Red Heart Survey

Chapter 878: Ten Thousand Pupils

Qi Xiao and Yang Feng didn't make any eye contact, but they both looked at each other solemnly at the same time.

In Wei Xun's capacity, he will never be alarmist. He must have his reasons for saying this.

Then what else could be more terrifying than the true evolution of the sea master of the sea clan?

"The true nature of the sea lord has evolved, and it happened only recently. Why did it spread to all the sea people almost overnight? Have you ever thought about this problem?"

Wei Xun continued to ask: "Leaving aside the things in the maze world, how did these banned sea races change in our human race's territory?"

yes! Because the evolution of the sea master's true form is so terrifying that people ignore it for a while.

How the law of the evolution of the truth is passed on to the realm of the human race is the thing that should be more vigilant at present. It means that the line of defense that the human race has built for countless years may no longer be safe!

Immediately someone asked off the field: "Did the traitors of the human race pass something?"

"Which traitor has such a great ability, such a strong influence, and can contact all the sea beasts in the offshore islands in such a short period of time?" Yang Feng shook his head: "Unless..."

Unless it is the three forces of Diaohailou, Cassia Island, and Yanggu, which is of course impossible.

If the Sea Clan had the ability to quietly control any of these three families, they would have crossed the maze long ago.

Qi Xiao looked solemn: "Perhaps it is the secret hand of the sea master who was promoted at the beginning of creation, but it just takes time to complete. And we just caught up with this time."

This is not a possibility. The one who created the true identity of the sea lord back then was originally a legendary powerhouse with unfathomable power. No matter how incredible it is, it is not impossible.

Wei Xun shook his head lightly, and stood up at this moment: "I will let you all see for yourself."

As his words fell, Master Chongguang grabbed it with his backhand, and from nowhere, he grabbed a huge bull-shaped sea beast.


Fell in the middle of Tianyatai.

This sea beast has a strong aura, at least it is the true form of the sea lord of the commander-level sea clan, but at this time it is kneeling on the Tianya platform, unable to even roar.

Wei Xun's calm eyes fell on this huge bull-shaped sea beast. Almost instantly, it became transparent!

Its thick skin, muscles, blood, and internal organs gradually became transparent, as if they no longer existed. But the aura still entrenched there told everyone that it was still alive and hadn't disappeared.

Then everyone saw that a lake suddenly appeared in the same place. There was a small island in the lake, and there was a bull-shaped sea beast on the island... that was its sea of ​​consciousness and soul, which appeared so clearly in everyone's field of vision.

This is simply a miracle!

Both the sea of ​​consciousness and the soul are deeply hidden in the body, and they will often collapse with the destruction of the physical body.

It is not easy to directly penetrate the opponent's physical body with the naked eye and gain insight into the sea of ​​consciousness and soul.

And to "drag" the sea of ​​consciousness and soul of such a sea beast directly into everyone's field of vision, so that everyone can see clearly, what kind of method is this?

But Wei Xun came here deliberately, not simply playing tricks for these people to see.

At this moment, he stretched out his hand, his five fingers slightly opened, and his fascination with the cow-shaped sea beast was far away.

Judging from the form of this spirit, it is obvious that this is also the true form of the sea lord who has evolved into the level of spirit.

As soon as Wei Xun's palm met him, the spirit of the bull-shaped sea beast suddenly trembled, his whole body trembling like chaff. The sea of ​​consciousness that appeared suddenly became choppy. The storm suddenly rose and stirred endlessly. The waves crashed against the central island, nearly destroying it.

Wei Xun's five fingers were suddenly stretched together, and the sea of ​​consciousness displayed by the bull-shaped sea beast was instantly calm.

The raging sea just now seemed to be just an illusion.

Something even more mysterious happened. Under the control of a certain force, the entire sea of ​​consciousness, the sea area surrounding the isolated island, has a thin layer that slowly lifts up and separates from the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's as if the sea of ​​consciousness itself is divided into many layers, and now it's just raising one of them.

This layer of sea of ​​consciousness penetrated the isolated island but did not affect its integrity, as if it had solidified into a mirror, and finally stood upside down behind the cow-shaped sea beast soul.

In the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness is an isolated island, above the island is the soul of the sea beast, and behind the soul of the sea beast is an upside-down "Mirror of the Sea of ​​Consciousness".

People watched nervously and expectantly, and indeed they were not disappointed.

In the very center of the mirror of the sea of ​​consciousness, an open vertical eye suddenly appeared!

The soul that stared vertically at the bull-shaped sea beast didn't blink.

This scene is extremely weird.

There is one eye, always watching the bull-shaped sea beast! make it change!

This vertical eye itself is weird, and it should be that the white part of the eye is completely black. The part of the pupil is replaced by two crossing red lines.

Suddenly, the crossed red lines in the vertical eye trembled, and the vertical eye seemed to move its sight. Wei Xun's five fingers clenched his fist suddenly, and the sea of ​​consciousness and soul of the bull-shaped sea beast disappeared.

Or to be more precise, the huge bull-shaped sea beast once again appeared in everyone's field of vision, and the scene that everyone saw just now has been hidden.

"Why can the Sea Clan, which has been tamed and banned, change in the territory of the Human Clan." Wei Xun said: "This is the answer."

The people present looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them terrified.

Who does that eye belong to? It was able to cross the maze and affect the sea beast in front of it. And it affects more than this one!

"The Hai Clan has produced an incomparable strong man, his eyes can watch all the Hai Clan at the same time, no matter where they are." Yang Feng said in a heavy voice, "Is this what you want to say?"

"I don't know his name, nor his combat strength. Let's call him Wan Tong, because his gaze is on thousands of sea people." Wei Xun said: "I discovered his existence a long time ago, he The way of watching is very subtle, there are not many sea people watching, and at that time, the true nature of the sea master has not changed, so I didn't pay enough attention to it, I just thought it was a way of a certain emperor monitoring his subordinates."

"I didn't think of him again until the Hai Clan completed the overall change. After carefully observing all the Hai Clan, I found that without exception, they have all been watched by him."

"It's not scary for him to be strong alone. No matter how strong he is, there will always be strong people in our human race to fight against. But he is lifting the entire sea clan to jump! If things go on like this, what will the future be like?"

Wei Xun looked around and didn't say any more.

But everyone felt a bone-chilling chill.

Such a terrifying powerhouse appeared in the Sea Clan?

It is simply impossible to lift the ethnic group to rise. How many Sea Clans occupy the sea? There are even more powerful people like clouds, and they have been fighting the human race for countless years.

Is it really possible for such a powerful group to lead them to the leap by themselves?

In the past, no one would believe it, even if the person who said it was Wei Xun.

But the evolution of Haizhu's truth has become a fact!

Thanks to the soy sauce king who is a book friend and a passer-by for becoming the leader of this book! Add more at night.

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