Red Moon Recovery: A Cloudy Day at the Start

Chapter 305: Dark clouds are over the city, slaying demons and slaying demons~


The child let out a pity.

"But don't you mean that those monsters have not been killed yet~ then I will be a hero from now on~"

"Hand a sword, specialize in killing demons~"

"Fight all the big monsters in Fengdu into the water~"

The little guy drew a wooden sword made of wood from behind his ass.

Turned out two gestures.

This gesture doesn't matter, the rest of the children are also from the feet, from the back, and two from the crotch.

Pull out a few wooden swords of the same rough workmanship and brandish them together.

The voice is still followed by his own voice.

He practiced his moves one by one.

The old man ignored himself and smiled.


The red moon in the sky, I don't know when it was covered by a dark cloud.

There seemed to be a cool breeze blowing away the last summer heat in this world.


The children and old men who were still chatting couldn't help but shrink their necks.

"It's going to rain, is this?"

The old man raised his head in confusion.

I looked at the dark clouds suddenly floating in the sky.

You need to know that the weather just now was fine.

Why did you suddenly say that it changed?

And today’s weather forecast didn’t say it was going to rain.

What a strange weather.

"Okay, okay, kids, it's too early, go home, let's wait for tomorrow to tell the story."

The old man got up from his bamboo chair and folded the bamboo chair away.

One hand is holding the chair, the other is holding his water glass.

He smiled and said goodbye to the children.

He got up and headed back to the door not far away.

And children are not like old people, who will go home when the weather is bad.

At their age, when dogs hate it.

Unless one's own adult came back yelling at the door, it would be impossible to go home at all.

Several children were very excited because they were listening.

One by one, Yao Mozi's heroic dream was evoked.

You are chasing me.

Because people living around are all decades old neighbors.

The children’s parents are also relieved that these children are fooling around, and are not afraid of accidents at all, so they let the children chase them.

"Sun Feng, what are you doing? Come here, we are going to chase that bad guy soon."

at this time,

A boy whose grade was not much different from the kid who asked the old man just now turned around and watched the boy named Sun Feng stop in place.

Can't help but ask.

Sun Feng raised his head and looked at the dark clouds in the sky.

Somewhat curious.

"Xiao Nian, look at how it became so dark that day."

He pointed at the black air there.

But just a few minutes of effort.

The entire sky seemed to be crushed by black clouds.

A piece of black crushed.

Even the surrounding lights became thinner.

The child named Xiaonian also raised his head and looked at the sky.

Looking at the dark clouds.

The clouds were still rolling, as if there was a living thing moving inside.

It is like thousands of waves, staying in the sky.

"Hey, Sun Feng, why do I feel that there seems to be someone moving in this cloud?"

The child was also stunned by the sight in front of him.

"Yeah, you said, could it be the monster that Grandpa said in his mouth?"

Although they were talking about monsters, these little children showed no signs of fear at all.

Instead, there is an eager look.

"No, didn't Grandpa tell me, what kind of ghosts are there in the monsters in Fengdu, they were all suppressed by the Palace Master Grandpa."

Xiaonian still has some letters.

"Let's go, let's go to the mountains! If there are monsters, we will fight them. It's much more fun than with them."

"If they could catch one, Xiaohui would definitely be envious of them."

"In this way, we are Wenquxing~"

Sun Feng lifted his wooden sword.

There was a gleam in the eyes.

He was most fascinated by the story of the old man just now.

I was still feeling that I couldn't defeat the monster like the palace master grandfather.

Isn't the opportunity here now?

"No... not good..."

Xiaonian hesitated at this time, he was still looking at the sky.

The dark clouds there are changing almost every second.

Just when he was fascinated by the sight, suddenly it was in the clouds.

A huge hideous face suddenly poked his head out of the clouds.

There was a smile on his face and a big scary mouth.

There seems to be only one mouth on the whole face.

Inside the mouth are densely packed with teeth, like a monster with only teeth.

The monster is looking at the world.


Xiaonian shuddered at the sudden horror scene.

Almost sat down on the ground.

"What's wrong with you Xiaonian? Go? What's your ghost name?"

"Scared~ You are going to be a coward."

Xiaofeng, who had turned his head to run like a hill not far away, heard the screams of his little friend.

Very dissatisfied muttered to the child.

"Sun Feng, let's go home? I...I just...I just saw the monster!"

Xiaonian didn't dare to look up at the sky, just holding his toy and going home.

His voice was still trembling.

A small face turned pale.

"Monster? Where is the monster?"

Sun Feng looked at Xiaonian's fright, raised his head and looked into the air again.

The grimace in the air has disappeared.

"There are no monsters at all, coward Xiaonian, you must be scared!"

The little boy laughed at his little friend.

This is a very inferior agitation among children, if you are usually called a coward.

Xiao Nian will definitely not be convinced.

But this time, the child thought of the horrible scene he had just seen.

I couldn't help shivering again.

He shook his head desperately.

"Sun Feng, I'm leaving, you go home soon, it's so late, and your mother will call you again later."

After speaking, he ran back in the direction of his own home without knowing his head.

Good home, there are parents waiting for me at home.

Let's go home and watch cartoons, stop fighting monsters.

"Xiao Nian, Xiao Nian."

The child saw his little friend abandoning himself and ran home alone.

Behind him he shouted several times in succession.

But the little child was determined to go home and ignored it.

It was only when there was no sign of the last run, that he replied from a distance.

"There are really monsters, go home quickly!"

Sun Feng scratched his head.

Looking at the disappearing little friend.

Look to the sky again.

"Are there really monsters?"

In his little head, thoughts were spinning quickly.

"It's good to have monsters, wait for me to catch one of them, so that I can become a great hero like Palace Master Grandpa in the future."

"Let them envy Xiaonian to death."

The child mumbled.

The thin clothes were violently blown by the night wind.

He hesitated a little.

Looking at the hillside not far away.

Carrying his small wooden sword, he ran towards the hillside.

"Look at my old grandson killing demons and demons today~!"

[Author's digression]: Three shifts are here~ ask for a bank note~

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