Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2394 Dignity

At the beginning of the first month of the second lunar month of each year, the Big Dipper points to the east, and the "Dragon Horn Star" rises from the eastern horizon, so it is called "Dragon Raising its Head".

It means the real dragon is rising.

On February 2, the current emperor of Chu summoned the clan members and nobles to hunt in the Shanglin Garden in spring.

This is the most important event at the beginning of the year in Chu, which can be compared to the annual sacrifice at the end of the year.

The clan members boasted of their military exploits, and the nobles never forgot their military achievements.

During the entire military hunting, the emperor did not say a word. He only rode three times and shot three ghost bears after the ritual officials sounded the drum.

Prince Xiong Dingfu of Fu accompanied the emperor and checked the prey while asking the emperor whether to go west or north next. The Shanglin Garden hunts ghosts in the west and fierce beasts in the north. The emperor hunts evil spirits in spring, and the drums pacify this year and bring peace to the four directions.

The emperor said: It's time to go home.

So the spring hunting, which was supposed to last for seven days, ended hastily.

At that time, the senior official Zhang Zheng did not understand the emperor's intention, so he asked his good friend Li Henghua.

Li Henghua was one of the twelve newly established officials of Zhanghuatai, and was known for his wisdom.

Zhuge Zuo happened to pass by, so Li Henghua asked him to answer.

Zhuge Zuo, who was only twelve years old, said that the prince Xiong Zidu would return in March.

Zhang Zheng then remembered that the royal family of Dachu had a tradition of martial hunting. When Xiong Zidu was fifteen years old, he hunted a ghost bear alone, which shocked the court and the country.

After returning, he wrote a memorial saying "father and son will meet in Yangchun."

This memorial was kept by the emperor, neither approved nor refuted.

When this matter was spread, people at that time thought that what Zhuge Zuo said was the intention of the star witch Zhuge Yixian.

"Then there was an endless stream of people throughout the world welcoming the prince Zidu."

There were also some seemingly auspicious signs.

For example, when the Nanling Mountains collapsed, a stone tablet appeared, which read "The bear hunter will rule the East Palace".

These messy prophecies made people's hearts uneasy.

To be honest, since the emperor came to power, he has been in power very steadily, with a strong army and rich people, domestic stability, and growing national strength. He has long been regarded as a model of a wise monarch. But the year 3917 of the Dao calendar became an important turning point in his political career.

He lost the River Valley War and imprisoned the virtuous and outspoken Prince Xiong Zidu, which showed his stubbornness. Some time ago, he let Luosha Mingyuejing go and allowed the world's largest brothel "Sanfenxianglou" to complete its relocation... Of course, the most important thing is that the emperor's great reform of government affairs deeply touched the interests of the noble families.

When the Yue Kingdom reformed the noble families, Wen Jingxiu first cut off the Bai family, then cut off the Ge family, and only started when the old merits were almost cut off. Even this did not see any good results. The surname Wen reformed himself.

Where is the sacredness of the surname Xiong?

The roots of the Chu family have spread for thousands of years, and you, the emperor, can't just kill them off.

Who helped you conquer the world of Chu?

Gradually, voices such as "losing your integrity in your later years" and "incompetent in your old age" also appeared.

In terms of a hundred-year ruling life, the Chu emperor has been in power for less than sixty years, not as long as the Qi emperor Jiang Shu. And he was actually named "political old man".

The emperor controls the highest military force and firmly grasps the military and political power. Under his will, the government orders can still be implemented.

The four major national families are almost the only ones who have the final say. They collectively express their support for the emperor, and no one in the court or the public dares to directly hinder the government orders - only a few heads are not enough to cut.

But in such a large empire, the vast middle and lower class nobles are not necessarily "deeply aware of the righteousness" - this is nonsense, in front of the butt, everything is empty. "Deeply understanding the righteousness" is something that goes against human nature.

The Chu State was moving forward in a strange atmosphere, with a clear political stratification, with people on one side bustling and people on the other side watching. The Xiong royal family still had supreme power, and the vast majority of civilians who got the opportunity became more and more supportive and loved, but between heaven and earth, more and more eyes began to look at it, with scrutiny, and even hostility.

Otherwise, there would not be a situation where people's hearts were unsettled by a few prophecies.

People's minds changed, indicating that there were indeed many people who wanted to change the sun and the moon. The virtuous prince Xiong Zidu, who had very different political views from the current emperor, became the best choice.

Let's talk about Zhuge Zuo.

