Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2381 What do you want from me?

The mountains and rivers are speechless, but people speak for themselves. The water of the sea of ​​heaven falls to the nine heavens!

Jiang Wang moved the [Dinghai Town] in his heart prison and moved it to the long river.

From then on, this long river that spans thousands of miles from ancient times to the present, in addition to the Guanhetai and the nine towns of the long river, has another "Dinghai Magic Needle".

It can be called "Three Dings of the Long River".

The latter is of course not comparable to the former two, but the power of standing in the present world and guiding the sea of ​​heaven is also unique in the world, and there is no other world.

There is no such thing in the long river of all the squares.

The gains of "Nine Towns Leisure Talk" and the explanations of the thirteen witnesses of heaven and man have formed this irreplaceable achievement.

People can see it-

There is a heavy and mysterious aura, which is condensing and rolling in front of Jiang Wang, who is standing alone in a green shirt.

The merits of benefiting the world are almost condensed into clouds.

If clouds are like flags, this is the most glorious flag in the world.


Suddenly there is a sword light like lightning!

But I saw the sword energy rolling and the sword rainbow passing through the sky.

The Deyun gathered in the sky was torn apart in an instant. The power of Xuanhuang Merit was scattered into silk threads and fell.

It was like a precious spring rain fell in the cold winter when people's hearts were like snow.

Tu Weijian looked over in shock, only to see Jiang Wang slowly retracting his sword. The sword was retracted, but the sword energy was still roaring and rolling in the sky.

Who can regard fame and fortune as dust and cut merits as grass?

In the past, there was Wu Zu, who broke merits with his fists and benefited the warriors of the world.

Today, there is Jiang Wang, who cuts merits into spring rain, falls on the unfrozen long river, and irrigates the world!

At this moment, Tianhai is still pouring the long river, and Dinghai Shenzhen is supporting the sky.

Deyun disperses rain, and sword rainbow flies through.

In such a magnificent picture, the young Zhenjun standing on the stage just retracted his eyes.

Today, the history book was cut into another page by his sword.

Instead, he frowned and lowered his eyes.

He accomplished earth-shaking events and won achievements that were unmatched in all realms. His posture in front of Ying Jianghong was no higher than when he first arrived.

The light and shadow that shone brightly on the sky and the earth dissipated as he lowered his eyes.

The Dinghaishenzhen sank deep into the bottom of the river, and the upside-down sea of ​​heaven and earth seemed to be non-existent. The rolling thunder seemed to be scattered in the distant sky. At this moment, the long river was quiet.

But the power of the sea of ​​heaven and earth did flow through the Dinghaishenzhen in the long river. The new order of the long river is indeed being built.

Those who know say they are worried, and those who do not know say they are seeking!

Ying Jianghong looked at the long river from this high platform, but saw that the waves were light for thousands of miles, and the fish jumped out of the water with white bellies. Everything is in the water, and the world is mixed.

It is really a flow of virtue.

This long river with extraordinary significance and truly affecting the foundation of the world has nurtured countless creatures in the world, and witnessed the birth of generations of legends. How many stories have flowed from ancient times to the present, and how many heroes are in the waves.

He felt that this long river, which he had seen for many years and always felt was "not very strange", was indeed very beautiful.

"Jiang Wang!" Qu Jinkui had tried his best not to speak, but he couldn't help it. He thought that if the Duke of Huai was here, he would definitely ask: "Why did you break the merit with your sword?"

This cloud of merit is so heavy. Although it is impossible to say that Jiang Wang can be promoted to transcendence, there are also blessings that will continue and greatly benefit the foundation of Taoism.

How can I abandon it lightly?

"I have a great reputation by following the footsteps of the Holy Emperor. How dare I take credit for the virtues of the predecessors?" Jiang Wang said calmly: "This is not my merit, and this is not my way."

"Whether this is your merit or not, God knows it, and people can see it." Tu Hu in the audience was thoughtful: "Jiang Zhenjun, you swung your sword to decide it, what do you want to say?"

Jiang Wang said: "Priest, you have asked me two questions today."

