Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2373: Sincerity is the commandment for the aquatic creatures of the world

A country like Yong State, with Qi Maoxian's strength, does not have the qualifications for people to wait. You can't be silent on stage for too long.

So he settled for a moment and immediately replied: "The New Deal of the Yong State is a great achievement jointly created by the people of the Yong State, but of course it still has many immature aspects that need time to be tested. Today Qi took the stage to preach, exactly I hope to get advice from all the wise people——"

He stood on the stage and said humbly and politely: "General Wei, you are a figure who became famous at the beginning of the new calendar. You stand on the pinnacle of the extraordinary. You are old and have seniority. You have been buried in a coffin for thousands of years, but you are still aware of the changes of the years; shuttle The sun and the moon can also point to the mountains and rivers. I must have a deep understanding of the evolution of the water tribe, and I should also have opinions on the current situation of the Changhe Dragon Palace. I wonder if the Lanhe Water Palace should be included in the Yong Kingdom's new policy?"

Whether the Lanhe Aquatic Tribe is among them is hard to say.

What it really asks is - in this day and age, how should humans treat water tribes?

And Yong Guo is absolutely not qualified to answer such a question!

Today, all parties will gather at Guanhe Terrace, and the issues to be discussed are nothing more than this.

For a country like Yong that could not get on the table, it was only because of the various powers that it had the opportunity to stand on the stage and say a few words...

How dare you have an attitude before everyone else?

Wei Qingpeng asked this question with extremely dangerous intentions!

Qi Maoxian's answer was a little careless, and he was filling the grave of Yong State.

And while he jumped over this pit, he was polite and rude at the same time. This is really a firm attitude——

The Yong Kingdom was different from the Li Kingdom and was not qualified to play both sides. He stood firmly on his side. As long as Jing Guo is willing to support it, Yong Guo is willing to be at the forefront and fight against Li Guo most fiercely.

"How can we, a rough man who leads troops to fight, think anything?" Wei Qingpeng did not oppress Yong Guo at this time. He touched his bald head, grinned an innocent smile, and dismissed Qi Maoxian as a child. : "Let's see what everyone says. There are so many smart people here, let's listen to everyone!"

Ying Jianghong looked down from the stage and said: "General Wei is a person who always does good things."

"Where is it?" Wei Qingpeng cupped his hands in the audience and said: "We have slept for too long and cannot keep up with the times. We are about to learn more from everyone. Always learn and think often, so as not to be underestimated by future generations!"

Ying Jiang Hong said with profound meaning: "General Wei cherishes the past but does not neglect the present. He can know his way back when he gets lost. He will definitely not take the wrong path in the future."

Wei Qingpeng said quite seriously: "Although a certain family is old, Li Guo is still very young. Young people are bound to be frivolous and make mistakes, but the road ahead is long and we are willing to give young people more opportunities. This young man will definitely be able to move forward steadily."

"If you want to chat, I have plenty of time in private. Let's talk about business today!" Gong Xiyan knocked on the armrest in the audience.

Although he didn't take Wei Qingpeng's maneuvering seriously, he knew early on that Li Guo would not be willing to be driven by anyone. There are only interests between countries, and Li will only fight for Li.

But it was too much for these two guys to flirt with each other in public.

What's the password?

No more betraying anyone!

Ying Jianghong looked at him with deep eyes: "It seems that the Governor of the Palace is very caring and worried!"

"It's okay to say that you are sincere." Gong Xiyan responded with a smile: "After all, in our Jing country, everyone is responsible for everything, and whoever is at fault will admit it. If I were the Nantian Master, standing on this river viewing platform, Looking at the waves in the river is all the fault of the past. It’s hard to be in such a relaxed mood as Nan Tianshi!”

"I wonder what the past mistakes, as mentioned by the Palace Governor, refer to?" Ying Jiang Hong raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Please look at the long river." Gong Xiyan said.

"After seeing it, what happens next?" Ying Jianghong asked.

Gong Xiyan just smiled: "What others say about purity and turbidity is not in others' words. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and dress yourself properly!"

