Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2453 Who is holding the knife?

The greatest danger is that you have no idea where the danger is coming from, but you are already on the verge of death. The most terrifying enemy is that he has already taken action against you, but you don’t know who he is!

For people like Bao long as they understand what the problem is, they can find a solution. As long as they know who the enemy is, they know how to deal with it.

He just found it ridiculous.

He worked hard to be a human being, but because he was too much of a "human being", he was hated by heaven.

God's will is like a knife, and the wind is evil, cutting off a reincarnated person with transcendent vision, left and right, almost heading for self-destruction step by step.

And how great must those sages be who can deceive heaven to this extent and create such a prosperous age of humanity?

Bao Xuanjing is full of respect!

That's his predecessor! It's his ancestor!

Thinking of those star-like names and those pioneering feats, his soul trembled and his blood stirred. It was the oldest echo originating from the depths of his blood!

He is extremely proud of being a "person"!

Yes. Even though he is hiding his life as a demon horse at this moment, he still has to go back.

The body is the body of a demon horse, and the heart is the heart of a human race!

Even though it is known that the destiny lies in the demon, how to choose between "demon" and "human" is not a problem at all.

You monsters are all locked up in prison and slaughtered as pigs. What’s the point of having no destiny?

Our human race is sweeping across all realms, suppressing the heavens, and humanity is flourishing, unstoppable!

"Xuanjing?" Zheng Shangming looked at Bao Xuanjing, who was out of breath with laughter and even burst into tears, feeling a little confused.

Although what I said does make some sense.

But you were also smiling... too happily?

"It's okay, it's okay." Bao Xuanjing calmed down for a long time and waved his hand: "I thought of... something very funny."

At this moment, his true life is still with Yaoma, and this Taoist body named "Bao Xuanjing" is just a body. Manipulating this body to speak and move feels like playing with shadow puppets.

This amused him.

After erasing the darkness in front of his eyes, he began to find the world interesting again.

After almost losing all our efforts and pulling back from the brink, how can we not feel the sunset is beautiful?

It is not a simple thing to fall from a human body into a demon horse and hide one's life in it.

For example, when a person becomes a demon, this transformation is usually irreversible.

And he stepped on that boundary precisely just to take a look at the world that the demon horse saw. The risk of taking this step is completely worth it.

Now for this game of chess, he also sat down!

The dragon who was about to be slaughtered in the game became the one playing chess on the chess bench.

Once the dragon rises out of the sea, it will surely reach the ninth heaven! Once he had the chess in hand, Bao Xuanjing—

I miss my grandpa.

After experiencing the evil intentions of Heaven and the murderous plan of the unknown, he realized that he needed his grandfather extraordinarily.

Grandpa is right.

How lucky you are to be born into the Bao family.

As long as Grand Uncle Fang Shuo is by his side, he doesn't need to do anything to grow up peacefully, and he will be blocked from outside killing attempts before they get close. It just so happened that he transferred his grandfather out of Linzi himself!

"What's so funny?" Zheng Shangming was a little worried that Bao Xuanjing was laughing at him.

He didn't mind being laughed at.

What he was worried about was that Bao Xuanjing was not a good boy.

Bao Xuanjing is in a good mood now, and he can also leisurely tell some "people" stories.

"I used to love eating sugar pills. One time I saw one in a jade bottle. It was round and had a very light aroma, but it made me greedy! I asked my mother if I could eat it. One? My mother said, you don’t need to eat it.”

"I'm very strange. I want to eat! I'm greedy! What do you mean you don't need it? Do you think I eat too much?"

"Later I saw similar ones at my grandpa's place. I thought I had to change the question, so I asked, grandpa, grandpa, are these meatballs delicious?"

Bao Xuanjing looked depressed: "My grandfather said that this has nothing to do with you. I didn't dare to speak."

He sighed: "I wonder what he means is that he won't let me take sugar pills in the future. I was so scared that I stopped giving up."

"Are you talking about the Pulse Opening Pill?" Zheng Shangming had a strange expression.

"Later I found out that it was a pulse-opening pill, and I was embarrassed to say that I wanted to take it." Bao Xuanjing said rather sadly: "Because I have grown up and I am the heir of the Bao family, so I have to be sensible early. The pulse-opening pill It’s too precious. It is the key to the door to the extraordinary for human beings. It has extraordinary practical significance. I can’t just eat it and play with it.”

The Vein Opening Pill is of course very important, and it does have profound historical significance, but the system of the Vein Opening Pill is so mature and the output is so abundant... With the financial resources of Shuofang Bofu, it is nothing if Bao Xuanjing really takes it as a sugar pill.

It can only be said that Uncle Shuo Fang's family was very strict, and this child was tightly controlled.

Zheng Shangming smiled kindly and said, "It doesn't matter if you take one or two pills. You won't steal or rob. Later, Uncle Zheng will get you one and you can just eat it quietly!"

"Okay!" Bao Xuanjing was very happy.

