Red Moon Returns

Chapter 32 He is looking at me

The room is actually quite normal, with a single bed, desk and chair, and all the necessities.

But the man was sitting on the carpet leaning against the bed, his eyes wide open and motionless, as if he was dead.

After waiting for a while, no snowflakes appeared. Lin Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief, took out his revolver and took a few steps closer to guard.

This man looks familiar.

After recalling it for a moment, Lynch immediately opened his eyes.

He remembered that he had just seen her this morning.

This is the poor guy who wanted to use a strange item in Crown Plaza, but was knocked over by his own sap.

He was still wearing the formal suit from the morning, but looking at his dark and thick appearance, he did not look like someone wearing formal clothes, but rather like a manual laborer.

This man's eyes were wide open at this time, and his face was pale and bloodless.

Lynch had already raised his pistol and pointed it at the opponent. However, the opponent made a gurgling sound in his throat and raised his arm to point at Lynch:

"It's you...don't come here, stay away from me."

Just as Lin Qi was about to get closer, he stopped again when he heard this, looked at the other person and said, "Something is not right with you, what happened?"

"I was fooled, we were all fooled." The other party's voice was hoarse, his breathing was heavy, he coughed violently, and spit out several mouthfuls of black blood. His eyes were blank and scattered, and even his pupils were somewhat dilated. "They didn't even think about it. Help me, they just used me and now they are going to kill me."

"Who are you, who are you, and why are you here." Lin Qi noticed that the man's face was getting paler and paler. Knowing that something was wrong, he asked eagerly, "Tell me everything you know."

"I am a steam train driver. The company organized us to protest in the morning, so we went together." The man said intermittently, "Someone told us that it would be useful to create a bigger and more sensational event. They asked us to open the door during the protest. That box. But you snatched it away before I could open it, so I had to escape by myself."

"Who are they?" Lynch asked as fast as he could.

The man raised his arm with difficulty and pointed to the door: "They, it's them, they gave me the box and arranged a place for me. We thought we met someone who really wanted to help us, but we didn't expect it. We didn't expect it." , those monsters..."

"You also know they have monsters in them? What are they and what's going on with that box."

"Don't know, don't know nothing, don't try to figure everything out, don't learn from me, otherwise it will target you. Once it targets you, you will become a part of them and you will not be able to escape until death, forever, forever."

"what have you done?"

"I'm curious... I'll go down." The man pointed to the corner, "I saw it, it's looking at me, haha, it's been looking at me, everyone who wants to find out will see it, and will Become like me, hahaha.”

Lin Qi's hair stood on end and his throat went dry.

It was really difficult for him to understand the confusing words in this man's mouth. But with Mrs. Bessie's previous performance, he had no choice but to believe it. At this time, he could only ask eagerly: "What made you become like this? What happened to you?"


The man smiled blankly and suddenly tore open his clothes, exposing his skin.

Lin Qi took a deep breath, his lips trembling slightly, but he couldn't say a word.

He saw that the man's chest and back were covered with purple tumors.

The sarcomas that are larger than the thumb are densely raised and have a smooth, tight and translucent surface. There is a large black shadow underneath that is squirming violently, causing each sarcoma to twist and shrink like a ball. A beating heart.

Extremely weird and extremely disgusting.

Lin Qi's mind went blank, and he felt that he had seen the most incomprehensible things in the world. Countless bizarre illusions appeared in front of his eyes, and countless hoarse murmurs came from his ears. However, maybe it was because he had seen countless strange scenes in the era of information explosion, or maybe it was because there was always a red moonlight in his consciousness. Lin Qi woke up quickly and felt a little weak all over.

"Keke, it's looking at me, it's here." The focus in the man's eyes gradually became blurry, and he said in confusion, "He's here, save me..."

Lynch discovered that as the man muttered to himself, the sarcomas on his body were expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, making his body look more and more bloated.

With an ominous premonition rising in his heart, Lynch retreated to the door, stretched the distance as far as possible, and pressed his hand on the door handle, ready to escape at any time.

However, before I could open the door, I heard a pop.

The tumors all over his body exploded at the same time, and purple-black pus splashed everywhere.

What spurted out at the same time as the pus were large, squirming black shadows in the sarcoma.

Only then did Lynch see clearly that they were thousands of small blue-purple spiders the size of little finger knuckles.

As soon as the spiders were sprayed out, they immediately crawled all over the body of the train driver. The driver was obviously dead and motionless.

Lynch vomited it up on the spot. It was so disgusting that he couldn't control his desire to vomit.

But it only took a few seconds for a large group of spiders to crawl down from the corpse. The corpse had turned into a pile of white bones. These spiders swelled obviously when they saw the wind, and their bodies were already longer than their thumbs.

Only then did Lin Qi see what they looked like. Their blue-purple bodies were covered with thick carapace, their eight legs were like javelins, with hard bristles growing on their surface, their heads were ugly and ferocious, their mouthparts were protruding, and their eight eyes were arranged on top of their heads. Open, exuding an ominous bloody light.

It is simply a replica of the monster in the vision seen outside.

Could it be that they are all these little spiders that grow up? What on earth is it?

Before he could think about it, a large group of little spiders had left the bones. Lynch's heart sank, and his finger had already touched the ring. However, when he put it on, he found that the spiders did not pounce on him, but pounced on the nearest kind and began to bite madly. Countless people died, but there were no corpses on the ground. All the corpses were devoured by spiders.

Lynch's mind was numb, and he could only stare blankly at this crazy fight. As the number of spiders became smaller and smaller, these spiders began to move while fighting, and soon crawled into the ventilation duct, completely hiding their traces.


The tragic and weird scene made Lynch sit down helplessly, and he could only stare blankly, and it took a long time for him to regain his ability to think.

This man was one of the murderers, killed by spiders, and these spiders may represent the provider of the strange object, one of the masterminds behind the square massacre.

The experience of the deceased confirmed Mrs. Bessie's fear. This thing is indeed quite dangerous, and Officer Natalie's ultimate goal of this trip is obviously it, and it may have already found the door.

Lynch now feels creepy when he thinks of spiders, and he is really disgusted, but after thinking about it, Officer Natalie can't help but help, the more dangerous it is, the more he has to chase it.

There is no way, Lynch finally gritted his teeth, secretly said to fight, and carefully walked to the place where the deceased pointed when he said to go down.

Going down must be to the basement, but why did he point here?

30-32 rewritten, made a mistake.

Simply put, it is an old problem. It took a lot of effort to mobilize the atmosphere in 2829, and then suddenly began to take a detour slowly, crushing the rhythm and affecting the character setting. This is a recurrence of the old disease. Fortunately, someone reminded me. Now it is adjusted in time, and the viewing experience should be much better. It is recommended to watch it again, because the whole plot has been changed, otherwise it will not connect, and it will not go around in circles, and go directly to the boss battle.

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