Red Heart Survey

Chapter 901: The Army Surrounds the Island

After everyone enters the maze world, they all have their own team. On weekdays, you can sharpen alone, or you can mop up in a team, but more importantly, it is convenient to assemble an army at any time.

The so-called order of war is based on this.

Of course, not all monks in the Lost Realm will participate in the military formation. For example, the main body of Dingwei Fudao's army is Yanggu monks. During the war, they will join other monks as supplements under the premise of maintaining the integrity of the army.

When the incident happened, Jiang Wang and Chu Mi were at the foot of the peak in the center of the island.

Hearing the movement, like many monks, they flew directly to Baishi Square.

It can be seen from a distance that between the two tall Chinese watches is the gateway to the floating island. At this time, the lines of light rippled lightly, allowing those fleeing monks to pass through.

If it is the Sea Clan, it will be hit by the formation.

The monks who escaped looked panicked, and many of them were injured. But it wasn't too badly hurt. It is impossible for a person who has been seriously injured to escape in this situation.

Every monk who entered the island had to stand still in Baishi Square for a while before joining the queue to guard the island.

After observing for a while, Jiang Wang realized that this was to confirm that those who fled back to the island were all real human monks and were not controlled by external forces.

The two tall Chinese watches are the first test, and Baishi Square not only allows people to meditate and recuperate, but also has the function of the second test.

From this point of view, it cannot be said that the security of Dingwei Fudao is not strict enough.

"I'm calling, I'm calling!"

"The sea clan came out in full force. I think they want to completely wipe us out this time and monopolize the Dingwei area."


Compared with these flustered noises, what Ding Jingshan said earlier shocked Jiang Wang even more.

White Elephant King is the leader of the Sea Clan in the Dingwei area. His appearance means that the intensity of this war has reached the highest level in the Dingwei area!

Is my luck too "good"? Not long after he came to the Dingwei area, did he encounter a battle of this magnitude?

But he changed his mind, in such a big battle, there is no need to go to the commander-level sea tribe, maybe the task of cleansing sins can be completed more easily... Of course, the premise is that he can keep himself in such a battlefield life.

At this moment, Jiang Wang was not worried about whether Ding Weifu Island would be breached.

He doesn't know enough about the Dingwei area. In his view, Dingwei Fudao has been able to fight against five in this area, and it has existed for so long, so there is a reason for its existence. Ding Jingshan is a very reliable strongman. It has lasted for so long in the past, and it would not be such a coincidence that it couldn't last today.

Ding Jingshan's voice fell for a while before a tall figure appeared outside the floating island.

Dare to block the floating island at this time, who else but the White Elephant King?

This leader of the Hai tribe in the Dingwei area looks tall and fat, and his face can even be called kind. It's just that on both sides of his cheeks, there is a piece of white round bone armor, which is the characteristic of his sea tribe.

He didn't care about those human monks who were still fleeing to the floating island, but looked at Ding Jingshan at the highest point of Dingwei floating island, and grinned: "Ding Jingshan, if you really have such confidence, you might as well come out and take off the king's head." Level! Wouldn’t it be great to be successful and show off your strength?”

This king of the sea tribe came one step ahead of the army, and confronted the entire Dingwei floating island alone, showing a strong confidence.

It seems that he is not worried at all. The human monks on Ding Weifu Island can surround and kill him before the army arrives.

Ding Jingshan laughed and said, "Why is it so difficult to kill you? But fighting in front of the battle is nothing more than the courage of a man. Is it the action of a famous general? And I sit on a floating island and wait for work at leisure. What's the reason for telling me to give up the advantage of the land to follow you? When I Do you have no brains like you sea people?"

Gathering the power of the powerful monks on the floating island, can they besiege and kill the White Elephant King?

Of course it can be done, given enough time!

But Ding Jingshan could not make this attempt.

He couldn't guarantee that the White Elephant King was really the first to come alone, and he had no second choice. Once the attack is ambushed. Dingwei Fudao probably died today.

In the Dingwei area, the power of the human race is absolutely weak. He is not qualified to take risks.

"I haven't made any progress for so long, and I'm still only talking!" The White Elephant King snorted coldly: "A general is the courage of a hundred soldiers. If you don't have the courage, just open the island and surrender. You don't have to bear some blood debts."

He hasn't really done anything yet, but his voice, and Ding Jingshan's voice, are already "fighting"!

Jiang Wang, who has mastered the eight-tone burning sea, can perceive that the voices of the two strong men are attacking and killing each other like armies facing each other. This is a level he is far from interfering with.

But when he looked at the White Elephant King who was facing the floating island alone, he felt no fear in his heart. He has seen many strong people, so he will not be shocked by a fake king of the sea clan. Besides, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, his opponent is not this one.

His eyes skipped over the White Elephant King, and looked at the layered black shadows "slowly" approaching far away.

In fact, it's not slow, it's just because the field of vision in the maze is too good, and it looks too far, so it seems slow. The Sea Clan army is divided into five branches, supposed to represent the five Sea Nests in the Dingwei area. Arranged in five directions, almost the same speed is approaching.

Ding Jingshan's voice replied at this time: "White Elephant King, you have thought clearly! Raise troops rashly and attack my floating island. Are you Sea Clan ready for an all-out war?"

The Human Race and the Sea Clan have conquered year after year, but most of the time, they are controlled in a low-intensity range. Because neither the Sea Clan nor the Eastern Territory Human Race could afford the loss of an all-out war.

The history of killing each other with all their strength is a painful memory for both sides.

This war that has lasted for several great eras has not yet determined the final winner until today.

In the major regions of the Lost Realm, it is normal for the human race and the sea race to hunt and kill each other in the wild. Occasionally, the destruction of a few floating islands or sea nests is a small-scale war.

Ding Jingshan asked this question at this time, naturally because of the evolution of Haizhu's true identity.

The White Elephant King has been restrained for many years and has not swallowed the last floating island in the Dingwei area. Now they are suddenly leading the army, is it a preview of the sea clan's start of a full-scale war?

The Hai Clan thought they had enough savings and were confident of winning an all-out war?

"Killing Ding Jingshan and destroying a floating island will lead to a full-scale war? You think highly of yourself. Who will start a big war for you? Qi State? Is it enough to start a full-scale war with just one Yanggu? "

The White Elephant King sneered: "Since you and I have known each other for many years, you have a choice before the army under my command arrives."

Jiang Wang thought to himself, it seems that the Hai Clan also knows the power of the Human Clan very well. At least understand the division of forces in the offshore islands.

Then I heard White Elephant King continue: "Hand over this man, and I can retreat!"

He waved his hand, and a huge image appeared in the air.

Who is so important that the White Elephant King would not hesitate to launch a war to ask for it? Jiang Wang was thinking about it, and when he looked up, he was stunned.

Chu Mi who was beside him suddenly turned his head and stared at him with wide eyes, his face full of shock.

The huge image that appeared in the air was a handsome young man, drawing his sword and slashing at him. But seeing that his brows are firm, his thin lips are slightly pursed, his whole body is like a tight bow, and his long sword is like a pool of autumn water. Although the whole image has no real shape, it already makes people feel the murderous aura that is about to come out!

It was Jiang Wang himself!

It was the appearance in the memories of those sea tribes who were scared off by him.

For a moment, a bitter old monk seemed to jump out of his heart, yelling curses there. There are a lot of tortoise bastards scolding.

As for it!

A small monk in the inner mansion of our district was first besieged by nine commander-level sea tribes. The siege failed, and you are a dignified king of the Hai clan, and you still bring an army to suppress it?



(On the first day of 2021, I still love this story! Work hard this year!)

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