Red Heart Survey

Chapter 694 War


A bird jumped up from a slanting branch, flapped its wings, and left without looking back.

This is an unnamed green mountain, which is extremely silent in the bitter cold wind.

Birds and beasts were speechless, and the sound of surging water could be heard faintly.

It should not be far from here to the mighty Qingjiang River, which is 800 miles away.

On a slope, in the overgrown weeds, a figure curled up in it, motionless.

This is a teenager who has lost consciousness but has a frozen expression of pain.

Curled up like a baby, without all protection. However, even in this unconscious coma, the muscles on his body were still tense, as if he was still fighting in his sleep. He holds a half-scattered seal in his left hand, and holds a sword tightly in his right hand. Solidified like a sculpture.

Black mist swam inside and outside his body, and there were also strange black patterns spreading from his neck to his face. The black pattern is like a twisted bug, which at first glance seems to be wriggling. Looks very scary.

All the tenderness and firmness that used to appear on this face were gone, replaced by an evil feeling. It seems that he hates everything in the world, and even in pain, some conspiracy is brewing.

The black mist was deep and flexible, and it carried the ups and downs, engulfing the young man.

The comatose boy had only three spots on his body, which hadn't been completely corroded by the black.

One is the forehead, and the tightly locked eyebrows seem to be filled with some kind of firm will, like two strong gates, firmly intercepting the attack of the black pattern, and defending the Lingtai.

One is the right hand holding the sword. On the long sword with sheath, there are faint Sanskrit characters jumping out all the time, falling firmly into the black mist, like swimming fish jumping into the "Black Sea" again and again, one after another.

One is the connection between the spine and the cervical spine, where there is a red fire white lotus, which has two feelings of hotness and indifference at the same time, exuding distinct red light and white light, but at the same time resisting black.

It has been a long time since he fainted here.

The long and arduous battle is continuing in the body.

Everything in the outside world has nothing to do with him for the time being, even though the situation has been stirred up because of him.


"The tyrant Han Yin is dead!"

The two "blazing suns" in the sky have been extinguished. The real sun has not yet set, and it is stubbornly releasing the afterglow in the west.

Under the tragic light of the setting sun, it was raining in the sky here.

The next rain that was rare in this land before and will be rare in the future.

Bloody rain.

It was the color of blood that even the setting sun could not smudge in the slightest, an extremely pure, bloody color.

The fall of the real person, the heaven and the earth mourn together!

Zhuang Gaoxian held Han Yin's body in one hand, and flew down to the sky above Suolongguan, shouting loudly: "The victory and defeat have been divided, and the descendant will not die!"

The sound is like a dragon's roar, like a tiger's roar, roaring and rushing.

He released his publicity and domineering without reservation.

He was a monarch who had just ascended to the throne, and dared to conquer the strong with the weak before the court's power was firmly grasped.

Strong and sharp, even better than the founding ancestor.

Conceal the injury, hide in the deep palace, and keep it for many years.

If you don't fly, it's all right, soar into the sky. If you don't make a sound, it's a blockbuster!

How many years have the hidden minions endured.

As soon as he makes a move, he will go to Dongzhen and become a real person in the world. He will kill the general of Mo country with his palms and forcibly cut off ten cities of Mo country.

The second shot is to fight against the country, use the weak to defeat the strong, and personally fight to kill a generation of hero Han Yin!

The posture of the hero has been achieved, and there is no need for Zhuang Gaoxian to hide from now on!

Zhuang Gao envied the sound of the flood rolling by, and the sky was rained with blood.

The two Marquis Yong who were teaming up to kill Huangfu Duanming stopped without saying a word, turned around and ran away in a hurry. However, given the size of the world, they actually didn't know where to go! Even if they are dignified monks and marquises of meritorious service, they still can't dispel their panic!

Han Yin is dead! A generation of heroes, a real person in the world, a person who has ruled the Yong Kingdom for hundreds of years!

Han Yin will die, who can not die?

Na Fen Gehou flew all the way, and just arrived outside Suolong Pass, he already felt the tip of his nose wet. Looking up, the sky is raining blood, and the sky and the earth are in mourning.

