Red Heart Survey

Chapter 681 Locking Dragon Pass

The nights of Yong State are different from those of Zhuang State, and the world has its own joys and sorrows.

After Lingbei Mansion was defeated, Yiyang Mansion was the most important line of defense in the south of Yong Kingdom.

Suolong Pass in Yiyang Prefecture was once the most important pass in Yong State. Ever since the territory of Yong State crossed the Qichang Mountains and expanded to Zhuangdi, this grand pass lost its strategic significance.

Zhuang Chengqian broke ground and established a country in Zhuangdi, and Suolongguan regained some value, but it was not taken seriously. Most of the energy of Yong State's frontier defense is actually the defense line built around the Qichang Mountains.

It's a pity that on the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, it was attacked and destroyed by the army led by Zhuangguo General Huangfu Duanming. Yong Kingdom's southern frontier defense, which consumed a huge amount of manpower and material resources, failed to exert its value at all and collapsed.

Fortunately, Suolongguan has a history after all, and the city walls and formations are still there, resisting the second wave of offensive from Zhuangguo's army, and waiting until Han Yin came.

At this moment, Zhuang Guo's strategic intentions are already very obvious.

Zhuang Gaoxian personally led the conquest, and fought against the country, betting all the chips at once, and did not intend to fight a protracted war with the Yong Kingdom. Instead, he wanted a quick victory. When most of the war potential of the Yong Kingdom failed to mobilize, he directly crossed the Qichang Mountains and drove straight in, all the way to the Tianming Mansion, the capital of the Yong Kingdom.

Jiujiang Xuanjia and Baiyu Army, the two most elite troops are placed in the front, rushing forward as arrows, while the ordinary army is behind to stabilize the front and secure the victory.

At the very beginning, they had indeed achieved very impressive results. The frontier defense in the south of Yong Kingdom was directly penetrated by the First World War, and the Lingbei Mansion was also destroyed in a single day.

Such a result of the battle made Luo and Jing decide to make a decision, and sent troops to divide the attack, directly pushing Yong to the edge of the cliff.

If the Zhuang Kingdom can complete the established strategy, directly penetrate the Yong Kingdom, drive straight into it, and hit the Mansion of Heaven, even without breaking it, the surrounding forces that are about to move will rush up and divide the food of this old beast.

The Yong Kingdom also saw this, the Supreme Emperor Han Yin, who had ignored political affairs for many years, broke through and rushed to Suolong Pass alone, blocking Zhuang Guo's soldiers first.

Afterwards, armies from all over the world were mobilized to fight Zhuang Gaoxian at Suolong Pass.

Today, the strategic significance of Suolongguan is very important. Not only because there is no danger to defend after this pass, but once it is broken, the richest and softest hinterland of the entire Yong Kingdom will be exposed to the eyes of the enemy.

It's even more because Han Yin is here.

In the face of Zhuangguo's raid, Han Yin came to Suolongguan alone, showing his keen insight into the situation and his superhuman courage, and he did temporarily block Zhuangguo's soldiers, proving that he was still that The lord of the Yong Kingdom who tried his best to turn the tide.

But it also puts itself at risk.

Zhuang Gaoxian is also a real person in this world, and at this moment, Chen Bing has 300,000 soldiers in front of Suolong Pass. Once he breaks through the pass, he has a great chance to kill Han Yin.

Conversely, Han Yin also used his criticality to firmly lock Zhuang Guo's army under Suolongguan. Once the Qin Wang's divisions from all over the place meet in front of the pass, they may not be able to drive Zhuang Jun back to the south of the Qichang Mountains, and even attack Xin'an City.


It was already night, but the hanging lanterns were all over the battlefield, reflecting the night like day.

The fighting at Suolong Pass did not stop for a moment, the huge army force attacked the pass again and again, and the large formation at Suolong Pass trembled. The brilliant light and shadow Taoism intertwined with the splattered flesh and blood, the sword and the bone fought fiercely, and every moment, a large number of soldiers died.