Tu Hu laughed: "As before. You can also ask me for two answers."

Jiang Wang did not seek any answers, because he stood here today and had no questions in his heart.

He said: "This [Dinghai Town] connects the sky and the river, and it looks magnificent, but the painstaking efforts to control the water for hundreds of thousands of years are truly majestic."

"I took over the Tianhai, but it was just a coincidence. I happened to have some experience in traveling in the Tianhai, and I happened to have [Dinghai Town] that benefited from various parties, and I happened to remember the grand plan of the Emperor of Lieshan. The Changhe River was originally restless, and now it can be stabilized. It is the work of the Emperor of Lieshan and the rule of the Dragon King of Changhe. I dare not take the name-" Jiang Wang paused: "I am afraid that those things that should not be forgotten will be forgotten, and only a reckless person like me will be remembered."

Afraid that the light of a firefly will jump into my eyes and cover the sun and the moon.

Afraid that a leaf will block my eyes.

Afraid that people will forget Ao Shuyi!

Afraid that the human race will forget the water race.

Yao Fu was very emotional in his heart, but when he said it, he only said one sentence: "The mountains and rivers do not speak, which is a virtue!"

As if he was echoing Jiang Wang, as if he was reminding himself.

Today Jiang Wang said "Don't lose your virtue".

What is virtue?

Just like now.

It is self-evident!

"The will of the emperor will be passed down through the ages and can be seen before the moon on the river. Jiang Zhenjun's sword divides the virtues of the world, and his way of controlling the Changhe River brings eternal peace. His blessings will shine for thousands of years, and his achievements are unparalleled!"

Ying Jianghong, the great Southern Heavenly Master, actually took a step back at this time and bowed with his hands clasped: "Jingguo controls the two sides of the Changhe River and has the responsibility to control the water. He shoulders the responsibility of hundreds of millions of people, so he should bow!"

This is the only step he took back today.

There are not many people in the world who can accept his greeting.

This scene will definitely go down in history.

Today, Jiang Wang bowed to Ying Jianghong several times. He bowed to his dignity.

Ying Jianghong returned the bow. He returned his virtue.

Jiang Wang raised his eyes and finally did not move away.

He accepted Master Nan Tian's bow calmly, and then said slowly: "The human emperor of Xilie Mountain has freed himself, and there are a group of dragons without a leader. The dragon king of the Yangtze River has imprisoned himself, and hundreds of boats are fighting to flow. The long river in this world is originally shared by the whole world. The people on both sides of the river each have their own country. The water of the Yangtze River flows on its own. Although Jiang Wang sits on the Yangtze River, [Dinghai Town] is not owned by Jiang Wang!"

He then looked at the representatives of various forces in the audience: "Although Jiang Wang controls the water today, he still relies on the support of all parties in the future. I would like to stand here and ask the world to monitor it and inspect it from time to time to avoid defects."

Gong Xiyan raised his eyebrows! I'm really surprised!

Ying Jianghong recognized Jiang Wang's contribution to water control, and at the same time emphasized Jing Guo's authority - this is what it should be. For various forces, dividing water rights is the core of this water control conference.

He thought that Jiang Wang would accept his courtesy and let him benefit, but what he didn't expect was that Jiang Wang not only recognized Jingguo's water rights, but also released all the water rights of the Yangtze River, and he would not fight for a single cent - to put it bluntly, there is The achievement of calming the Changhe River can promote Emperor Lieshan's idea of ​​long-term governance of the Changhe River. There is nothing wrong with Jiang Wang building a water palace in the Changhe River today. And if Mr. Jiang is ambitious, with everything he has done for the Shui Tribe today, once he establishes his power, wouldn’t the Water Tribes from all over the world flock to him!

It is an exaggeration to say that the ancient Dragon Palace has been recreated. However, it does not necessarily mean that there is no chance for it to become the number one force in the Yangtze River.

An eternal inheritance is at your fingertips, don’t you feel tempted at all?

