Red Heart Survey

Chapter 674: Hatred

Yong State is an established powerful country. When it was the strongest in the early years, it once went north to compete with Jing State, but unfortunately failed in the end and had to retreat back.

The hero of the generation who led the Yong Kingdom to its peak unfortunately died in the battle in Jingdi, which directly led to the decline of the Yong Kingdom.

The hero of the Yong Kingdom was in the prime of life when he conquered himself. Although he established a prince in advance, he did not transfer too much power.

So something worse happened.

He died on the battlefield, while the crown prince died directly in the East Palace.

Immediately afterwards, the "three kings seized the throne" occurred, and the whole country fell into division for a while, and the three princes each occupied a place and attacked each other. At that time, Zhuang Chengqian, the general who expanded the border in the south, even took the opportunity to break the ground and directly established Zhuangguo on the Qichang Mountains.

Yong State was supposed to be a behemoth encompassing the Qichang Mountains and Zhuang State's three thousand miles of land. If there was enough time to unify the entire northwest of the Western Territory, it might not be able to compete with the world's powerful countries again.

It's a pity that because of the rebellion of the three kings seizing the throne and Zhuang Chengqian's betrayal, Xiongtu's hegemony was destroyed in one fell swoop.

Later, the chaos of the Three Kings subsided, and the Yong Kingdom was unified again, but because of the bad international situation, it was still unable to take back the land of the Zhuang Kingdom.

Time has changed and the situation has changed, and today's Yong Kingdom is no longer what it used to be. But after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and it can still retain a certain prestige in the northwest of the Western Territory.

Now Zhuanguo has been established for more than three hundred years, and the country has long been stable, and the mountains and rivers are hard to change.

Except for occasional provocations in border affairs, Yongguo can only watch most of the time. After all, no matter whether it is Jingguo, whom Zhuangguo embraced from afar, or Jingguo, who interrupted Yongguo's hegemony, they would not want to see a hegemonic Yongguo appear.

Lingbei Prefecture, Canglin County, a beautiful hill.

A group of high disciples from the Qingyan Sword Sect rest here temporarily.

The eldest brother Situ Jian is telling the "secret stories" of the world. He is very eloquent and his speech is wonderful and twists and turns.

"Do you know what is... a demon?"

The younger brothers and younger sisters all listened attentively.

Situ Jian glanced at the most beautiful little junior sister from the corner of his eye, and seeing her pale face, with a look of fear and anticipation in her eyes, he couldn't help but become more excited.

"Look at the word 'devil'."

Situ Jian drew his sword and carved words on the stone, his movements were chic and smooth, and his voice was low.

"It's a ghost dressed in hemp, the ghost that wants people's lives! And the devil among people is even more vicious, the ghost among ghosts!"

"But the nine great human demons..."

Situ Jian narrated for a while, then suddenly asked: "Do you know who the Ninth Demon is?"

"I know!" The little junior sister said timidly: "The heart-swallowing man Xiongwen was killed by Zhu Weiwo."

Situ Jian frowned. As a cultivator of Yong Kingdom, he certainly didn't like Zhuang Guo Tianjiao, whose reputation like Zhu Weiwo could be passed on to Yong Kingdom. But it was not his turn to be unconvinced, and it was not his turn to be unconvinced.

"What is Xiong Wen?" Situ Jian scoffed, "He doesn't deserve his name at all!"

The little junior sister twisted her clothes: "But I heard that he eats people's hearts..."

As soon as the words "eat people's hearts" came out, all the juniors and juniors present who had never seen blood before were all a little nervous.

"He's not evil enough, nor strong enough, and there's nothing to say about dying under Zhu Weiwo's gun." Situ Jian said casually, and then said, "The ninth human demon I want to talk about is not him, but... the hater demon !"

"Heart-hating devil?" A junior couldn't help but asked, "Does he also eat people's hearts?"

Situ Jian glared at him dissatisfied, he is not sensible at all, I am a dignified master of the Qingyan Sword Sect, how can I answer the question of you, a stinking man. You wait for the junior sisters to ask!

But the question had already been uttered, and the junior sisters also cast their inquiring gazes over.

Although it is right to favor one over another, it should not be too obvious.

Still reluctantly, Situ Jian replied, "He doesn't eat people's hearts."

"But!" Situ Jian changed the subject: "He will ask people to answer a question first, and then dig out people's hearts to judge whether the answer is true or not. In a sense, he is much more vicious than Xiong Wen. Because Xiong Wen If you love to eat people's hearts, there is still a reason to kill and gouge people's hearts. But people who hate people's hearts just want to torture people."

All the juniors and juniors gasped in unison, trembling at this terrible existence.

Situ Jian quietly moved to the side of the junior sister, very satisfied with the trembling of the juniors who have never seen the world, this is the effect he wants. But from the corner of the eye, he suddenly noticed that there was a person who did not move.

Who is so fat?

Situ Jian looked over casually, but was startled.

Because he doesn't know this person at all!

Among the younger brothers and younger sisters who were sitting on the floor listening to stories, there was an extra person at some point, but he didn't realize it!

Moreover, before he saw this person, none of the trembling juniors and juniors noticed.

"Who are you?!" Situ Jian clenched his long sword tightly and asked sharply.

"Don't be nervous, keep talking," the man said.

"I ask who you are!" Situ Jian shouted.

How could he not be nervous? The sword energy on the long sword was bursting, and the sword formula passed down from the master's family was activated from the inside out, but it couldn't give him any confidence.

The younger brothers and sisters stood behind him one after another. Although they were nervous and ignorant, they were full of vigor and drew their swords to accompany him... But this still didn't make him courageous.

He tried his best to see that person's face, which was clearly unobstructed, but he always ignored all other details, only seeing those blood-colored eyes!

"who I am?"

The person with the blood-colored eyes seems to be asking himself.

But he quickly found the answer, showing his neat eight teeth, and said with a smile: "Didn't you just talk about me?"


This smile has a hideous sense of blood.

Someone directly behind was so frightened that the long sword left his hand and fell to the ground.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, it's nothing serious."

The hater seemed to be comforting him, but as he slowly stood up, everyone's fear reached a critical point.

"Go to hell!"

A younger brother held a sword and charged forward.

The long sword was sent straight, like a blue flame ignited, and the tip of the sword was the tip of the flame.

Situ Jian didn't know why, his heart seemed to be empty at this moment, freed from those fears and tensions. He actually had the leisure to judge his junior brother's sword style.

This sword is called Shilixiangsong.

The master said that when you practice to a high level, the green flame will burn for ten miles.

The younger brother's sword posture is well done, but the angle is not sophisticated enough. If it was him...

Situ Jian's mind was involuntarily diverging, and he saw that a hand suddenly appeared in his field of vision, directly crushing the head of that junior.

Red and white splashes, some of which hit his face, were hot.

Then he thought he heard a scream, but it wasn't quite real.

He wasn't sure if those cute junior sisters screamed, and he wasn't sure if those brave junior juniors scolded.

There is only one sentence, which he will probably never forget——

"I want to ask you a question."

It seems that someone with blood-colored eyes asks: "Am I a waste?"

Situ Jian was very vague.

That should be the question of the hater, but... Who are you asking?

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