"Seeing Xiaoyou Jiang today makes me feel much younger!"

"Fortunate to be taught by my mother-in-law, Jiang Wang also benefited a lot!"

One old and one young, the two walked out of Zhengsheng hall talking and laughing.

Xu Zhilan, the master of the Five Immortals Sect, and Fan Qingqing, the elder, who were notified, left the Duanxing Hall almost immediately, and rushed to meet them before Grandma Bi Zhu and Jiang Wang walked away.

"It's still a while..." Grandma Bi Zhu vaguely explained about Zhu Biqiong, and cared: "Where does Jiang Xiaoyou plan to stay? Why don't you go back to Huai Island with the old man, and let the old man do his best as a landlord?" ?”

"To tell you the truth. Jiang Wang still has a case against the Metropolitan Inspection Office, so he needs to stay on other islands for a while, and he can't go to Wai Island soon." Jiang Wang's face doesn't change when he tells a lie now.

Although the golden needle case has been closed, he said that he has other tasks on his body, and Granny Bizhu can't prove the falsehood.

Granny Bizhu shook her head: "Understood, understood. Young people should work harder. When I reach my old age, I just want to fight, and I don't have the time or energy."

"Look at what you said. I think your divine presence is expected within a few years!" Jiang Wang also actively played the role of a polite and docile junior: "You have plenty of time and energy!"

These words seemed to hit Granny Bizhu's heart, she smiled so much that her wrinkles softened a lot: "Thank you for your good words!"

If it wasn't for the purpose of attacking Shenlin, breaking the life limit, and locking up the cultivation base, why would she fight so hard?

Who wouldn't envy someone who practiced steadily and single-mindedly pursued the Tao?

But there are no resources, can it work?

Can you become enlightened without fighting?

Even though she knew that Jiang Wang was just flattering, she really liked what she said.

Xu Zhilan, the head of the Five Immortals Sect, and Fan Qingqing, the elder, greeted them at this time.

"It's great that you two hit it off right away!" Xu Zhilan said, "I'll hold a banquet with wine, and invite two distinguished guests to show their respects, so that my disciples of the Five Immortals can get some advice from the nobleman. How about it?"

"No." Grandma Bi Zhu waved her hands, not showing her face: "There are too many things going on in the building, so I have to go back now."

She looked at Jiang Wang: "Where's little friend Jiang?"

This is still worried about Jiang Wang, afraid that he will stay in Wuxianmen to make troubles, and force him to leave with words.

It seems that he is very careful about the fat in the bowl of Wuxianmen.

Jiang Wang sneered in his heart, and only said gently on his face: "I'm leaving too. After all, I have a heavy responsibility on my shoulders and I dare not ignore it."

Granny Bizhu laughed, ignoring Xu Zhilan and Fan Qingqing's invitation again, and only took a good look at Jiang Wang, her gaze resting on his waist: "Your jade is exquisite."

The white jade hanging on his waist was the New Year's gift that Jiang Anan bought him.

Jiang Wang looked down and said with a relaxed expression, "It's not something precious. It's a gift from an old friend, and it's a thought to keep it on me."

Such ordinary jade will naturally not be seen by practitioners.

But Granny Bizhu didn't say anything about it, she just groped around in her bosom and took out a sea blue jade pendant.

He handed it over with a kind face: "We met for the first time, and there was no good meeting gift, so I gave it as a gift. This piece of jade is not expensive. But if you have something to do, you can come to Huai Island to find the old body. The words of the old body, in the These offshore islands still have some weight."

If she wanted to give this meeting gift, she could definitely give it in Zhengsheng Hall.

Taking it out at this time is nothing more than another layer of warning. A warning to Xu Zhilan and Fan Qingqing.

Tell them how close she and Jiang Wang are, and tell them to stop other thoughts as soon as possible.

No one could understand the few people present.

Jiang Wang was naturally "flattered" to accept: "I dare not resign from the elders. In this way, Jiang Wang has the audacity to accept it."

Xu Zhilan and Fan Qingqing also had normal expressions, as if they never had other thoughts, and were indifferent to the scene in front of them.

"Seeing you reminds me of my poor apprentice... oh."

Grandma Bizhu was sad again, and then said: "Let's go now."

Turn around and walk away.

"I'll see you off." Xu Zhilan, the head of the Five Immortals Sect, hurriedly followed.

Jiang Wang knew in his heart that if he didn't leave, Grandma Bizhu would not really fly away, so she also took off into the sky, but in a different direction from Grandma Bizhu. "Thanks for the hospitality, I am very grateful, and Jiang Wang also left!"

Fan Qingqing followed him: "I'll see off Brother Jiang."

Granny Bizhu went straight east, back to Wai Island.

In order to stagger with her, Jiang Wang shifted to the southeast.

Soon, Youxia Island was already far away in sight. The figures of Granny Bi Zhu and Xu Zhilan were no longer clearly visible.

"I will send you off for thousands of miles, but I will have to say goodbye eventually. Elder Fan, please go back!" Jiang Wang said.

Fan Qingqing bit her lip, as if she wanted to say something, but hesitated.

After all, Grandma Bizhu seemed to get along too happily with Jiang Wang, if she made friends rashly at this time, she might be sold out.

"Brother Jiang, go slowly. Come to the Five Immortals Gate often when you have time." In the end, she just said politely.

"Of course, Elder Fan is kind and easy-going. Xia Island is beautiful and the fifth hall of the Guizong is ingenious. If there is a chance, I really want to listen to the music again." Jiang Wang smiled and threw a piece of bait: "Bring my friends along. Jiang Wuyou and Chong Xuansheng, they should all like this place!"

Jiang Wuyou, the lord of Palace Huaying. Chongxuansheng, the son of the Chongxuan family.

Fan Qingqing obviously didn't expect that under such circumstances, Jiang Wang would still be moved by the situation where Granny Bizhu, the elder of Diaohailou, came forward to arrange friendship in person.

His eyes lit up immediately, and his smile became more sincere: "Bi Zong will definitely treat you well then! I will never let little brother Jiang down!"

"Don't let it go, there will be a period later."

Jiang Wang smiled, turned and flew away.

Needless to say, just click on it.

Fan Qingqing had no good intentions in inviting him back to Wuxianmen's residence. But it didn't prevent him from getting benefits from the Hall of Zhengsheng, and found new clues from Granny Bizhu.

He was willing to help the Five Immortals to get rid of Grandma Bizhu only because of the same hatred and hatred. But the Five Immortals Sect still had to pay a substantial enough price in order to get the exchange.

The bait has been cast, and the rest depends on what the Five Immortals can do for it.



Life doesn't always have waves, but most of the time it is lacklustre.

Jiang Wang's ultimate goal is naturally Huai Island. But on the way, try to feel the atmosphere of the offshore islands as much as possible.

I don't know if it was because You Xia Dao exposed his identity, but during the next part of the journey, there was obviously a lot less trouble. Correspondingly, there are fewer opportunities to learn more about offshore islands.

But Jiang Wang didn't care about it.

Every day is practice, rushing, doing things that are obviously for handling cases but actually for gathering intelligence.

After going from island to island, they finally arrived at Little Crescent Island on March 11th.

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