the old times, and the current emperor may not be inferior to the ancestors——

If the Jinghai plan is a big success, Ji Fengzhou will become the first emperor since the Middle Ages to calm the sea. He will solve the regrets of the medieval emperors and seize the sea and swallow up the nearby sea. He will take the entire East China Sea into his pocket and turn the long coastline into a unified sea. The noose around the country’s neck…

Then Ji Fengzhou is indeed qualified to compare with the first two.

The problem is that he failed.

Today, no matter how much the imperialists defend, refute, or raise their voices, the failure of the Jinghai Plan is the biggest problem.

From Wu Daoyou's point of view, what he saw was Ji Yumin's lustful appearance.

So he just praised: "Okay! Today we talk about benefiting the common people, and we talk about taking on the world! Master Zongzheng, do you know——"

On Danbi, there was the sound of pearls colliding.

Its sound was just that the most powerful man in the world leaned half forward on his throne. So the sky is crowned with pearls shaking.

Then there was such a slight sound.

It was so slight, but it silenced the entire central hall.

When Wu Daoyou and Ji Yumin were having a heated argument, and everyone was either nervous or looking forward to it, but no one expected it, the emperor spoke.

When he opened his mouth, he only said: "Prime Minister, get up. What you are carrying is too heavy."

Lu Qiu Wenyue, who had been lying on the ground for a long time, almost like a definite corpse, raised his head.

With this posture, of course she couldn't see the emperor. She could only see the carvings on the throne.

And the voice of Emperor Dajing said: "I order you to get up."

Lu Qiu Wenyue then stood up.

The emperor said again: "Lou Yue."

Lou Yue took a step forward: "I'm here!"

"Lou Yue, Lou Yue, how should I call you?" the emperor asked.

Lou Yue said: "The title is just a reference, it is not very important. Your Majesty can call you whatever you want - I will obey your orders."

"No, this is very important." The emperor, who was sitting alone on the dragon chair, said to the ministers in front of His Majesty Dan: "My dear friends, I often wonder, what should I call you? For the same person, Yu Yu called him too Yuan Zhenren, the King of Jin calls him Lou Shushi. Who is he?"

"Zhenren Taiyuan is Lou Yue, and Ambassador Lou Yue is also Lou Yue. But if you must ask who Lou Yue is -" Lou Yue bowed directly and said: "The Minister of Military Aircraft Lou is the minister!"

Yes, the privy envoy of the military aircraft building is an official position and the "minister" in the relationship between king and minister.

This is the core issue at present. You are in Jingguo, who are you?

"So." Ji Fengzhou's voice was low, even a little lazy. He asked on the throne and the dragon chair where people could not see clearly: "Are these all Jingchen in front of the palace? "

Yu Yu was shocked - what did the emperor mean?

It wasn't that he couldn't understand what the emperor meant, but he didn't understand why it suddenly came to this point.

Is this going to force people to take sides?

This is too sudden! There was no warning in advance!

That's all for the outside world. In terms of the internal power struggle in Jingguo, do we also want to play the same trick of causing thunder when the ground is flat?

Who can moisturize such a huge empire and such intricate forces without making a sound?

Isn't this a foolish act to divide the country?

Today, in the central hall, there are four heavenly masters, military ministers, nobles, clan members, and the prefects of the 49 prefectures of Jingguo, all among them.

It can be said that the power of the entire Dajing Empire is scattered in the hands of these people. When one gathers, the world gathers, and when one disperses, the world disperses. This is the highest-level court meeting in the Central Empire in this world!

Even if there is anger in his heart, it is difficult to express his resentment. How can the emperor be so rash?

Or... Your Majesty, how can you be so sure?

But what shocked Yu Yi even more was what happened next.

Because Ji Yumin, the minister of Zongzheng Temple, and Ji Xuanzhen, the prince of Jin Dynasty, had prostrated themselves at the same time: "My lord! Pay homage to the emperor!"

Pushing the golden mountain and toppling the jade pillar, after these two people, all the clan members bowed down: "My lord! Pay homage to the emperor!"

Xian Nankui, one of the Eight Armored Commanders and Commander-in-Chief of Shence, half-knelt with his armor on, as if he had broken the tiles on the floor of the hall: "Your Majesty! Pay homage to the Emperor!"

After him was the nine-guard commander-in-chief of the capital city of Tianjing City. Except for the two guards who were on duty in the outer city and the one guard who was in training, the remaining six-guard commander-generals all prostrated themselves in the palace.

The voice of a military commander is filled with fierce murderous aura!

Prime Minister Lu Qiu Wenyue, who had just stood up, fell down again and said: "Your Majesty! Meet the Emperor!"

After her, there are Fu Dongxu, the head of Jingshi Taiwan, and Ouyang Jie, the head of Tianjing City's Criminal Investigation Department.

Followed by the officials from Tianjing City, they all prostrated themselves, without exception: "My lord! Pay homage to the Emperor!"

After that, there were the forty-nine prefects of Jingguo. Except for the three prefects of Daodefu, Yuanshifu, and Lingbaofu, they all bowed down and said: "My lord! Meet the emperor!"

During the reign of Emperor Jingwen, only the three prefectures were left to be governed by Taoism, serving as the nominal "place to express Taoism."

However, during the period of Emperor Jingqin, due to external pressure, the emperor's prestige suffered a huge blow, and the Taoist sect was not the only one who actually held power for a long time.

But today, the entire central hall, civil and military officials, fell down one by one and shouted loudly, so that there was only one voice in the hall, but it was like a wave of waves surging forward and backward——

"My lord! Pay homage to the Emperor!!!"

There are no other actions, no other words, this is the strongest posture.

The ministers in the palace bowed down like waves. This was a force so huge that it cannot be described, and was stronger than an overwhelming force.

This is the first empire in the world, the representative of the most prosperous national system, the most magnificent composition of the torrent of humanity, and the voice of surrender under the same will!

Under such power, those few who did not react, or who did not receive the order and did not want to express their stance, all bowed down involuntarily, and they all became ministers and called themselves Jingchen!

Above the main hall, only the Western Heavenly Master Yu Yi and the Northern Heavenly Master Wu Daoyou were still standing.

They are strong men capable of guarding Tianmen, but they seem so abrupt today.

Yu Yu turned around and looked at Song Huai, who was still silent on the golden bridge.

Song Huai sat still, with no expression on his face. It's like his mission is just to sit,

Yu Xi looked to the side, and there was also a Nantian master Ying Jianghong sitting there - the undoubted imperial party, the strongest among the four heavenly masters recognized by the world. He killed Beigong Nantu in formation. The ultimate person.

In the whole world, there is nothing but the royal land.

In the central land, who is not Jingchen?

Ying Jianghong stood up and bowed to the end: "My emperor... live forever!"

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