Xu An took out the pocket extraordinary ship from the long-necked glass bottle, held it in the palm of his hand, and could see that a large number of obscure textures were added to the wooden wall of the hull.

At first glance, you can only feel that the materials used in extraordinary ships are of high quality.

But it is actually the manifestation effect of the purple "solid" entry.


At the same time, Hou Shi and Zhou Yanzhi had already entered the closed alloy cabin.

Under the supervision of the company's personnel, the process of fusing extraordinary materials began.

In front of Houshi are three strange and extraordinary materials.

In the middle of these is a daisy-shaped blazing citrine that emits a misty shimmer.

The extraordinary materials on both sides appear to be slightly lower grades, as they are only auxiliary materials.

Without the slightest hesitation, Houshi directly integrated all three extraordinary materials into himself.

The three extraordinary materials converge into one, as if trapped in the surface of a lake, and merge into Houshi's chest.

At this moment, the promotion begins!

Hou Shi is still extremely confident, his qualifications are not low, although the promotion sequence 7 is far away, but the promotion of sequence 8 is not very difficult.

Thinking of Xu An's exaggerated combat power, thinking of endless evil creatures that may infiltrate reality at any time.

Hou Shi believes that he can complete the promotion 100%.

Outside the alloy cabin, a company's scientific researchers were checking the situation of Houshi, followed by a sequencer from the late stage of sequence 8.

The researcher spoke:

"Hou Shi and Zhou Yanzhi are in good mental condition, have sufficient qualifications, and have extremely tough willpower."

"If nothing else, our company will add another two-digit sequence 8."

The sequence 8 sequencer in charge of supervision is also very easy, because even if the houshi is out of control, he, as the late stage of sequence 8, can instantly kill the houshi after the runaway mutation.

Ordinary people in surrounding companies are not in any danger.

Not far away, there was the second enclosed alloy cabin, and Zhou Yanzhi put a golden "fire ball" along with two auxiliary materials.

At the same time, fusing into itself, Zhou Yanzhi's whole person seemed to turn into a golden holy flame, reflecting the closed alloy cabin brilliantly.


Xu An soon received information from Zhou Yanzhi and Houshi.

Zhou Yanzhi and Hou Shi successfully completed the promotion of sequence 8 and are now undergoing mental condition testing.

After confirming that there is no pollution, or that the level of contamination is small, you can return to the team.

Xu An excitedly thought that sequence 8 "flower window" could open a strange flower window on himself.

Inside the window is a quiet and deserted garden.

The spreading wildflower vine can extract the spirituality, blood, and physical strength of the target.

At the same time, the flowers of wildflowers can be planted into the flesh and blood of the target to extract spiritual and physical strength.

Sequence 8 arsonists, on the other hand, are able to release divine flames with a purifying effect.

Similar to Xu An's Yangyan entry, but the arsonist is a ranged attack.

Hou Shi and Zhou Yanzhi have received a qualitative change in the level of life, and their combat power has been greatly improved, and they have become a true sequence 8.

Zhou Yanzhi complained in the group chat:

"I seriously doubt that Xu An's Jin Yan Long Knife taboo is essentially an extraordinary material needed for the promotion of the arsonist sequence."

"The two abilities are too similar, both are flames with purification effects."

Hou Shi spoke up in the group chat:

"The feeling of promotion is so wonderful, I feel that every cell in my body has been baptized by extraordinary strength."

"Not to mention the newly acquired sequence ability, just the physique can easily crush the previous state."

Zhang Xiuqing thought that he would instantly become the bottom, and he was also aroused to become stronger.

But it is useless to rely on fighting spirit alone, and you still have to swallow the spiritual essence little by little, nourish the spirituality, and slowly increase the level.

Not everyone can upgrade as quickly as Xu An.

The team talked to each other for a while, Xu An's excitement dissipated, and he lay down on the spacious and soft bed to rest.


The secret base of the criminal organization.

The people of the Sinners Organization, the Sisters of the Demon Calamity, and the Xenomorph Legion have sensed that something is wrong.

Because the trade fair couldn't have lasted so long, it stands to reason that it should have returned a long time ago.

A "soul inducer" at the peak of sequence 7 spoke, "

Could it be Bai Hao?"

"In order to take revenge on Bai Hao, the Crimson Pomegranate Company used extraordinary means to lock Bai Hao's specific location."

"At this time, Bai Hao is conducting a trade fair."

"Now, our people have probably been attacked, but they have prepared the means of escape in advance."

"In the end, we should be able to escape alive, and then we will know the truth."

Another soul inducer spoke up

, "I always feel that something is wrong, although Bai Hao is too serious because of the side effects of the frost ring."

"Someone who wants to trade with the Sister of the Demon Tribulation as soon as possible."

"But this is also too anxious, Bai Hao should not be a pawn of the Crimson Pomegranate Company, right?"

"It is impossible for the Crimson Pomegranate Company to exchange the lives of three sequence 7s for our trust."

"Still... Let's wait and see. "



The next day, Licheng was surprisingly quiet and peaceful, and the hull materials purchased by Xu An had been delivered.

He uses the "Ship in a Bottle" ability and begins to frantically build his own extraordinary ships.

The whole process requires continuous spiritual consumption, and the average boatman even needs to stop several times.

After restoring full spirituality, it is then transformed, but Xu An has purple quality spiritual restoration + spiritual relief.

Naturally, without pressure, Xu An first built a two-story structure in the cabin.

The design has become independent rooms, including warehouses, individual rooms, libraries...

The canopy was then extended above the deck to form a wide building of stacks.

The length of the extraordinary vessel was expanded to 9 meters long and 4 meters wide.

After all this, the extraordinary vessel looks much more stylish and is no longer the original humble fishing boat.

Various living facilities were also placed in the cabin by Xu An.

Coupled with the manifestation pattern of the "self-healing" and "solid" entries, people feel inexplicable majesty and oppression at a glance.

"With an entry for everything, this extraordinary ship can become a mobile city on the ocean in the future."

"Even if the evil initiates the final arrival, this extraordinary ship can become the last surviving place for mankind!"

"However, in the face of the plan for the arrival of evil, the eight major consortiums should each be ready for the final preparation."

After another five days, normal order seemed to return to the city.

The figure of the evil organization disappeared completely, because the three organizations with heavy losses had guessed that the missing sequence 7 was all killed by the consortium.

Although the Black Moon Sect did not lose anything, it did not cause trouble during this time.

In the past five days, Xu An has also received many cases of extraordinary events.

But it is all a naturally formed evil, and there is no evil organization behind the scenes.

As a result, Xu An accumulated a small amount of kill value and some of the progress of the extraordinary lock.

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