Red Heart Survey

Chapter 946 Heaven Gate

Gu Huaixin is a real person in the world, and his disciples are unknown, so why is he so optimistic about Ji Shaoqing, and even rely on him as his mantle?

The Diaohailou family has a great career. There are not many monks who can pick off the two supernatural powers, but it is not impossible to find them. How can Ji Shaoqing be called Tianjiao?

Why did Ji Shaoqing dare to take revenge on Jiang Wang unscrupulously, revenge on a Qi Guo Tianjiao who beheaded and killed Granny Bizhu and killed more than a hundred commander-level Haizu?

It is because of Tianmen supernatural powers!

The so-called gate of heaven is the gate of heaven.

There are two ways to open this terrifying supernatural power.

When it opens from top to bottom, it produces an air ban effect, prohibiting opponents from flying. It's like sealing the opponent's door to the sky.

You must know that the extraordinary monk has the ability to fly in the flesh after the Taoism Tenglong, and all the battles since then have been carried out in the way of heaven and earth. Once the flight is banned, almost ordinary people have two legs lame.

When it opens from the bottom up. It can break a small boundary for a short time! Of course, it also has a limit, it cannot break through the big realm, for example, in the five mansions, it cannot jump to the outer building.

But it's already scary.

This ability becomes stronger as you go to the back. Open the gate of heaven when you are in the inner palace, you can have one more combat power than your opponent, and when you are in the outer building, you can gain one floor more combat power. What about after the gods come, and even real people?

Tianmen itself is already a top-level supernatural power, but it has an even more terrifying future.

In the long-standing records, there is another supernatural power called "Dimen".

The gate of the earth, the gate of the earth. When it is opened from bottom to top, it is forbidden to perform Shenhun Taoism. As it drives from top to bottom, pour out opponent Dogen!

How powerful these two effects are needless to say.

The scariest thing is——

The heavenly gate supernatural power and the earth gate supernatural power can be combined to form one of the top supernatural powers, the "Heaven and Earth Gate"!

It can even be completely understood as the gate of heaven and earth that a cultivator in the Tongtian realm must push open when he ascends to the Tenglong, because the supernatural power of the gate of heaven and earth can indeed to a certain extent... Forbid the extraordinary!

It is equivalent to closing the gate of heaven and earth that you worked so hard to open when you ascended to the dragon realm, and close it again!

It's just that the supernatural powers of the Tianmen are already rare in the world, and there are only sporadic records of the supernatural powers of the Dimensions in history.

Ji Shaoqing has been exploring the Fifth Mansion for a long time, just to pursue the legendary magical power of the gate of the earth. Once he really finds it, he will immediately be the number one pride of Diaohailou. Even Chen Zhitao, unless he can always maintain the absolute lead in the realm, otherwise he has to bow his head.

It is a pity that Ji Shaoqing has already reached the threshold of the Outer Building Realm and can touch the stars. The legendary magical powers of the Earth Gate are still missing, and the possibility of achieving the magical powers of the Heaven and Earth Gate is almost cut off.

But just the supernatural power of Tianmen is enough to make him known as Tianjiao!

This supernatural power is powerful, do I need to say more?

What kind of character is Jiang Wang, and how terrifying is his fighting talent in the fight? After finally getting out of the dangerous situation and gaining the upper hand, but when showing a fierce attitude, like a bird breaking its wings, it fell slumped in front of Ji Shaoqing.

This scene was too shocking.

There are many people who know that Ji Shaoqing has picked two supernatural power seeds, but few people have actually seen these two supernatural powers.

A first-quarter moon is already considered powerful. When Tianmen's supernatural power came out this day, it almost made people despair!

The prohibition of flying may not seem too terrible at first glance, but those who are really good at fighting can understand what a huge disadvantage this is. Being banned from flying means that the maneuvering space is greatly locked and can only be limited to the ground. In a confrontation between the strong, it is almost equivalent to... having lost the dodging space.

Because there are only so many possibilities, every move you make will be counted as dead.

If a cultivator at the sky-reaching realm wants to challenge a cultivator at the soaring dragon realm, he often has to rely on surprise attacks, getting close to the opponent before he flies up, or luring the opponent to fall down. It is because there is really a big gap between being able to fly and not being able to fly, reflected in the battle.

Although the Diaohailou monks outside the venue were excited, Jiang Wang's friends were nervous.

In the crowd, someone asked via voice transmission: "That door is..."

The person who asked the question was wearing a cloak and a black robe, and he was very mysterious.

Beside him, a person dressed in the same way said, "Tianmen."

This is a female voice, the voice is cold and piercing.

"So..." The person in front nodded, and suddenly said, "Let's go."

"Don't watch?" The cold female voice asked, "You came here on purpose just to take a look?"

"It's pointless to look at it again. No matter what the result is, we can't intervene in this battle. So, if we have a chance to listen to the result again, that's all." The male voice transmitted the sound, and he had already withdrawn from the crowd without a trace.

It seemed that she shouldn't have been curious in this chilly voice, but she was indeed curious, so she asked: "It means that if you can intervene, do you really want to help him? You don't seem to be such a person who cares about friendship. "

"It's worth helping him." The male voice only replied.

The two left here without a sound.

Come quietly, go quietly.

Let's say that on the Tianya platform, Ji Shaoqing sacrificed the divine power of Tianmen, and suppressed Jiang Wang, who was close to him, to fall on the spot.

How could he not take advantage of the victory to pursue, and immediately raised a finger, pointing to the sky.

The first quarter moon is drawn again.

When the arrow of Endless Moon was about to be fired, Jiang Wang suddenly moved!

The Qingyun imprint under his feet disappeared in a flash, and his falling body suddenly stopped, and he recoiled at a high speed, getting closer than the previous distance!

Everyone, including Ji Shaoqing himself, was shocked.

Jiang Wang was not affected by the prohibition of flying by Tianmen's supernatural power!

The anti-flying effect of the Tianmen magical power is equivalent to pulling back the step that the practitioner took to break through the barrier of the heaven and earth gates. What is withdrawn is the ability to fly in the flesh, and what is forbidden is the possibility of Taoist flying.

However, it does not rely on the physical body to float in the air, nor is it a Taoist art in the ordinary sense. It is an ingenious immortal art system in the previous period of the Nine Great Immortal Palaces, and it relies on Shujie!

Perhaps Tianmen's supernatural powers have been developed to a high level, and all flying possibilities can be locked. But at least at Ji Shaoqing's current level, he can't even suppress Shu Jie.

To use a simple analogy, breaking the legs is a way to stop people from running. But the breaking of his legs couldn't stop the other party from galloping on the horse.

Shujie is like this horse, carrying Jiang Wang who has lost his "legs" to fly, so he is not restricted by the magical power of Tianmen at this time.

Jiang Wang felt the effect of Tianmen's supernatural power at the first time, but he did not resist, but fell down.

Because, a supernatural power like "Tianmen" must be the killer's trump card for the caster, and it exists to make a final decision. Ji Shaoqing must have great confidence in it.

And his fall was to let Ji Shaoqing confirm the effect of his supernatural powers and have the feeling that the overall situation was in control, so he chose to attack instead of defend.

Misguided could have done this more easily, but he was reluctant to show it when all eyes were on it. For a supernatural power such as misguidance, once exposed, loses its most terrifying nature.

Even if there is no trace of the wrong way's activation, there may be someone who can see it clearly.

However, he used his "performance" in battle to make Ji Shaoqing misjudge.

If you don't use the wrong way, you will also have the merits of the wrong way!

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