Red Heart Survey

Chapter 934 Don't Lose Your Best Friend, Don't Recruit a Strong Enemy

No one can answer.

No one can answer Jiang Wang, why.

Who can answer a soldier who escaped death and desperately fought back from the lost world? Who has the heart to give him a cruel answer?

Old Su was used to seeing life and death, so he couldn't help sighing: "I can give her an injection. If there is anything I want to say, if there are any unfinished regrets... just let it go."

He took out a thin silver needle from his sleeve, and explained: "It's beyond the old man's ability to take the soul back to life. But this needle is a dream, and you can see the light for a moment."

Returning to the light is the last moment of life.

The Twelve Needles of the Eastern King, which is famous all over the world, is an absolute secret. It is said to be: breaking lines, breaking formations, suspending life, scorching blood, breaking hearts, cracking eyes, calming souls, calming souls, frightening dreams, shifting life, returning to origin, and overcoming disasters.

The Duer golden needle of Qidi Jinzhenmen is largely inspired by the Duer needle, but the way is different.

Being able to make Zhu Biqiong, who has exhausted the "lamp oil", wake up for a short time is already a shocking means.

However, Jiang could he be willing to do this?

From Xingyueyuan, he rushed to Linzi. From Linzi to Huai Island. Even going deep into the lost world, bloody battles continued.

Is it to welcome this unchangeable result?

He squatted down halfway, squatting on the other side of Zhu Biqiong's body, helping her stretch out her curled up body, watching Su Lao's dream needle slowly twisting into the Lingtai...

Suddenly I couldn't hold back anymore.

He roared for no reason, and directed at Chong Xuansheng, like an angry lion: "What are you eating! You can't take her away if you can't be cleansed. You can cure her, give her some medicine, you can't do it Are you there? Aren’t you unparalleled in wisdom? Aren’t you extremely smart? Where’s your brain? What’s your method?!”

Chong Xuansheng didn't say a word.

Fourteen, who was wearing heavy armor, moved, probably wanting to protest, but was held down by his fat palm.

Jiang Wang also knew that his temper was unreasonable. No matter what happened, Chong Xuansheng couldn't be blamed for this matter, but he felt aggrieved and angry, and couldn't find an outlet, so he could only yell at Chong Xuansheng, who had the deepest friendship with him.

At this moment, he felt a weak force tugging at his sleeve.

He looked down and Zhu Biqiong was looking at him.

Looking at him with those tired, shriveled, dry eyes.

"Don''re so scary." She moved her lips and said.

Jiang Wang pursed his lips, pressed all the resentment in his heart, and asked, "How do you feel?"

Zhu Biqiong stared at him blankly without blinking.

Her eyes are weak, her lips are chapped: "I know I will see you again, no matter how long it takes."

Jiang Wang didn't know what else he could say. He just held Zhu Biqiong's hand and said repeatedly: "I will find a way, and there must be a way. I will save you."

But Zhu Biqiong shook her head. Because it is very difficult, it seems very determined.

"Don't save me." She said, " very hard."

"This world is very strange. It's different from what I thought. I don't want to... stay any longer."

In Zhu Biqiong's mind, what was this world like? Is there no deceit, is there no hypocrisy, is the most trusted person, who will never hurt her?

What kind of warm world did her elder sister Zhu Suyao paint for her?

Jiang Wang could only remain silent.

Including Chong Xuansheng, including Jiang Wuyou...they could only remain silent.

Those of them who cared about Zhu Biqiong's life and death at first were only because of Jiang Wang.

After all, how much effort Jiang Wang put in for this matter, they all saw it in their eyes and kept it in their hearts.

However, at this moment, seeing this situation, it is inevitable to feel sad!

"don't want……"

Zhu Biqiong stared at Jiang Wang obsessively, and at the last moment, she was reluctant to look away: "Don't lose your temper because of me, don't hate Diaohailou. I'm just a very ordinary and useless person. I... one complains."

Don't lose friends, don't provoke strong enemies.

This simple and clumsy girl gave Jiang Wang her life advice in her own way.

"I see..." Jiang Wang asked her: "Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"


Zhu Biqiong was distracted for a while, probably really thinking about it seriously.

Finally said: "If possible, can you bury me and my sister together?"

She closed her eyes with some difficulty: "I miss her so much..."

Zhu Biqiong's older sister, Zhu Suyao, died in the secret realm of Tianfu. After going through so much, maybe only by Zhu Suyao's side can she have a little sense of security.

"Yes." Jiang Wang said without hesitation.

He raised his head and glanced at Chong Xuansheng.

Chong Xuansheng only said: "You go directly to Tianfu City, and I will arrange other things."

Jiang Wang picked up Zhu Biqiong and walked directly outside Tianya Terrace.

When passing by Chong Xuansheng, he whispered, "I'm sorry."

He apologized for his unreasonable rant earlier.

Chong Xuansheng just took a look at Ji Shaoqing, who was always watching the show, and said, "We actually came to look for Miss Zhu, four times, but we were stopped by this dedicated genius from Diaohailou."

He understood Jiang Wang's mood, but of course he also had grievances in his heart. He bit the word "fulfilling his duty" very hard. He doesn't blame Jiang Wang, but it is impossible to have no complaints against Ji Shaoqing.

Jiang Wang turned his head, looked at Ji Shaoqing's face, and only asked, "Name?"

"Next Ji Shaoqing." Ji Shaoqing had no fear at all, but politely cupped his hands, and said in a friendly manner: "No one wants to see this situation. But Ji's responsibility is in vain. Sigh , Brother Jiang, don’t blame me.”


In the storage box, there was a light sound.

The sound was very faint.

But for some reason, it's freezing cold!

Only Jiang Wang knew that it was the set of killing nails hidden deep in the storage box, and he was eager to try it.

This set of instruments, made of Yan Xiao's beak as raw material, was made by Nanyao Lianque himself, and it was specially made for nailing Dong A. From the beginning of its birth, it was born for pure killing.

Lianque regards it as unknown, thinking that it will hurt the peace of heaven. Since Dong A was crucified, he has been silent in the storage box.

This trip to the Lost World was spent in killing from the beginning to the end. At this time again, because of Ji Shaoqing's sudden desire to kill...Jiang Wang's current murderous intent is so strong that it can be aroused.

Hearing this sound suddenly, Ji Shaoqing, who had been watching the drama with cold eyes and indifferently, couldn't help but twitch his eyelids!

But Jiang Wang didn't say anything, he just hugged Zhu Biqiong, stepped out of Tianyatai step by step, and hurried back to the Eastern Region in the hunting sea breeze!

The imprint of Qingyun, which keeps appearing and disappearing, extends to the extreme distance, like a road to heaven that never turns back.

However, everyone also knew that he would come back again.

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