Red Heart Survey

Chapter 642 Asking about the dusty moon in the world

After reaching an agreement, Miaoyu left alone.

And Huang Jinmo has been independent of the tall building for a long time.

In the end, he only sighed: "How can there be a dusty moon in the world?"



"How can there be a dusty moon in the world, and how can there be a bright moon that obscures mountains and rivers?"

As long as its own light is dazzling enough, one day it will be able to hang high in the night sky and illuminate mountains and rivers.

Leaving from Jiujiang City, Jiang Wang hurried all the way.

He was almost running away, afraid that he couldn't help but turn around and tell Du Yehu the truth.

He believed that Du Yehu would grow up one day and be able to flatten his anger with his fists. but not now. Far from now.

Just like a tiger crouching on a barren hill, it needs to gain, and its lurking minions endure. (1)

This trip back to Zhuangguo was also a process of tearing up the scars.

Those who know nothing suffer as much as those who bear everything.

On the way back to Ling Xiao Pavilion, Jiang Wang didn't stop at "Fenglin Ghost Domain" any more, and he reunited with Xiao An'an peacefully.

In the next few days, Jiang Wang did not forget to supervise Jiang An'an while he was practicing hard. Of course, after practicing every day, he would still take An'an to play around.

In a few days, the brother and sister visited all the more famous places in Yunguo, and tasted all the famous food. Ye Qingyu travels with her occasionally, but spends most of her time preparing for the battle against Chi Yunshan.

Happy times are always short, especially for Jiang An'an. Because the time for Chi Yunshan to open the mountain has finally arrived.

On this day, Jiang Wangchu was waiting in a cloud corridor.

And Jiang An'an was fighting with the stack of copybooks newly bought by his own brother in his small room. At least during the period when Chi Yunshan started the mountain, she probably didn't have much free time to "make trouble".

With a breeze blowing, the owner of the High Heaven Pavilion drifted over.

After looking around, he asked, "That trash apprentice Xiang Fengqi left?"

People like Ye Lingxiao, of course, can't fail to see the teacher's legacy. And Xiang Fengqi did leave a very deep impression on him.

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment before realizing who Ye Lingxiao was talking about, and couldn't help being a little unhappy: "Qianqian is not a waste."

"You are his friend, so you can't listen to the truth?" Ye Lingxiao frowned and said, "What kind of person is Xiang Fengqi? As his apprentice, he has no fighting spirit at all and is depressed. What is it if it's not trash?"

It's not that he has any malicious intentions, it's just that he is proud by nature, and he can't see the look of moving forward and not thinking about making progress. Especially Xiang Fengqi, the master who moved forward, was the one who left a deep impression on him.

But sometimes, even when there is no malice, it can be very hurtful.

Even when Qianqian was frustrated, he didn't want to embarrass his master in Ling Xiao Pavilion. Presumably, for that invincible Xiang Fengqi, he also has considerable respect for Ye Lingxiao.

Rather than saying that Xiangqian valued Ye Lingxiao's views, it would be better to say that Xiang Fengqi was what he cared about. He cared about Xiang Fengqi's face.

Jiang Wang said seriously: "You haven't experienced his life, please don't take the liberty to judge him."

"Oh?" Ye Lingxiao raised his beautiful but suddenly sharp eyes: "Are you teaching the pavilion master how to do things?"

Jiang Wang felt that he had some disagreements with the Lord of the Lingxiao Pavilion, why every time they met, it seemed like they were going to fight... But no matter what, he couldn't ignore others who slandered his friends in front of him.

"Jiang Wang didn't dare. But going forward is definitely not a waste, if you don't believe me, just wait three or two years."

"Heh." Ye Lingxiao sneered.

But this sneer suddenly turned into a big laugh.

He laughed warmly, and patted Jiang Wang's shoulder: "You are not bad, you have to worry about going to Chi Yunshan."

Jiang Wang was confused at first, but when he saw Ye Qingyu flying over, he understood.

So he laughed and said, "I will."

"Father." Ye Qingyu flew to the side, suspiciously said: "Isn't it said that I am responsible for Chi Yunshan's matter?"

"Ah, yes, yes." Ye Lingxiao's smile at this time was genuine and extremely gentle: "We Qingyu have grown up, and it's time to be our own."

"Then you are?"

"I'll give it away, give it away."

The domineering Ye Lingxiao would probably only have such a submissive side in front of his daughter.