He thought it was Zhuang Jun's fall. But Zhuang Gaoxian's voice shattered his fantasy.

He hurried over, but he didn't even have time to take a look at the chained dragon pass, so he turned and fled desperately.

The real person Han Yin died in battle, even if he had nine lives, it is not enough to explain here.

Yongguo is over!

He felt a great grief, an uncontrollable soreness in his eyes. The dignified cultivator, like a bereaved dog, flees while crying!

Nothing can escape Zhuang Gaoxian's gaze.

But he didn't pursue anyone, and he didn't mean to leave one or two Marquis Yong.

Standing above Suolongguan, he just turned his head to look at Li Ying, Marquis of Chengde in Yongguo: "Go back and tell Han Xu to release Du Xiang immediately. If this is the case, this battle will be over. North of Suolongguan, I can promise not to lose an inch of land." Pick!"

This is to redefine national borders and determine the outcome of victory.

Zhuang Guo wants to lock the land that has been occupied in the south of Longguan. Including half of Yiyang Mansion and the entire Lingbei Mansion. Moreover, the entire Qichang Mountain Range, which is rich in monster resources, has since been assigned to Zhuangjing.

This is actually a condition he negotiated with Han Xu a long time ago, but there must be a reason for the soldiers who fought bloody battles. They sacrificed their lives to break the Suolongguan. stop?

Ordinary soldiers don't think about whether Qin, Jing, and Jing, the world's most powerful countries, will allow Zhuang Guo to swallow Yong in a single battle. They can't see that far, can't feel those pressures. They only know that they have shed blood and sweat, and they cannot just stop.

After defeating Yong State, the morale of the generals of Zhuang State has been unprecedentedly high. Now let them continue to go north, even to confront Jing State, I am afraid they will not be afraid.

But Zhuang Gao envied himself, but he must not be blind.

In the complicated situation in the western border, the sense of proportion is especially important in the absence of absolute strength.

Now if he passes through the Suolong Pass and fights to the death with Han Xu, not to mention the outcome, even if he finally breaks through the Mansion of Heaven and occupies the entire territory of Yong Kingdom. Can you really keep it?

There will be no time to digest at all, and Jing Guo will immediately welcome the attack. It must be known that the Chimawei of the Jing Kingdom is still outside the Jing'an Mansion.

And as the overlord of the central region, will Jing Guo still give support?

Jingguo absorbed Zhuangguo as a vassal state of Dao in order to put a nail in the western border, nailing Yongguo and piercing Qinguo. But how could he be willing to raise another tiger in the western region?

So measure the situation and stop here. First of all, Zhuang Kingdom itself can obtain real benefits, and secondly, Emperor Yong Han Xu, who sits in the remaining territory of Yong State, is still the first to face the pressure of Jing State.

This point can form enough strategic depth for Zhuang Guo, so that Zhuang Guo can have time to digest the harvest of this war without worrying about interruption. It has really moved forward from an independent small country to a regional power.

Naturally, these strategic considerations will not be shared with the soldiers. As the lord of the country, Zhuang Gaoxian needs to give a reason to the bloody soldiers. At this time, Du Ruhui, the Prime Minister of the country who is still fighting bloody battles and is deeply loved by the people of the country, couldn't be better.

He is willing to give up more territories for the sake of Du Ruhui, the Prime Minister of the country. What an admirable friendship between monarchs and ministers!

For Han Xu, his goal is to truly take power and become a veritable Lord Yong. Han Yin, who has monopolized power for hundreds of years and has no intention of letting go, is the biggest problem.

He has been a monarch for more than a hundred years, and he has also been a puppet for more than a hundred years.

On the matter of killing Han Yin, Han Xu and Zhuang Gaoxian reached a consensus. But at the same time, Zhuang State is still a strong competitor for Yong State in Han Xu's era.

That's why Li Ying, the Marquis of Chengde, went down hard and beat Zhuang Guo's two top outer buildings who were most likely to break through to Shenlin. It is obvious that if given the chance, Han Xu would not mind killing Zhuangguo's Optimum Jade Pillar and Erectile Dysfunction before the truce.