"Jiang Zhenjun's words are wrong!" Xu Wang, who was willing to take Jiang Hong's sword for Jiang Wang, once again showed his concern for Jiang Wang: "Since you have made great contributions to the river, how can you not be unpaid! Jiang Zhenjun, there are some things that should be done It’s yours, don’t let it go easily. If God doesn’t take it, you will suffer the consequences!”

Although he was in the audience, he spoke freely and inspected the crowd: "In my opinion, the Central Empire is too vast, and it is beyond the power to focus on one thing and not the other, so that it has the regret of the Dragon King. Now there is a true king Jiang Wang, who is virtuous in his public opinion. Those who have done meritorious service in water control and established themselves in the river will have immortal merits - it is better to enshrine them with the ancient river viewing platform and build a palace to honor their virtues, which can highlight their merits! ! From now on, you will know how strong you are today!"

Jiang Wang attributed the source of Changhe Longjun's rebellion to the Lieshan Renhuang's eventual breach of trust by Ao Shuyi. Xu Wang also flexibly adjusted Jing Guo's responsibilities - Jing Guo may not be the crux of Changhe Longjun's rebellion, but it is at least an introduction. If you focus on one thing and miss the other, if you make some omissions, you have to admit it?

Jiang Wang did such a big thing as flood control alone.

Those who are supposed to be responsible for the world should also give them some rewards - of course, rewarding merit on behalf of the world is to establish the authority of all parties over the world.

This is the core interest of all parties participating in today's meeting, but it cannot be affected by anything and will not be shaken by Jiang Wang.

"Jiang Zhenjun deserves to be rewarded for his great work!" Ying Jianghong flicked his robe sleeves: "But the reward you promised is very problematic. If the people of Qin want to give water palace, they should give it to Weishui! Is it virtuous to be generous to others?"

Guanhetai has always been controlled by various parties, but it has always been under the eyes of Jingguo.

In Suanni Pulao Second Town, there are still Jingguo's garrison at this moment.

The people of Qin were cutting Jing's flesh to show Jiang Wang's hospitality - of course they didn't care whether Jiang Wang needed it or not. It would be good to weaken Jingguo.

The way to be the boss is not only to strengthen yourself, but also to drag the boss down.

"Other people's generosity? Ying Tianshi's words are unreasonable and make people laugh in vain!" Xu Wang laughed several times, and then said: "As Jiang Jun said, the water of the long river makes waves on its own. The water rights of the long river are shared by the whole world. But It’s not someone’s backyard! This surging river has flowed eastward since ancient times. It should belong to the State of Qi, and it should belong to the State of Wei. The ones that cannot be controlled will be left to the State of Jing, Longmen Academy, Song State, and Yong State. Who can't help me? I just stand up and say something fair. If you can't do it, the people of Qin will do nothing. You can see the public will!"

Ying Jiang Hong's teeth were almost broken. Qi State finally occupied Nanxia and touched the edge of the Yangtze River. Your state of Qin is in the southwest of the present world, one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the main trunk of the Yangtze River! You take your...what?


He was about to reprimand calmly when he heard Jiang Wang's voice——

"Jiang Wang is fully aware of Zhenhou's caring heart!"

Ying Jianghong looked back expressionlessly, only to see the young Zhenjun standing there, cupping his hands to Xu Wanyi: "But Jiang Wang's seven-foot body, one man and one sword, cannot live in such a big palace. Although the heaven and the earth are It's so big that a restaurant on Xingyue Plain is enough to stay. The sky is vast and the river is surging. What Jiang Wang can do is nothing more than a solitary boat."

He put down his saluting hand and walked straight to the ancient torture rack where Fu Yunqin was hung. He said, "I understand, don't say anything more."

Jiang Wang could not have said it more clearly——

I don’t draw my sword to anyone, and I don’t draw my sword or spear to anyone.

I don’t care about your struggles, I’ll wipe your butts, I’ll shoulder your responsibilities, and I won’t contaminate your authority.

I don’t need the merit of water control, nor do I need those honors and gifts.

On the Aquarian side, please let go.

Just let it go!

