Red Heart Survey

Chapter 830 Eight Sounds Burning the Sea

"Brother Jiang."

In the Hall of Zhengsheng, Fan Qingqing said with a smile: "Your reputation is spread very loudly in the offshore islands. It is said that you are the number one among the young generation of Qi!"

"That's too much to say, Qi Guo is so talented, how can I bear it?"

Jiang Wang was coping with his mouth, but his mind was intertwined in the collision of inspirations, constantly interacting, intertwining, and happening.

That faint aura is rapidly evolving.

What is Zhengyin?

What is the sound of the tide?

The splendor of octaves, how to meet. How does the flame sparrow howl?

"I think you can bear it! Others don't know how powerful the octopus sea beast is. My Five Immortals Sect is so close to the Angry Whale Gang, how can I not know it? Even Li Daorong holding the mother flag will have to spend a lot of effort. I don't know how he was deceived by lard, and dared to provoke you."

While gossiping, Fan Qingqing casually slapped Li Daorong in the eye: "However, the Angry Whale Gang is used to being arrogant, so it's inevitable that they will be presumptuous."

"Oh, really." Jiang Wang perfunctory.

Fan Qingqing glanced at him, and then asked tentatively: "Speaking of which, I don't know about brother Jiang's apprenticeship. Some news from Linzi spread to the sea, and it was all in pieces, not in shape, and there was everything you could say. Listen are Lord Jitu's beloved disciple?"

"Where is this honor?" Jiang Wang smiled and continued to perfunctory: "I just received some pointers."

"No wonder little brother Jiang is so powerful!" Fan Qingqing continued to praise: "Master Ji Tu can almost be regarded as the number one god in the Eastern Territory. Many people agree that a real person can be expected."

"Oh? His old man is indeed powerful." Jiang Wang continued to perfunctory.

"He can give advice to little brother Jiang, which is enough to show your talent, and you may be a murderer in the future!"

"Dare not dare."

Jiang Wang was too perfunctory and insincere, even if Fan Qingqing could chat again, it was a bit difficult at the moment: "Brother Jiang seems to be tired, and there is nothing to talk about? Or is it that my reception from the Five Immortals is not good?"


Jiang Wang simply closed his eyes on the seat: "I enjoy the sound of the tide!"

He stopped talking nonsense and ignored it.

The jumping aura painted the whole picture at this moment, and all the emotions poured into one place, turning into a sigh in my heart.

It was a sigh of satisfaction.

in my heart.

Flaming sparrows rise and chirp.

There are eight kinds of birdsong, which are eight kinds of music.

The eight tones converge, like a trickle of streams, they are naturally formed, and they play the sound of the tide in unison.

The roar of the waves.

This sound came from the Overcoming Sea Tribulation, and it also came from the Hall of Zhengsheng.

The eight tones are in harmony with the tide, and the flame sparrow burns the sea.

The tide is the tide of sound, and the sea is the sea of ​​fire.

The flame bird urges the eight notes, and the eight notes are born together with the tide.

Jiang Wang opened his eyes, the first-class high-grade Taoism, the eight-tone burning sea has been completed.

Although it only evolved in the mind, it has actually succeeded. It's just that there is no need to show it in front of the Five Immortals Gate and Fan Qingqing.

The threshold of first-class top-grade Taoism is already in the outer building. Because it is a self-created Taoism, it penetrates to the root, so it can be used by leaps and bounds.

Without hesitation, Jiang Wang immediately engraved this Taoism in the Second Inner Palace. The Taoism created by himself does not need to consider the issue of proficiency. No matter how many times others have practiced and become familiar with it, how can the creator be clear about it?

Up to this moment, besides supernatural powers and fairy arts, he finally has Taoism methods at the level of the Outer Building Realm.

Among the five great halls of the Five Immortals Gate, going to any one of them will not have such benefits.

It just happened to be the Hall of Zhengsheng, it happened to be the sound of the tide, it happened to be that Jiang Wang had crossed the catastrophe of the sea, and it happened that Jiang Wang himself had the original Taoism of combining sound and killing like the eight-tone flame bird, so he collided with the momentary aura.

The so-called coincidence is nothing more than this.

