Red Heart Survey

Chapter 801 Alienation

"There is really one thing."

Jiang Wang said: "Recently, I intend to go to the offshore islands, and I want to come to the inspectorate to pick up a task, but after searching for a long time, I can't find a suitable one. I don't know if I didn't find the right place, or I don't have enough authority."

There is no need for him to refuse Zheng Shangming's overture. Friendship is reciprocity, and relationship is born.

And this time he came to the Metropolitan Inspection Office to report on his duties, it was indeed with the intention of coming here to take on a task.

As the murderer who killed Hai Zongming, it is true that he counterattacked passively. It is true that the battlefield is outside the sphere of influence of Qi State and Diaohailou, and Diaohailou can't find any reason to pursue him openly. But if he went to the offshore islands to show off, he would inevitably run into trouble.

The identity of the man in Qingyang town is naturally protected by the state of Qi.

A Sipinqing card headhunter who is performing official duties is even more important, and it can even be said to represent the face of Qi in a certain sense.

Before Hai Zongming killed Jiang Wang, it was a private act, and it was outside the Qi territory. When Jiang Wangruo died at that time, Qi Guo would definitely find trouble with Diaohailou. Even if Hai Zongming was an elder with real power, it would be impossible for him not to pay the price. It was nothing more than Hai Zongming thinking that the value of the red makeup mirror was greater than the price he paid for killing Jiang Wang, so he acted brazenly.

Even if he killed Jiang Wang silently, Qi would not be able to find the murderer, so the price would not have to be paid.

Jiang Wang's rebellion against killing Hai Zongming is right or wrong, and Qi Guo and Diaohailou have already argued about it. Diaohailou has no advantage in terms of emotion, reason, power, and strength. Now it is silent, which is the result.

At this moment, on the offshore islands, as long as Diaohailou does not want to provoke a war, it will not easily do anything to Lord Da Qi who is performing official duties.

This is one of them.

The second advantage is that Jiang Wang received a mission to go to the offshore islands, so he must first understand the offshore islands. Depending on the level of the task, the Metropolitan Inspection Office has information about the offshore islands and will open it to him accordingly.

Combined with the information collected by Chong Xuansheng, he can learn more about the offshore islands, which is a strategy that kills two birds with one stone and has many benefits.

Zheng Shangming thought for a while: "There are actually a lot of things in the offshore islands. You said that you want a suitable task. Why don't you talk about the requirements?"

Jiang Wang didn't hide anything, and said directly: "The task level can't be too low. It's better to be higher than the inner mansion, but not higher than the outer building."

Has the strength improved to this point... Completely confident in handling cases at the outer building level?

Zheng Shangming took a deep look at Jiang Wang: "You wait here, I'll go and ask for you."

In order to obtain higher-level information about the offshore islands from the Capital Inspection Office, Jiang Wang could only increase the difficulty of the task as much as possible, but he did not go there with the purpose of courting death. He was not able to participate in tasks above the outer building.

As for hanging up a task and only looking at the information but not executing it, this is also unworkable. The Inspection Office has its own reward and punishment system. For example, when Jiang Wang took the task of chasing Hell without Door, it was because Zheng Shi, the captain of the Northern Yamen, greeted him, and Yue Leng, the arresting god, allowed him to leave the country under his name, and tacitly agreed that he would not gain anything.

After all, no one would think that a headhunter in the inner court could do anything to hell.

Therefore, Jiang Wang must earnestly complete the task of going to the offshore islands this time. Keeping the green cards on his body is also good for his future development in Qi.

The capital inspection office is not very high-level, but the yamen is very large. The Qingpai headhunters who come in and out are all very good at marking people, and the pressure is inexplicably great.

Jiang Wang waited in the hall for a while, but unexpectedly ran into an acquaintance again.

"Master Jiang!" Lin Youxie, wearing a blue square scarf, saluted from afar.

From the inside of the green card headhunter, Jiang Wang, who wears the fourth-grade green card, is already one level above her.

She behaved very dutifully and was courteous. I don't know if it was for the sake of the fourth-rank green card, or because of Jiang Wang's warning last time.

"Long time no see, how are you?"

"Thanks to your concern, it went smoothly." Jiang Wang nodded: "Lin Butou still has the same demeanor."

It has to be said that his communication skills are very dry. No matter who it is to, it is always "the style remains the same".

He has no prejudice against Lin Youxie, and even respects these green card arresters who handle extraordinary cases and maintain law and order, but the premise is that Lin Youxie does not want endless temptations and doubts.

