Red Moon Returns

Chapter 41: Big Event

"Off-line, off-line, the Department of Order raided the Railway Workers' Union overnight, arrested 14 people related to the massacre in the square, seized more than 40 pieces of evidence, and solved a major case within 24 hours."

"Outside the number, out of the number, the Department of Order is fast and efficient, making achievements overnight and solving major cases 24 hours a day."

"Off the mark, off the mark, the tragedy caused the city government's approval rating to rise instead of falling. Supporters praised the city government for its effective command and prevented the murderer from more vicious plots."

"Extra, extra, the Governor's Palace was crowded with excited citizens paying tribute to the royal family. It was the agency directly under the royal family that led the police to solve the major case. The citizens held high the portraits of His Majesty Rudolf II and Her Royal Highness Princess Sofia, and shouted long live the Rose Family."

May 16, 1399, morning.

People were surprised to find that the atmosphere of the entire city changed overnight.

The massacre in the square suddenly broke out on the 15th. More than a hundred people were killed and hundreds injured. Such a major incident had not occurred in the Rand Kingdom for more than ten years.

However, throughout the day on the 15th, many citizens discovered that they had heard almost no news in this regard from news organizations.

There were no special issues, no extras, and almost all news organizations remained silent.

Like the last calm before the storm, depressing and dull.

Knowledgeable people realized last night that a huge explosion was brewing in the silence.

Maybe early tomorrow morning, the media will launch a one-sided war against the city government and the Governor's Palace.

The police are incompetent, the city government is weak, and the local governor only builds railways regardless of the accumulation of conflicts. In the minds of smart people, they can already imagine the headlines in tomorrow's major newspapers.

This is also true. Newspapers from fifteen newspaper offices have been printed overnight and are waiting to be sent to all parts of the city.

However, just before midnight, some major news suddenly hit.

With the support of the Governor's Palace and the command of the City Hall, the royal family's special security agency and the Department of Order police worked together to create a miracle.

Discovered the fact that the Railway Workers Union united with crazy cultists to cause tragedy for their own benefit.

The case was solved and the person and the stolen goods were recovered.

There were also super powerful people who supported the governor and the royal family who caused miracles, and gods descended from heaven to punish all the cultists.

Almost all the news is exactly the opposite of what is printed in the newspaper.

So, after the desperate efforts of all the journalists, there was finally a spectacular scene of no regular news in the morning and all the news was off-page.

"Originally, all parties have been psychologically prepared for the worst, and the Department of Order has selected several scapegoats to prevent the case from being unable to be solved in a short period of time and causing public dissatisfaction to erupt."

Beside Crown Plaza, Officer Natalie and Lynch were sitting in the car, listening to the cheers boiling outside.

Officer Natalie still dressed in men's clothing, unchanged for thousands of years, but Lynch was different.

Although his top hat was recovered when he returned to the ground, his windbreaker was completely scrapped.

Fortunately, Mr. V assured that this was a work-related loss and was within the scope of reimbursement. He would be reimbursed for a new windbreaker, and Officer Natalie would be responsible for supervising it.

Lynch was very moved and immediately said on the spot that the formal leather shoes and hat were worn out. However, Mr. V just smiled and said to think about it in advance next time, and blocked Lynch back with a sad face.

At this time, Lynch had already met up with the police officer and took a police carriage to Crown Plaza. During the traffic jam, the police officer was explaining softly:

"As a result, you gave them a big gift, which is equivalent to completely reversing the official's unfavorable situation overnight, pulling them out of the quagmire, and letting everyone breathe a sigh of relief."

"It's us, not me."

The corners of the police officer's lips curled up, and she snorted. She ignored Lynch and continued: "They will definitely take away the credit. Your status as a Watchman consultant is not suitable for standing at the front desk, but in order to stop 'our' mouth, In order for someone to dare to work for them in the future, our benefits must be indispensable. Unfortunately, as a key figure in creating such a disaster for the entire city's media, Mr. Leviv will not have the opportunity to stand in front of the public this time. Let me interview the reporter. How does Mr. Levy feel about his contribution to the city? "

"What do you think? How much is the benefit? Is it enough to pay next month's rent of three and a half pounds?"

Lynch touched the seven pounds of consulting fees he received from the Scarecrow Club this morning, and the other three pounds had already been returned to the police officer.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. The money won't be too much, but... you'll know after a while."

The broken dog is the most disgusting.

