Red Heart Survey

Chapter 655: Genting Immortal Palace

Before entering the hole in the sky, Jiang Wang vaguely saw an old man with white hair flying desperately towards the top of the mountain.

But just a flash of thought, the world in front of me is already different.

It was a ruin, a ruin of great grandeur.

It seems inappropriate to use the word "magnificent" to describe the ruins, but it is indeed Jiang Wang's truest feeling.

The pillars of the sky-reaching porch were broken in front, and the shards of glazed tiles lost all their luster.

Ruined walls and ruins, full of prosperity and decline.

Even the occasional breeze can't disturb the deep silence. The stories of this place are all buried in the dust.

Flying is not allowed here, there is an ancient rule, steeped in history. It seems that a long-standing honor still sticks to its reserve after a long withering.

In front was a broken lamp, Jiang Wang walked around it and landed on a floor tile that was only half left.


The floor tiles were easily crushed and scattered like a pile of sand.

Jiang Wang quickly turned around and picked and walked forward. Some floor tiles were intact, and some were already decayed, and they dissipated with just a light touch.

Under the floor tiles is a jade-like foundation. The faint and complicated dark lines on it made Jiang Wang have no idea of ​​direct contact.

"Cloud Top Immortal Palace?"

Facing all this before him, the first thing Jiang Wang thought of was Yunding Fairy Palace mentioned by Dou Mian.

Although what you see in front of you is already in ruins, you can still imagine its greatness from the dilapidated present... perhaps only "Xiangong" can describe it.

However, if the connecting place at the end of the cloud steps is Yunding Xiangong, there is no way to explain why it suddenly appeared. Taking off the supernatural power fruit is obviously not the reason for the appearance of Yunding Immortal Palace, otherwise, why would Doumian and Yunyou Weng fight to death in the welcoming pavilion. At least there should be the so-called "Secret Order to Enter and Exit" to be able to enter Yunding Immortal Palace, right?

But what I saw in front of me seemed to have no other possibility except Yunding Immortal Palace.

So why does it appear? What conditions do you meet?

I can't figure it out for a while. Jiang Wang stopped his thoughts, carefully observed and walked inside.

The place where he is seems to be a great hall, which has collapsed into disrepair, but the outline of the past can be vaguely felt.

So far, the ruins that impressed Jiang Wang the most are Kurongyuan, where the atmosphere is weird and there are inexplicable horrors left. And the place in front of me, when it is complete, must be far more magnificent than the Kurongyuan, but when walking in it, I can only feel the silence.

A dead silence where not even terror exists.

Judging from the broken walls and ruins, there are traces of battles, sharp sections, and bumpy marks everywhere...

But neither bones nor blood were seen. It seems that everything here has been annihilated by time.

Walking among the ruins, Jiang Wang could imagine that if the place could be restored, he would be no more conspicuous than an ant walking among the ruins.

He has been to Donghua Pavilion and seen the Qi Palace, a powerful country in the world.

But the scale of Qi Palace is far smaller than this.

Such a great palace was destroyed by what force? What was the reason for the destruction of the former Genting Immortal Palace?

"Why can I enter here, but Ye Qingyu, who owns Chi Yunshan's inheritance, can't? What about Doumian, who conquered the Lingkong Palace, and Yun Youweng, who walks alone, can they enter this place?"

Jiang Wang had countless questions in his mind, but no one could ask them.

Jiang Yan remained silent for some reason.

He was sure that Jiang Yan might know something, but Jiang Yan didn't say anything, and he couldn't force it.

He can only find the answer by himself.

For a lot of time in the past, he walked alone like this. He's quite used to it.

He put his footsteps very lightly, and there was always a feeling that if he stepped a little harder, this place would collapse again.

The dilapidated fairy palace is still tall, and people walking in it still cannot see the end at a glance.

Turn around a place that should be an arch, and there is a screen wall in front of you.

One side has gone through countless times and is still largely well preserved.

There are gorgeous carvings on the screen wall, which seem to depict a group of graceful fairies dancing. These carvings are also rare and somewhat clear.

It seemed that they were protected by some kind of power, resisting the damage that would wipe out the entire Genting Asgard.

But the two blood characters covering it destroyed all the beauty.

These two blood characters are written elegantly and unrestrainedly, the writer must be a romantic and unrestrained character, but they give people the impression of ferocious and terrifying.

There is a kind of hopeless fear leaking from the blood.

Those two words are - "Taoist".

Below the bloody words, there is a long dragged down bloody handprint. It seems that the person who wrote these two words in blood back then was dragged away by some kind of horrible existence just after writing these two words.

Road thief?

Jiang Wang chewed these two words repeatedly.

The thief of the road?

The thief of Taoism?

Is it a person, or a force? A kind of monster? A secret technique?

In this collapsed Yunding Immortal Palace, the word "Taoist" is the only clue he has found so far. But he still couldn't deduce any answer to this.

He even knows nothing about Yunding Asgard itself. He didn't even know how he got in.

The only thing he knows is that Chi Yunshan should be the mountain gate of Yunding Immortal Palace, and the Lingxiao Pavilion in Yunguo, Qingyun Pavilion in Yongguo, Lingkong Temple in Chengguo, and the lone wandering old man all have a relationship with Chiyunshan .

Jiang Wang pinched Yin Jue, and the chains of the prison body protruded from the void, touching the two blood characters lightly. The original intention was to get more information by feeling those two words through the prison chain. In such a mysterious place, he certainly couldn't feel it directly with his hands.

However, when the bloody words were touched on the dark prison chains...

Strange things happened.

The two blood characters disappeared stroke by stroke.

And the entire prison chain was erased piece by piece! It's like this prison chain is just a fake chain painted on it, just like it was wiped off with a rag!

Jiang Wang will never forget that in the welcoming pavilion in the south of Chiyun Mountain, the carolina disappeared in front of them like this!

Every prison chain has its limit length. Jiang Wang has stretched the chain as far as possible, but he can only watch it getting shorter and shorter.

When the two blood characters on the screen wall disappeared completely, Jiang Wang's prison chain also disappeared.

He managed to get two prison chains, but one of them disappeared immediately just because he touched the bloody letter. The loss is not insignificant.

And with the disappearance of the word "Taoist", Jiang Wang faintly felt that something was lightly tied to Dao's heart. He can't see clearly, can't think clearly.

At the same time, the screen wall in front of him suddenly twisted.

Everything you see and feel is undergoing wonderful changes.

Jiang Wang seemed to "jump" out of Yunding Fairy Palace suddenly, looking down from a completely different angle.

It's like being in the void of the universe, in an unknowable place.

The ruins of the entire Yunding Immortal Palace are shrinking, but Jiang Wang himself seems to be expanding.

At this moment, he seemed to sense many light spots scattered in the vast universe...

A kind of enlightenment arose in his heart——

Those are the fragments of Genting Asgard.

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