Funny to say. Lin Youxie was only at the Tenglong Realm, so he should wear the green medal of the sixth rank, but with his rich experience in handling cases and his ancestral methods of handling cases, he solved many cases and wore the green medal of the fifth rank.

As for Jiang Wang's cultivation in the inner mansion, he wears a fourth-rank green card, relying on his extraordinary strength, Zheng Shi's favor, and Yue Leng's appreciation.

Both of them are considered to be working in a leap forward, so they should have a common language.

But because of Lin Youxie's inexplicable suspicion of Jiang Wang, the relationship between the two was tense for a while.

Maybe it's not inexplicable, maybe... Lin Youxie suspected Zhang Yong. Every time she talks to Jiang Wang, she always brings the topic to Zhang Yong.

But the Fengxian Zhang Miemen case has long been closed, and Lin Youxie himself participated in the case. Zhang Yong is now working for Jiang Wuqi in the Longevity Palace, which is enough to show that there is nothing wrong with him.

Lin Youxie still put his eyes on Zhang Yong, firstly, it seemed to be self-defeating, and secondly, it was futile, what's the point?

And regarding Zhang Yong, Jiang Wang is really innocent. He has nothing to do with Zhang Yong, they only entered the Tianfu Secret Realm together once, and the process has been forgotten. Later, when I heard about the Fengxian Zhang Miemen case, I was entrusted by Zhong Xuansheng to visit once, and I had no contact with him since then.

Even if Zhang Yong really had some problem, he still couldn't find Jiang Wang.

The only problem is that Jiang Wang has doubts about Zhang Yong's real identity because of the fight in Yunwu Mountain. But Jiang Wang chose to conceal it at that time, and no third person knew of his suspicion.

Or maybe, Zhang Yong is just a verbal cover. Lin Youxie's real purpose is to investigate how he sneaked into Linzi City in the early days of No Door to Hell? Or investigate Xu Fangqingshi's apology outside the palace, who ordered it?

During this period of time in Qi, if there were any things that could not be revealed, it would be these two.

Facing Jiang Wang's perfunctory politeness, Lin Youxie smiled lightly and said, "Master Jiang is separated from most of the Qingpai team, but digs out King Qin Guang's whereabouts by himself, that's what you call a personable presence!"

When getting along with smart people, especially a smart person who specializes in handling cases, it is inevitable that there will always be a sense of uneasiness about being prying through the secrets.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Wang decided not to blame himself, and said politely: "I still have something to do here, Lin Butou, look..."

Lin Youxie didn't seem to understand the implication at all: "What is Master Jiang busy with? I wonder if Mrs. Lin can help?"

"You are too polite!" Jiang Wang felt a little helpless: "It's just a private matter, so don't bother me."

"Oh." Lin Youxie nodded, and said again: "Actually, it's not troublesome, we are all colleagues. Speaking of which, I would like to ask Master Jiang for a favor."

Hitting the snake with the stick is too skillful.

Could it be a necessary skill for the green card?

Jiang Wang thought about what was there and what was not, and said haha: "I have only returned to Linzi not long ago, how can I help you. I am afraid you will be disappointed."

"It's not too much trouble."

With a smile on his face, Lin Youxie spoke earnestly: "It wasn't long before Mr. Jiang wore the green card. He first found King Qin Guang who had nowhere to go to hell in Qi, and after he left Qi, he found the trace of King Chu Jiang alone. It can be seen that Mr. Jiang I have a lot of research on tracking. I have been obsessed with tracking for many years, and I have encountered a bottleneck. It is difficult to enter the country, and I am miserable! I wonder if Mr. Jiang can find some time to discuss with this official?"

Looking into her bright eyes, Jiang Wang had the illusion that she had already discovered all the secrets in her heart.

I know that it is too careless to take the appearance of King Chujiang in Tuoshan to deal with the task, and it is already a mistake!

It is also very possible that Lin Youxie could be linked to his connection with No Door to Hell.

The only good thing is that he and King Chu Jiang really had nothing to do with each other, they just spoke a few words briefly, so it was impossible to find out the problem. Moreover, he was able to state the whereabouts of King Chu Jiang openly, which proved his frankness from another point of view.

But no matter what, you still have to keep a distance from people like Lin Youxie,

But she is so difficult to deal with, it may be difficult to achieve her goal by being polite and alienating.

At this point, Jiang Wang shook his head coldly, and said proudly: "Your rank is too low, and your cultivation level is even lower. I don't have time to discuss with you."

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