Red Moon Returns

Chapter 13 A New Beginning (Long chapter, updated once today)

When telling the time, Officer Natalie looked at Lynch's expression worriedly.

After all, I have just gone from sadness to joy, and my mood has not been adjusted yet. It is difficult for normal people to bear it again from happiness to sadness.

However, Lin Qi sneered abnormally, shook his head and said:

"Oh, a month is at least more than five hours. Should I feel lucky?"

"are you OK."

"Don't worry, people like me are very good at adjusting their mentality. If you tell me that I will die in an hour, I will be very scared, but if it is changed to a month, then wait for a few days first, don't worry."

What Lynch was thinking about was to stay at home for a few days first. This is the adjustment ability of a homebody. And even if he really died in a month, it would not be a loss to see more of this strange new world:

"Besides, since it can be extended from the five hours of death to one month, I am confident that I can continue to extend it until the problem is completely solved and I won't be intimidated. But why is it one month? Is it so punctual?"

"This dates back to the mythical age of the First Age. At that time, in addition to sacrificing captives and livestock, sometimes people of the same ethnic group with more noble status were also sacrificed. People would select the sacrifices a month in advance and serve them with the highest standards. This custom lasted for many years and gradually formed rules, so all evil gods were the same. Even if the selected sacrifice did not complete the ceremony, it would die on the spot after one month. The soul will also be taken away later, which is the result of the automatic operation of the rules of the world. "

"So I was still harmed by Randall." He glared at the weird head on the side with hatred, "Do you have any countermeasures? Ah, you said that my only way out is to become a soul changer. It's probably because of the current situation. "

"Yes. In fact, there are many preventive measures before becoming a sacrifice, but once you become a sacrifice, the result cannot be changed. There is almost no way to stop it. Unless you can defeat the evil god's body head-on, it will be difficult to survive. However, sacrifice Pin can also escape, as long as he is not found. "

Lin Qi suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "No wonder I want to become a soul shifter. Is this because I want to manipulate my soul so that the flicker can't find me?"

"You react so quickly. No wonder you behaved like this today. You are worthy of being a detective. Yes, the process of alienating one's own soul by a soul-shifter can just eliminate the imprint of the sacrifice on the soul. This is your only way out."

"Becoming a soul-shifter within a month?"

"Yes, actually it is not easy, because becoming a soul shifter is very complicated, and it requires long-term contact with the sacred mysteries and feeling the historical echoes from the mysteries left by the gods. But there is a month, at least there is time to give it a try . If you can see the soul image, it means that you have the potential to become a soul shifter, and it is worth a try. In fact, normally, letting you become a soul shifter is harmful to you. I would not suggest this, but in the current situation. If you are forced, you won’t have to worry so much.”

"Wait a minute, why is becoming a soul-shifter harmful to me? The more forbidden knowledge you have, the faster you will die?"

"What do you think will happen if you play with your own soul? Contact the mystery, understand the mystery, and then...become a mystery. This is our journey. Every time alienation is completed, the soul will get closer to the mystery, and the erosion of the mystery will become more serious. Once I fail to resist the erosion, I will either turn into a murderous madman or a twisted monster, and eventually die at the hands of my former companions. This is the end of most soul-shifters in the future. Remember to deal with me with your own hands, I will thank you in the underworld.”

"You..." Looking at Officer Natalie's calm expression, Lynch felt a little heavier and depressed.

"Don't use this expression. We are all used to it. If you survive in the future, you will get used to it. You are used to living on the edge of madness and distortion all day long. When you open your eyes every morning, you must be grateful that you can still stay awake. Someone said, we Either you are already crazy or you are going crazy. There is no third state. So, do you dare to take this path?"

Lin Qi squinted his eyes and breathed a little quickly. He did not doubt that Officer Natalie was exaggerating, but he had been longing for the world of extraordinary beings in his previous life for a long time, and after tonight's experience, he was even more eager for the power of self-preservation, not to mention...

"I had no choice at all."

"Survival or death, this is the choice." Officer Natalie wrote an address on the paper, "Go back tonight and think about it carefully. No matter what the outcome is tomorrow, come to this address to find me in the afternoon. If you plan to walk This way, I will take you to meet a person who can introduce you to some ways to help you become a soul changer."

34 Ale Street, Scarecrow Club.

"This this the headquarters of your Watchers?"

"Fine, I'll notify security to let you in."

Officer Natalie said as she checked the two strange objects several times before closing the box.

"and this."

Lynch opened his palms, revealing the ring in his palms.

Officer Natalie seemed to have not seen it, and her eyes drifted to the side: "Lynch, tonight's cooperation has allowed me to see the will and ability of ordinary people. I am looking forward to the opportunity to cooperate next time, so I am more... I hope you show up tomorrow, but if you don’t, I wish you good luck.”

