Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2461 All the cracks in the world (last day to ask for monthly votes)

"Do you need my help?" Zhong Liyan asked casually, "Jiang Zhenjun and I are old partners."

"It's necessary." Daliang said.

Zhong Liyan grinned, took Nanyue in his hand, and played with the heavy sword returning to the dragon: "What do you need me to do?"

"Wait here. Don't walk around casually." Daliang said casually, then flew away into the sky, passed through the electric light, broke through the clouds, and connected into the starlight.

Starlight is like water, rippling in the distant sky.

How thick the clouds are, how naive the lightning is, they are just a touch or a dot in the boundless sky and sea.

Looking down at the human world from such a high place, it is indeed easy to feel like "all living beings are like ants".

Jiang Wang followed Star God Daliang and walked on the mirror-like galaxy.

But after a few steps, he stopped.

Daliang turned around and cast a doubtful gaze.

"I have nothing to say about Zuo Gong's matter. But I am not familiar with you, so I cannot give you full trust." Jiang Wang said bluntly: "You are the servant of the Star Witch. Lord Star Witch sits in charge of Zhanghuatai and patrols the stage. For thousands of years in Chu, when Zuo Gong was in charge of state affairs, no matter what the name was, I could not detect it and had no way to verify it. "

"I represent the Star Witch." Daliang said: "No matter what, he will not set up a trap to harm you."

"Master Xingwu's contribution to Chu is worthy of the trust of all Chu people. Your words of 'no matter what' are indeed taken for granted." Jiang Wang said: "But I am not from Chu."

If Jiang Wang was sacrificed for the needs of Chu State, Zhuge Yi would not hesitate. Jiang Wang would not risk his own safety on whether Zhuge Yi would hesitate first.

Daliang said: "Zhong Liyan——"

"Zhong Liyan's character is quite trustworthy." Jiang Wang interrupted directly: "But he doesn't see far and doesn't understand much. I believe in his mood, but I can't trust his judgment completely."

Daliang stood there for a moment: " is human nature for you to have such concerns."

A moment later, an old voice sounded in Daliang's body: "Jiang Zhenjun, I didn't expect that our first meeting would be at this time."

Jiang Wang bowed his head in courtesy and remained respectful, but only said: "This is probably not a meeting yet."

"Yes, not formal enough." Zhuge Yi sighed softly: "I hope there is still time."

Zhuge Yixian's time is indeed precious, but Jiang Wang's time cannot be wasted lightly.

Facing this legendary figure who founded the Chu Kingdom together with Chu Taizu Xiong Yizhen, he behaved very directly: "I don't know why Mr. Xingwu invites you, but I can't say it clearly. But if it is really up to me, the Huai Kingdom Why didn't you tell me yourself? He has nothing to do with me, but I have nothing to do with you. "

Everyone knows that getting straight to the point is the easiest way, but it requires the most qualifications.

In the past, Zuo Qiuwu, the dean of Qinku Academy, attained the highest level of enlightenment. His first words after attaining enlightenment were - "I will be rude from now on"!

This "rudeness" does not mean that he will give up etiquette, but that he no longer needs to care about red tape. He no longer has to worry about whether others have misunderstood his feelings. What others need to think about is whether they truly understand him!

From then on, he could devote himself to studying.

Jiang Wang still feels the same today.

Just talk if you are dissatisfied, ask if you have any questions, there is no need to hold anything back.

Zhuge Yi said first: "The Duke of Huai didn't know that I came to you, and he himself never thought of asking you to join. This matter cannot be discussed, it depends on tacit understanding. Just like I set up an astrolabe on Zhuge Zuo's body, I also want to ask you to join me." Only when he really met you did Daliang meet you - in a sense, we met by chance. "

Jiang Wangdao: "You created this meaning."

This meeting was of course Zhuge Yixian's intention, but Zhuge Yixian turned it into a fateful encounter in order to avoid the perception of others. From this direction, it takes a person like Zhuge Yixian to spend so much effort and conceal his intentions, and the goal of his plan this time is almost clear!

"If you follow the path of calculation, I think you will have high achievements, or at least be very sharp!" Zhuge Yi praised first and then continued: "We need the support of two immortal palaces."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment.

He only has one Yunding Immortal Palace in his hand, where did he get two?

Who did the Star Witch set his sights on?

Yin Guan’s Ten Thousand Immortals Palace?

As soon as he put on the mask of King Bian Cheng, he was counted by the Star Witch?

Or... Ye Qingyu's Ruyi Immortal Palace?

During the battle with Zong Dezhen, Ye Lingxiao's Ruyi Immortal Palace was already incomplete, but relying on the blessing of [Immortal Capital], it was not completely broken. [Xiandu] has the same fate as Ruyi Immortal Palace, but it is more damaged than Yiyi Immortal Palace. Although it will not be scattered back to the world like the hidden sundial, it will not be used again in a short time.