Ying Jianghong just looked at the waves of the Changhe River for a while, and then sighed: "Jingguo believed too much in the oath left by Emperor Lieshan, and did not expect the betrayal of Lord Longhe Longhe, so that the great cause of the sea fell short. But the loss of the sea, All that is lost is the scenery. The ancient road to heaven almost overturned the sea, leading Ao Shuyi to abandon it. It was a sore in front of the sky, which was beneficial to the world. No matter how I look at this mirror today, I only see the scenery. The people of the country do not care about the faults of their country, but there is not a single wrinkle, which is not good for the human race!"

"Are the people of Jingguo sacrificing their country and benefiting the world, but they are asked to dress themselves up?"

"Gong Xiyan." He turned around and looked at the deputy governor of Hongwu: "I heard that your baby Gong Weizhang has grown up and is a new generation of unparalleled genius that many people expect! For the family, for the country, for the human race Overall, what are you going to teach him?”

Gong Xiyan still had a smile on his face, but his unconscious eyes still showed the turmoil in his heart.

The existence of Gong Weizhang is the secret of his Gong family.

Gong Weizhang's talent is the secret of Jing Kingdom!

This child was not born to his legitimate wife, but he valued him because of his natural lineage. When he grew up, he showed his talent very early.

But he did not rush to take the child back to the Gong family, but kept him outside. Firstly, his wife is the eldest princess of the imperial family, the biological sister of the contemporary emperor of Jing Kingdom. She has a noble status and a high level of cultivation, and cannot tolerate sand in her eyes; secondly, it is also for the growth of this child, who will not suffer from thorns, which is rare. The material that supports the sky.

He wanted to follow Li Yi's old example and put the battle that made Gong Weizhang famous at the most critical moment. Either he becomes famous in one battle in a gathering of geniuses, or when the younger generation is ignored, the cavalry stands out and has the final say.

He hid the illegitimate child from his wife, but he never hid it from the emperor.

Of course, the words were very well said - "I got drunk and had sex, and I had a son. I wanted to kill him to show my loyalty to the princess. But the people of Jing are all subjects of the emperor. How can a humble minister have the power of punishment? Moreover, he is born with the Tao vein, a talent of Jing State, and may become the sword of the Holy Emperor in the future. I dare not kill him without authorization, and I only ask Your Majesty to make the decision."

In today's world, people born with the Tao vein are becoming increasingly rare. The emperor loves talents, so he only asked him to cultivate well and cover up for him.

This matter should not have been known by more people! At most, it was recorded in the emperor's daily notes.

Gong Weizhang's practice has always been the responsibility of Gong Xiyan himself. He personally took care of Gong Weizhang's necessary training. When he really couldn't get away, he only let the most trusted generals accompany him.

Ying Jianghong mentioned Gong Weizhang's name, which showed that Jing State had infiltrated Jing State's intelligence, and Gong Xiyan had to pay attention to it.

As for the existence of the illegitimate child, how to face the anger of the one at home when he returned... That can only be said when he returned.

At most, he will break dozens of military sticks! It's not like he hasn't been beaten before!

"Thank you, Master Nan, for your concern for my son." Gong Xiyan said calmly: "The fate of all of us is tied to the overall fate of the human race. No matter generals, princes, or arrogant people, they are all branches and veins of the towering tree of the human race. If the tree doesn't exist, where will the branches and leaves be attached? Of course, I will teach him to put the overall interests of the human race first."

"Commander Gong is worthy of being a national talent and a pillar of the human race. He is so conscious!" Ying Jianghong praised, and then said: "We are gathered here today to discuss the overall interests of the human race. Please don't say anything that is not conducive to the unity of the human race. Shenxiao is coming, Jing doesn't want to The blades are facing each other, who do you want to point the blades at? "

"The overall situation of the human race is not all here, not all in the mouth of Nan Tianshi, and not all in the hands of Jingguo!" Xu Wang said in the audience: "We Qin people have an old saying, 'Don't look at what they say, but look at what they do'. Nan Tianshi has the opportunity to go to Yuyuan Great Wall and take a look at the overall situation of the human race there-the Qin people's blades have always been pointed at foreign races, but they will never be soft-handed when they are cut from behind. Who the blades are pointed at sometimes depends on who wants to test the blades. "

At the instruction of Qin Taizu, Qin shared Yuyuan Great Wall with Li State, and the two sides had a very close alliance relationship. Now seeing that Li State is swinging between Jing State and Jing State, they are of course a little dissatisfied.