"I'm looking forward to it too." Lynch smiled and took back the ring, "I will show up, after all, I don't want to die yet."

"You have just experienced so many things. Don't make a decision in a hurry now. Go back and have a good night's rest. Don't worry, you will be safe during this period."

"Won't the 'master' behind the scenes do anything else?"

"You are already the sacrifice of the Flasher. Unless he wants to snatch the sacrifice from the Flasher, he dare not do anything. This is a very sensitive matter."

"I understand. Then I'll write down the address. See you tomorrow." Lynch stood up and put on his hat. Seeing that the police officer seemed relieved, he tilted his head and asked with a strange expression, "Officer, you are so anxious to send me back to rest. You haven't figured out how to solve the bet problem yet."

"You, you, you..." Officer Natalie didn't know what she thought of. Her face turned red in an instant. She stammered, "You, you, what are you talking about? You are still a sacrifice. It's not certain that you can survive. It's not over yet. We have to wait for a month to see the result."

"I see. What are you thinking about? I will definitely show up tomorrow. I must seize this opportunity to survive. Otherwise, how can I raise the bet again in a month?"

"I, I, I am not kidding you." Just now, with a When the policewoman suddenly became like a little girl who was hit on the heart, she said with a wandering look, "This is a serious matter. There is no room for regret. You..."

"Well, I understand, I understand."

Lynch strode to Officer Natalie, looked down at the sitting officer, and when she looked more and more embarrassed, he bowed deeply and solemnly, and said sincerely:

"Although there are still many questions to be clarified about what happened tonight, I know that you saved my life. If you hadn't been with me all the time, I wouldn't have lived until now. So, thank you, Officer Natalie Angell, I will never forget your help tonight."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in saving you, it's just my duty." The policewoman looked away and said awkwardly, "I'll arrange a carriage to take you back. Remember to think about it tomorrow before making a decision."

Lynch nodded, turned around and prepared to leave, but before he took a step, his movements suddenly froze in place.

"What's wrong?" Officer Natalie looked over along his line of sight, and her face became gloomy.

This is the living room of the Randall family. On the far wall hangs a huge oil painting, all of which are portraits.

The ghost of the strange object Danis's former residence was found from behind one of them.

However, when they looked over at this time, they saw a strange scene.

The frame of one of the portraits was empty, and it became a blank background.

Lynch felt a chill on his body, as if a gust of cold wind blew over.

He quickly ran to the bottom of the portrait and observed carefully. The canvas was normal, without any signs of having just been replaced.

It was as if the person in the painting had left on his own initiative.

"Ability..." Officer Natalie's voice came from the side, "When I came back from suppressing the strange objects just now, these portraits were still normal. This is someone peeping at us from the beginning, and it only ended just now."

'Traveling companion, what's going on? Isn't it related to mystery? '

[Ability, illusion and reality, need to be arranged in advance, remote peeping through portraits, belongs to the mysterious power. ]

'But... okay, you said before that at least two mysterious reactions are strange objects, is this the mystery beyond the strange objects? ’

[Yes, what is shown here is only the effect of the ability, not the source. There is no obvious mysterious reaction and it cannot be distinguished in advance. ]

‘Can it be traced? ’

[No. ]

‘I understand, thank you. ’

Lynch sighed and looked at the police officer who had come to his side: "It seems that Randall let us into the living room at the beginning, not just to confuse us."

"It's very likely." The lady said with a gloomy face: "I'm afraid this is the 'master' that Randall mentioned, who has been spying on our actions. Damn, he doesn't care about Randall's ending at all, just watching from the side. What does he want to do?"

"No matter what he wants to do, as long as he doesn't act according to his interest, there will definitely be a next move." Lynch stared at the blank picture frame gloomily, "I'm still worried that he will hide and not show up. Since he is willing to show up, I will find him out sooner or later. But before that, I have to survive first. Haha, it seems that there is no need to consider it. Even in order to find him out, I have to become a soul-forsaken person to survive."

"Okay, if this is your choice. I'll have someone send you back first. Remember to come here tomorrow afternoon. If it's too early, I won't be there."

Lynch nodded and followed the blue uniform leading the way out of Randall's mansion. More police officers have surrounded the place, making the mansion noisy and chaotic.

Walking out of the door and looking up at the sky, it was past twelve o'clock, and the red moon and the silver moon met in the sky, making the moonlight as bright as water.

Dragging my sore and tired body onto the carriage, I closed my eyes and clenched the pendant on my neck, silently enjoying the feeling of the crimson moonlight shining on my body. The fear and anxiety of several hours quickly disappeared, leaving only the tranquility that had lasted for millions of years.

