Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2455: Tianji Tour, the Waves are Clear

Yin Guan had already seen the strength of the Jing Kingdom in the ancient Tianlu. His endless pursuit was far from being able to see the grand picture of the Jinghai Plan. His painstaking methods could not touch the ripples of the Tianlu at all.

But the endless ripples can also be a rainstorm.

As long as King Chujiang is not executed immediately, everything will still have a chance.

Yin Guan wanted nothing more than this.

"I just think highly of you." The voice of the hero said.

"Excuse me for being blunt." Yin Guan said, "Like you are optimistic about Bolu and Ye Lingxiao?"

"I can understand your attitude." The voice of the hero said, "But the rules of the Equality Country are like this - everyone's path to equality is different, and the Equality Country respects the freedom of its members. Only when the unified action is taken, all participants must obey the command of the highest person in charge of the action. The rest of the time, it is free. The Equality Country is a big tree leading to the ideal of equality. On this basis, everyone has their own ideas and means, just like the branches and leaves grow freely."

Yin Guan's voice said, "You want to say that in an organization like the Equality Country, the endings of Bolu and Ye Lingxiao are their own choices?"

The voice of the hero is with the waves: "It may sound a bit absurd, but this is the fact."

"I am not interested in absurd facts." The green flame jumped: "Let's continue to talk about business!"

The hero was not reluctant, and went straight to the point: "As you can see, our organization has suffered an unprecedented major trauma. At least for me personally, I need Jingguo to pay for it - this is the premise of this business."

"It sounds like the opinions of the three leaders of your organization are not consistent." Yin Guan said.

"Have you ever heard of an organization where the word leader refers to three completely different people?" The God Hero did not shy away from it: "Because we have never been able to convince each other, but we know that ideals are long-lasting and reality is heavy, so we have to support each other to go forward. The word equality in the Equality Country originally refers to the equality between the three of us - from me and all living beings."

Yin Guan's voice was a little thoughtful: "Equality starts with the three of you and ends with all living beings in the world?"

The God Hero smiled: "There is no problem with this understanding."

"About the equality of all living beings, I didn't hear about it from you first." Yin Guan's voice said: "I have studied some information about the Yiluo tribe before, and saw someone in history mentioned such an ideal."

"Really?" The God Hero asked: "Who is that person?"

Yin Guan said: "People call him... the World Honored One!"

"The World Honored One..." The God Hero's voice was full of inexplicable emotions: "The equality that the World Honored One wants is that all living beings in the heavens and the worlds are equal. That's why he accepted the real dragon as his disciple, so he went to the demon tribe to preach, he also tried to convert the ancient mother, and even went to the demon world - I am different from him."

"What's different?" Yin Guan asked.

"Let's continue talking about business!" The voice of the hero said, "Let's talk about our cooperation."

"You just talked about the premise of this business." Yin Guan reminded.

The voice of the hero is always bright like the rising sun: "We can do things only if we reach a consensus. Only by knowing each other's needs can we grasp the scale of cooperation."

Yin Guan said calmly: "It sounds equal."

The hero said: "It must be said that the reason why most people choose to join the Equality Country and fight against the current order is because of hatred. This also makes it difficult for them to be peaceful when doing things. I can say that many of us died not innocently."

"So I don't have any righteous reasons to do things."

"The gap in strength between the Equality Country and the Jing Country must also be faced squarely. The fact is that I can't save Li Mao."

"So I don't have any power to destroy the world and change the sun and the moon."

"I am strong, but far from strong enough."

"The only thing is that those people once trusted me and walked with me, but died because of joining the Equality Country."

"As their leader--"

The hero paused: "One of them."

His voice seemed inexplicably distant in the sea breeze: "At least we have to do something."

"Then continue?" The green flames jumped on the altar transformed from the reef.


A wave came over and extinguished the green flame.

The strange altar was restored to an ordinary reef.




Zheng Shangming and Bao Xuanjing rode together and returned to Linzi.

Taking advantage of the absence of people, they rode straight and shouted happily.

"Xuanjing! Slow down ahead, don't charge the city!" Seeing Bao Xuanjing riding a horse and laughing in front of him, Zheng Shangming temporarily put aside his vigilance against the name of Luosha Mingyuejing and his concern for the situation at sea. He galloped wildly for a long time before reminding him.

"Whoa~!" Bao Xuanjing pulled the reins, and the horse stood up, raised its hooves and neighed loudly.

This young man riding a horse on the road outside Linzi is really a heroic young man!

He laughed happily: "Uncle Zheng, I am a member of the Bao family, how can I disrespect the road administration!"

When he got close to the city of Linzi, he called "Uncle Zheng" instead of "Uncle Shangming", knowing how to avoid suspicion. Although young, he is very smart and not just talented. This is really a blessing for the Bao family!

