Red Moon Returns

Chapter 43 Rhine City Investigator's Report

"I don't like it here. I really don't want to go in."

Looking at an inconspicuous small courtyard not far away, Officer Natalie stopped and leaned against a tree on the street, saying with a gloomy face.

This is the border between the King District and the Gray Fog District, an old courtyard with a doorplate of the Rhine City Investigator newspaper on the wall.

The smell of ink can be smelled from a distance, mixed with the thick smell of coal smoke. Under the gushing steam, the huge mechanical noise in the factory was deafening, and bundles of newspapers were pushed out from time to time.

"I completely understand that no civil servant likes the media." Lynch shrugged and added silently in his heart that it was the same in any era.

"These people in the newspaper are always staring at the details of our behavior, as if we are the thugs, ready to magnify a little thing infinitely. No matter what case, once they are involved, it will become extremely troublesome."

The policewoman kicked a small stone muffledly and hit it directly on the fence door, making a crisp sound.

However, this seemed to have alarmed something. There were chaotic footsteps in the yard, and four men ran out of the door quickly, rushing straight towards Natalie and Lynch.

Lynch frowned slightly, and his hand had already reached into his formal suit, but was held down by Officer Natalie.

Then a group of people passed by without even looking at the two people, shouting loudly: "Quick, quick, Qingmai District, Mole Street, bloodshed."

"The execution of the enclosure order has encountered obstacles. Two farmers refused to sell their land. The blue uniforms beat people. I will write it like this later. Quick, quick, where is the carriage?"

The noisy farce of a group of people running wildly ended when the carriage arrived from behind. Lynch raised his hand to wave away the dust in front of him, shrugged and said: "It is indeed annoying, but having them supervise may not be the best idea, but at least it is not a bad idea."

"Humph." Officer Natalie said sullenly, "It's useless for you to convince me. Their attitude towards us is like seeing an enemy. They will never answer our questions honestly. I think it is a waste of time to ask directly. Didn't you also think that you need to use Are there any other ways?"

"But the situation has changed. If we confirm that Donny Nutton is a reporter here, then we are investigating the murder of their employee. The reason is very sufficient. They dare not hinder our investigation at this time."

The police officer bit her lower lip and thought for a while: "But do we really need to investigate the cause of their death now?"

Lynch smiled, without even taking out his notebook, and said quickly based on his memory: "On May 11, Maya and Donny disappeared. On May 13, the female reporter suspected to be Maya asked Martha to bring a bag of mysterious and filthy photos to Donny. On May 15, Donny died when he went to Bessie's prop store for help. I think there is reason to suspect that Donny died because of this bag of photos. They disappeared on the 11th, and these photos appeared for the first time on the 13th. There is also reason to suspect that the two 's disappearance is related to these photos. "

The police officer nodded: "That makes sense."

"Any behavior will leave clues. Even yesterday's strange objects can be traced back using Mrs. Bessie's special method, not to mention these photos." Lynch whispered, "They were connected to those photos two days after they disappeared. The time is very tight, so it is very likely that what they did before they disappeared is related to this, and those things are likely to leave clues at the workplace. "

"But this can only find out their deaths, and it may not be related to the Square Massacre and the Best Tunnel case. "

"On May 14, I heard the newsboy shout about the Best Tunnel related cases. Normally, the newspaper should be printed on the 13th. With the timeliness of this daily newspaper, the published manuscripts should not be backlogged for too long. It is likely that they submitted it on the 11th. The manuscript disappeared. Then the last job before they disappeared...”

The policewoman’s eyes lit up, and she lowered her voice and said, “Investigate the tunnel incident, and then write the manuscript. So that’s it, you... you can actually connect these things. ”

“I also learned it from an inexplicable place, just pure association and inference, at most providing a possibility.” Lynch shook his head and said, “There is no basis, maybe these are just coincidences in time. .”

“Lynch, I told you before, don’t think I’m just talking casually.” The policewoman stared at Lynch and said seriously, “In the mysterious world, cause and effect are distorted by the power of the dream world. Every seemingly coincidental event may be related to distorted cause and effect. If anyone intends to believe in coincidence, please prepare the funeral in advance.”

Lynch remembered that he had heard Officer Natalie say similar remarks the day before yesterday, but he didn’t have the same experience, so he turned around and forgot.

“I understand, don’t worry, I have entered this world, and I will remember it this time. "

The policewoman stared into Lynch's eyes, confirming that he was not perfunctory, and then she smiled with satisfaction: "Besides, we can't wait for the gods to give us the evidence, we have to find it ourselves. Humph, let's go in, we will force them to hand over the evidence."

As she said, she pushed open the fence door of the newspaper office and walked straight to the four-story building deep in the yard.

"Let's make it, let's make it, the Speeding Whale has lost contact, and the whereabouts of 48 crew members are unknown. It is suspected that they encountered an abnormal storm. "

"Mrs. Lanner and Mr. Billy appeared on the golden beach together. The two sides behaved intimately, and their relationship was suspected to be exposed. "

"A mild earthquake occurred in the Carlos Mountains, and no casualties have been found so far. "

As soon as he entered the hall at the entrance of the building, he saw several waves of people running past, shouting and running towards the printing workshop with roaring machinery on the other side.

Looking over, people in the entire hall were moving at a trot. The sound of rapid footsteps and the ding of typewriters mixed together, filling the hall with an atmosphere of urgency.

Fortunately, the young girl at the front desk did not run away. When she saw Officer Natalie flashing her badge, she took them to the reception room on the first floor and poured them black tea. Not long after, a man wearing a The bald middle-aged man in a gray cloak was ushered into the reception room by her.

The middle-aged man's expression was full of doubts. He reluctantly shook hands with the two of them. Without even sitting down, he stood and asked, "I am Donald, the editor-in-chief of the Investigator. Are the two police officers looking for me?"

"Donny Naton is your employee, right?" The police officer pointed her gaze at Lynch to take the lead. Lynch nodded and asked, "I don't know if you have received the news. Unfortunately, he had an accident yesterday and has passed away. We now suspect that his death is related to an important case, and we need to search his office. We hope you can cooperate, take us there, and answer some questions for us. "

Lynch said it very politely, but the confusion on Editor Donald's face became even more intense:

"Donnie is indeed our employee, and there is no problem in taking you there, but... aren't your colleagues searching? He is still upstairs, why are you doing it again?"


It's too late, it's too late, I forgot

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