Red Heart Survey

Chapter 990 A Little White Flower

With the posting of the Sea Honor List and the establishment of the Haishi system, the Lost World Battlefield has gradually become widely known, and the existence of the Sea Clan has become known to more people...

The offshore islands are becoming more and more prosperous.

It is also the time when flowers are blooming and fire is cooking oil when the offshore islands are integrated and the Diaohai Tower of Zhenhai League is established.

The Zhenhai League seems to be a hastily launched alliance, no matter how you look at it, it reveals a kind of urgency. However, Shendu Zhenjun Weixun's methods were unfathomable. After a series of actions, they were orderly. Not only did no major disturbances occur, but the influence of the Zhenhai League gradually became deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In a very short period of time, the sea people have gotten used to Zhenhai League.

A unified offshore archipelago, even in name only, would greatly facilitate the life of the sea people.

At least they can freely come and go between most of the islands, without having to go to an island, ask for an approval, pay homage to a group of local snakes, and memorize a certain island rule.

If we talk about the Diaohai Tower in the past, it is probably comparable to Dongwang Valley. Not only in strength, even in terms of reputation, Diaohailou has the merit of guarding the sea, and Dongwanggu also has the virtue of hanging pots to help the world.

But after integrating the offshore islands, the Diaohai Tower has been slightly higher than one head. Although it may not have an advantage in top-level combat power at present, it already has a stronger potential and a broader future that is recognized by people.

Then, the four elders of Jinghai standing at the highest position of Diaohai Tower are also as hot as one can imagine.

However, the hall of the fourth elder, Gu Huaixin, was frighteningly deserted.

It's not that once Ji Shaoqing died, he lost power.

His power comes from his identity, relying on his own cultivation as a real person in the world. No matter who is dead, he can't shake the fundamentals.

On the contrary, after Ji Shaoqing's death, more disciples gathered around him every day.

Who wouldn't want to seize the huge resource space vacated by a genius?

He was so irritated that he wanted to retreat without seeing anyone, but retreating when the Diaohai Building was in full swing and the high-level people were eating meat was undoubtedly a retrogressive choice. When they leave the customs, there must be only scraps left.

People like Gu Huaixin, of course, will not be swayed by emotions. He is still actively fighting in all aspects, competing with other high-level players.

It's just that when I stop occasionally, it becomes more and more unbearable to interrupt.

So the hall where he lived alone became more and more deserted. His disciples did not dare to come to the door easily, and the servants who served were also walking on thin ice and did not dare to make a sound.

Today is different.

In his hall today, there is a person standing.

A slender woman in a white skirt.

Standing there, like a nameless little white flower that will be blown to pieces at any moment.

Looking at this woman, Gu Huaixin did not hide his aura of life and death, and said in a low voice: "You dare to come to see me, it is courage. You can see me, it is skill. So I will give you a chance to speak."

"You are an honest elder of Diaohailou, and I am a young junior of Diaohailou. I don't need courage to see you."

The woman showed no signs of fear, and said softly: "Brothers and sisters love me, tell me news, and give me a chance, so I can see you, which is not a skill. But I am very grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to speak."

Gu Huaixin's gaze fell condescendingly, without any warmth: "It seems fair to say that a life pays for a life. But now, Ji Shaoqing is dead, and you are back. Standing in front of me so majestically."

He laughed, and the laughter sounded so cold: "Qi Guo is really, so capable of bullying people?"

Standing in front of him at this moment is naturally Zhu Biqiong who has returned to the offshore islands.

But her innocence and cowardice were completely gone. Facing the indifference of a real person in the world, she stood firm and did not flinch.

This nameless little white flower stood in the strong wind. Although it is weak and slender, it has a kind of vitality that does not know where it comes from and refuses to be broken no matter what.

She said: "My mother-in-law hurt me, or I hurt my mother-in-law. It was Brother Ji who hurt me, or I was killing Senior Brother Ji. Gu Zhenren, you have sharp eyes, and you can't make a mistake. I'm just an ordinary little person, and I can't live without it." As long as you live, you will die. For a big man like you, it is not worth mentioning, and of course it cannot be compared with the life and death of Senior Brother Ji... But what is wrong with me living?"

Gu Huaixin is a majestic elder of Jinghai, a real person in the world, but at this moment, he was unable to answer for a while.


What's wrong with Zhu Biqiong being alive?

She didn't hurt anyone. Instead, it keeps getting hurt. If you really want to talk about right and wrong, as far as what Grandma Bi Zhu and Ji Shaoqing did, if Zhu Biqiong could kill them with her own hands, who can say that Zhu Biqiong did something wrong?

What's more, she didn't do anything. From the beginning to the end, she was just waiting to die on the Tianya Terrace. She was just suffering, and she didn't even have a word of resentment.

What's wrong with her being alive?

"Did you come to me just to sue your master and your brother Ji?" Gu Huaixin, who was sitting on the big chair, drooped his eyelids slightly, his face expressionless: "They are all dead."

"But I'm still alive." Zhu Biqiong said.

"So?" Gu Huaixin asked.

"I want to live. It doesn't matter if everyone doesn't care about me. Someone cared." Zhu Biqiong remembered the way that person spoke seriously, so she also made her expression look more serious: "I want to live a good life."

"You can live a good life. If you are willing to go back to Diaohailou, you are still a disciple of Diaohailou." Gu Huai said, "I won't blame you, a little monk from the inner palace."

"But you still dislike me. Although you are a real person, you still have your emotions. Even if you know that I am not wrong, you still dislike me. If you dislike me, the whole Diaohai Tower has four points." One of the people didn't like me. I was accused by thousands of people and died without a disease. I can't live a good life."

"So, what do you want to do?" Gu Huaixin asked.

Zhu Biqiong knelt down slowly: "I want to worship you as my teacher."

Even a real person like Gu Huaixin, who is used to storms, was a little stunned for a while.

Theoretically speaking, Granny Bizhu is the elder of Gu Huaixin's lineage, and Zhu Biqiong, as Granny Bizhu's direct disciple, can be regarded as a disciple of Gu Huaixin.

But the problem is that Grandma Bizhu is dead. And before he died, he had severed the master-student relationship in an extremely cruel way.

The death of Ji Shaoqing, Gu Huaixin's most proud disciple, is also related to Zhu Biqiong.

It can be said that there is no relationship between him and Zhu Biqiong. Some are just the unhappiness that you can't help but think of when you see her.

Now Zhu Biqiong ran over and said that she wanted to learn from her teacher.

This is ridiculous.

"Why do you think this seat will accept you?" Gu Huaixin asked: "You are pitiful?"

"After I decided to survive, I told myself that I don't want anyone to pity me in the future. Therefore, I don't rely on pity."

As Zhu Biqiong said, she lowered her head as a salute: "Please forgive me for taking the liberty."

Then she held her head high.

Even though she was kneeling at this moment, she held her head up so high and so proudly.

She raised her right hand and pointed to the sky.

In that void, there is an ancient portal that is slowly opening.

The ancient and mysterious power came, and the rules between heaven and earth were changed.

This scene is so familiar, as if...

Open the gate of heaven!

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