On a temporary high platform, Zhuang Gaoxian, dressed in Chinese clothes, overlooked the battlefield. State Prime Minister Du Ruhui, General Huangfu Duanming, Jiujiang Xuanjia Chief General Duan Li, and White Feather Army Chief He Badao all stood behind him.

"What about Yao? Is there still no movement?" Zhuang Gaoxian asked casually.

Du Ruhui shook his head: "After Han Yin left the customs, he cut off contact with us. He probably won't rebel again."

Zhuang Gaoxian is neither sad nor happy: "It is also something that can be thought of. The old immortals have accumulated power for too long. These so-called princes are more obedient than dogs."

"That's right." Du Ruhui said, "No one dares to touch Han Yin without seeing blood."

"We have to find a way to make him bleed." Zhuang Gaoxian muttered to himself.

Right now, Zhuang Jun's situation is very good, but at this moment, these high-level officials on the stage understand that the situation has actually begun to change. Of course, this surprise attack by Zhuang Guo's army had been planned for a long time and was taken by surprise, but it did not achieve a complete strategic goal.

Han Yin was too decisive, daring to come to Yiyang Mansion alone, and unite his forces to defend Suolongguan, which was beyond their expectations.

And if Suolongguan cannot be defeated for a long time, they will fall into the quagmire of competing with Yong Guo for their background, and they will be defeated step by step.

Du Ruhui turned around and disappeared on the high platform.

Everyone on the high platform didn't react, they were used to this scene.

After a while, Du Ruhuifu stepped out of the air again and fell back to the high platform. His body was already stained with blood, but his expression was very calm: "Two of the eight marquises of Yong Kingdom have entered Suolongguan now, and at least three of them are on the way. .”

There are one prince and eight princes in Yong Kingdom, all of whom are powerful. Huaixiang Hou Yaoqi is one of them. He was also the only Hou Ye who was smugly moved by Du Ruhui in advance, and his attitude was ambiguous.

But Han Yin left the pass suddenly and blocked Zhuangguo's army at Suolong Pass by himself, showing determination and courage.

Yao Qi also became resolute immediately.

Zhuang Kingdom only has Du Ruhui and Huangfu Duanming, two superpowers, relying on the advantage of a large army to suppress the border, they can still fight against Suolongguan. Once the troops from all over the Yong Kingdom come together, the situation will not be optimistic.

Zhuang Gaoxian didn't look worried at all, but lightly clapped his palms and praised: "Han Yin broke through the pass and defended the city alone, so he is the king of the world. It's really a hero."

Huangfu Duanming held Guan Dao at the side, standing like a high mountain, without saying a word. Although he was the supreme commander of the Zhuang Kingdom's military, he rarely expressed his opinions in front of Du Ruhui and Zhuang Gaoxian except for the war itself.

Unlike the generals who were at odds with Du Ruhui in the past, Huangfu Duanming actually respects Du Ruhui very much.

"Who is that?" Zhuang Gaoxian asked suddenly.

Everyone followed his line of sight, only to see a very brave general with a bearded face in front of the left city wall of Suolong Pass.

He charged up the city wall several times, and was knocked down again, but quickly rushed up again, completely fearless of death. The blood on the top soars to the sky, gathering like wolf smoke. Even though he was only at the Soaring Dragon Realm, he showed an aura of inner palace level.

Among the thousands of troops, it is also eye-catching.

The formation at Suolongguan was fighting against the strength of Zhuang Guo's army. For these sporadic soldiers rushing to the formation, they could only choose to let them go.

Huangfu Duanming glanced at it, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's the Jiujiang Xuanjia military uniform."

Duan Li immediately said: "Your Majesty, General, this person is Du Yehu, a general under Jiujiang Xuanjia's command!"


Zhuang Gaoxian nodded and said nothing.

But everyone knows that this man named Du Yehu has already fallen into the eyes of the lord of the country. If he survives this battle, he will have a bright future in Zhuang Kingdom.

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