Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2386 Seeker

Fate is really a naughty pen.

In a normal life trajectory, Lu Shuanghe almost became Jiang Wang's first teacher.

But now he has become the first seeker of the Tao in Chaowen Dao Palace, the first to stand in front of Jiang Wang.

The hesitation of the young child Jiang Wang by the Fengxi River and the shock at the bottom of the Fengxi River now have a wonderful echo.

Jiang Wang is not that Jiang Wang anymore.

Lu Shuanghe is still that Lu Shuanghe.

The tragic defeat in the Meteoric Immortal Forest did not seem to have any impact on him.

Unfortunately, it did not bring him much benefit.

With his cultivation, talent, Tao heart, and accumulation, he should have reached the peak without regrets during this period.

But he did not.

Does he seem to be stuck in that day forever?

But it is not quite like that.

He came in from the palace gate, still with the unique edge of Lu Shuanghe.

Or, just in the name of Lu Shuanghe, he came to Jiang Wang to seek the Tao. From the "immortal master" who almost took Jiang Wang away to the "seeker of the way" who asked Jiang Wang for advice, this almost heaven-and-earth-turning transformation is not something that ordinary people can face.

Lu Shuanghe's heart for seeking the way is still the purest sword in the world, at least one of the purest.

"Is Jiang Zhenjun willing to teach me?" Lu Shuanghe stood in the hall.

Jiang Wang was sitting there: "This heavenly palace was built for seeking the way. If there is anyone who can explain it, I will not hold back."

Lu Shuanghe raised his eyes: "This heavenly palace for seeking the way still has a threshold, not everyone is rejected-why don't you reject me?"

Two people sitting and standing in the heavenly palace, each of them is quiet and has the light of the way.

The golden hair seems to be burning, and the frosty hair seems to be melting.

Perhaps life is the process of death, and the way is the way of disappearing.

And who can transcend all this, between life and death, grasp eternity?

"Back then, you didn't reject me by the Fengxi River." Jiang Wang said.

"It seems that now you already know that I am right." Lu Shuanghe said.

Jiang Wang looked at him calmly: "I don't agree. But you are right."

"We are still on different paths." Lu Shuanghe pressed his sword and sank, but his snowy hair fluttered: "Zhenhe Zhenjun preaches, but doesn't seek people who share the same path?"

"The path is under your feet, not in words. The way is when you walk, not when you ask." Jiang Wang said: "I don't ask, I don't ask. I walk my way, no matter who comes or goes on this road."

"Even if it goes against the way?" Lu Shuanghe asked.

"Selection is the job of Ju Zhenren, I am only responsible for preaching." Jiang Wang said calmly: "If I reject you today, Chaowendao Palace will lose its meaning."

"Don't promote good and suppress evil?" Lu Shuanghe asked again.

Lu Shuanghe is not a person with many questions. He is indeed here to seek the way today. Jiang Wang is not a person who likes to chat, but he is in Chaowendao Palace today.

Asking is confusion, answering is preaching.

Jiang Wang replied: "I don't think my eyes can see the good and evil of people's hearts, or compared to my personal judgment, I believe more in the law and the distinction of the law."

"But the law does not distinguish me." Lu Shuanghe said indifferently.

Compared with Jiang Wang's sword skills and cultivation insights, he seemed to care more about why he could come in.

Tianren Faxiang had a similar indifference: "I said, I am only responsible for preaching."

In the past, Lu Shuanghe passed by Fengxi and didn't care who he took away.

Today, Tianren Faxiang sits in Chaowendao Palace and doesn't care who comes.

The seats seem to be as far away as mountains and rivers. Across the wide hall, Lu Shuanghe looked at Jiang Wang's golden and silver pupils. He saw himself in these eyes.

It seems that the way of heaven reflects the way of heaven.

But he knew that Lu Shuanghe's indifference by Fengxi and Jiang Wang's indifference in Chaowendao Palace were not the same thing, nor were they on the same road.

The former indifference was the ruthlessness of the justice of heaven. No matter who lives or dies, this heart is impartial and does not cause any waves.

The latter does not care, because the sky is infinitely vast and tolerant of all things. It is nothing more than seeking the way and telling the way, regardless of who comes.

Of course, neither of them is absolute.

He follows the way of heaven and has persistence, only seeking to create a sword that can cut himself off, or is qualified to be cut off by himself.

The law of heaven and man follows the way of heaven and has selfishness, selfishness is positive, and is willing to give fairness to all living beings and upward power.

They cannot be regarded as the true way of heaven.

Or, the true way of heaven does not exist in human characteristics.

Lu Shuanghe stared at Jiang Wang for a long time, and finally said: "Your sun and moon seals are not balanced."

Jiang Wang stretched his feet on the futon, indifferent and casual: "I know what I want, I don't need to sit so upright."

Lu Shuanghe was silent for a while, and said: "Teach me."

He pressed the sword and turned around.

Jiang Wang's skills, secrets and even combat skills were not what he wanted.

