Red Heart Survey

Chapter 827 Must Kill (addition for leader Raise_lovell)

Behind Jiang Wang was a boatload of ordinary people who were willing to testify for him, and in front of him were three extraordinary monks from the Angry Whale Gang.

There is a keel boat at the foot, and Xia Island is not far away.

This is the base camp of the Angry Whale Gang.

He seemed to be terrified, but he was calm.

It seemed as if he should back down, but he was firm.

Jiang Wang! At this moment, Li Daorong suddenly remembered something related to this name, and remembered who Jiang Wang was.

It is the world's No. 1 Tenglong Realm. In the same realm, it defeated the existence of Wang Yiwu, the disciple of the military god's close door, and even surpassed a small realm, defeating the existence of Lei Zhangan, the Tianjiao of Lei's Heaven.

It is the great Qi Tianjiao whose reputation has already spread to the offshore islands.

And he ignored it before!

Either the injury of the sea beast made him very worried, or he was too confident because he was around Youxia Island.

He didn't think about how such a young monk could kill an octopus.

But at this time, he had already been put on the stage and had to face it.

So, should one bite the sea beast that killed its people indiscriminately and take it down? Can this be used to wash away the responsibility and exchange something with Qi?

As for killing Jiang Wang, a great Qi Tianjiao, he didn't even dare to think about it. Since Jiang Wang can sign up for himself, the traces of his journey all the way, in the eyes of caring people, are like candlelight in the dark night, which is extremely clear. Once he disappeared, it was impossible to hide the news.

And another question is... Even if the three of them go together, can one of the inner palace and two Tenglongs add up to be Jiang Wang's opponent?

Li Daorong has such confidence only when his brain is flooded!

But if he shrinks back like this, in front of these ordinary people, in front of his subordinates, he will inevitably lose face... No matter how you say it, he is also the head of the Whale Gang, and one of the few people with the highest level in Xia Island. Do you have to swallow what you say?

In the midst of a dilemma, three more extraordinary monks flew in from a distance.

It is also a monk in the Inner Palace and two in the Tenglong Realm. It's just that the leader is a middle-aged woman, followed by two young male monks.

They are all dressed in purple clothes, embroidered with a circular seal belonging to the Five Immortals Gate.

From this point, we can see the difference of the offshore islands. In Qi State, few people dare to wear purple clothes casually.

Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng each have a purple robe given by Emperor Qi, which is a proof of their meritorious service, which is very rare.

"Hey! Isn't this Hallmaster Li? Who are you fighting with here?" The middle-aged woman who led the conversation spoke from a distance, with a relaxed and natural tone.

She couldn't help it.

For many years on Youxia Island, there has been a competition between the Five Immortals Sect and the Angry Whale Gang. Some other small sects have already been driven away or annexed by them.

Years ago, the Angry Whale Gang lost its backer, and today the tame sea beast died. If the octopus sea beast is used properly, its combat power will definitely exceed that of ordinary inner monks, and it is a rare resource of combat power.

Such an angry whale gang, what else can they compete with the Five Immortals?

"Fan Qingqing!"

Before the matter was resolved, Wuxianmen came to watch the play again. Li Daorong only felt pain in his cheeks, he gasped and said: "It has nothing to do with you, don't meddle in your own business!"

Fan Qingqing, who had absolutely no attractive name on the outside, covered her mouth and smiled: "I can handle things around Xiadao, and I, Five Immortals, can manage them."

She glared at Li Daorong, and immediately showed a bit of viciousness: "Why, you angry whales are not convinced?"

When Hai Zongming just died, the Five Immortals Sect hadn't made any moves yet. It seems to be observing the situation to determine the authenticity.

But since the beginning of this year, it has been pushed again and again.

The Angry Whale Gang has not been able to find a new backer for the time being, facing the aggressiveness of the Five Immortals Sect, they can only retreat again and again.

Today, Li Daorong is no exception.

He could only retort nonchalantly: "See how long you'll go!"

Fan Qingqing glanced contemptuously, then looked at Jiang Wang with a smile: "Where does this little brother come from? Don't be so angry, let go of your sword. Tell me, what happened? Our Five Immortals Sect This monk has always been reasonable, and is different from some swindlers, so you can rest assured!"

Jiang Wang laughed, and his hand left the hilt of his sword as expected: "I came from Linzi, in order to solve the case and disturb Baodi. Today's matter is quite simple. I just killed an out-of-control sea beast and rescued the people on the boat. As a result, this man surnamed Li jumped out and said that I killed their domesticated guardian sea beast to make me look good!"

Because Zhu Biqiong's master stood behind the Five Immortals Gate, he intended to have more contact with the people of the Five Immortals Gate, so his attitude was much more gentle.

Fan Qingqing pretended to be surprised: "There is such a thing? Isn't Head Li confounding right and wrong? How could the Angry Whale Gang do such a thing, how could there be such a person?"

Jiang Wang smiled helplessly, saying that he didn't understand.

Although the two met for the first time, they cooperated tacitly and slapped Li Daorong in the face.

One Jiang Wang couldn't deal with it anymore, and another Fan Qingqing came, this matter couldn't be solved at all. Li Daorong didn't want to continue to be humiliated here, so he waved his sleeves: "I don't want to mess with you. The future will be long, right and wrong have their own justice!"

If you leave like this, that's all.

But he was angry in his heart. Before leaving, he turned his head abruptly and stared at Lao Zhao who was the first to stand up on the deck to testify: "As a seaman, you have to eat inside and out. You are fine, the Wrath Whale Gang remembers you, and Do it yourself!"

After that, he was ready to leave.

This is just an ordinary venting of anger.

But Jiang Wang said in a clearer and louder voice than him: "I remember you too! I remember your face, and I remember that you are the head of the Whale Gang. Your surname is Li. This Uncle Zhao It's my friend, you'd better take care of him. If something happens to him in the future, whether it has anything to do with you or not..."

Jiang Wang took a step forward, his sword soaring into the sky: "I will kill you!"

What is the Divine Ability Neifu?

Both have the power to fight against the outer building. Jiang Wang is at least at the level of the head of the Whale Gang, so how can it be compared to an ordinary monk from the inner palace on this small island?

Forced by the sudden violent murderous aura, Li Daorong couldn't help himself, and took a big step back!

Almost failed to stand firm in the air and fell into the sea.

At that moment, he no longer cared about his face or his aura, and flew away without saying a word.

The male monk who had scolded Jiang Wang before had already tucked his tail between his legs and remained silent. Seeing Li Daorong leaving at this time, he followed in a hurry.

It was the female monk who turned her head again and again and looked at Jiang Wang several times.

Seeing Jiang Wang forcing Li Daorong to retreat, Fan Qingqing smiled and said, "I'm a guest from afar, this little brother can't get Xiadao, why don't you go to my Five Immortals Sect?"

She came late, so she didn't know Jiang Wang's true identity. But from Li Daorong's posture, it is not difficult to judge that Jiang Wang must be some important person from Linzi.

Especially when the other party is having such an argument with the Wrathful Whale Gang.

As the elder of the Five Immortals Sect, if she doesn't know how to win over her properly, she will be remiss of duty.

Jiang Wang smiled casually, without any hesitation: "Then Jiang will be bothering you."

He just wanted to learn more about Wuxianmen. Including the word "immortal", including the people behind it.

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