"Can you bring it over now?" He looked at Zheng Shangming, feeling a little embarrassed: "I haven't eaten it before, and I want to try something new. Today I will go out to the outskirts of the city with you to let myself go and feel freedom, so I want to give it a try. At this time At this moment, this is a pulse-opening pill called freedom.”

He added sensibly: "Any quality is acceptable."

The problem of the human body being too old-fashioned and too pure to be evil by God's will is definitely an eternal problem.

Even with Bao Xuanjing's vision, he wouldn't know what to do if he was thrown into ancient times.

But in this era, it is very simple.

Because the great sages of the human race have already written down the answer. Those ambitious people of the previous generations have repeatedly simplified the answer over a long period of time-

Opening vein pills!

Why are there so few people born with Tao veins in the era when humanity is flourishing and the human race dominates the world? And there are fewer and fewer?

In the darkest ancient times, some people born with Tao veins appeared from time to time, leading the human race to survive in the ancient times.

At the stage when the human race began to rise, there were almost half and half of the people who opened their blood veins and those who were born with Tao veins.

But the later it was, the fewer and fewer people born with Tao veins were.

To this day, the only famous people in the world are Chong Xuanzun, Wei Xuanche and a few others.

He, Bao Xuanjing, was also held as a treasure.

It is not because the human race is declining and the human blood is not strong enough.

On the contrary, the potential of the human race is getting richer and richer. The continuous breaking of practice records is a clear proof.

It is just because destiny has always been with the monsters, and it is in the innate race that was born and raised by the earth. Destiny has no love for people.

Not giving the natural Dao veins is a manifestation of not loving.

But destiny has no hatred for people.

Because the ancient people that destiny hates no longer exist, or they have transcended and don’t care about destiny at all.

That is, a Bao Xuan mirror can still let destiny show its power!

A small Kaimai Pill opened the path of cultivation for ordinary people and broke the extraordinary natural barrier.

A small Kaimai Pill also made the so-called destiny dizzy and let the malice of the heaven dissipate like smoke.

Why do the fierce beasts that produce Kaimai Pills have to be sourced from the monster race and must be nourished by human popularity?

Not only because this can greatly increase the production of Kaimai Pills.

It is also because only in this way can we ensure that the bloodline of the human race that is constantly evolving and sublimating as a whole will not be hated by the heaven!

Therefore, the existing Kaimai Pill system is almost impossible to innovate. It has exhausted the wisdom of the human race, and it is almost impossible to be more perfect.

All future research will at most reduce the loss of popularity, increase the output and quality of the Kaimai Pill.

The Kaimai of human cultivators are all mixed with the blood of the demon race.

The blood of the human race takes the essence of all races.

A large part of the magical seeds that can be explored in the secret collection of the human inner palace were the innate abilities of hundreds of races in ancient times!

If heaven does not give, people will take it.

Those who are born with magical powers can also be regarded as accidental atavists. Those who return are the ancestors who swallowed the innate magical power of the race with their own mouths!

The so-called will of heaven, who can tell who is who, and who is the biological son?

Only one Kaimai Pill is needed to solve Bao Xuanjing's current problem. But he can't immediately wrap himself in the blood lotus, return to the Tao fetus, and go to the Bao family to get it himself, otherwise, under the malice of heaven, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no more mistakes.

He can only ask Zheng Shangming for help.

Zheng Shangming was speechless for a moment.

Bao Xuanjing, who was born and raised in such a family, had never eaten the Kaimai Pill. He wanted to taste it but couldn't.

It was really... the trouble of a genius.

If possible, he didn't want to eat the Kaimai Pill.

He also wanted to lie in the Jixia Academy and read some idle books. When there was a moment that attracted everyone's attention, he would sit up and smile, saying that the time had come. Then the wind filled Linzi.

"Send a Kaimai Pill over." He picked up the waist card and ordered.

"Thank you, Uncle Zheng!" Bao Xuanjing was full of joy.

In the horse's belly, on the blood lotus, there was a small figure, sitting and thinking quietly, with a faint look in his eyes.

He was looking back at everything he had encountered today.

All kinds of causes today will bear fruits tomorrow.

The knife of heaven's will is about to be resolved, so what about the person who pushed the knife of heaven's will?

Where is this person? What's his name?

Do you recognize him, Bao Xuanjing?

“Sir, you are the fourth group of people who want to see the scene…” On Youxia Island, the shopkeeper of Guanlan Inn wiped his sweat and said, “I really don’t know what happened. How can the affairs of the immortals have anything to do with us?”

The owner of the inn has fled, terrified by the eerie crime scene, and fed up with those flying uncles, and refused to come back to the inn no matter what.

Once the reputation of the haunted house spreads, don’t expect any business.

But as an employee, the shopkeeper can’t just leave. His feet are trembling, but he has to stay at his post for a day’s wages.

He also has to deal with various immortals. If he doesn’t deal with them properly, he may be wiped out.

Although the offshore islands are places with the rule of law, they don’t give people a sense of security in this matter. Haven’t you seen how many guests who stay in the inn have disappeared?

The couple who look very kind and well-matched are actually murderous demons who kill many officials of Jingguo.

According to the investigation of the sea patrol masters, it is said to be some kind of Pingdeng country.