Li State should be the nail that pries the northwest wind and clouds, and should achieve Qin's political goals, rather than making peace in the northwest.

This is both a warning to Li State and a warning to Jing State.

"The Qin people are heroes, I know them well! The Qin people are the most responsible people in the world!" Wei Qingpeng hurried out to coax his allies: "Use the Yuyuan Great Wall as an arc knife, and the direction of the blade is self-evident. I have always taught my men to follow military orders and learn from the Qin warriors."

Ying Jianghong laughed: "As the Marquis Zhen said, let's see what I do!"

He put his hands behind his back on the stage: "The ancient sages built a high platform with loess, and watched the water of the long river here to seek governance strategies, and spent ten thousand years; in the past, the emperor of Lieshan refined the nine towns and ordered the Dragon King to the long river, so that there would be eternal peace; we meet here today, and we should follow the example of the ancient sages, set rules for the ages, make the surging ancestral river a source of blessings, and make the people on both sides of the strait live in peace for generations. Only in this way can this trip be worthwhile and we are worthy of being human!"

If it comes to "being worthy of being human", the words are serious.

Everyone in the audience was solemn.

Ying Jianghong said: "If you want to talk about water control, you must first talk about water tribes. If you want to talk about water tribes, you must first talk about the water master. Today we are sitting here, and there are several consensuses that need to be reached. The first one is about the Longhe Dragon Lord."

Zhong Xuanzun, who was practicing with his eyes closed on the stands, had opened his ink-like eyes at this time. He just leaned back gently,

With his eyebrows and eyes open, he had a kind of leisurely and elegant style that others could not match.

He held the constantly flashing Taixu Magatama in his hand, and he didn't know whose letter he was replying to, but his eyes looked at the high platform carelessly.

This water control conference only had content that interested him at this time.

Whether Ao Shuyi still exists or not, it is the scenery of the transcendent.

He was born to cut off delusion, and he couldn't see the other side at a glance. Only in this way was he regarded as a challenge.

Dou Zhao next to him also stopped practicing for a while, and sat cross-legged on the chair, supporting his left knee with his left hand, supporting his knee with his right elbow, and supporting his face with his palm. With such a rebellious attitude, he looked at the old...old predecessors in the front row.

Huang Sheli crossed his legs, crossed his arms over his chest, and raised his chin slightly. He tilted his head to look at Zhong Xuanzun, then at Jiang Wang, and then back at the stage.

Qin Zhizhen was still practicing with his eyes closed. He didn't care about this meeting. If the eight people didn't practice, he would be eight times ahead.

Cang Ming's eyes never opened, but it was hard to tell whether he was paying attention to the field.

Li Yi's eyes were open, but they were very empty, and he didn't know where his mind was wandering.

The Tiandi Zhansui had already ended, but the aftermath of Ao Shuyi's death had not yet dissipated.

Perhaps today is the last ripple.

Ying Jianghong said in a magnificent voice: "We should not deny the achievements of the Longhe Dragon King in controlling the water. From the Middle Ages to the present, the long river has cleared waves, all thanks to his achievements. But we must also clarify-if He hadn't rebelled at the last moment and destroyed the medieval Tianlu, the sea would have been calm today, and the world of confusion would be in a jar!"

No matter how the responsibilities are divided today, how to argue.

The Longhe Dragon King did not die righteously, this itself is not controversial.

Ao Shuyi died under the Nine Dragons Holding the Sun and Forever Restraining the Mountains and Rivers Seal, and this matter itself has determined the legal principle. The decision of the six hegemonic emperors is naturally impossible to be "unjust".

Then who is "unjust"?

The figure of the Yellow River General Manager hanging there is a silent explanation.

Fu Yunqin himself is also silent.

