Since the Master's incident, Jiang Wang temporarily stopped at Little Crescent Island.

Zhao Wuyan was fooled for a while, she seemed to want to open up, she didn't care so much about practice, and went to enjoy the scenery and play everywhere every day. Xu Xianggan was still following along, pestering him every day.

While Li Longchuan was dealing with the affairs of the family's offshore islands, he could not help being pulled over from time to time.

Jiang Wang didn't want to go out anyway, and he didn't want to be "traded" by Xu Xiangqian.

Simply announcing the retreat, in fact, he was practicing while waiting for the arrival of Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wuyou.

During the past few days of personally observing the offshore islands, he and Chongxuansheng kept exchanging letters, and the entire plan to rescue Zhu Biqiong was overthrown and repeated again and again.

What can be done in Linzi has been done, and now it is almost time to go to sea and make final preparations.

Coming down from the Sword Discourse Arena, Jiang Wang finished today's practice in the illusory realm.

The ranking of the Inner Mansion Realm only entered the seventy-seventh, because he did not use supernatural powers, nor did he use his own original Taoism. And more time is spent exploring the inner mansion.

He wants to find his second secret treasure before the sea festival begins, but this is not something that can be rushed. The secrets I encountered were not to my liking, so I could only let them go gently.

The 15th day of March had already passed during his practice, and his ranking in the blessed place fell again, from Lunshan to Maogongtan.

The long-awaited change in the illusory realm has not yet happened, but it is gradually approaching.

This is the feeling brought to him by the "blessed land", but it is probably because he has never really "owned" the relationship of the blessed land, and he has not been able to get clearer guidance.

It was March 20th when Jiang Wuyou came to Little Crescent Island. Chong Xuansheng went to Neverwinter Island on the way, but did not go with him.

Coincidentally, Yan Fu, who wandered offshore, will also return to the island on this day.

Or it can't be a coincidence.

Because before Yan Fu came to Little Crescent Island, he sent a letter to inform several people in advance, but his honest and kind friends, I don't know if they forgot, but no one reminded him that Jiang Wuyou was also on the island at the moment.

It is naturally not suitable to welcome Jiang Wuyou at the Spring Breeze Building, and places like teahouses are too quiet, so it is not suitable for receiving the wind.

Finally settled in Sanweizhuang.

This name sounds like it has something to do with Jiang Wang’s Samadhi True Fire, but it’s actually completely different. It comes from “reading scriptures tastes like rice, reading history tastes like delicacies, and reading philosophers tastes like 醯醢 (xī hǎi)” .

Sanweizhuang is so named because it uses the beauty of poetry and books to describe the taste of food.

The most famous here is the seafood feast.

The banquet guests included Jiang Wuyou, Jiang Wang, Li Longchuan, Xu Xiangqian, Zhao Wuyan, Zishu, and Yang Liu.

Everyone sat opposite each other, and there was a food table in front of each person, and all kinds of seafood were neatly arranged.

It was a little strange for Yang Liu to be in the banquet, but during this period of time, he was determined to compete with Xu Xianggan, and he would never allow Xu Xianggan to have the opportunity to be alone with Zhao Wuyan.

Jiang Wang even refused him on the grounds that he was shy, but he immediately said that he could pay for it himself. Jiang hoped that they would hold a banquet in this hall, so he reserved the next door banquet hall.

In the many "confrontations" with Xu Xiangqian, his skin became firmer to the extent visible to the naked eye, and it grew rapidly anyway.

In the end, they entered the table together without embarrassment.

For the time being, the matter of rescuing Zhu Biqiong was just a private discussion between Jiang Wang, Jiang Wuyou, and Chong Xuansheng, so the banquet only picked up some stories from the sea.

Jiang Wuyou chatted and came across a case of a sea beast getting out of control on the way here. Jiang Wang also said that he had encountered it too, and beheaded one with his own hands.