After the war, Jiang Wang collected all of Ye Lingxiao's relics, including Ruyi Immortal Palace and Immortal Capital, and handed them over to Ye Qingyu as a matter of course.

Jiang Wang didn't like getting along with these people who calculated every step clearly.

Because in the end, they always act according to their ideas, which makes them appear to be thoughtless, like a puppet on strings.

Except Chongxuan Sheng.

Being brothers and sisters with Brother Sheng is considered a collaboration, not a puppet.

Zhuge Yi first said: "I think she has already achieved the divine way, and she can control the fairy palace. There is no need for me to take risks."

Jiang Wang's eyelids twitched. The word "risk-taking" is used... Why should it be natural for me and Jiang to take risks?

But when it came to Duke Huai, he actually had no choice.

"Her God of Wealth is just a false god, not even real yet." Jiang Wang said.

Zhuge Yi said first: "There is no need to participate in the war, you only need to provide support from the Immortal Palace."

Jiang Wang was a little annoyed: "You said this was all based on tacit understanding. Is it such a tacit understanding?"

Zuo Xiao went to that unspeakable battlefield because of his tacit understanding with Zhuge Yixian, so Jiang Wang had to go.

Since Jiang Wang took Yunding Immortal Palace with him, Ye Qingyu and her Ruyi Immortal Palace could not escape.

What kind of tacit understanding is this?

It's clearly a kind of kidnapping.

This famous star wizard is really not very kind.

"I'm sorry." Zhuge Yixian's old voice came from the mouth of Daliang Star God, with a false sense of conflict: "The support of Immortal Palace is very important to me. It is even more so to Duke Huai."

"You can't just rely on my relationship with Duke Huai to drive me like this!" Jiang Wang tried his best to deal with his emotions as gently as possible, and then said: "You can't say what you want to do, but you have to talk about the nature of the matter. After all, She didn’t just ask me to take risks alone. It’s true that she can just use the body. After all, Ruyi Immortal Palace is her father’s relic. There is no reason for me to just take it to the gambling table without saying anything. "

"Feel sorry……"

Zhuge Yi first said "Sorry" again.

"Although what I say is the truth, it may not be very bright when I say it. But because I need your help so much, I can only say this-"

He said: "What we are going to do is also very dangerous for Duke Huai. I hope you can go all out. It is not only Yunding Immortal Palace that needs you, but also more than just dispatching a dharma body."

Jiang Wang looked at the star god quietly, as if through this graceful body he could see the star witch he had never met before.

He gave up his anger.

Because this matter is related to Zuo Xiao's safety!

"I guess I have nothing to complain about."

"Perhaps I should thank you for the opportunity to get involved and protect those close to me."

"Save me a lifetime of regrets."

Jiang Wang said this and gently opened his hand.

All the bodies and phases turned into streams of light, flying from all directions and entering his body one by one.

He even let go of his gaze on Tian Anping.

Until a little bit of golden light gathered into a gold ingot and landed gently on his palm.

"Let's go!" he said.

The voice belonging to Zhuge Yixian faded away, and Daliang Star God resumed her female voice: "Please follow me."

She walked on the mirror-like galaxy, her plump body gradually scattered the starlight. There are lines of star maps on the bare feet, and there are hidden ripples with every step.

Just like this, it went away step by step and disappeared step by step.

In front of Jiang Wang, an arch bridge with rippling stars gradually took shape.

A star god who has been respected for thousands of years, has independent thoughts and will, and has made countless contributions to the Chu Kingdom. Now is the last time.

Star God Daliang's death as a bridge is just the beginning of this round.

Jiang Wang held the gold ingot tightly: "Are you ready?"

The voice in Jin Yuanbao is not as clear and quiet as in the past, but has a divine distantness and a bit of illusion: "The golden body can die, and the fairy palace is meaningless. The most important thing is you, whether your return is as scheduled. Are you ready? ?”

"Let's go." Jiang Wang stepped onto the star bridge.

The galaxy higher up in the sea of ​​dense clouds and thunder fluttered like a thin veil, quickly rolling away.

In the fading starlight, three stars fell.

They passed through the heavy clouds and were washed away by the sea of ​​thunder.

After the starlight was peeled off, if you look closely, you can see the illusion of light flowing and the glimpse of dusk - clearly three crystal clear immortal thoughts.

This is Jiang Wang's gift.

One of them melted into the thunder light and moved around the East China Sea with the shock of lightning, leaving it to Wang Changji who would come with Huang Quan later.

All the clues about the bones he investigated at sea will be taken over by Wang Changji.

A stone suddenly fell into the sea, wandering in the endless waves, wandering on an altar in the crevices of the seabed.