He already knew what kind of path Jiang Wang was taking, he just wanted to know which direction Jiang Wang would go after reaching the peak. The name passed down by the world is not real and specific enough after all.

He believed that the Way of Heaven was ruthless, but he did not completely devote himself to the Way of Heaven. First, it is difficult to prove that the Heaven and the Man are Heavenly, and the merits he lacks in the Heaven and the Earth can only be filled by chance. Second, he has the strongest persistence, and the Way of Heaven has no persistence.

Jiang Wang has proved that the Heaven and the Man are not the strongest path.

Jiang Wang's path must not go beyond the strongest Lu Shuanghe.

He came to seek the Way, and he has heard the Way.

Hear the Way and go.

"Master Lu!" Jiang Wang stopped him: "Since you are here, why not sit down and talk? I have a feeling that it is not just you who came today - even if you can no longer gain anything from me, you can feel more from others."

Lu Shuanghe thought for a while, found a futon nearby and sat down.

There are currently only two main buildings in the Chaowen Daotian Palace, one is the Zangfa Pavilion and the other is the Lundao Hall.

The Tibetan Law Pavilion records all of Jiang Wang's unique secret arts, swordsmanship, and practice methods along the way, as well as his various thoughts on the path of practice. He is open to this world of practice without reservation.

It sounds like it is just Jiang Wang's path of cultivation, but it is described in detail in words and recorded in graphics, and there is a mountain of it.

You can almost get a glimpse of Jiang Wang's life from this, because for most of his life up to this point, he has really only practiced cultivation. Every word in the Tibetan Law Pavilion is soaked with his sweat and is a summary of the past. Day after day, year after year.

There is nothing else in the Taoist Hall except Jiang Wang's Dharma minister, who is always there to teach people and explain their doubts, and to welcome discussions at any time.

The Tibetan Dharma Pavilion is for self-study and self-study. Everyone who enters it has a separate space and will not be disturbed by others.

In the Taoism Hall, people come and go as they please, everyone is in the same hall, everyone can discuss with each other, and even draw swords and ask questions.

As soon as Lu Shuanghe sat down, the light and shadow outside the hall dimmed. A man with tangled beard and hair, his face covered with tangled hair, wrapped in a dress whose material the material could not be seen clearly, walked into the hall.

He had a pair of exceptionally bright eyes, which seemed to peek out from the gaps in the forest through his beard and hair. He looked at Jiang Wang with these eyes and said directly: "I'm here to ask for a sword."

The keeper of the Heaven and Earth Sword Box, the master of the Wanxiang Sword known as the "Sword Crazy"!

Except for Xiang Fengqi, there is no real person in the world who can get ten steps closer to him without dying. It can be said that he is the best in fighting within a square inch, and he is invincible within ten steps.

Of course, whether it is divine soul, killing power, fighting within a small area, first in the Central Region or first in the Northern Region... all these "firsts" at the Dongzhen level can only be achieved before Jiang Wang breaks through the Dongzhen limit. established.

If it must be true, it was established again after Jiang Wang reached the top.

Jiang Wang stared at the sword madman. Although the appearance of heaven and man was indifferent, he also had some doubts.

After all, it is quite unusual for the Master of Wanxiang Sword to come out of the mountain. This swordsman has been isolated from the world for a long time and almost never leaves the Heaven and Earth Sword Box. How could he pay attention to the news about Chaowendao Heavenly Palace and rush over as soon as possible?

The extremely faint emotion of doubt was captured by the Wanxiang Sword Master.

It was rare for him to come out of the mountain, and he caught emotions like a sword. He almost regarded this as a formal question and said seriously: "The master of the cabinet opened the box and called me out. He said that he wanted me to take back the advantage that I had taken advantage of before."

"I know you don't care whether it's cheap or not. All you want is a sword." Jiang Wang's eyes were as quiet as water: "Please sit down, you will see my sword."

As soon as he finished speaking, a man wearing heavy armor and a burqa, with his faceplate closed, walked into the hall.

The man first looked up at Jiang Wang, nodded haughtily, and commented: "It's like that."

It seems like he came to this palace to preach!

The voice was a forcibly made drake voice, and it was obvious that he wanted to hide his identity to the end.

After taking two steps, he looked at Lu Shuanghe and Wanxiang Sword Master, and muttered in a nonchalant manner: "They are all old guys anyway."

Lu Shuanghe's face was expressionless.

The Wanxiang Sword Master sat cross-legged on the futon, looking at the ground in front of him seriously, unmoved at all——

"Shisan" is written there, every stroke, are the sword marks left by Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang felt baffled. This was the Chaowen Dao Heavenly Palace in the Taixu Illusion Realm. He was the Taixu cabinet member with the highest authority in the Taixu Illusion Realm, and he was also the founder of the Chaowen Dao Heavenly Palace. Who could hide his identity in front of him?

Unless you are a detached person!

This person is deceiving others and is very arrogant, which is really confusing.

But the emotions of the gods and humans were very weak, so he said nothing and only said: "Please sit down."

The visitor said: "You are welcome to take a seat!"

