Red Heart Survey

Chapter 638 Jiujiang City

Among the three counties of Zhuang Kingdom, Hualin County and Daishan County actually border on Mo Country.

The soldiers of Jiujiang Xuanjia retreated from the front line of Zhuangmo. It stands to reason that it would be more convenient to go directly to Daishan County by land.

But now the Zhuang Ting is rectifying the military order, and all the troops rotating on the front line need to complete the training and dispatch in Hualin County.

That's why Du Yehu and the others needed to return to Hualin County first, then go to Qinghe County, flow west along the Qingjiang River, and return to Jiujiang City in Daishan County.

Jiujiang Xuanjia has expanded its army once this year, from 1,000 to 3,000. Originally, below the main general, there were only four partial generals, and each partial general commanded two hundred soldiers.

Now the rank of a partial general has been added, and the number of soldiers under each partial general has been directly increased to five hundred.

To the surprise of many people, Duan Li, the chief general of Jiujiang Xuanjia, overcame all opinions and made Du Yehu, who was only at the peak of Tenglong Realm, become the fifth general of Jiujiang Xuanjia.

You must know that Jiujiang Xuanjia's partial generals have always been based on the cultivation base of the inner mansion, and they can directly become the city lord when they are released outside. With such a strength foundation, Jiujiang City is faintly called the county within the county. The name of the fourth county of Zhuangguo.

But now, the number of soldiers under his command has doubled, and his real power has expanded. On the contrary, Du Yehu, who is at the peak of Tenglong, rushed forward, which inevitably made some people feel dissatisfied.

But after the army pulled into the battlefield, everyone shut up.

Du Yehu may not be the strongest side general in Jiujiang Xuanjia, but he must be the most desperate and fearless. He simply regards the battlefield as his home, lives on the front line and takes the lead in every battle. Of course, he also won the most combat exploits.

Things in the military are very simple, if you can win battles and take heads, everyone will obey you. Everything else is false.

Jiang Wang doesn't know how Du Yehu is doing now, he has never asked anyone about Du Yehu, because he has already decided to bear everything alone, and asking about it is also a trace.

He never thought of telling Du Yehu the truth.

With Du Yehu's personality, if he learned the truth about Fenglin City, he would not care about the disparity in strength, nor would he consider the consequences, and would rush to Xin'an City immediately - that would undoubtedly be his death.

But Jiang Wang never wanted that to happen. Enough people have died in Fenglin city area. If Du Yehu wants to live, no matter how painful it is, he must live.

Now he just...just wants to see Du Yehu with his own eyes. Let's see how this anxious-looking and impulsive Brother Tiger is doing.

I went to the old Fenglin area, saw the old place, and missed the old people even more.


Jiang Wang got on a passenger ship and went west along the Qingjiang River by water.

Really sailing on the Qingjiang River, he felt more and more the difference in Zhuangguo today.

In the past, it was impossible for so many ships to pass by on the Qingjiang River, and occasionally you could see patrolling Shuifu soldiers, and they were very polite to merchants.

In the past, the 800-mile Qingjiang River was basically the private land of the Qingjiang Water Mansion, and the human and aquatic tribes rarely communicated with each other. There are estrangements and contradictions, but both sides basically agree with the alliance of founding nations and are mutual allies.

I don't know if this is good or bad.


Jiang Wang inexplicably thought of the Belle who had been rescued on the banks of the Qingjiang River. If... If there are still people in the villa who secretly plunder the aquarium and extract the aquarium's Dao veins, what will be the attitude of the current Qingjiang Shuifu?

Song Hengjiang, the lord of the Qingjiang River for eight hundred miles, can still slap the head of the criminal department in the face, and can he firmly say "no" to Zhuang Gaoxian?

And also on the banks of the Qingjiang River, he risked his life to save Bai Lian from the hands of Ji Xuan, the head of the Criminal Investigation Division of Qinghe County. That woman... is she still on the Road of Bones, and what conspiracy is she brewing?

