Red Heart Survey

Chapter 660 Don't Make Resentment

Chiyun Mountain was originally the mountain gate of Yunding Fairy Palace.

At a certain historical moment, Yunding Immortal Palace was turned into ruins, and Chi Yunshan was also closed because of this.

The fruit of supernatural powers is formed once in thirty-three years, which is actually the last foundation of Yunding Immortal Palace. This foundation can only be cultivated every thirty-three years to support Chi Yunshan's founding of the mountain and find successors for Yunding Immortal Palace.

In other words, although the supernatural fruit is a rare treasure in the world, Chi Yunshan does not exist for the supernatural fruit at all. More is to use the magical fruit as Chi Yunshan's source of power to support Chi Yunshan's various arrangements to take effect.

For example, the welcoming pavilion in the south of the mountain, the water pool in the north of the mountain, and even the cloud beast on the once the supernatural power fruit is picked, the time of Chi Yunshan will soon end, because the power has been exhausted.

Jiang Wang knew this when he gained Chi Yunshan's authority.

What he didn't know was why Yunding Asgard was destroyed. In the mouth of the welcoming boy, it was a catastrophe, but he didn't explain clearly what the catastrophe was, and it dissipated.

What he also didn't know was how to revive Yunding Immortal Palace. He did have Yunding Immortal Palace, but he did not get anything, except for a ruin.

He suppressed Yunyou Weng and Doumian by using Chi Yunshan's original power. This kind of power cannot be recovered by itself, use a little less. As a metaphor, if Chi Yunshan is the furnace, the magic fruit is the firewood that grows and cuts down every 33 years, and the original power is the charcoal of the furnace itself. Until Jiang Wang finds new charcoal, it will not regenerate. Increase.

Therefore, in Chi Yunshan's operating system, once the firewood of Shentongguo is taken away, the furnace of Chi Yunshan will stop operating. This is to preserve the original power and ensure that Chi Yunshan's inheritance can continue until the successor appears.

The reason why Jiang Wang used Chi Yunshan's original power at any cost to suppress Yunyou Weng and Doumian was to create the established impression that the overall situation was under control. Directly use the sudden crushing method to let the two see the gap and give up resistance. But in fact, with Chi Yunshan's remaining strength, it might not be able to kill these two people directly.

Yunyou Weng was able to move his neck under the madness of jealousy and hatred, which is a proof. It's just that he is full of jealousy and hatred, maybe he didn't realize it.

The communication with the welcoming boy was completed in Wufu Hai, and not much time passed.

On the top of Chiyun Mountain, Yunyou Weng was still shouting sadly, full of resentment, hating the injustice of the sky and the injustice of the world.

Jiang Wang seemed to be able to understand his resentment after learning that he could not help himself in reincarnation and returned without success.

Of course, he has always been able to understand others, but he has always had his own principles.

But now, Yunyou Weng's previous life, the welcoming boy of Yunding Immortal Palace, made a request to make him die convinced and not to take unwillingness to the next life...

Jiang Wangben had already planned to refuse, pity for pity, facing a ruthless man like Yunyou Weng who sacrificed his life for 80 years in exchange for combat power, trying to kill him by all means, and thinking of convincing him, it was simply overinflated. joke. But the welcoming boy said that this Yunyou Weng was involved in the opportunity for the recovery of Yunding Immortal Palace...

He really has no clue about the recovery of Yunding Asgard. Empty into the treasure mountain, but I don't know where the treasure is.

Is this opportunity worth taking a gamble on?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Wang looked at Yunyou Weng: "I don't know how I got Yunding Fairy Palace. But after much deliberation..."

He glanced at Ye Qingyu.

"It should be related to the layout of Pavilion Master Ye."

Thinking about it now, Chi Yunshan's trip this time, the opponent is very strong, but he and Ye Qingyu took advantage of it quite smoothly. In connection with Ye Lingxiao's various anomalies beforehand, Jiang Wang himself would absolutely not believe that there was no arrangement by Ye Lingxiao.

The only thing that Jiang Wang couldn't understand was why Ye Qingyu was not the one who got Yunding Fairy Palace in the end, but him. Ye Lingxiao didn't seem to be so kind to him, and there's no reason not to leave the benefits to her own daughter?

But if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. It doesn't prevent Jiang Wang from coming up with this analysis and pulling Ye Lingxiao out to make a tiger skin to suppress Yunyou Weng's unwillingness.

He looked down at Yunyou Weng from a high position, with the calmness of a winner: "Why do you think that your efforts and planning should be able to surpass a real person in this world?"

While saying these words, Jiang Wang was actually secretly alerting himself. Yunyou Weng didn't know that his hard work for several lifetimes all ended in failure. In front of the real person Ye Lingxiao, all his hard work was worthless. Ye Qingyu easily gained the supernatural power of Yunzhuan, and Ye Lingxiao's arrangement showed no trace but came to fruition.

And Zhuang Gaoxian is also a real person in the world, and he has achieved Dongzhen one step earlier than Ye Lingxiao.

If I remember correctly, when the turmoil just broke out in Fenglin City, Ouyang Lie, the Bone Dao, stirred up the wind and rain in Yunguo, attracting attention. At that time, Ye Lingxiao had not yet achieved Dongzheng. And it was precisely during the change in Fenglin City that Zhuang Gaoxian recovered from his injuries and was shattered in one fell swoop.

For Zhuang Gaoxian, he needs to make the most complete preparations, and he must not be self-righteous.

"so what?"

Yunyou Weng She lived eighty years, a young man in his early twenties, as old as half of his body buried in the earth.

Facing Jiang Wang's words, he was not convinced.

Under the dry eyelids, there is a pair of bloodshot eyes of resentment.

"You people don't need to work hard, struggle, or pay. It's just that you have a good father and a good child, so you can easily have everything?"

Jiang Wang didn't explain to him that he also came from an ordinary background, and he didn't have any background, so he got to where he is today step by step. He didn't want to talk about that, so he just asked: " are not convinced?"

"Of course I don't accept it!" Yun Youweng roared: "You young masters and young ladies are all trash! If you had the same background as me, you wouldn't be able to survive now! Why should I submit? You rely on Chi Yunshan's restraint, Only then can I stand and talk to me! Why should I obey?"

He was all the voice of an old man, the look of an old man. But inside and outside the words, it is the unconvinced young people. Accumulating the fate of an unknown number of lifetimes aggravated his unwillingness.

"Then I'll give you a chance." Jiang Wang drew his sword in his hand, and took the initiative to let go of Chi Yunshan's power suppression: "Fight with me alone, determine the outcome, divide life and death, let you be convinced! I also want you to know , is it as you said, everyone else is trash, only you have worked hard and fought hard!"

It is said to be a fair fight, but it is actually not fair.

Because the connection between Yunyou Weng and the Starlight Sacred Building was interrupted, it will be impossible to establish a connection for a while, and almost half of the ability of the outer building is abolished. Moreover, he fought with Dou Mian first, and consumed all of Dou Mian's Dou Zhan golden body, and then was crushed by Chi Yunshan's power, and his momentum was far inferior to that of the first one.

Of course, Jiang Wang might not have made this decision if it was really a top-notch Sanwailou.

He is willing to give fairness when his ability allows. It doesn't mean that you are looking for death easily for the so-called fairness of others.

Yunyou Weng also understood that this was the best condition.

In the situation where I am the fish and the man is the knife, if the other party is willing to let go of the suppression and face him alone, what kind of fairness can he expect?

So he immediately jumped up from the ground: "Come! Dugu is invincible! If you can kill me, there will be no resentment!"

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