Red Heart Survey

Chapter 889 Descendants of the True King

There are descriptions in many ancient books in the present world, saying that the human body is the manifestation of the Dao body, and the human race is the real bell of heaven and earth. The Shui and Sea tribes all have a similar body, which is probably a clear proof. The human race alone dominates the present world and has a wide range of resources, which seems to be able to prove this point.

Although in fact, the Shui and Sea tribes seem to be inherently stronger than the human race, but this saying has been passed down like this.

Many people firmly believe that the human race has been the most perfect form since its birth, the embodiment of the will of heaven and earth, and the spirit of all things, so it can become the ruler of the world.

However, according to the Sea Clan, the Human Race is just the servants of the Sea Clan, and the Sea Clan is the real master in this world.

The Human Sovereign used despicable means to steal the power in this world. The Dragon Emperor took the aquarium out to sea, fighting the wind and waves, and reshaping the glory.

The sea will melt into the near sea, and all the rivers and lakes in this world will be under the control of the Sea Clan.

The mountains, rivers and land will completely remove those despicable servants, return to their natural appearance, and return to the era of boundless aura.

It is common sense that the human and sea people have their own opinions, and no one will believe the other.

One day the Sea Clan will be completely wiped out, and the history of the Human Clan will be the truth, and vice versa.

Only the living party is eligible to record history.

Any ethnic group with a long history, no matter what it does now, must have a glorious history.

As for the true truth in the long river of history, perhaps only those who can see through time can know.

Jiang Wang didn't want to get entangled with the powerful Hai Clan, but just wanted to complete the cleansing as quickly as possible. But the world never revolves around a certain person, nor can he determine the will of others.

People don't hurt the tiger's heart, but the tiger hurts people.

Not long after leaving the previous position, a thorn elephant under his control met the sharp-faced sea tribe again.

This time, the sharp-faced sea tribe did not directly kill the sea beast, but stood in front of the thorn elephant, looked directly into its eyes: "I already know your existence. From now on, you can try your best to hide , you can also run away desperately.”

Facing the thorn elephant, he clearly knew that the thorn elephant's controller could receive his information.

He was talking to Jiang Wang!

His voice was very slow, and he seemed very determined and resolute: "But you can't escape. I will find you and kill you."

Jiang Wang didn't react at all, but just dissipated his spirit and hidden the snake directly, and handed over the thorn elephant to the opponent.

But he is well aware that the worst has already come.

Between the human race and the sea race, there has been a war for many years. There is no fair duel, and there will be no weak people queuing up to die.

The goal of killing one hundred Commander-level Sea Clans would not be particularly conspicuous if the time was extended and placed in the maze. The cruelty of the war in the lost world, the human race and the sea clan all know that a large number of soldiers die on both sides every moment. Even fighting in the wild can be regarded as a trial for both sides.

However, if the goal of killing a hundred Commander-level Sea Clan is achieved within a short period of time, it will definitely attract the attention of the Sea Clan. This is not a loss to take lightly.

In fact, when a time limit is added to the act of cleansing, this is the most difficult part. With Jiang Wang's current strength, he couldn't afford the Hai Clan's attention at all.

This sharp-faced sea tribe was obviously looking for him. Perhaps when he killed the red-eyed horned frog, he had already noticed his connection with these sea beasts.

It is night now, and the entire maze is pitch black. With the vision of an extraordinary monk, it does not affect the battle.

In order to kill Granny Bizhu, Jiang Wang squatted for three days and three nights. At noon on the fourth day, he met and killed Granny Bizhu, and then went to the floating island for the first time to rest.

In the evening, they came out from the floating island and officially started hunting the sea clan. It was already the seventh night of coming to the Lost Realm.

In more than three days, he killed a total of thirty-four commander-level sea people. Nine were killed on the first day, twelve on the second, and thirteen on the third.

It can be seen from these data.

As his killing skills became more and more mature, the speed of hunting the sea clan was indeed increasing. But from the second day to the third day, it is obviously not as fast as the improvement from the first day to the second day. This is because Jiang Wang's strength is limited. No matter how perfectly adjusted the hunting strategy is, his strength has limitations after all.

Moreover, the Commander-level Sea Clan will not run around all day with nothing to do. It takes time to find the commander-level sea tribe. It is necessary to select the commander-level sea tribe that can be easily killed, and try to avoid battles that are too time-consuming and energy-consuming. It's not easy.

The wild land outside the floating island and the sea nest has always been a place where human and sea warriors hunt each other, and this is a dangerous testing ground. Whenever they hit the floating island or Sea Nest, that was the outbreak of a legion level war.

In the Dingwei area, the strength of the Hai clan is dominant. The absolute advantage of five sea nests over one floating island has resulted in the fact that in the wilderness of the Dingwei area, basically all human monks suffer more.

In the past three days, the number of deaths of the junior commander-level sea clan far exceeded that of the previous ones. This is unusual and has already attracted the attention of the sea clan.

This sharp-faced sea tribe came to investigate the reason, and he had obviously found the trace, and he wanted to start hunting Jiang Wang in turn.

And Jiang Wang chose... to run away.

He scattered the sea beasts he controlled now and let them wander on their own. In order to attract the attention of the pursuers, he left the sea beast group and returned to the floating island alone.

It is meaningless to fight this obviously not weak Sea Clan, not to mention whether he can be killed, even if he is lucky enough to kill him, I am afraid it will only attract stronger pursuers.

It's better to let him chase, let the sea tribe think that this sharp-faced sea tribe is enough to control the situation. And he avoided it far away, and continued to cleanse his crimes.

Anyway, I almost need to go back to the floating island to resupply.



Jiang Wang has already slipped away relying on his immortal skills.

The sharp-faced Sea Clan is still chasing in this area, unaware that the opponent has lost.

He is the mid-level commander-level sea clan Yu Wangu, a descendant of a certain true king, with noble blood and the innate supernatural ability to control blood.

There are generally many descendants of the true king, and this status is nothing. But it's different if you inherit the innate supernatural power. Those who have a real chance to inherit the king's name are also highly valued.

Because of his innate supernatural powers, he can be regarded as a ruthless character in this Ding Wei area. There are countless human monks who died in his hands.

Yu Wangu was sure that his opponent had the ability to control the sea beast, and he actually found the black soul snake hidden in the sea beast's body, but the opponent was very cunning, and he collapsed every time, without giving him a chance to capture and study it.

But that's not a big deal.

Soul is not his specialty, but blood is an indispensable existence for all life.

But not many people can clearly know. What does the blood reflect.

It just so happens that he, Yu Wangu, knows it and is an expert in this way.

Whether the sea beast is controlled, by whom, and by what means, these subtle information will be reflected in the subtle changes in its blood.

Who is the opponent, what does the opponent look like, the more controlled sea beasts he analyzes, the more complete the information in his mind, and the more quickly he can sense other sea beasts under the same control... thus gradually reducing the opponent's range of action.

His opponent was playing hide-and-seek with him, which thrilled him. He enjoys the troubles his opponents bring him, and enjoys the happiness in the front line of life and death.

He will win.

At least at this moment, Yu Wangu thinks so.

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