Zhuge Yixian accepted many disciples in his early years, but they died one after another, and none of them survived. People said it was due to the backlash of the secrets of heaven. Zhuge Yixian had seen too many secrets of heaven for the Chu State. He himself had made great contributions and supernatural powers, and could withstand the backlash, but the people around him did not have such a strong fate.

Among them was a disciple named Yan Ling, whose ancestors were said to be naturalized barbarians, and were descendants of the famous barbarian army [Ghost Mountain Army] in the history of Chu State. This army was almost wiped out in the war against Emperor Jingwen's invasion to the south.

Among all the disciples of Zhuge Yixian, Yan Ling was particularly miserable. Only one person died, but his family died. When he was a child, his entire family died in a disaster, and he was the only one who escaped. A few years ago, he got a strange disease, which killed his entire family, leaving only the last person in the bloodline.

This child was adopted by Zhuge Yixian, regarded as his own grandson, and changed his surname to Zhuge.

Zhuge Zuo had such a life experience, and his precocity also carried a curse.

But anyway, his explanation was verified. On the day of March 3, he went to the Chaowendao Palace himself. The emperor really issued an edict to release Xiong Zidu from the Fengdu Ghost Prison.

On February 2, the dragon raised its head. On March 3, the good son returned.

Xiong Zidu, the prince of the Great Chu, has been raised for thirteen years!

His reputation is like a mountain, his virtue is like the sea, and the people of the great Chu are all looking forward to him.

People in the world have never seen his voice or appearance.

People in the world all know his virtue.

The people love him because he loves the people like his own children. He lived a simple life in the extravagant Chu Kingdom, and he advised the emperor to reduce taxes and levies.

The noble families supported him because he had always been very courteous and tolerant to them. He often told people, "Taizu won the world with righteousness, and we will not abandon the people. Fang Bo did not betray me, so how could I lose my righteousness first!"

The army supported him because the main reason he was imprisoned was to speak for Xiang Longxiang who died in the battle, to speak for the souls who died in the river valley, and to speak for the soldiers who served as soldiers and ate food!

When he came out of the ghost prison, the whole Yingcheng was decorated with lights and colors. People seemed to be celebrating a festival, with gongs and drums beating everywhere.

"Brother, the emperor is out of prison. The whole country is celebrating!"

Xiong Yinggeng, the ninth son of the current emperor and the son of Concubine Wu, was wearing a gorgeous dress and smiling brightly. He took the initiative to greet Xiong Zidu outside the majestic Huangji Palace: "I have been in Yingcheng for so many years, and I have never seen such a grand occasion. Your reputation is catching up with the Holy Lord. I think when Taizu entered Ying, it should be no more than this!"

Xiong Zidu looked at him with amusement and said, "Good brother, let me greet my father first."

Xiong Yinggeng's smile froze, and he subconsciously stepped aside to make way, and said, "Brother, please."

Xiong Zidu gently lifted the corner of his robe and strode forward.

The majestic palace gate could not bury him. The majestic road naturally told him to go straight.

Rumors on the roadside, such as Xiong Yinggeng's flattery tricks and indecent words, such as the prophecy of "the bear hunter will rule the East Palace" concocted by an unknown warm-hearted brother, can all be rolled up at most and laughed at.

How can it hurt him!

Since the current Chu emperor ascended the throne, he usually holds a small court every five days and a large court every nine days. He can be regarded as a diligent monarch.

The small court is held in Yunlutai and the large court is held in Huangji Hall.

Yunlutai is a place dedicated to handling political affairs. It has a huge secretariat and can be said to be the center of this empire. Its importance has always been on par with Zhanghuatai. Basically, the core politicians of the entire Chu State have worked in Yunlutai or Zhanghuatai.

Huangji Hall is a place that reflects the majesty of the emperor, which is extremely magnificent. The grand court on New Year's Day, the audience with foreign countries, and the formal ceremony and majesty are all held in this hall.

The number of people in the small court is not fixed, usually not more than 30, and some of the officials who hold the highest power in this country participate. Sometimes, some key figures would be summoned to attend the meeting. For example, Dou Zhao participated in the small court meeting before he went to Taixu Pavilion.

The quota for the grand court meeting was 365 people. All the officials from all over the country went to Yingcheng. Those who could not come usually sent a confidant to accurately convey the instructions from the imperial city.

Usually, the people of Chu would judge whether an official had enough power and status based on whether he was qualified for the grand court meeting.

Because 365 is the number of Zhoutian, these officials are also called "Zhoutian officials".

A son of a noble family once boasted that "the world is only Chu, and the mountains and rivers can be talked and laughed at with a finger. The officials of Zhoutian are all from the door of the noble family."

