Red Moon Returns

Chapter 10 The Soul of the Other (Please read on)

"Let me introduce myself again, Natalie Angel, a soul-shifter who has fallen from the Lord of Order, with level three power."

Lynch stared blankly at Officer Natalie in front of him. Surrounded by more than a hundred weird creatures, the tall police officer looked calm and collected. The surrounding situation has obviously not improved, but for some reason, Lin Qi's heart, which has been hanging in the air since he entered the memory, relaxed for the first time, and he felt an inexplicable peace of mind.

"Qihun...hiss, be careful."

The surrounding monsters gradually woke up from their frenzy, and three of them had already pounced tentatively.

"Yes, soul-shifters, a group of lunatics who play with their own souls."

With a bang, the police officer raised her sheathed sword without looking back, and held up a fallen claw. At the same time, she moved lightly horizontally. The monster that rushed over was immediately shaken by her own strength and moved toward a side. He fell sideways, collided with another of the same kind, and rolled into a ball.

"You don't have to be afraid. I will ensure your safety. They are just a group of Terrorclaws, not a threat."

As he spoke, Officer Natalie turned slightly sideways, letting the third monster rush past. The moment he passed by, he suddenly raised his long legs, raised them above his head, and slashed them down like a big ax, falling heavily on the monster's head, stamping its head hard into the ground.

Stepping on the monster, the police officer lifted up her hair and turned back to Lin Qi with a faint smile:

"Now tell me, what did you see?"

I saw the goddess of war.

But Lynch didn't say that, because he saw a huge phantom of a scale suddenly appeared in the air above Officer Natalie, and at the same time, there seemed to be a lingering weird whisper in his ears, as if there were tens of millions of people. Someone whispered in his ear.

The scale hangs high in the sky, full of solemn majesty. Around the scale, three luminous patterns are like satellites, constantly circling the scale. Without even looking carefully, as long as he turned his attention to the pattern, Lynch's consciousness had automatically understood the appearance and meaning of the pattern. They were a shield, a book, and a small gavel, representing the three types of weapons that the Lord of Order once controlled. Powers: Protection, Law, and Judgment.

"This is the first time I've seen ordinary people see soul images."

Stepping on the monster's head, Officer Natalie glanced at the monsters called Dreadclaws. They also realized that something had changed and were roaring and rushing towards them from more than ten meters away. The police officer spoke faster and said:

"What you see is my soul image, which is also the symbol of the Lord of Order. We use our souls to imitate the power of gods to control the abilities attached to the power. Power is the source of our power, and ability is the means by which we fight. Normally It is said that the soul image is invisible to others, except when you want to show it.”

Even though he had just escaped death, Lynch still realized immediately that the attitude of the police officer had completely changed, and he subconsciously asked: "Are you showing me your power? Your attitude... "

"Yes, watch carefully, this is how we, the soul-shifters, fight."


Terrorclaw was very fast, and in just one sentence, he had crossed a distance of more than ten meters and was approaching.

The police officer's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the monster under her feet screamed, her head was directly crushed, and her facial features were bleeding and paralyzed on the ground. The lady exerted force on her legs and kicked the monster of several hundred kilograms away, smashing it into the group of terrifying claws that rushed over.

But this did not stop the monster swarm. In Lin Qi's field of vision, the first ten monsters were getting closer and closer, and the smell of blood on their bodies was already wafting over them.

Officer Natalie snorted coldly, raised her foot and stepped lightly on the ground. At the same time, the shield light ball outside the scale seemed to light up.

The next moment, Lin Qi found a circle of light emerging out of thin air at his feet.

As soon as the aperture appeared, it quickly expanded outwards and swept the nearby three-meter area in an instant. The first dozen or so Terrorclaws that rushed over collided head-on with the aperture, and were ejected like they hit the front of a steam locomotive, colliding with the same kind behind them.

What's this? If I could have such an ability, I wouldn't be in such a panic just now.

Lynch was stunned by the vision, and then he immediately realized that he was witnessing something extraordinary in this world.

The effortless movements, the huge shadow that appeared behind him, and the weird and strange effects in front of him all deeply attracted him, making him have a strong sense of expectation for the extraordinary power of this world for the first time. Time even forgot to consider his own safety.

[Power, protection, ability, expulsion. 】

A gentle voice sounded in his head at the right time, answering the questions in his heart.

