Red Moon Returns

Chapter 390 Mission Change

According to the original history, after hundreds of ghouls roamed around the city for four days, they finally rushed into the city. With their keen sense of living beings, they found almost all the living people and killed them one by one. When the army finally entered the city, only seven people were left out of more than 8,000 people.

This is the plot summarized from the two tests. It is a very ordinary and simple tragedy of the Dark Ages. It is not even that tragic for the Dark Ages. The testers focused on the cultivation of the human-faced fruit and did not delve into the truth of the tragedy of Norflan City.

Two tests, one after the massacre began, two mid-level strongmen buried themselves deep with the power of the power of the earth and avoided the search of the ghouls. The other time, they took the opportunity to sneak into the depths of the woods outside the city and hid in the 200-meter activity range outside the city. The ghouls only searched and killed people in the city and did not find them. Instead, they almost fought with the army that entered the city last. Fortunately, Old Sven found his daughter's body according to the historical trajectory. The memories of the strange things ended, and the two barely escaped.

Therefore, Lynch's previous understanding of memories also remained at this level. It was not until he deeply read the memories of the strange object that he realized that there might be some unknown truths hidden behind this history.

Before the ghouls started the massacre, it seemed that someone in the city had already started to make trouble, preparing to use a ritual to turn everyone into ghouls, just like the female reporter Maya did at the time. It was only because the testers did not pay attention due to the focus of attention, and the ritual was terminated in advance by something, that the testers successfully survived and did not notice it.

But Lynch has read it now, and knows that there is a ritual that affects everyone in the city, including the four of them.

Only by stopping the ritual can you get out of the memory in advance, and if you fail to stop the ritual, of course, there is a high probability that it will develop according to the process of the two tests, and you can get out of it by trying to survive for five days.

But will it really develop like this? Will the previous two tests be special cases, and they don’t know what they did to affect the effect of the ritual, and according to the normal development, the whole city will become ghouls together?

Even if history really develops according to the test, this time there have been some possible strange changes due to unknown reasons. Will it really follow the historical trajectory if it continues?

"Ignorance is bliss."

Lin Qi rubbed his eyebrows and sighed deeply.

It would be fine if I didn't read this set of information. I would know whether I lived or died after five days of confusion. The problem is that I know it now, and there are obvious changes...

'Neighbor, could it be that the changes occurred because we came in? '

[Of course, you are the only variable. If there are changes, it can only be because of your entry]

'I'm not talking about us, I'm talking about us. '

[Your idea is right, but my entry will not have any impact]

'And other gods or evil gods are not necessarily, right. '


'I understand, it seems that other strange wills have come in. '

[No. ]

'Hmm? ’

[Even if it is a descending-level wonder, it cannot contain even a trace of the Supreme Will. If the Supreme Will penetrates, it will directly destroy the wonder. My current state is a special case.]

That will be interesting.

Lynch squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then he exhaled lightly, knocked on the table and said to the three ladies:

"Although there is no evidence yet, I believe that there has really been a change this time. According to my speculation, it should be that a certain supreme will indirectly interfered with the memory of this strange object in some way that we cannot understand, causing the situation to deviate from the historical trend. I am not sure now whether this degree of deviation will make us become ghouls before we get rid of the strange object. I don't want to gamble. Is anyone interested?"

"This kind of thing is not expected with the best result, but with the worst result as the standard." Officer Natalie glared at him, "Don't always think about gambling like those idiots who play with lizards."

"Yes, yes, you are right." Lynch immediately stopped laughing and said seriously, "According to Officer Natalie's teachings, I suggest that from now on we temporarily forget the original historical trend, and no longer limit ourselves to the task of the human-faced fruit, but shift more attention to this ceremony and find out the people behind the trouble..."


The door was pushed open, and Ms. Stephen Swain came back.

"How is it, Ms. Swain? You look very tired. Are you seriously injured?"

As soon as Dr. Swain approached, Lynch could smell a faint smell of blood and realized that the injured person was not in a good condition.

"He has been rescued for the time being, but whether he can wake up depends on himself."

Ms. Swain sat back at the dining table tiredly, not caring that the vegetable soup was a little cold, and swallowed most of it in one breath with white bread. Then she remembered that someone was watching her, and embarrassedly showed her first smile since they met, and then... drank the remaining half.

This made Lynch like her more, and after she finished eating, he asked: "Is that the one who went to ask for help? How did you get injured?"

"It was done by the ghouls. There are a total of seven wounds on his chest and back, all of which are giant teeth and claw marks. The deepest claw mark almost cut off his spine. If it weren't for another soldier desperately snatching him away, he would probably have been torn to pieces."

Dr. Swain made a tearing motion, and simulated the sound of tearing cloth:

"They were attacked this morning. When they were halfway through the journey, two ghouls chased them from behind. They first attacked Kemit, who was behind. Another soldier, Leonard, used a horse to attract the attention of the ghouls and took him all the way back. They are both alive, but reinforcements may not come. But it doesn't matter, anyway, asking for help is just..."

Lin Qi secretly sighed that the soldiers of the Dark Ages were really powerful. They could still escape alive in the face of two ghouls. If it were him who had just traveled through time, the grass on his grave could be used to make a straw mat.

"What on earth are these ghouls you're talking about? We've never seen them in Middle-earth."

"They're nothing more than monsters created by the interference of the evil gods on the other side." Dr. Swen briefly described them. "It's a good thing you haven't seen them. If you do, it's not easy to escape like them."

"Oh? They're also creations of the evil gods." Lynch looked interested. "So they also believe in that evil god?"

"I think so. It seems to be a monster called something like Wang. I don't know."

"Oh." Lynch was skeptical of everyone now. He didn't dare to believe Dr. Swen's memory. He didn't want to do something stupid that would alert the enemy. He could only ask indirectly. "You just said there's a ghoul tribe nearby. I thought you people living in the city were not familiar with ghouls and Their evil gods know a lot about them? I'm a little curious. "

"I haven't heard that anyone knows about those monsters. If you are really interested, you can go to the tavern next to the drying yard to ask, but there is nothing to be curious about that kind of thing, and you haven't seen it, I remember that there are ghouls in Middle-earth."

"He has little knowledge, and several of us have seen it." Miss Diana interrupted immediately and changed the subject, "But you went to treat the soldier just now, and I didn't see you bring medicine and tools. How did you heal the wounded?"

"I'm not a pharmacist, I don't need those things." Doctor Swen suddenly became interested, "Potions are the most useless, slow and ineffective. Only those stubborn stones use potions. Of course, the real treatment is to use secret methods."

Speaking of the palm, a ball of cold mist emerged from the palm.


Lin Qi was stunned. This woman is the secret magician mentioned by President Gurman?

How many secrets are hidden in this memory that we don't know?

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