Red Heart Survey

Chapter 662: An Opportunity for Recovery

Yunyou Weng should be regarded as convinced and died.

But what the welcome boy said, where is the opportunity for Yunding Immortal Palace to recover?

Jiang Wang didn't search Yunyou Weng's body immediately, but stood up, drew out his long sword, and looked at Dou Mian.

When he let go of Yunyou Weng before, he also let go of Doumian at the same time.

Doumian didn't know that Chi Yunshan's power was limited, but thought Jiang Wang was confident. Seeing Jiang Wang looking over at this time, he raised the knife in his hand: "How about it, do you want to give me a fair chance to fight?"

Just as Jiang Wang was about to speak, Yunyou Weng's body changed.

On the top of the sky spirit, there are clouds gushing out and condensing quickly.

At the same time as the clouds formed, Yunyou Weng's body shrank and dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, there was only a skeleton covered in a coir raincoat, clean and smooth. Jiang Wang didn't need to search for the corpse anymore, because he had already seen everything, and it seemed that there was nothing.

But that little cloud is even whiter, softer, and has a hint of aura.

It was as if it had sucked everything out of the corpse and used it to nourish itself. But it doesn't give people a strange feeling, it seems to be a kind of truth, a kind of cycle. Like the sun and the moon, the tide ebbs and flows.

After the cloud was completely formed, it seemed to be attracted by some force and floated towards Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang also faintly sensed that the Yunding Fairy Palace in Wufu Sea had issued a "call" to this cloud. So there was no resistance.

Xiaoyun seemed to be flying slowly and quickly, and directly "bumped" into Wufuhai.

The moment it entered Wufuhai, three hundred black snakes emerged out of thin air, got into this little cloud, and immediately turned it upside down.

Naturally, Jiang Wang couldn't let it enter Wufuhai unsuspectingly. However, after a careful inspection by the Soul Concealed Snake, no abnormalities were found.

He withdrew his soul and hid the snake, neither obstructing nor relaxing. Watch this cloud "swim" into the ruins of Genting Asgard.

Suddenly, a spot of light flew out from the tablet of sending gods in Yunding Immortal Palace. The spot of light was tiny and was a little bit of true spirit!

Jiang Wang knew early on that Jishenyu could warm and nourish the true spirit. But he did not find it in the stele of sending gods before.

This point of true spirit landed on Xiaoyun and was wrapped up by Xiaoyun.

The clouds churned for a while, like some kind of painful pregnancy process, and then, a child in white stood on the clouds.

Look at the appearance, it is the welcoming boy who did not know how many years ago!

Jiang Wang was alert.

But the welcoming boy turned around and paid respects to Jiang Wang's soul: "Meet the Immortal Lord!"

His face was a little immature, but it was roughly the same as what Jiang Wang had seen before. The biggest change is in the eyes. The eyes in the past were sad, lost, and empty, but now they are clear, ignorant, with deep nostalgia, not like a fake.

And after this big ceremony, Jiang Wang immediately felt that he had some kind of control over the boy. As long as he moves his mind, he can disintegrate the boy and Yun Duo together, and the power falls into Yunding Immortal Palace.

It was this life-and-death control that made Jiang Wang relax a lot.

He tentatively asked: "Are you..."

The boy was about seven or eight years old, and he tilted his head when he heard the words, and he was a little cute: "I am me."

Jiang Wang asked: "Young Yunyou? Welcome boy?"

The boy shook his head: "I don't know."

He seems to have lost his memory...

The boy's situation at this time is different from the previous afterimage of the past. The afterimage of the welcoming boy's past was not immediately shattered under the influence of Chi Yunshan and Yunding Immortal Palace, so he reluctantly communicated with Jiang Wang A few words.

But at this time, it seems that after the death of the unknown reincarnation of the welcoming boy, the remaining nutrients and even fate merged with a bit of true spirit hidden deep in the stele to form this little boy.

He is the combination of the past and the present, and it is like a new life.

It is quite normal for a little true spirit to be incapable of carrying memory, but it is really incredible that Master Guanyan started a new path of practice in the state of true spirit.

"Then what's your name?" Jiang Wang asked.

The boy bowed down again: "Please give me a name from the fairy master."

Jiang Wang said casually, "Let's call him the welcome boy."

The boy pouted, as if dissatisfied that he was so perfunctory and used the name he just said casually. It seems that although he has lost his memory, he is not an idiot.

"Baiyun boy." Jiang Wang remedied: "It's called Baiyun boy, it sounds nice and easy to remember!"

The boy grinned: "Boy Baiyun thanked the Immortal Lord!"

Jiang Wang waved his hand and asked casually, "How many true spirits are hidden in the Jishen Tablet?"

From Baiyun Boy's birth, he suddenly thought, could there be other people's true spirits hidden in the Yunding Immortal Palace, the stele for sending gods?

If they can all be resurrected one day...would it be possible to reproduce the glory of Yunding Immortal Palace?

Of course, it is even more worrying. If so many true spirits come out one by one, is Yunding Immortal Palace still its own Yunding Immortal Palace? Is this Wufuhai still his own Wufuhai?

Boy Baiyun shook his head: "There is nothing in it, only me."

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and then asked: "What happened to the catastrophe that destroyed Yunding Fairy Palace back then?"

Baiyun boy looked blank: "It was like this when I woke up. It has been a long time, and it has not changed...until you, Immortal Lord, appeared."

Jiang Wang has known three of these boys so far.

One is the afterimage that existed in the past, the other is his reincarnation, the wandering old man who has suffered a lot and has a deep hatred, and the other is the little boy in front of him who doesn't know what to ask.

If it goes back to the ancient times, it is indeed a person.

Jiang Wang also didn't know what kind of existence this new boy was when the true spirit of the past combined with Xiaoyun, who was rising from the reincarnated corpse.

He said with the mentality of hitting a shot if he has no dates: "The opportunity for the recovery of Yunding Immortal Palace..."

Once Yunding Immortal Palace recovers, if there are no other hidden dangers, it is of course very exciting. He couldn't be careless about this matter.

As if some kind of sealing mechanism had been touched, Baiyun Boy blurted out: "Qingyun Pavilion, Lingkong Palace, Lingxiao Pavilion."

"Qingyun Pavilion, Lingkong Palace, Lingxiao Pavilion?" Jiang Wang frowned: "What do you mean?"

Boy Baiyun shook his head again: "I don't know, it's just that when you asked the question, Immortal Master, these names suddenly appeared in your mind. It seems... It's the answer."

Whether it is Baiyun boy's previous life or Yingke boy's later reincarnation, they all have a certain understanding of Yunding fairy palace. The degree of understanding is best with the earliest welcoming boy.

Jiang Wang had no choice but to trust him.

"Does it mean to take over Qingyun Pavilion, Lingkong Temple, and Lingxiao Pavilion? Or get some kind of token? An inheritance?"

Baiyun Boy didn't answer. Apparently he didn't know the answer either.

It is very difficult for Qingyun Pavilion to be located in Yong Kingdom. Theoretically, the High Heaven Pavilion is the most difficult to deal with, but if you just need some kind of token, you may not be able to discuss it with Ye Qingyu. Anyway, Chi Yunshan will not continue...

As for the Ling Kong Temple, there is a chance right now.



Seeing that Jiang Wang didn't respond for a long time, Doumian thought he was hesitating. Deliberately shouted loudly: "Why, don't you dare? Can you only bully Yun Youweng who cut off the connection with the outer building?"

"No chance of a fair fight."

Jiang Wang turned his attention away from Wufuhai and looked at Dou Mian: "I will give you a chance to buy your life."

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