Yang Liu immediately took up the conversation: "Recently, there have been more sea beasts getting out of control. I, Diaohailou, have also noticed it. I have arranged to investigate, and the results will come out in a few days."

The implication is that this kind of thing doesn't need Qi people to worry too much.

But Jiang Wuyou didn't seem to be able to hear it: "In your personal opinion, what do you think is the reason?"

She is very clear about the identity of the true disciple of Yangliu Diaohailou, and she asked this question very directly.

Yang Liu shook his head: "This matter cannot be settled lightly. Only after careful investigation can we have an accurate statement."

Although he and Xu Xiangqian acted a little childish in the process of chasing Zhao Wuyan, but he is by no means stupid. When it comes to sect affairs, they are very tight-lipped.

Jiang Wuyou didn't take it seriously, turned her head and said, "Miss Zhao, what do you think?"

Zhao Wuyan didn't evade it, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "The control method of sea beasts has been created many years ago, and it's time for innovation."

She did not speculate on the direct cause of the frequent sea beast out-of-control incidents, but pointed to the fundamental problem.

As for whether the sea beast's loss of control is some kind of self-evolution of the sea beast, or some forces' ulterior motives, or even involving the sea clan, she put aside all of them. But everything is unspoken.

It's really tight.

Li Longchuan interjected: "Speaking of which, we also have a sea beast on Ice Phoenix Island, but it is different from the control method transmitted from Diaohailou. There will be bigger storms."

Speaking of this, Yang Liu, as a monk from Diaohailou, can no longer pretend to be ignorant, so he could only say: "Actually, we have some plans in Diaohailou, and the specific progress is hard to say, but it will definitely be resolved before mid-April .”

After all, without waiting for others to ask, he turned to look at Jiang Wuyou: "I haven't asked His Highness, son of a thousand gold, why did you go across the sea in person? The prosperity of this place should not be as far away as Linzi."

"It's incomparable with Linzi, but it's also very beautiful." Jiang Wuyou didn't care what he said was right or wrong, and he listened to it. Sitting there, he burst out with heroic spirit: "This time I went to sea, I always Then, I have some affairs to deal with on Cassia Island, and secondly, I will also watch the ceremony and participate in the sea festival. Why, brother Yang, what advice do you have?"

Among the crowd, she was the most similar to Li Longchuan in temperament, both of them looked heroic. Li Longchuan came from a family of generals, and Jiang Wuyou's roots were also in the army.

Among Qi's three major palace lords other than the crown prince, Jiang Wuyou relied on more military power, Jiang Wuqi relied on more political power, and Jiang Wuxie relied on the clan mansion and received more support from the clan power. So stand up and compete with each other.

Yang Liu immediately laughed and said, "How dare you talk to Your Highness like that? Your Highness is coming to participate in the sea festival, and everyone from Diaohai Building welcomes you!"

"You don't need to welcome me." Jiang Wuyou said with a light smile, "The sea festival is an event for the entire offshore islands, not just one of them, and we, Cassia Island, will also participate. Let's make it more lively together."

Speaking of it is still a primary and secondary issue.

Diaohailou obviously didn't want his position as the leader of the sea to be challenged, but he couldn't completely cut off Qi's tentacles.

Diaohailou wants to maintain its maritime hegemony all the time, and Qi State, after securing its position as the overlord of the Eastern Region, also seeks the status of Yang State in the sea back then.

The two sides joined forces because of the war between the Sea Clan and the Lost Realm, but the competition between them never stopped.

It has never been in the past, and it has never been in the present, and it will not stop until one side completely bows its head.

Yang Liu pursed her lips and was about to say something.

Suddenly a voice came from outside the hall.

The emotion in this voice is brisk, free, and unrestrained, showing that the owner is in a very good mood.

"Brother Jiang, these few days are going to be... alive."

Yan Fu stepped into the banquet hall with ease, and his cheerful tone gradually weakened: "Have you seen...His Highness?"

Thanks to the book friend Zhijiu o for the reward!

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