Red Heart Survey

Chapter 804 Wind and Rain Changming County

Jiang Wangqi said: "Only by looking at the sky can you sneak up on old friends. Where did you say that?"

When he came earlier, he had doubts. Yan Fu is rich and honored, but he is not a person who puts on airs. Why did he set up a table and banquet in the small courtyard, waiting with a big horse and a sword, but asked his servants to invite Jiang Wang to come over? Woolen cloth?

"I'm ashamed to say it." Yan caressed his usually gentle and peaceful face, and it was quite bitter at the moment: "Palace Master Huaying said that she would hit me once when she saw me, but I couldn't beat her, so I had to avoid it."

Yan Fu, rich and powerful, doesn't care much about anything or anyone. He has always been calm, not surprised by favor or humiliation. It's hard to see him deflated...

Honestly, it's kind of fun.

Jiang Wang picked up a chopsticks of vegetables, put them into his mouth, chewed slowly, smacked the aftertaste, and said: "Weddings and funerals are personal matters. Why does Palace Master Huaying hold you so hard?"

Yan Fu stopped his glass and gave him a blank look: "Brother Jiang, why do you ask questions knowingly?"

He knew it in his heart. Chong Xuansheng must not be able to hide the secret, at least it is impossible not to tell Jiang Wang, even if he specifically told him.

He was right, but because of Zhu Biqiong's matter, Chong Xuansheng hadn't had time to tell Jiang Wang in detail how he watched him being beaten by Jiang Wuyou that day, and what he was like. But... Jiang Wang himself couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he asked Zheng Shangming specifically at the Metropolitan Inspection Office.

It was rare to see Yan Fu showing his emotions, Jiang Wang couldn't help but smiled again, and asked sternly: "I only know that Brother Yan was married before, and later regretted the marriage, so that Palace Master Huaying stood out for a close friend of her boudoir, but the inside story, I really don't know."

"Sigh." Yan Fu sighed: "What should I say about this? It's not wrong for Palace Master Huaying to trouble me. But I..."

He was probably really depressed, holding his hand on the wine glass, he didn't drink for a long time, looked at Jiang Wang and said, "I'm wronged too. Brother Jiang should know that with my background, it's very difficult to get married independently. It's not me who wants to get married. It wasn't me who regretted the marriage. But it was me who was scolded, and it was me who was beaten..."

Jiang Wang almost laughed out loud, forced himself to hold back, and said puzzledly: "I thought that for a family like the Yan family, and brother Yan, your marriage should be considered in every aspect. How could it be done in such a short period of time?" , get married and regret the marriage?"

He really couldn't understand: "Isn't this taking your life as a joke?"

"It seems that Chong Xuansheng's mouth is quite strict, and it is true that I did not tell you. Instead, I used the heart of a villain to save the belly of a fat man." In this state, Yan Fu still had a leisurely tease before explaining : "The one in my family who wants to get married and the one who wants to divorce are not the same family."

However, he obviously misunderstood Chong Xuansheng. Chong Xuansheng wanted to talk about it a long time ago, but because he had more urgent matters to deal with, he didn't have time to go into details.

"I and Liu Xiuzhang, a girl from the Liu family, were married to the old man of the Liu family at the fingertips of our ancestors. Later, the old man of the Liu family left early, and the Liu family did not have anyone who could support the main beam, and the momentum gradually declined. The Yan family was not a family that ignored old love. The family ancestor made a move to help the Liu family and help them stabilize the family situation."

The "ancestor" that Yan Fu spoke of was naturally his grandfather, former Prime Minister Yan Ping. He has assisted the government for many years, and his merit is higher than that of the country. It was also he who single-handedly led the strategy of "peace and annihilation" of the Yang Kingdom, causing the writing and calendar of the Yang Kingdom to disappear. Although Xuan Chuliang's meritorious service was credited for defeating the Yang Kingdom, Yan Ping's contribution must not be ignored for the three counties of Yangdi to be attached to them so smoothly.

Liu Xiuzhang, this name is not uncommon, I don't know what kind of person he is. Jiang Wang smacked in his heart.

Yan Fu continued: "Later, a major event happened to the Liu family. The Liu family's supreme arrogance, Liu Shentong, fought with Tian Anping in Changming County, and in the end... was killed by him!"