He was angrily rebuked by a general who became famous on the battlefield: "This is the disadvantage of Chu!"

That stupid son of a noble family is the brother of the current Wu Fei, who was later demoted to a commoner because of something. The entire Wu family was implicated and hit repeatedly. Now, among the aristocratic families of the State of Chu, they are not even considered third-rate - this is when Concubine Wu is in the palace and Xiong Yinggeng is quite talented as a prince.

You know that some things are like this, and I know that they are like this, but I can't say it. Not everyone can afford the price of speaking out.

The general who angrily denounced the evils of Chu was later executed for his deeds.

The actual reason is still the same - not everyone is qualified to speak out.

There is no lucky person in this story.

The general's family was convicted, imprisoned or exiled. Even the guards who accompanied him were dismissed from their military posts and sent back to their hometowns without salary.

It is worth mentioning that there was a dull old soldier named "Chu Zhong" who later set up a noodle stall in front of a big locust tree in a square not far from Zhuque Street to support his family.

He has a son named Chu Yuzhi.

Things in the world are sometimes like this. Everything is predetermined.

Xiong Zidu shook his head. After staying with the little monk for a long time, he even read the karma a little bit.

What kind of fate does a monarch believe in?

Fate is not determined by heaven, but by the monarch's order.

A pair of straw sandals interweaves the fate of the common people. A prisoner's uniform, never forgetting the years in the prison cell.

Stepping over the high threshold of the Huangji Hall, all the miscellaneous thoughts fell behind with this step. Xiong Zidu strode in the Huangji Hall, walked forward under the gaze of 365 Zhoutian officials, and soon walked to the emperor.

He raised his head and looked at the emperor on the dragon throne.

Time is like a carving knife, deepening the wrinkles in the emperor's eyes.

The world's major events and the accumulated problems of the past dynasties are all on the shoulders, which makes this wise emperor a little difficult to bear. It is clear that he is in decline.

"Dad!" Xiong Zidu knelt down with tears in his eyes: "I haven't seen you for thirteen years, your son misses you!"

The Zhoutian officials in the hall had different expressions.

Xiong Yinggeng, who followed Xiong Zidu in, couldn't even force a smile.

How can the father and son of the royal family really get along like father and son!

Only this Xiong Zidu sat on the dragon throne at the age of five and called him dad in the Huangji Palace.

All his brothers and sisters combined were not as bold as him.

Fortunately, the voice on the Danbi sounded - "This is the Huangji Palace, you have to call your majesty."

"Brother Huang, everyone knows that you are filial, but this is not a private occasion after all..." Xiong Yinggeng hurried forward and advised him in a gentle voice. With a warm heart, he raised his kind hand and tried to help his brother Huang.

Who can be as filial as you, Xiong Zidu! It was here that he contradicted his father and rebuked his father's faults, so he was imprisoned in the ghost prison. Maybe everyone in the world has forgotten it, and his father has deliberately ignored it. He wants to point it out.

Of course, he can't help.

Xiong Zidu knelt there, like stone poured into iron.

Xiong Yinggeng was called like a fly clinging to him.

No matter how hard you try secretly, it's useless.

Gradually, Xiong Yinggeng finally realized something was wrong. The looks from the Zhou Tian officials in the palace made him feel like he was naked in the palace.

Even if he is really stupid, he can't stand the looks of those stupid people!

He let go of his hand and knelt beside Xiong Zidu.

Xiong Zidu did not stand up, but still had tears in his eyes, and his voice was sad: "My son has been away from his father for thirteen years. He remembers his father's appearance in his heart, but it feels strange to see him again. There is no age in prison, and the years pass by without knowing the years, and he has long forgotten that he was there. In such an occasion, what kind of etiquette should be used to face the father and the ministers? The father taught his son etiquette, and the son couldn't speak. He still remembered the old days in his father's arms! After being away from the court for too long, he came to this palace again, and he didn't know. In what capacity are you called Your Majesty?"

Is this a request for closure?

Xiong Yinggeng couldn't understand and lowered his head in silence.

He also wanted to know how his father would comfort his brother who had been in prison for thirteen years.

The voice of His Majesty Emperor Dan was so clear in engraving the power: "This is the Huangji Palace. The internal minister Song Min has brought you here. Hundreds of officials are here to witness. I am here to welcome you. The great dynasty is open for you. Xiong Zi Du——What identity should you be, what do you think?”

Xiong Yinggeng's face turned ashen for an instant!

It's not that the Yangchun Dynasty was discussing spring affairs, why is it now said that it was held for Xiong Zidu?