The inner fear claws were bounced away, and the outer ones were squeezed inward. The two sides collided together and made a mess. Instead, a short vacuum zone was formed around the two of them.

"Just stay with me, they can't hurt you."

Officer Natalie smiled calmly, turned and walked outside.

Lin Qi's heart beat inexplicably faster. He picked up his top hat and hurriedly followed. Within two steps, the chaotic Terrorclaws were already swarming him.

This time, the book pattern outside the scale flashed, and Officer Natalie shouted coldly at the same time: "Don't come near, everyone, get back."

[Power, law, ability, shock. 】

Lin Qi felt nervous and wanted to retreat immediately, but his reason immediately took back control and he still followed the police officer closely.

But the monsters around them retreated desperately as if they were frightened, and were blocked by similar creatures that were crowding up, unable to advance or retreat.

"Hmph, it's a waste of time." The police officer frowned, pointed her sheathed sword forward, and shouted sternly, "I said, get out of the way and don't hurt anyone."

[Power, law, ability, command. 】

Lynch even held his breath for a moment, because he found that the airtight Terrorclaws in front of them had really made a gap.

That is not the behavior of being controlled and confused, but more like reluctant execution under a forced order.

Can monsters also understand human speech? Lin Qi was filled with questions.


The police officer picked up her sword, straightened her back, and walked towards the large group of Terrorclaws. Her lonely figure faced hundreds of monsters without any hesitation.

Looking at the ferocious Terrorclaws all around, Lin Qi paused for a moment, then gritted his teeth and chased after her. Instead of following behind her, he took two steps closer and walked side by side with her.

"Tsk." The police officer glanced at him sideways, with a smile on her lips, "The willpower is good, but the face is too pale and the legs are still shaking, which makes it ugly."

Lin Qi opened his mouth to retort, but was too nervous to speak.

Because the two of them had already entered the narrow passage left by the Terrorclaw, the monster was close at hand and the roar was in their ears.

Each Terrorclaw bared its fangs and claws in an extremely ferocious manner. If any one waved its hand casually, its sharp claws could tear it into pieces.

I could only think to myself, there was a claw grazing my hair just now. I was only trembling. That was good. Believe it or not, I peed my pants on the spot.

"Okay, we're leaving now."

After successfully getting past the last surrounding Dreadclaw, Officer Natalie grabbed Lynch's wrist forcefully.

[Power, protection, ability, escape. 】

Lin Qi felt his eyes blurred and the wind whistled in his ears. When his vision recovered, he found that he had been dragged out of the encirclement and reached the other side of the altar, thirty or forty meters away from the large group of monsters.

What's more important is that not only is there not a single Dreadclaw around, but there is also a relatively intact and solid earth house next to it.

Officer Natalie pushed hard and pushed Lynch into the building next to her, blocking the door herself:

"Stay in and don't come out. You should be protected here. It's time for you to help down below."

Lin Qi staggered into the earthen hut, and his blood had faded. Lin Qi felt that his whole body was limp, and he almost collapsed on the ground. He leaned his back against the wall to barely support his body and remained standing.

This woman is so amazing, but I can’t be compared to her.

You can't fall down, you can't be embarrassed, you have to die standing up.

Gritting his teeth and standing, Lynch looked around.

This ancient city was obviously not a place for monsters. The aborigines should be the corpses next to the statues. Now everyone is dead, but most of the houses are still intact. It can be seen that the defense effect of the house should be enough to deal with the claws of the Dreadclaw.

It seems to be safe for now.

Until now, Lynch actually still has an unreal feeling.

Just a moment ago, he was lying waiting for death in front of the terrifying leader, and now he was casually rescued by this lady?

Her ability is so enviable. I must master this extraordinary power and control safety in my own hands.

Just as he was thinking about it, the roar of Dreadclaw sounded from outside again. "Roar……"

As soon as Lynch disappeared, the Terrorclaws outside exploded.

Hundreds of monsters reacted and rushed over with their claws waving, their heavy footsteps sounding like thousands of horses galloping, making the earth tremble.

The police officer just shook her head, knelt down on one knee, stabbed her sword on the ground, held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and loudly said in a loud voice: "The rules are set. Those with evil intentions are not allowed to approach."