Zheng Shangming secretly praised in his heart, but smiled: "I'm afraid you are too happy. Some people in the city like to educate!"

Before he finished speaking, a black shadow swept across the sky.

The wind whistled!

Zheng Shangming flew out directly, hooked back with one hand, and stopped Bao Xuanjing and his horse behind him. The Beiya waist badge summoned the officials, and the Linzi formation responded immediately. Daoyuan roared and his eyes were like lightning.


It was a man tied up and smashed in front of the horse.

"Brother Weihong!" It was Bao Xuanjing who was the first to scream.

Zheng Shangming also frowned: "Bao Weihong?"

He looked at the old man who fell from the sky next to Bao Weihong, and felt extremely puzzled: "Changhua Bo!? What does this mean?"

Yinqiao Bao family has three bosoms, among which Shuofang Bo is the main line, hereditary and unchangeable, and the real seal is real.

The remaining Changhua Bo is in politics and Yingyong Bo is in the army. They are all single and noble, and their titles are removed after they die.

The oldest Changhua Bo Bao Zonglin is of the same generation as Bao Yi. He has never married and has no children. He resigned from office and retired, practicing in seclusion to seek the truth.

The younger generation of the Heroic Earl Bao Heng is about the same age as Bao Yi. He is still struggling behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons in order to pass on his title. Firstly, he still has his own pursuits. Secondly, he has several children and needs to plan for them.

Bao Yi's legitimate sons, Bao Bozhao and Bao Zhongqing, died in their prime. If it were an ordinary family, there would inevitably be some movement.

But what kind of means does Shuofang Earl have? As long as he is in charge, the thieves will always be thieves and will not have the courage to thieve.

When Bao Xuanjing grew up and began to show his talent, the other branches became even more silent.

Bao Weihong, the son of the Heroic Earl, is famous for his ambition and talent. Now Changhua Earl tied him up and threw him here. What is he doing?

Bao Xuanjing quickly turned over and got off the horse to help Bao Weihong, but was stopped by Bao Zonglin.

"Master!" Bao Xuanjing's face was full of surprise: "Why is it so?"

Bao Zonglin was quite old, and Bao Yi was very respectful to him, so Bao Xuanjing would naturally not lose his manners.

"Xuanjing, you have nothing to do here. Go back to the mansion first." Bao Zonglin had a serious expression, and with a flick of his sleeves, he rolled Bao Xuanjing back on the horse's back, and then rolled him and the horse to Linzi. Then he said to Zheng Shangming: "Commander-in-chief, the Bao family has an unfilial son. I have no face to punish myself. I will capture him and ask the Northern Court to take him for trial!"

When it comes to official business, Zheng Shangming can't be lenient.

He held the waist card and glanced at Bao Weihong: "I don't know what crime this Bao Weihong... has committed?"

Bao Zonglin's face was solemn: "My Bao family has been loyal for generations, serving the country and the people. As a son of the Bao family, he has enjoyed the grace of the country, but he secretly hid Buddhist scriptures and recited them behind closed doors!"

Zheng Shangming breathed a sigh of relief.

If Bao Weihong really committed a serious crime, he would certainly deal with it impartially, but it would be difficult to speak in front of Shuofang Bo, which would affect the friendship that had just been established, and even affect the tacit understanding of important matters at sea.

"My Lord." Zheng Shangming said slowly: "Although our dynasty does not worship Buddha, there are also lessons from prosperity and decline. But the Holy Emperor has never issued an explicit order to ban Buddhism. There is the Hanging Temple in the East Region, and the sound of Zen is bound to be far-reaching. There are occasional incense offerings among the people, but they are free."

He looked at Bao Zonglin: "The former Wu'an Marquis practiced Buddhist skills. He likes to read Buddhist scriptures, but it is... not a crime."

He didn't want to say that Bao Zonglin was making a fuss, nor did he want to explore the contradictions between Changhua Bo and Yingyong Bo, and he didn't want to interfere in the internal disputes of the Bao family. Shuofang Bo would handle everything about the Bao family.

But Bao Zonglin said: "It's nothing that he likes to read Buddhist scriptures, but I found that he also has an extraordinary concern for the rebel Kurongyuan! Not only did he trace the history of Kurongyuan in many ways, but he also went to search the streets and alleys in person to find old friends!" This old man who is very prestigious in the court and the public has a trace of fear in his eyes, and his expression is unusually cold and hard: "I can't bear to investigate, and I dare not investigate. Please ask the North Yamen to ask, no matter what the result, the Bao family will recognize it." Zheng Shangming was shocked when the three words "Kurongyuan" came out. After listening to Bao Zonglin's words, he had nothing to say. The Kurongyuan case of that year was so wide-ranging and had such a deep impact that it could be called the first case of Yuanfeng. Before and after, there was no one who could match it. The subsequent rebellion of Lord Loulan was the aftermath of this incident. No wonder Bao Zonglin was so vigilant. Such a big fanfare was to clarify the Bao family! If he was vague, it would be disadvantageous to the Bao family. At that moment, he picked up Bao Weihong, who was already tied up and gagged, and said seriously: "The Beiya will definitely conduct a fair trial and give the Bao family a convincing explanation."