But a flash of natural inspiration can only be captured by those who are prepared.

Fan Qingqing was a little dazed aside, why did this young man seem different in the blink of an eye? His eyes seem to be clearer, his momentum seems to be more high-spirited.

Is this Tianjiao?

All it takes to get stronger is to blink your eyes?

"Elder Fan." Jiang Wang was in a good mood, and asked proactively, "I don't know how the Zhengsheng Hall was built. Is there a chance to spread it? I am very happy to hear Zhengyin, and I want to build a hall in Linzi!"

"You and I hit it off right away. Originally, Big Sister shouldn't refuse Little Brother Jiang's request." Fan Qingqing sighed in great embarrassment: "But this involves the secrets of our sect, and it really cannot be disclosed."

I don't know if she is really embarrassed, or if she realizes that Jiang Wang has gained some benefits in this hall, she wants to sit on the ground and raise the price.

How valuable is something that is useful for the cultivation of a great Qi Tianjiao? How much should he be able to exploit from Qi Ting?

Just thinking about it is tempting.

But Jiang Wang immediately said: "That's fine, a gentleman doesn't take away people's love."

The Eight Sounds Burning the Sea has been accomplished, he actually doesn't need the Hall of Zhengsheng anymore. The reason why I ask is purely for enjoyment. He really enjoys the feeling of listening to the sound, which is completely different from the usual listening.

But just for enjoyment, he still can't offer any price. After all, he was born in poverty, unlike Yan Fu, who was born with jade and pearls, who only wanted to do things according to his wishes, regardless of the price.

"Then what."

As the elder of the Five Immortals Sect, Fan Qingqing has lived for forty or two years, and has seen all kinds of people, but this is the first time he has encountered such a "Heavenly Talent".

Which Tianjiao doesn't regard money as dung? Which Tianjiao doesn't just want to be happy, not worth it? Which one is not a thousand dollars to buy a smile?

This Jiang Wang, why did he shrink back when he encountered some setbacks?

You hit me with Dao Yuan stone!

Cultivation techniques and secret techniques are also available!

She coughed with difficulty: "Actually, this matter is not completely unnegotiable..."

At this time, an old voice clearly came into the Hall of Zhengsheng.

Interrupt Fan Qingqing's sales plan.

"I heard that Linzi has a nobleman going to sea, come and see me!"

The voice returned to its original form in the Hall of Zhengsheng, showing the powerful momentum of the owner of the voice.

A name immediately appeared in Jiang Wang's mind - Grandma Bizhu!

Instead of going to Duanxing Hall, she took the initiative to come to Zhengsheng Hall.

Why did Granny Bizhu come to the door not long after she sat down?

Didn't she have a discussion with the head of the Five Immortals Gate in the Duanxing Hall?

Is it because Grandma Bizhu has too much control over the Five Immortals Sect, or...

Jiang Wang glanced at Fan Qingqing with a faint smile.

For some reason, Fan Qingqing felt a little uncomfortable at this glance. It was as if the secret in my heart had been peeped through.

This is a difficult role, and he must not be underestimated because of his age. He is not only terrifying in talent, but also amazing in combat power.

She was trembling in her heart, but she stood up, hurriedly walked a few steps outside the hall, and respectfully greeted her: "Mother-in-law, why bother you so much?"

From the position of the palace gate, an old woman with a round face full of wrinkles walked in.

She is very plainly dressed, like an ordinary old man that can be seen everywhere in a small village. Leaning on a dragon-headed stick, Wei Wei walked slowly, his steps were very light, but there was a sense of urgency that came from nowhere.

Followed by another old woman with black and white hair, wearing a purple cloud sea robe, she should be the head of the Five Immortals Sect.

Seeing how she followed suit, it was obvious that it was not her idea to come to the Hall of Zhengsheng.

Fan Qingqing, the elder of the Five Immortals Sect, greeted her warmly, as if she was afraid that Granny Bizhu might misunderstand. Jiang Wang also stood up very politely.

But as soon as Granny Bizhu entered the hall, she waved her hand and said, "Go and do other things first, and let me, my mother, gossip with this young man from Linzi."

In the main hall of the Five Immortals Gate, they drove out all the senior officials of the Five Immortals Gate.

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