[Power, law, ability, legislation. 】

The balance in the sky suddenly lit up as a whole, and a beam of light shone around the earthen house. Lin Qi was within the scope of the light and clearly felt a solemn and solemn feeling around him.

A strange situation happened immediately.

Terrorclaw had already rushed around the earthen house, waving its claws to scratch the outer wall. However, after receiving the order, it immediately backed away reluctantly and circled around the earthen house, but did not dare to come within five meters of the door.

"It's safe for now." Not surprised at Terrorclaw's performance, Officer Natalie calmly dusted off the dust on her windbreaker, leaned against the door frame holding her sword, and said calmly, "The performance is very good, at least now I can still rely on it. Standing on your own strength, you have overturned all the impressions I had when we first met.”

"Can they understand your commands?" Lynch finally had the opportunity to ask the biggest question in his heart.

"I don't understand, but it is not my order that takes effect, but the power of the law. As long as there are intelligent creatures that produce order, they will have a natural respect for the rules. I make temporary regulations, and they instinctively feel that they must do the right thing." I feel scared about this, whether I understand it or not, even if I don’t say it out loud. Now do you understand?”

"Huh, you haven't answered me yet, why are you telling me this?" As soon as it was confirmed that he was temporarily safe, Lin Qi's mind returned to normal. "The attitude has changed. Something must have happened."

"Because I can now confirm that if you want to live, you will definitely take the path of a soul-shifter. There is no need to hide it from you anymore. I might as well take the opportunity to tell you something in advance so that you can feel more comfortable when you are forced to choose. Don’t feel resisted.”

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Not only did Lin Qi not resist, but he felt inexplicable joy:

"Maybe I also have extraordinary powers?"

"That will happen after suppressing the out-of-control strange objects. Before that, I need you to do some work."

Officer Natalie said solemnly:

"We are in a special object used for sacrifice, which has the effect of preserving the memory of an ancient sacrificial ceremony. Everything you see seems real, but it is actually a historical fragment that happened tens of thousands of years ago. Using this object to establish a connection with ordinary people is equivalent to sacrificing these people to the evil god in the simplest way. The memories in the object will automatically complete the whole process. In reality, only a very simple ceremony is needed, which is very concealed. We have to suppress this object now, you..."

Listening, Lynch saw that Officer Natalie's mouth was still moving, but her voice was getting farther and farther away. Then her chest felt stuffy as if a huge rock was pressing on her. She fell down softly.

However, as soon as her body touched the ground, her consciousness immediately recovered. Lynch waved to Officer Natalie with the little strength he had recovered, climbed up with difficulty, opened his shirt to look at his chest, and several withered blood vessels had extended to his heart.

His heartbeat was extremely fast, and he was sweating all over. Lynch stared straight at his chest.

Death was so close, so close that it made people despair.

He turned his head blankly to look at Officer Natalie, whose serious face showed some sympathy.

“How long will it take?” Although it was uglier than crying, Lynch at least gritted his teeth and forced out a smile.

"11pm, sixty minutes left."

"Okay, go on." Lynch clenched his fist and said, "I want to see whether death comes faster or I run faster."

Officer Natalie had a complicated expression, with a little more admiration in her eyes: "Okay, if you survive, I'll buy you a drink. I hope everything is still in time. The following is the most difficult step to suppress the strange object. It can only be executed after entering. It requires reading the memories of the strange object and finding the conditions for suppression. Usually we can only slowly try and error, but now you are here."

"Okay, what should I do?"

"I don't know. You can only explore it yourself. People with inspirational talents do this. I don't want to lie to you. The fastest people with keen inspiration I have come into contact with need more than an hour to read the mysterious memories. Time may not be enough, but you can still try. Remember that time is tight, the faster the better."

"I understand." Lynch gritted his teeth and nodded, "I will do my best for my own life."

As he said, he touched his withered chest: 'Traveling companion, there is still time. '

[It only takes forty minutes to read the memories of a strange object at one time, which can be completed within the time limit. But your will will be under great pressure, and you may lose consciousness during the process, resulting in a reading failure. It takes fifty to fifty-five minutes to read in two times, which is safer, but the remaining time may not be enough to complete the conditions. 】

‘So I don’t actually have a second choice, right? Then the last question, if the time is up, will I really die? ’

[Yes. 】

‘Then what are you waiting for, come on, let’s read out the suppression conditions at once. ’

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