Tian Anping!

Jiang Wang was deeply impressed by this name and this person.

No matter who it is, when mentioning this person to him, they say that they must not be provoked lightly. Even the people inside the Osawada clan fear him like a tiger and call him a monster in private.

As soon as he appeared in the Seven Star Valley, the arrogant and conceited Lei Zhanqian immediately tucked his tail, and Li Fengyao, whose eyes were above the top, also restrained his temper.

Did he actually kill the famous son-in-law? Killed a supreme arrogance?

Moreover, it is in Changming County...

After staying in Qi State for so long, Jiang Wang still has some understanding of the counties of Qi State.

In the entire Qi State, there are thirty-five counties except Qidu. Jiang Wang is most familiar with, of course, the newly acquired three counties of Yangdi in Qi State, in addition to Chiyang, Daze, Fengxian, and Beijun, which he has been to.

Changming County is in the southwest of Qi State. To the south is Shimen County where the Li family is located, and to the west is Fufeng County, where the Liu family has been operating for generations.

Further west of Fufeng County is the former Bian County Pingxi. After the annexation of Yangdi, Pingxi has lost its significance as a frontier county.

From Changming County to Daze County in the north of the empire, taking the shortest route also crosses three counties.

That is to say, regardless of the strength of Liu Shentong, the supreme genius of the Liu family, if Tian Anping dares to kill Liu Shentong next door to Fufeng County, there is almost no possibility of escaping back to Daze County.

But the final result, everyone knows, Tian Anping is still safe and sound looking at the stars in the Prime Minister's Building in the city.

"Liu Shentong is Liu Xiuzhang's eldest brother. In the Liu family's direct lineage, there are two sons and one daughter, from elder to younger, they are Liu Shentong, Liu Xiuzhang, and Liu Xuanhu."

"The family ancestor once said that if the entire Liu family still has a hundred years of luck, it should be due to Liu Shentong."

"So the death of Liu Shentong was something that the Liu family would never want to face and could never be forgiven. At that time, Fufeng Liu's masters tried their best to kill Tian Anping in Changming County to avenge Liu Shentong."

How intense that scene was, just imagined through Yan Fu's description, made Jiang Wang subconsciously hold his breath.

"But Tian Anping is too strong!" In Yan Fu's words, there was a deep fear: "He actually used killing to raise and kill, and broke into the gods before the battle. The siege led by Xiao lasted until the strong Tian family came across the county to help. Maybe it can’t be said that the family came to help... Because Tian Anping never thought of running away from the beginning to the end. He didn’t ask for help at all. I got the news later."

"In the battle at that time, the two top aristocratic families fought blood feuds and gathered relatives and friends. More and more people gathered, and they were almost about to start a war of extermination in Changming County. The patriarch of the Liu clan, the father of Liu Shentong, shouted 'not to Tian The oath of the family and the sun and the moon'. The local county guard can't suppress it at all! The impact of this battle was so great that it even attracted His Majesty to go to Changming County in person to suppress this matter with supreme authority and prevent it from expanding."

It is not difficult for Jiang Wang to infer the handling of Emperor Qi's arrival.

The bloody battle stops, and it turns to the referee.

The Fufeng Liu family naturally demanded blood to pay for their debts, killing people for their lives. The Dazetian clan can also firmly insist that Tian Anping killed Liu Shentong because of a mistake during the struggle, so he should be exonerated.

Lost Mr. Liu, lost the pillar, lost Liu's magic power, lost the future. No matter how you look at it, Fufeng Liu's family can no longer compete with Da Zetian's.

From Emperor Qi's point of view, would a peerless genius like Tian Anping benefit the Qi State if he lived, or would it benefit the Qi State if he died? The answer is self-evident.

In the end Tian Anping survived.

This is probably the biggest appeal of the Osawatian family. No matter how many resources they give up, no matter how much they pay, as long as Tian Anping lives, it is worth it.

Liu Shentong was praised by Yan Ping as being able to support the fortune of the Fufeng Liu family for a hundred years.

So what about Tian Anping who killed Liu Shentong?



(Call for the names of the thirty-five counties of the Qi State? It’s too tiring to think about each of them. I will fill in the names of the counties, and then I can release the map of the Qi State.)

Thank you book friend Su Dong for your rewards!

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