Jiang Wang staggered his thoughts, and thought of Jiang Anan's playmates, the braided girl named Song Qingzhi, and the "Old Gui".

At that time, he was eager to ask for help for Fenglin City, but he was flatly rejected.

Qingjiang Water Mansion refused to support Fenglin City, was it because of the conflict with Zhuang Ting at that time, or because they already knew Zhuang Gaoxian's intentions?

At that time, he said angrily that the aquarium would not help the human race, and the human race would always help the human race. Then what I learned was the news that Sanshan City was closed.

At that time, he felt that the Zhuang Ting seemed to have betrayed all relatives, but when he came back after nearly a year, the entire Zhuang country was unprecedentedly stable.

Look at the scene in front of you where the Shui tribe and the human race live in harmony.

Is it so easy to fool people? What did those in power really do and no one cares?

Or, the so-called truth can only be grasped by the real power forever?

Jiang Wang has experienced a lot, but the more he experiences, the less he understands the world.

All the way into Daishan County very low-key.

After arriving in Jiujiang City, it is almost impossible to sneak in.

Because the entire Jiujiang city area is the largest beast lair in Zhuang country.

Jiujiang Xuanjia fights here every day, so even in the peaceful period before the war, it still maintains a strong combat effectiveness.

Apart from the ferocious beasts here, they are the soldiers of Jiujiang Xuanjia, and there are no outsiders at all.

Jiang Wang could only sneak in.

The strongest person in the entire Jiujiang Xuanjia is undoubtedly the main general, Duan Li, the peak of the Outer Building.

When Jiang Wang was still in the city daoyuan, he had heard of his terrible reputation.

Judging from the records that have been spread, Duan Li is definitely stronger than Hai Zongming, and should be a strong man on the level of Hell Without Door Yama.

Although Jiang Wang personally killed Hai Zongming and captured his prisoner dragon cable, he knew very well that his strength was not comparable to that of Shanghai Zongming. Being able to kill him was purely due to mental calculation and unintentional, well-prepared, and all kinds of restraint.

For Duanli, there is definitely no chance.

So here, extra caution is required.

Jiujiang City, as the largest city in Daishan County and the largest lair of beasts, was once faintly known as the fourth county of Zhuang Kingdom. After Jiang Wang sneaked in, he found that the defenses were indeed first-class.

The entire Jiujiang city area is a huge military camp.

To be on the safe side, Jiang Wang simply gave up his three-legged cat's stealth skills, put on his invisible clothes, walked for a while, and stopped for a while.

After entering the area where Jiujiang Xuanjia was stationed, it was already dark.

It was better that way, as darkness meant everyone had to stay in camp.

When Du Yehu asked people to return to Fenglin City to boast, he boasted that he was a lieutenant.

Later, Zhao Ru came out in a complete set, just a team leader.

Based on Jiang Wang's understanding of Du Yehu, he followed the path of the ancient military family's energy and blood. The road was dangerous, but he was very powerful. It is a rare practice method that does not rely on resources.

Du Yehu's current strength should be between Tongtian Realm and Tenglong Realm. The corresponding position should be the rank of lieutenant or lieutenant general.

So Jiang Wang went to look for the tents of those lieutenants and captains.

But one by one, they were disappointed again and again, and they searched in the middle of the night, but they never saw Du Yehu.

He started to get a little anxious.

Is Du Huhu no longer in Jiujiang Xuanjia? Or... what happened?

Just then, he heard a voice——

"Listen, Zhao Er, come here! General Du is looking for you!"

Jiang Wang cheered up, he remembered the name.

Du Yehu has a pawn named Zhao Erting. He once sent a message to Du Yehu to Fenglin City, which was a bit naive.

He should know where Du Yehu is now.

Jiang Wang thought about it, and Xunsheng touched it.

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