Xu Wang and Ying Jianghong didn't speak, and Gong Xiyan and Wei Qingpeng were also silent. Tu Hu, Ruan Yuan, and Qu Jinkui continued to remain silent.

This sincerity expressed through actions was finally heard by all parties at this time.

Everyone looked at him like this and walked up to Fu Yunqin.

Fu Yunqin raised his head with difficulty, looking at Jiang Wang with bloodshot eyes. At this time, his consciousness was a little dazed. He saw the vague figure in front of him, like seeing a jumping flame. This flame seemed to have existed a long time ago and has continued to this day. Although the candle was weak, the whole room was always bright.

Jiang Wang looked at Fu Yunqin, but did not do anything immediately. Instead, he said: "Nan Tianshi asked me before, 'If the water tribe rebels, who will take responsibility?' I was eager to rush to Tianhai to expel Mi Zhiben and failed to respond in time-now I want to answer you."

He said: "I know what Nan Tianshi means, that if I support the water tribe so firmly, I should stand up and guarantee it to prove my confidence and my belief in the water tribe. It is related to the stability of the world, so it is naturally not rash. Nan Tianshi is also thinking about the world, not targeting I am Jiang. "

"But this is not reasonable. I can see the merits of the Dragon King in controlling the water, and I can see the diligence of General Manager Fu over the years. However, there are hundreds of millions of water creatures, and they are all different, good and evil, wise and foolish. How can there be eternal and unchanging emotions? What virtue and ability does Jiang Wang have to take on all the responsibilities? Just as the Heavenly Master guards the Heavenly Gate for the human race, should the Heavenly Master take on all the disasters of the human race in the world? The King of Jing sits in the center. Once the Dragon King rebels, should the King of Jing be held responsible? I think not! "

"This is not the spirit of the law, nor is it the spirit of human beings. The truth of the human race!"

"There is one thing you may not know. In the past, I was fulfilling my duty as a god, but unfortunately I was trapped in the Frost Wind Valley and drifted to the heartland of the demon race, narrowly escaping death. The man who attacked me in the Frost Wind Valley was named Mei Xuelin, the only descendant of Mei Xingju, who isolated the city and resisted the demons. And the person who manipulated him was Zhuang Gaoxian."

"Behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, he used the descendants of heroes to put the human race who fulfilled his duties to death. This matter can be called collusion with demons!"

"Zhuang Gaoxian and I are both human races, and I used to be a Chinese. He is colluding with demons, should I take the responsibility?"

"I think You won't think so. "

"Whether it's Jingren, Qinren, or the human race or the water race, those who betray the human race will be punished by the world, and the traitors will bear their own responsibility!"

"It's nothing but the patriots in the world, and those with sharp swords will kill them!"

He turned his back to everyone and said loudly, "Zhuang Gaoxian, I will kill him. It just happens that I can, and I just want to, that's what I want to say. This is my answer to Nan Tianshi and to you all."

The fire that jumped out of his bright eyes fell on the ancient rack-but it was not to burn the hanging prisoner.

The dark brown chains tied to the prisoner retreated like a venomous snake. The flames went forward, and the chains went back.

This process was not slow, but it was clearly reflected in everyone's eyes.

The endless night disappeared silently!

During the days when Fu Yunqin was hung on the Guanhetai, of course, some forces tried to rescue him, and some voices were looming, but none of them caused any waves.

It is not only the chains that are indestructible and cannot be untied.

It is not only the rack that stands upright and grinds life.

Only this time, the flames jumped so freely, and no one stopped them.

Fu Yunqin was like a piece of rotten meat with bones pulled out, sticking to the rack and sliding down powerlessly -

He was hugged by Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang didn't say anything, just hugged him, who was bloody and fleshy, and supported his body, letting him stand on the Guanhetai.

The famous "Fu Yunqin" of the Shuizu is the guard of the Longhe Dragon King on the Guanhetai.

Thanks to the book friend "Sifangyu" for becoming the leader of this book! This is the 810th alliance of the Red Heart Sky Patrol!

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