Zhuang Gaoxian said these words at this time, not only to express that he would abide by the agreement, but also to warn Han Xu. If Du Ruhui dies in battle, he will not keep the contract.

Even if Han Xu knew very well that Zhuang Gaoxian didn't dare to occupy the entire territory of Yong Kingdom at this time, it would support Zhuang Guo to death. But Han Xu himself dared not gamble. After the "strong man cuts his wrist" and "self-mutilation", the Yong Kingdom is especially not qualified to take risks.

"The foreign minister must bring the words." Li Ying took a deep look at Zhuang Gaoxian, then turned and flew away.

As Yong Jun Han Xu's absolute confidant, Yong Hou and Chengde Hou Li Ying, who shot at Han Yin at the last moment, fully agreed with Han Xu's decision.

In his opinion, Han Xu is a monarch a hundred times stronger than Han Yin, but he has been unable to perform it.

Han Yin is a real person in the world, and there will be no aging problems until his death, but his spirit is already old.

He didn't have the spirit of Yongming Emperor Han Zhou at all. He had been beaten by Jing Guo for hundreds of years, but he had already succumbed in his heart. No matter how aggressive you are, you can't hide your inner weakness.

Han Yin has always wanted to surpass his elder brother Han Zhou, but deep down in his heart, he never thought that he could defeat Jing Guo, because that was something Han Zhou could not even do!

Han Yin has no confidence to do anything that Han Zhou can't!

He tried his best to wash away the traces of Emperor Yongming, but he couldn't wash it off for hundreds of years. He lived in the shadow of Han Zhou all his life.

Such a monarch seems to be powerful, with strategies, means and strength, but in his hands, Yong Kingdom will only slowly rot and stink. Han Yin has been in power for hundreds of years, Yong Kingdom has not expanded an inch of land, and its influence in the entire western region is getting smaller and smaller, which is a clear proof.

The time has come for the Yong Kingdom to be indestructible, and it must go through the flames before it can be reborn.

However, Han Yin is too strong and has ruled this land for too long, and they, who are loyal to Han Xu alone, are powerless to overthrow him.

So it is necessary to introduce external force.

Li Ying has always been very sure that he is doing the right thing, but after meeting Zhuang Gaoxian with his own eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little suspicious.

In Han Xu's future strategy, it is the first step for Han Xu to quickly and truly control the country's military power in a state of controllable war.

To raise the power of the country, and when the time is right, attack the country of Zhuang, defeat Zhuang Gaoxian, regain the lost ground, and establish the absolute authority surpassing Han and Yin, which is the second step...

But will Zhuang Gaoxian like this be easily defeated?

With an unspeakable shadow, Li Ying left here.

And inside Suolongguan, Yong Jun had already knelt on the ground!



ps: How about the book reviews in the past two days...I didn't expect to have so little confidence in me. Before Han Xu appeared on the stage, a group of people said he was mentally retarded. Is a person who has endured for more than a hundred years and can overwhelm a hero like Han Yin an idiot?

Talk about collapse, say what should not be written, and say anything.

Please ask yourself, I have written four volumes with a total of 1.6 million words. Has there ever been a bad plot? From writing at Liushijun to the present, I am living on the deposits of my previous writing entities, but in this nearly a year, have I ever perfunctory readers?

I remembered that at least a few hundred people complained about the poison that Zuo Guanglie left behind for the opening pill, but after filling the hole, I didn't see a single person apologize to me. Did those hundreds of people not look back? Or in this day and age, criticism is easier to export than praise.

There will always be more people who criticize you after a bad plot than encourage you after a great one. I asked myself if I hadn't done it badly. Since I've been working so hard, if you think it's unreasonable, can you wait to talk about it later? The dragon is there, I just haven't got my eye on it yet.

So be it.

I didn't want to say anything.

Writing is inherently faced with all kinds of voices, and I should have been used to such things.

But just can't get used to it.

My poetic side makes me vulnerable sometimes.

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