"No need! Send me thousands of miles away, and you will have to say goodbye." Ye Qingyu waved his hand: "Your old man, please go back."

"Okay, Xia Xia Ye, please go slowly." Ye Lingxiao glanced at Jiang Wang by the way: "Young Xia Jiang, please be careful too."

No matter how dull Jiang Wang was, he could tell that Ye Lingxiao's "careful" wasn't to tell him to be careful of Chi Yunshan's danger.

In return, he nodded honestly: "Please rest assured, Lord Ye."

"Let's go." Ye Qingyu was very straightforward, and got up straight away.

Jiang Wang also hurriedly followed.

After the two flew away, the sea of ​​clouds surged, and a strange-looking beast squeezed out.

It is said to be grotesque because it is covered with cloud patterns, but has a single horn on its head. It is three feet long and has fur like down. Stepping on the cloud with four legs, there is a ball of colorless water polo attached to its long tail.

It stood in front of Ye Lingxiao, and said: "Chi Yunshan is not helpless if he wants to be sure. Is this young man reliable?"

"Children can't tell lies, they can only serve as a mirror to reflect the adults around them. Being able to teach An An like that is enough to show Jiang Wang's character."

Ye Lingxiao said slowly: "As for his strength... the Qi people have seen it very clearly."

"Hehehe..." The strange beast chuckled softly, "He doesn't seem to be afraid of you. Is Tianjiao always so high-spirited? How dare he talk back in front of a real person?"

"It's not that he's not afraid of me. It's that he is persistent and knows how to measure. It's not easy for him to know how to measure at this age."

"It sounds like you admire him a lot?" Yi Beast was thoughtful.

Ye Lingxiao smiled, his smile was handsome and charming, but unfortunately, there was only this strange beast in front of him, so he couldn't appreciate it.

"Yunding Immortal Palace has a unique inheritance, and its magical powers are rare in the world. To obtain the magical powers of Yunzhuan, the first thing is not to kill people. So although I arranged a lot of experiences for Qingyu, she has never really experienced life and death. In the confrontation, you will definitely suffer. With Jiang Wang, a teammate with both strength and brains, both persistence and sense of proportion, this trip has great opportunities."

"Yunding Xiangong pays attention to the fate of unintentional willows. Do you remember the four-character prophecy? It is called 'unintentional fate'. The more you focus on inheritance, the less chance you have." The strange beast knows that the opportunity he said is not only Only Yun Zhuan couldn't help saying in a muffled voice: "Don't meddle too much."

Ye Lingxiao smiled proudly: "How could I not know? Don't worry, my family, Qingyu, is with me. She is good-looking and talented, and she will definitely be able to get Yunzhuan. And she will definitely be able to..."

"Yunzhuan..." The strange beast grunted twice: "This supernatural power has not been seen for hundreds of years, it is really nostalgic."

"Yes." Ye Lingxiao also sighed: "I didn't know the rules back then, otherwise I would have won it long ago. Why did I wait until Qingyu grows up?"

The strange beast exposed it ruthlessly: "If it weren't for me, you would have been..."

"If it wasn't for me, would you lose your head? Ah Chou!" Ye Lingxiao countered disdainfully.

"Ye Xiaohua, you have no conscience!" Yi Beast was also angry: "I almost lost my head, isn't it to save you? You have no skills and you like to brag. Once you go, you want others to go with you, but they beat you to death Not heading north! If it wasn't for me..."

"I'm not good at it?" Ye Lingxiao jumped over, grabbed Ah Chou's horn, and passed the topic like a rascal, angrily said: "I won't teach you a lesson today, you don't know how powerful I, Ye, is!"

The strange beast named Ah Chou was furious, swung its long tail, and stirred up waves in the sea of ​​clouds: "Ye Xiaohua, try to move me!"

Before the words fell, he took a punch.


Ye Lingxiao directly threw Ah Chou away, rolled up his sleeves and jumped into the sea of ​​clouds.

But seeing the clouds and mist billowing, I couldn't see the real situation clearly.

Only Ah Chou's voice kept coming out, roaring again and again——

"I'm fighting with you!"

"Oh! It hurts, hurts!"

"Let go, let go, the hair is torn off!"

"Don't rely on your realm if you have the ability!"

In the end, Ye Lingxiao laughed wildly: "I'm not capable! What's the matter!"

Ps: "Just like a tiger lying on a barren hill, lurking in its minions to endure." ——From Water Margin, Song Jiang's Xijiangyue

However, when used here, the meaning of the expression is not the same.

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