He didn't know anything, but he was still busy and jumping up and down. He was really stupid and really ridiculous.

Xiong Zidu, who was kneeling there, was humbled by this: "My son dare not speak!"

The emperor on the dragon throne said directly: "Prince! You should call yourself a son-in-law!"

As he said that, he pointed to the jade scroll held by the serving eunuch beside him: "I won't read this edict to you. The Tai'an Palace has been renovated by the eunuch for you. I also thought about my son, so I scribbled it, and the prince held it back. Read it yourself."

It's so sloppy! It's so sloppy!

The prince of a country, the emperor of a hegemonic country, was handed over so hastily.

Xiong Yinggeng held his hands on the floor tiles and looked at the prince of the imperial court with his peripheral vision. His mood was hard to describe. I just feel extremely wronged - Emperor father, you also miss your son! Do you only have one son?

He should have figured it out.

Xiong Zidu was imprisoned for thirteen years. No matter how the princes and princesses behaved, the emperor never decreed the title of prince, not even a hint. Isn't it clear to whom this position was reserved?

As soon as the emperor opened his mouth, the East Palace of Chu State was decided!

Since then, the country's control has been stable and it has also become the jade beam of the country.

The rest of the princes and princesses can stop thinking about them.

But what Xiong Yinggeng heard immediately was not Xiong Zidu's gratitude.

Xiong Zidu said no thanks.

He should have had this position in the East Palace.

"I have heard that the Holy Emperor is in charge of the dynasty, and there are no sages left in the country, and all nations are in Xianning!"

Xiong Zidu's hands were also holding on to the floor tiles. He was not exerting any force, but his fingers were long and strong, and his veins were like dragons. His voice echoed lowly in the hall: "Now there is a Dharma master, Brahma Master, whose Dharma is profound and profound, but he has left it to the people. He cannot spread the wisdom of Dharma and bring great virtues. I cannot recruit talents for Your Majesty. This is the great sage in the holy dynasty."

In the Huangji Palace, the Prince of Chu, who had just been released from prison, and the Crown Prince of the country who had just received the royal decree from Yukou, said loudly: "My son, please be the national advisor. Otherwise, I dare not go to the East Palace."

When he becomes the prince, he still has to make conditions with the emperor! ?

This world is simply absurd!

Xiong Yinggeng doubted every word he heard. Even doubting the reality of this world.

It's too much like a bizarre dream!

However, His Majesty Dan's voice came down, and it was so real and powerful - "The prince thinks so highly of this person, how can I not see him? Please get up, prince, and send Master Brahma to see him."

Song Min's voice sounded loud and clear outside the hall——

"Preaching Brahma Master Enlightenment!"

Then a monk wearing prison uniform slowly walked into the temple.

This monk's face is not too surprising, there is nothing impressive about it, and it is easy to forget once you see it. It only gives people a very clean feeling, like willow branches purifying water and purifying eyes.

The prison uniform he was wearing had the logo of a ghost prison, and he looked like the prince. He turned out to be the prince's inmate!

He walked into the hall and faced the gazes of the officials. He closed his eyelids slightly and felt a little uncomfortable. But soon he saw Xiong Zidu and his eyes became firm again. He was as determined as if he wanted to go to Luocao with Xiong Zidu, or do something more extreme - "Friend, let's do it! The monk is ready!"

"Master Brahma?" The emperor's voice sounded, as if he was deliberately interrupting this determination.

The monk said nothing.

He was not familiar with the name, so he didn't realize that it was calling him. Of course, the most important thing was that he was distracted again - thinking that today was the day when his junior brother opened the Heavenly Palace of Chaowendao. I was released from prison today and can help out in the field. When will this meeting end?

"People outside the country are not polite." Xiong Zidu took the initiative to go to Fan Shijue and explained to the emperor on his behalf: "Your Majesty, please forgive me."

The prince of the Da Chu Empire gently patted Fan Shijue on the shoulder: "Monk, you should be a subject."

"Whose minister?" The monk was stunned for a moment and asked.

This is so disrespectful!

But no one scolded him for being rude, and no one blamed him for his wrongdoing.

Xiong Zidu was not afraid at all. He just put his hand on his forehead and shook his head and said, "Ah, yes, you haven't made me a minister yet."

"It is my fault!" The emperor's voice on the Danbi was smiling: "Master Fan's original heart is pure and innocent. The prince has a good vision. Although he has experienced frost and rain, he has not lost his great ambition. Now that spring has come, he can pull out talents from the deep prison. I am very pleased. The loss of talents in the wild is the loss of the country - I agree with your approval."