But anyway, you will know soon. Lynch curled his lips and asked: "I heard you just said that super strong people caused miracles? What's going on?"

"It's that moonlight. According to the analysis of mysterious experts, it was caused by a certain legendary strongman, the top strongman who broke through the ninth level of power."

"Huh? That's not..." Lynch was stunned, looking at the police officer, she suddenly understood, "You didn't report it?"

"I don't know what happened, but I saw a ray of light coming down." Officer Natalie looked away, "If you want to know, just tell yourself."

Lin Qi was a little moved, stood up and bowed slightly: "Actually, I don't know, maybe there is a passing legendary strongman who can help."

"Many things in the mysterious world are unexplained, so just be careful."

With that said, the police officer opened the car door and jumped out of the police carriage. The city hall had already arrived.

It was completely impossible to tell that yesterday there were still dozens of dead and injured people here. At this time, twenty or thirty people, both men and women, had gathered in front of the city hall. They were wearing loose coats that made it easier to move around. They were waving papers and pens in their hands. Some people even carried... People carried cameras, and the machine, which was larger than a person, was set up in front of the city hall. It looked like a reporter of this era.

This is our gain.

The two snickered, looked at each other, and slipped into the city hall while the reporters were not paying attention.

The city hall is in good order. Compared with yesterday, there are many more formal guards, whose clothes are different from the security guards in the city hall.

As soon as he reached the second floor, Lin Qi felt a tingling sensation between his eyebrows, which was the alertness of inspiration. When he looked up, he found Mr. V, who looked serious and old-fashioned, walking from the corridor on one side with three men in formal attire.

The four people on the opposite side were also stunned. Mr. V immediately smiled and whispered: "Just in time, I came out to take the three of them in, let's go together. Let me introduce you in advance, this is Horf from the Hall of Order. Director, the other two are Detective Bruno and Detective Walter, three, this is Detective Lynch Levyv."

"Nice to meet you."

Director Horf remained reserved and nodded politely, but the two detectives seemed particularly enthusiastic. They held Lynch's hand tightly and refused to let go for a long time. The disgusted Lynch quickly stepped away. He stepped forward and blocked Officer Natalie in front of him without leaving a trace.

Sorry, partner, these two may not have abnormal orientations.

However, Officer Natalie took the opportunity to look back at him, moved her lips slightly, and mouthed: "Scapegoat."

Lynch immediately understood that if he did not solve the incident in time, the two detectives would soon be on duty in the countryside. No wonder they were so enthusiastic.

"There will still be enough time to get to know each other in the future, so come in first and don't let the big shots wait too long."

Mr. V waved and led everyone into a gorgeous and heavy wooden door.

"The opening ceremony of the railway project is expected to be presided over by Princess Sofia in person. I don't care what conflicts there are. All must be resolved before the start date. Let the capital and the royal family see an undisputed situation so that Her Royal Highness the Princess can complete it safely. Their own responsibilities. If they can't solve it, they will either delay the construction or cancel the project completely. Huh, there are still three months left before the construction deadline, and hundreds of people have already died. I don't know what will happen when Sofia arrives near the construction deadline. If Sophia is also in danger, the hundreds of years of loyalty of the Wayne family to the Rose family will become a joke, so you all give me..."

As soon as the door opened, an old and steady voice floated out. It was not loud, but not angry or intimidating. For a while, there was no sound in the door except for him.

The inside is a bit like the European Parliament hall seen in movies, except that it is much smaller. There are several circles of semi-circular seats under the rostrum. There were three people sitting on the stage, and about twenty people sitting around below.

The three powerful figures in the Hall of Order consciously walked to the corner of the back row and sat down. This made Lin Qi's heart move. With the positions of these three people being retracted into the corner, the status of the people sitting below was also affected. Yue.

The three people on the rostrum were all dressed in formal attire. An old man with white beard and hair sat in the middle. The other two middle-aged people sat on either side. One of them wore a single-sided glasses and must have been quite handsome when he was young, while the other wore a pair of glasses. Wearing a curly wig, her two slender eyes narrowed into a thin line.

"Follow me." Finding that the old voice had stopped, Mr. V led the two of them towards the rostrum and whispered as he walked, "The one in the middle is Duke Wien, the governor of the Rhineland, and the one on the right is wearing glasses. It’s Mayor Hoffman, and the one on the left wearing a wig is Speaker Lorante of the House of Commons.”

Hiss, such a big battle.

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