"This explanation is for Linzi!" Bao Zonglin no longer looked at Bao Weihong, turned around and left.

Bao Xuanjing, who looked back every three steps, had returned to Shuofang Bo's Mansion at this time.

The demon horse with its internal organs emptied had naturally disappeared before returning to the city.

Bao Weihong was a devout Buddhist, followed rumors blindly, and had sympathy for Kurongyuan.

This level of guilt was about the same. It had some impact on Bao Weihong's future, but not on the Bao family.

At the same time, Bao Weihong's exploration of the history of Kurongyuan could be explained clearly.

Whether it was the current relationship between the Bao family and the Zheng family, or the cleanliness of Bao Weihong himself, it could ensure the degree of this case.

In the future, Bao Weihong would be more convenient to use at home when he was unemployed than now. Depending on the situation, he could be unable to recover, or he could turn back.

He was just like the demon horse, and was dealt with very cleanly.

"Tinglan. Why are you so out of control today?"

After seeing off the guests, Wen Yanyu sat on a chair and brought a cup of tea.

This court doctor with a fluttering hat and a humble temperament was now serious, which was rare in front of his daughter.

He was asking about Wen Tinglan's sharp scolding in the library today——

She learned poetry at the age of three and etiquette at the age of seven. She grew up with the model of a lady from a noble family.

There has never been such a time.

Not even once.

Although she quickly adjusted herself and came out to entertain guests and chat, she was as gentle and graceful as usual.

But Wen Yanyu, as a father, was still a little uneasy.

"If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it." Wen Yanyu said.

Of course, he would find the answer in his own way.

Wen Tinglan's third grandfather, the old doctor Wen Baizhu, was lying on a bamboo chair at the door, his eyes were dim, as if he had fallen asleep.

The Wen family at dusk in spring has always been so peaceful and peaceful.

The graceful smile on Wen Tinglan's face disappeared just like that. She also sat on the chair, but it took some support before she sat down. She also brought a cup of tea, but she didn't drink it and put it down.

Two lines of tears flowed down.

She said: "Yan Fu still lives in that woman in his heart. I know he can't forget her."

The seriousness on Wen Yanyu's face disappeared.

Instead, there was pity in his eyes.

It is difficult to express the deep love that parents have for their children in the world.

He had never let his daughter suffer any grievances, but his daughter was so sad on the day when the man offered the engagement that she lost her composure.

"If you don't want to get married, you don't have to marry." He said.

The Wen family didn't have to marry the Yan family.

But the two families have been in-laws for so long, and the two children have been together for so long. After accepting the engagement from the Yan family, it is not something that can be resolved calmly.

No matter how generous and magnanimous Prime Minister Yan is, he may not be able to swallow this breath.

But Wen Yanyu didn't need his daughter to know how difficult this matter was to bear. He just needed to let Wen Tinglan know that it was okay to do this.

His daughter, Wen Yanyu, always had a choice.

"This is why I'm sad." Wen Tinglan sat there, crying calmly: "I can't leave him."

Wen Baizhu at the door picked his ears and got up and left.

He thought that Wen Tinglan was bullied or uncomfortable, so he sat here to listen.

Emotional illnesses cannot be cured by medicine.

The ripples in the sea of ​​stars seemed to be smoothed by an invisible hand, gradually dispersing, fading, and disappearing.

Ruan Zhou lowered his head on the silver-white boat, and saw that the galaxy was like a mirror, and it actually reflected his face.

"Daddy." She reminded him, "The fish seedlings you have been looking for are gone."

When there are ripples, it must be a gathering of fish.

She has been practicing this "Heavenly Secret Tour" method since she was a child. Of course, it is not enough to get involved in the Heavenly Secret War of the Imperial Astronomical Observatory, but it is no problem to help.

In recent years, the unusually obscure fluctuations of the Heavenly Secret have been intermittent and pointed to something. Ruan Yu has been looking for the landing point of those Heavenly Secret lines and locked on the ripples somewhere in the galaxy... But those ripples were cleared just now.

"Then let it go." Ruan Yu, standing on the observatory, put his hands behind his back and did not look back: "Looking for it now will be a thousand times more difficult and not a single point of success."

He looked at the sky: "We have more important things to do."

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