Red Heart Survey

Chapter 875: Soul Beastization

Jiang Wang purposely grasped the fire of samadhi, not to test whether the sea clan's carapace is hard or not with his fleshy palm.

When the palm touched the scalding carapace scorched by the real fire of samadhi, the black hidden snake had already swam out of the inner palace, and instantly got into the sea of ​​consciousness of the sea clan under its feet.

Speaking of which, hiding the snake with the soul is also useful for doves to occupy the magpie's nest. Although it is not as mysterious as some secret techniques of seizing the house, it can also control the opponent's body when the opponent loses the ability to resist, but Jiang Wang Never tried it on a human.

Now he is just going to try to see if he can control the Sea Clan with his soul and snake in this lost world. This has a decisive effect on his future plans.

The hidden snake swam into a vast sea of ​​consciousness.

With the help of the hidden snake's perspective, Jiang Wang could see that on the island in the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, there was a bald man with a double axe, which was obviously the manifestation of the soul of the sea clan.

It was different from the octopus sea beast that Jiang Wang observed in Youxia Island. If both of them belong to the Sea Clan, why are the images of their souls not the same?

In this stunned time, the other party has already reacted.

"You want to enslave me! Fight with you!"

The bald-headed man raised his double axes high and roared in the sea of ​​consciousness. His whole soul suddenly swelled up and turned into a giant crab holding its claws high.

Jiang Wang could feel that his soul power doubled instantly!

And the eyes of Cancer's soul, different from the outside world, have turned crazy blood red, as if they have lost their sanity in an instant.

Before Jiang Wang could think about the meaning of this change, the giant crab exploded!

The soul explodes!

Jiang Wang quickly cut off the connection with the hidden snake of the soul, stepped on his toes, and the Qingyun imprint disappeared as soon as it appeared, and his figure had already risen into the sky.

And the true form of the sea lord with the appearance of a giant crab under his feet has lost all life breath and is floating in place. A breeze can carry it away.

Jiang Wang was alone in the sky and fell into a brief silence.

What silenced him was not the loss of dozens of Soul Snakes, which could be repaired soon.

Instead, he suddenly realized the reason why those "Guardian Sea Beasts" in the offshore islands were out of control!

The body structure of the Sea Clan is different from that of the Human Clan, and there is no boundary between the four seas such as the Tongtian Palace, Wufu Sea, and Zangxing Sea in the body, but only one sea of ​​consciousness.

This sea of ​​consciousness is similar to the sea of ​​five residences of the human body, and the island in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness is also very similar to the isolated island of heaven and earth for human monks.

Of course, these are not the focus at this time.

The point is that the image of the bald and strong man that Jiang Wang saw at first sight is the spiritual manifestation state that the Sea Clan should have! And just now, the soul of the sea clan can evolve into a beast shape, and the power of the soul has increased dramatically!

The "truth of the sea lord" has already made the physical body of the sea clan stronger, and it can even be said to be far superior to their close relatives of the aquatic clan. Now he can have this kind of evolution again, instantly strengthening the power of the soul. Can this kind of evolution be called "the true nature of the sea master's soul"?

The octopus sea beast he killed before, now it seems that it should be a warrior-level sea clan, stronger than the sea clan in front of him.

At that time, when he saw the destroyed banning flag in the sea of ​​consciousness of the octopus, he felt that the banning flag did not seem to match the spirit of the octopus.

How could a strong man who was able to capture the powerful Sea Clan in the Lost Realm and set up a restraining envoy make such a mistake? How could he ignore a problem that even Jiang Wang could see?

Based on what he saw just now, Jiang Wang came to the conclusion that the change of the octopus's mind and soul happened later. The beast-like spirit directly shattered the restriction, so there was a phenomenon of sea beasts in the offshore archipelago frequently going berserk.

I have never heard of the news that the souls of the Sea Clan can be turned into beasts before. Does this mean that the strength of the Sea Clan has been qualitatively improved during this period of time?

The Sea Clan that Jiang Wang suppressed just now was only a pawn, the most common Sea Clan, but even he had mastered the power to transform into a beast, even though he lost his sanity once he transformed into a beast. But certainly enough is said. This method has become popular among the Sea Clan.

Warrior-level sea clan gods and beasts will go crazy, but what about warrior-level? What about the commander-level...or even the prince-level? Is it possible to curb the madness and have to strengthen it?

The overall strength of the Sea Clan will undoubtedly increase as a result.

Just thinking about it makes people shudder!

Jiang Wang was sure that he was not the first to discover this. The first time he came to the Lost Realm, he discovered that the sea clan had turned into a beast. Those strong men who have been fighting in the maze world for many years should not fail to be discovered.

Because the Sea Clan didn't seem to hide it. In other words, this kind of large-scale strengthening involving the entire ethnic group cannot be concealed.

Yang Liu said that Diaohailou had already begun to investigate the phenomenon of sea beasts getting out of control. He also saw Chen Zhitao, the big brother of Diaohailou, running around.

With the strength of Diaohailou, he should have discovered that Cassia Island and Yanggu are not vegetarians.

So how should the human race respond?

The combat power of the human race in the Lost Realm must be strengthened, and the Qi State must send at least one more army of nine soldiers...

Perhaps this is the reason why both Yanggu and Jueming Island sent real people to participate in the sea festival ceremony? Repair and strengthen the Terran defenses?

Jiang Wang suppressed these thoughts for the time being. It is not his turn to make decisions on such a major matter as the coastal defense line.

Let's talk about other things after leaving the maze world safely.

He stopped here and waited for a while. The dead body of the sea lord of the sea tribe, the smell of blood had been dispersed for a long time, but no sea beasts came to look for food.

It appears that the message "sea people are not food" has been baked into the sea beast's instincts.

Jiang Wang didn't do anything else, and continued to circle around, looking for the most suitable location, and waiting for the best opportunity.

Just before flying away, he suddenly thought of——

I don't know how those corpses floating around were finally "digested" by the maze. Is it also like those corpses in this world?



Jiang Wang and Granny Bizhu had already started fighting in the Lost Realm, but there was no voice talking about them on Tianyatai.

The heroic spirits of the Lost World have already embarked on the road to return. Under the auspices of Hai Jingping, there are many links such as prayers and sacrifice dances, which are completed one by one.

At this time. The sea festival ceremony is drawing to a close.

The many guests who participated in the ceremony became more and more nervous, because the really important moment came only now.

The owner of Diaohai Tower, Wei Xun sat on a big chair, staring ahead, neither sad nor happy.

Qi Xiao, Yang Feng, and Jiang Wuyou, who were still in the main seat, all stood upright.

Especially Jiang Wuyou, who became more and more uncomfortable.

No matter who it is, standing near an unfriendly true monarch, it is difficult to feel at ease. Because you know very well that he can blow you to death in one breath.

But that's not the reason why Jiang Wuyou hoped that the sea festival ceremony would end as soon as possible.

What disturbed her was that in this sea festival ceremony, a person of Wei Xun's level didn't have to appear, but he did.

So why did he show up at the Sea Festival Ceremony? Is it just to throw Jiang Wang into the maze world?

It was like blowing an ant away, at most it was done by accident, and it couldn't be the business of such a strong person at all.

This kind of variable that is beyond control and is likely to affect the situation of the entire offshore islands is what makes her, the owner of the Huaying palace, uneasy.

"Those who accompanied me to participate in the sea festival ceremony..." After Hai Jingping finished the ceremony, Wei Xun finally spoke, with a sense of sadness: "They are all gone."

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