Damn it.

Wasn't the notorious sky ghost of Pingdeng country annihilated by the immortals of Jing country not long ago?

The Qi government has never discussed this matter, but the passing sea merchants all said so.

"Who are the first three groups?" Zhongli Yan asked.

"This-" The shopkeeper shrank his head.

"You don't need to know what happened. We just let you know that we want to take a look." Zhongli Yan took out a silver ingot and put it on the counter: "Lead the way."

"You might as well tell me what you heard." Zhuge Zuo put down the book he had been reading all the way and said beside him: "We will judge whether it is true or not."

Grandpa Xingwu did not tell him what he wanted them to confirm.

He knew his grandfather's ability very well. As long as they saw, experienced, brushed shoulders with, or even just passed by certain places, whether before or after. What Grandpa wanted to confirm was confirmed.

So they didn't have to do anything extra, just wander around the sea.

But Grandpa Zhongli was a man with his own ideas.

Hey... He Zhuge Xiaozuo was not willing to be ignorant.

Anyway, what Grandpa told him was very simple and would not be affected. The two of them could have their own ideas.

He guessed that what Grandpa wanted to confirm was related to the Fairy Palace.

[Guess] was a game between grandfather and grandson, and reaching for the wisdom of Xingwu was what he had always pursued.

Earlier, he went to Chaowendao Palace with a question to ask Jiang Gelao - "Are there fairies in the sky?"

The last question was asked by Yuan Tianshen first.

And he noticed that Yu Xianyu of Jingguo was also deeply touched by this question.

The "Legend of Ascension" in the Age of Immortals and the "Plot of the Immortal Court" that Jingguo had promoted were all top-secret intelligence, and he was fortunate to have read them.

But at the moment of seeking the Tao in the Heavenly Palace, he could not see the whole picture.

It was only after the Nine Palaces Tianming that he realized something.

The original god of heaven went to the Heavenly Palace to seek the Tao, which was essentially an act of deceiving others. He asked the immortals for his fundamental position. The Age of Immortals ended the Age of Mythology. The original god of heaven, who absorbed the nutrients of the end of the Age of Mythology, had an instinctive and necessary concern for the immortals.

Of course, after the original god of heaven was crowned and truly transcended, Zhuge Zuo had a further understanding of this - in the overall situation of the entire Jingguo's elimination of the One True Dao, the original god of heaven may have always grasped something, and asking the immortals was just the final confirmation of the plot of the Immortal Court, or more specifically, he was confirming Luqiu Wenyue's plan to eliminate the One True Dao!

Let's talk about Yu Xianyu's concern... Yu Xianyu's master is Ji Jinglu, and the person standing behind Ji Jinglu is obviously Luqiu Wenyue. Yu Xianyu was asked to pay attention to the Heavenly Immortals, one of which was related to the failed Immortal Court Plan, and the other was actually concerned about the One True Dao. If Jiang Zhenjun had seen the Heavenly Immortals in the depths of the Sea of ​​Heaven, he might have also seen the One True Dao.

The Heavenly Immortals' destination might be the cunning rabbit's lair of the One True Dao.

Then what about Grandpa?

As the Star Witch of the Chu State, who did Grandpa ask about the immortals for?

What did Jiang Ge Lao's answer at that time, "There are no immortals in heaven, and there should be no immortals in the human world", represent?

That was the answer of the heavenly man. Does it represent the attitude of the Heavenly Dao?

Is it just the immortals?

If there is a choice, Zhuge Zuo believes that the masters of the Immortal Palaces who have been hiding the existence of the Immortal Palaces will definitely not be willing to respond to the Nine Palaces Tianming.

But there must be a responsibility for what is gained. If you get the inheritance of the Immortal Palace, you can't avoid the cause and effect of the Immortal Palace.

When the Ruyi Immortal Palace faced the One True Dao that once destroyed the Immortal Era in such a peak state. The echo of the Immortal Era swept all traces related to the immortals.

For someone like him who has been studying astrology since childhood, the exact locations of several palaces such as Ruyi Palace and the echo of the Nine Palaces Tianming, which shook the heavens, can be accurately located. Although it is not possible to accurately locate the masters of each palace, it is not difficult to draw the approximate range of the remaining palaces.

At that time, there were two palaces responding on the sea -

Wanxian Palace and Bafu Palace.

Of course, they can continue to move or hide, but the tiger does not move the mountain, and the dragon does not leave the pond, so there must be remnants near the sea.

Or is it the situation of one of the palaces that Grandpa wants to confirm?

"Why do you read your broken book whenever you have time?" At the door of the guest room, Grandpa Zhongli waved his hand: "Don't read it! Come in and count with your fingers. How many people died here and who has been here? Grandpa doesn't have time to count."

Zhuge Zuo said "Oh" and closed the "Hundred Old Medical Classics" in his hand.

He tapped his eyebrows with his fingers, and his eyes were full of starlight.

As soon as he stepped into the room, he saw the secrets of heaven like threads, crisscrossing each other, like a three-dimensional, extremely complex net, which made him dizzy!

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