He strode forward, walked to the futon engraved with "No. 1", and sat down.

"Um, I have a question -" The man sat down carelessly and opened his mouth naturally, but then he remembered something and asked, "What should I call you when we first meet?"

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Everyone comes here to seek Taoism, so just call them Taoists."

"Will you hold back?" the person asked.

Jiang Wang's face was expressionless: "I don't prove myself, so you should know it in your heart."

The man said again: "You preach to the world for nothing, and you are doing a loss-making business. Are you teaching half of it, and do you need to make up for it?"

This guy is cautious now.

It's like being bitten by a snake once and being afraid of well ropes for ten years.

"I have already accepted the training after entering the palace." Jiang Wang said, "You are also teaching me by asking me for advice."

"That's right!" The man slapped his thigh: "Can ordinary people encounter these problems? Can I ask ordinary people? We don't suffer from each other, and no one takes advantage of the other. Don't say who taught the other!"

Jiang Wang was noncommittal.

The man added: "I have a friend who is an unparalleled genius. He practices epee. There is such a problem. Take a look at it——"

"How about we discuss it together when everyone is here?" Jiang Wang interrupted: "Your question may be something that others are also thinking about."

Jiang Wang puts himself in the position of a commentator rather than a preacher. He does not feel that what he says is the only truth. Maybe someone else would have a better answer, and he would be happy to learn from it.

The people under the heavy armor robes muttered a few more words, such as "it's not too much" and "don't wait for anyone". Seeing that no one paid attention, they became quiet.

Another yellow cloud came.

The yellow relic, with a hairpin on its head, walked in like a storm.

She has a healthy and radiant beauty, and she waved to Jiang Wang carelessly: "No need to entertain, I will do it myself."

Looking around, his eyes only paused on Lu Shuanghe's face for a moment, strode to the front, and sat down on the third futon in the first row.

He sat down and didn't do anything else, just stared at Jiang Wang with burning eyes.

No matter why the others came, she was simply admiring the Dharma of heaven and man. She usually asked Jiang Wang to change the Dharma, but Jiang Wang would ignore it - the consistent pursuit of beauty is not a spirit of seeking truth. Woolen cloth?

Qin Zhizhen, wearing black clothes and a black sword, walked into the Heavenly Palace just after the yellow relic.

He strives for perfection and never misses any opportunity to work hard. The ultimate cave truth is right in front of you. If he could get Jiang Wang's unreserved guidance, he would never miss it.

Step by step, he walked very steadily to the front row and sat down on the fourth futon.

His goals have always been certain.

Three and four are the futons closest to the "teacher". The former is occupied by the yellow relic, so he has no choice.

"The assessment illusion designed by Ju Lao Pavilion doesn't seem to work well." After Qin Zhizhen sat down, Huang Sheli complained in a low voice.

Everyone is in Taixu Pavilion, so we are always closer, so we have the urge to talk small talk in class.

Qin Zhizhen has a steady temperament. He looked back around to confirm again that Ju Gui was not present. He considered his words again and then said, "I think so too. Sometimes Ju Gui is too dogmatic, which leads to -"


The gate of the Heavenly Palace was pushed open once again.

The expressionless Ju Gui and the serious Zhong Xuanyin walked in.

"Let me confirm whether [Nine Grids] is valid." Ju Gui said solemnly.

"I'm here to record the initial opening of Chaowen Dao Heavenly Palace." Zhong Xuanyin said according to the script.

If the magic ape is here, it will be a joke.

The Dharma-Xiang of Heaven and Man only said: "Two fellow Taoists, please take a seat."

Jugui sat behind the yellow relic, and Zhong Xuanyin sat behind Qin Zhizhen, which was the ninth and tenth positions.

Qin Zhizhen pursed his lips uncomfortably, but remained motionless, like a mountain or a reef.

"Huang Geguo thinks, what's wrong with this assessment illusion?" Ju Gui asked seriously.

Huang Relic was not uncomfortable and said carelessly: "There are some shortcomings."

"For example?" Ju Gui asked.

"For example, the control of facial appearance."

"Facial appearance?"

Huang Relic spoke earnestly: "Chao Wen Dao Celestial Palace is such an important place, and the opening of Celestial Palace is considered the top priority of our Taixu Pavilion in 3930. You have to recruit some good-looking people to come in, right?"

Ju Gui was silent for a moment, realizing that he was cheating a bit, but he still asked without giving up: "What is a good face?"

"It's beautiful." Huang Relic said concisely.

Ju Gui decided not to pay attention to her opinion.

But Huang Relic turned around and emphasized her concept very seriously: "Beauty is power, and being good-looking is the praise of creation. This in itself is the embodiment of Tao. Mr. Drama——"

Her eloquence stopped abruptly and she stared blankly in the direction of the palace door.

"What?" Ju Gui was confused.

"I blame you!" Huang Relic said and stood up.

Ju Gui followed her gaze back -

But I saw a corner of the robe floating gently, like a pure flower.

Thanks to book friend "Melancholy Little Turtle" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 812th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

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