Jingguo's Nan Tianshi said on the Tianxia Platform: "At the critical moment when the human race pacified Canghai, Ao Shuyi actually sided with the sea clan, causing unrest in the human race's sea borders. Our past preparations failed, giving the sea clan time to breathe. It also requires us to invest more to deal with the threat of Canghai - I believe that the people of Qi have a deep understanding of this."

What else can Ruan Lu say?

It can't be said that the collapse of the ancient sky road is harmful to Jing and beneficial to Qi. Everyone must discuss the issue from the perspective of the overall situation of the human race. So he just nodded slightly to express his agreement.

Ying Jianghong continued: "The Longhe Dragon King has made outstanding achievements in his life, but he lost his integrity in his later years. It's a pity. He betrayed the human race and gave up the water clan!"

This is the final definition of the Longhe Dragon King.

He lost his virtue as a water king and lost his loyalty as an ally of the human race.

In the end, he died as a betrayer.

The pen of history is like iron, and this statement must be engraved.

Naturally, no one has any objection.

No matter what difficulties or reasons Ao Shuyi had, no matter how desperate, helpless, and forced he was to do it - he raised the banner of rebellion, stirred up a storm and attacked the Nine Towns, openly intervened in the war between the human race and the sea race, and clearly supported the sea race. This established fact is the reason for his death.

And he is already dead, under the Nine Dragons Holding the Sun and Forever Guarding the Mountains and Rivers Seal, leaving no dust, there is no need to explain him.

No matter where you have stood, what achievements or status you have. If you die, you die, and nothing is left.

Qi Maoxian stood quietly in the audience, waiting for the answer to the question - Are the Lanhe water tribes included in the new policy of Yongguo? Are the water tribes involved in the politics of the world?

Regardless of Qin and Chu, Qi Mu, or Jingli, Wei and Song, the big figures of all parties sat around the stage of the world, watching everything that happened on the stage.

Ying Jianghong held the long sword at his waist: "The crime of the Dragon King of Changhe cannot be redeemed even if he dies. Since the Dragon King has rebelled, there is no innocent person in the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace of Changhe is no longer worthy of our trust. Today, the execution of the Dragon King's minister, the Yellow River General Manager Fu Yunqin, is a warning to all the water creatures in the world to warn them of rebellion! Do you have any objections?"

This is just a formality.

The Dragon Palace of Changhe has been determined, and the Yellow River General Manager has no reason to survive.

But the sword should be famous, and the public execution should be reported to both sides of the Changhe River. On this stage of the world, the formalities that should be taken must be taken.

Xu Wang only said: "Qin has no objection."

Tu Hu was wearing a long robe and a sacrificial cap, and he was very solemn and majestic at this time: "Muguo has no objection."

Ruan Lu had made up his mind to come and watch today, and he only said: "Qi has no objection."

Qu Jinkui came back to his senses: "Chu has no objection."

Gong Xiyan raised his eyelids: "Jing has no objection."

Wei Qingpeng said loudly: "Li will naturally support it!"

The one who represented Wei to attend the meeting was Dongfang Shi, the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Altar. In such an occasion, he had no right to object at all, and only said: "Wei has no objection."

Tu Weijian of Song State quickly spoke: "Song has no objection!"

If he didn't speak again, he might not be allowed to speak. Now that he spoke, the history books recorded that Song had a name listed in this meeting.

Qi Maoxian had no right to speak, he just nodded, indicating that Yong State also agreed.

Wu Bingyi didn't say anything, and the killing of Ao Shuyi was legal. On this basis, Ying Jianghong's evaluation of Ao Shuyi can be considered fair. He did not add too many subjective definitions, but only described the substantial impact of Ao Shuyi's rebellion on the situation in the sea.

Yao Fu, the dean of Longmen Academy, remained silent. Longmen Academy has guarded the river for generations, and he only cares about river affairs. The order of the long river involves the power struggle in the world, and the academy should not be drawn into the vortex.

Ying Jianghong looked around and drew his sword.

"Wait a minute!"

A voice said at this time.

Ying Jianghong raised his sight, and everyone in the front row looked back--

seeing the "ferryman of the torrent of all worlds" slowly standing up from the last row of seats.

He said, "I have objections."

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