The police carriage of the Hall of Order soon stopped outside the apartment in the River Valley District. The lock of the door had been kicked by Officer Natalie, and it was half-closed as when I left. Walking into the house and pulling a chair to prop up the door, Lynch breathed a long sigh of relief, fell softly on the sofa, looked at the bloody full moon outside the window, and was a little dazed for a while.

Is this my new life?

Am I really resurrected, am I really traveling through time?

Although there were many difficulties and I almost lost my life several times, at least I survived.

He took out the detective notebook, thought about it, and wrote the latest page on it in Chinese characters to be on the safe side.

On May 13, 1399, I traveled to a new world and successfully survived the most urgent death crisis. From tomorrow, I will spend my new life in this new world.

Putting down the pen, Lin Qi leaned on the sofa, and all the experiences before and after the travel swirled in his mind.

Starting tomorrow, the most urgent task is to find a way to become a soul-discarding person, break through the one-month time limit, truly gain a foothold in this world, and take life into my own hands.

The second thing is to find out the truth about why I was chosen as a sacrifice. I must find the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes, and the sooner the better, otherwise there will definitely be a second and third conspiracy. It is better to find the thief and kill him than to guard against him for a thousand days.

The third thing... is not right.

How could I forget the most important question.

Damn Randall, you didn't pay me for the goods until you died.

Who can I ask for my six pounds and fifteen shillings? How can I live in the future?

Trembling, he took out his purse and turned out the lining. There were still only three shillings and six pence.

In the Kingdom of Rand, 12 pence is one shilling, and 20 shillings is one pound. One penny is equivalent to five dollars in the previous life. Now all the property is only 210 dollars. Even if I eat once every two days, it can only last for twenty days.

It seems that there are also rent, water bills, gas bills, and steam boiler fees. The landlord has to pay three pounds in total, and the deadline is in the middle of the month.

Isn't that the day after tomorrow? No, tomorrow.

You really cut off my livelihood completely, damn the mastermind behind the scenes, I will never reconcile with you from now on.

What to do.

Lin Qi suddenly dragged his tired body to climb up, opened the wardrobe and began to search all his clothes pockets.

In the previous life, you must leave me some change in your pocket, please, otherwise I will go out to pick up garbage in a few days. No, in the previous life, you must leave more than just change, you must hide some savings in your pocket.

It doesn't need to be much, hiding a few dozen pounds is enough, I am not greedy at all.

However, no matter how many times I searched, all the pockets were empty, without a single coin. In the end, Lin Qi could only give up and close the closet.

Starting tomorrow, I have to start thinking about my livelihood. I must be the most shameless time traveler who still has to worry about my livelihood after traveling through time.

Alas, I will ask Natalie to help me sell the ring tomorrow. Although I am a little reluctant, food and accommodation are more important.

Then I will find a cheaper house. This place is too expensive. There should be cheaper houses.

After that, I will see if there is any way to make money. If there is really no way, I will quickly restart the office. After all, I still have memories of this aspect and am considered an expert.

Then I will slowly solve the problem of the mastermind behind the scenes. Otherwise, even if I sell the ring, the money will be spent one day, and sooner or later I will become the first time traveler to starve to death in another world.

Forget it, I will talk about it tomorrow and go to sleep.

Hanging the formal clothes neatly in the closet, the windbreaker was stained with a lot of blood and dirt in the memories of the strange things, but it was clean as before after returning to reality. It is said that it was not real blood, but a mysterious manifestation. Unfortunately, the tear on the clothes is still there, and it will be sent for repair tomorrow.

Alas, another expense.

Throwing himself into the bed, Lin Qi felt the feeling of lying down to sleep again after a long time, but he didn't know whether he was choosing a seat or a world, and he couldn't fall asleep.

'Travel companion, are you still there? '

[Yes. ]

'Now that I'm finally free, it's time to find out what you are. '

Silent in the mind.

'Give me some hints and I can guess it myself. '

Still silent.

'In fact, I have roughly guessed what you are. You look at me with no sense of existence, and there is also this pendant. '

Still silent.

'Forget it, no matter what you are, it seems that you won't hurt me. You will always accompany me and witness my awakening journey. '

[Yes. ]

‘Tsk, I knew you were still here. You can chat with me, I can’t sleep. ’

Silently again.

Lin Qi was nagging his travel companions in his mind, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind, and he sat up suddenly.

‘I know why I can’t sleep. ’

He climbed down from the small bed, dragged the bed under the window, opened the curtains, and then lay down again.

The crimson moonlight shone on Lin Qi through the window, as if he had returned to the days before the time travel.

His chaotic mood immediately calmed down. Lin Qi smiled and closed his eyes. His mind was still nagging and repeating the various thrills he encountered today, but his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred.

‘Tomorrow we will go to witness this world together, good night. ’

[Well, good night. ]

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