The emperor's words are the rules of heaven and earth: "The famous Master Fan Jue has profound Buddhist teachings and is extremely enlightened. He should be appointed as the national teacher to adjust the wind and rain, benefit the country's destiny, and help the people!"

The national teacher is as important as the three ministers and has the most important position in the world.

Xiong Zidu said, and the emperor agreed.

Even the evaluation of Master Fan Jue was copied from the prince's words, which shows that there was no preparation in advance. What kind of trust is this?

He is still the prince, but he decides to be the national teacher with one word!

Is this just the prince?

It is clear that the emperor is sharing the royal power with him!

How much preference the emperor has for Xiong Zidu!

Xiong Yinggeng had completely given up, and then he only felt a bone-chilling chill that went straight from his tailbone to his head.

He seemed to finally understand the smile he had seen when he greeted Xiong Zidu outside the Huangji Palace - that kind of careless, indifferent smile, like watching a child playing.

Children still have some strength when they are making a fuss, but how could he have that?

At this moment when the dust has settled, looking back on the past, he only feels that everything he has done during this period is like weaving a noose for himself. Until now, in the Huangji Palace, hanging in the middle of the beam.

He can hardly breathe!

But at this time, he felt a kind of warmth. He felt a brilliant, compassionate, and vast love. He saw light.

The warm Buddha light shone in this Huangji Palace.

It flowed like water, enveloping his body and mind.

This was a tolerance that Xiong Yinggeng had almost never felt before, and he looked over with tears in his eyes.

All the Zhoutian officials also turned their heads in surprise.

But see --

The monk standing quietly in the center of the hall, this moment of light and heat is infinite.

He looked at everything in the world equally, his eyes were compassionate, and his body was emitting Buddha light.

And there was a grand change, which happened specifically on his body.

His eyes turned into golden essence, his eyelashes were like those of a bull king, white hair grew between his eyebrows, and a fleshy fringe grew on the top of his head. His shoulders were round, he had forty teeth, white and dense, and four teeth were white and clean. His body was straight, like a lion, and his armpits were full. His hands were over his knees, his body was wide, and his pores were blue...

Someone who knew about it was immediately shocked and realized --

Thirty-two characteristics!

Combining the thirty-two Dharma characteristics in one body, solemn and wonderful, it is called [dignified]!

The thirty-two characteristics of Tathagata are the posture of becoming a Buddha.

It can even be said that Buddha is this appearance.

The master that the prince found is indeed profound in wonderful Dharma and solemn in wisdom and enlightenment.

With a slight push of the national situation, he became a great bodhisattva!

Xiong Zidu came with a Daoist master to take the throne of the East Palace. He is truly the king's return!


There was an echo outside the Huangji Palace.

The world was like a wake-up bell.

"The thirty-two aspects of the Tathagata."

"Jiang Jun has six aspects."

"I have ten thousand aspects."

The sound was like a bell, and also like the sound of a sword.

In the morning, in the Dao Palace, all the seats were quiet in the Dao Hall. When they came, they might have different thoughts, but the Dao is true and everyone is upright.

The Master of the Ten Thousand Aspects Sword, with messy hair like grass, was standing and asking for the truth: "I ask the top of the extraordinary road, the one who is the proof of my self-esteem in all the worlds - who am I, the ten thousand aspects?"

It is difficult to tell the age of the sword maniac, but he must have ignored the years, like a sword standing on the ground and asking the sky.

The messy hair and grass all have sword paths, and the bright eyes reflect the sword heart.

All my life I have only asked for one path, ten thousand paths, ten thousand swords, ten thousand are not as good as one.

The youngest and most powerful person in the world, sitting on a cushion, seemed to have some feelings in his heart, and put his palms together in front of him: "The Tathagata has thirty-two aspects in one body, we have six aspects and walk six paths, and the Taoist friends have ten thousand aspects in one face. Each walks his own path, which seems to be true but is not."

"There is not only one great way, but different paths can lead to the same destination."

The appearance of heaven and man, compassion is seen at once.

"Blue leaves and flying flowers, annihilation and decaying fruit! Unchanged for thousands of years, because there is the Tathagata."

After chanting, he turned his palm and pointed a sword, tapping the eyebrows of the Master of Ten Thousand Aspects Sword: "Swordsman, swordsmanship, and sword. These are also the three treasures! Hold the three treasures and you will get the Tathagata. Feel the present and remember the past. Who are you with the sword?!"

It was like a great bell.

The Master of Ten Thousand Aspects Sword stood up and looked up, and an indescribable sword light shone in his eyes!

This chapter is 6k, of which 2k is supplementary (2/2)

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