This one is given to Yin Guan, detailing the plan to rescue King Chu Jiang, giving him information on Yizhen Dao, as a bargaining chip in the deal with Jingguo, and telling him not to be impulsive.

The last fairy thought turned into a rainbow light, hung in the sky, and then went to Linzi.

This one is for Chongxuan Sheng. It contains all the thoughts he has had since he came to Youxia Island - let Chongxuan Sheng do the thinking. He's going to do something he's better at.

The three immortal thoughts dispersed like flying fireflies, flying in the endless rainstorm.

Tian Anping has been looking at the sky for a long time.

The trajectory of every drop of rain was clearly outlined in his mind. Every twist and turn of the electric light is the brush of Dao Mark.

He had been puzzled for a long time, and now he began to doubt——

Does that extreme height not exist?

Is the place where Jiang Wang once stood in Dongzhen Realm just a fantasy?

Otherwise, why can't we find such a path no matter how we search?

Is there any unsolvable problem in the world?

Is there any place in this world that cannot be reached?

He raised his pale and slender hand, the broken chain tied to his wrist swayed gently, and his fingers rested on his throat.

The sword scar on his throat is just a shallow line.

But it is real.

That sword had indeed come, he had obviously seen it.

"Jiang Wang was in your subconscious just now." A young and energetic voice sounded at this time.

"Oh." Tian Anping said.

"Jiang Wang." A young voice said.

Tian Anping said "hmm".

The young voice emphasized: "He looks at you."

Tian Anping seemed to have come back to his senses at this time and noticed the specific content of what this man said. But he just raised his eyes: "What does it matter?"

The young voice also fell silent for a moment, as if he was choked.

It's really hard to explain.

With what Tian Anping has done and what he is about to do, once exposed, he will definitely die without a burial place.

Jiang Wang had just stepped into the gaze of the subconscious sea, and he had almost put Sauvignon Blanc on Tian Anping's neck!

He walked away at the critical moment of life and death, but he didn't seem to care.

Even... the person who came could have reminded him of the fact that Jiang Wang entered his subconscious sea, but because they could not affect the plan, they did not remind him and almost watched him die.

He wasn't even angry.

Not even a hint of anger.

What is going on in this person’s mind?

His way of thinking cannot be applied to anyone's past experience.

It does not conform to the common understanding of "people".

The young voice said inexplicably: "I remember you don't want to die either."

"I still have many questions about this world, and I don't want to die." Tian Anping said almost emotionlessly: "I am not dead now."

If you don't die, forget it?

No fear?

Not uneasy?

"Anyway...he's gone!" the young voice asked: "Don't you want to know why he came and why he left?"

"So, where did he go?" Tian Anping asked.

"I don't know either." The young voice said: "There are many forces involved in this round. We are all constantly spying on others and hiding ourselves at the same time. No one knows anyone. I can't keep an eye on all Jiang Wang's actions at any time. Without being noticed, I only felt his ripples in your subconscious ocean by staring at you.”

Tian Anping really didn't seem to care what Jiang Wang was going to do. Jiang Wang is gone, that's enough.

He asked: "The last person I chatted with was King Zhao, why is it you this time?"

"This just shows that we are united and united. We can better advance our plans." The young voice said with a smile, "Isn't this a good thing?"

Tian Anping opened his mouth: "Shen Xia."

"What?" asked the young voice.

"It's okay." Tian Anping's fingers were still on his throat.

"Do you feel pain?" the young voice asked: "When that sword pierces your throat."

There were thunders and heavy rains like waterfalls.

Tian Anping stroked his throat, raised his head again, looked at the sky, and murmured: "All the cracks in the world are the door to the truth."

His confused eyes were like a sword, cutting a gap in the sea of ​​dark clouds and thunder in the sky at this moment.

A ray of long-lost skylight actually penetrated the rain curtain and fell on his slightly upturned face.

And his fingers were like swords, piercing into his throat along the sword mark——

"It's just a question of how you open it."

At this moment, he took the final step to the top.

The terrifying Yuan Power roared in all directions, causing tides in the sky and violent waves in the sea.

The terrifying news of an extraordinary monk reaching the top covered up all the waves.

While everyone was looking at him, everyone was ignoring him.

In the darkness, the heart of heaven is like a dream.

In the depths of the soul that cannot be seen by the eyes and cannot be checked by the mind, a door that seems both virtual and real has been erected.

And the young voice belonging to Shen Xia, hidden in it, said softly——


Boom boom boom!

The thunder in the sky has not stopped.

This door is extremely heavy.

This is……

The door to falsehood.

It’s the last four hours of August, please vote for me!

If you don't invest, it will really be wasted. 555

Readers who will see it again at the turn of the clock, please get a guaranteed monthly pass for September!

This chapter is 4k, which is added to Dameng's "Impulsive Consumption is the Devil" (3/3).

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