Red Moon Returns

Chapter 58 Mysterious Intuition (Continue to read, two chapters combined into one, one update today)

Since remote sensing is not as good as direct sensing, then I will touch it directly with my skin. Is there anything more direct than this?

But Lynch sensed nothing.

The ground can feel dirty, cold and rough.

Only subtle differences in mysterious filth are undetectable.

Lynch learned how to read memories in strange objects, let go of his consciousness, and feel the subtle differences.

At the same time, you adjust your mentality repeatedly, trying to focus all your awareness on your index finger, and let your index finger occupy all your perceptions.

But still only the temperature and feel are sensed.

Why, why can’t I tell the difference even though my inspiration level is high?

My neighbor has never lied to me. She said it was okay, but I didn’t find the right method.

How on earth am I going to be able to tell the mysterious difference.


Lynch suddenly raised his head and stared directly at Officer Natalie, making her a little worried that something had happened. Then he said to himself: "Where do we use the sense of mystery? It must not be the skin."

"Huh?" The police officer was also a little stunned. She thought for a while before replying, "I don't know about you, but most people use their souls, at least their consciousness, and definitely not their skin."

Yes, I come from a purely material world, and I don’t have this consciousness. In fact, whether it is intuition or direct contact, it is not limited to physical contact.

Direct contact with the body and induction with the soul is also a type of intuition.

Boom, the world of consciousness was shaken, the crimson full moon virtual image appeared from behind, the soul image appeared, and the soul had entered the most sensitive state.

The police officer who didn't know what was going on became more and more worried when she saw that he had even appeared as a ghost. She put her hand on Lynch's shoulder, but Lynch just patted the hand on his shoulder and turned around with a smile.

"Don't be nervous, I think I found a way."


Press your index finger on the floor again, sink your consciousness into the soul image, let your spirit and body merge into one, and use your soul to experience the mysterious filth that your body senses.

Breathe, breathe.

The next moment, a strange feeling came from the fingertips, and a filthy pressure spread through the fingertips into the depths of consciousness.

Phew, it really works.

This time, in addition to the sense of touch, there was also a mysterious and filthy oppressive feeling coming from the fingertips. It was very strong and very obvious. It was like an erupting flash flood that continuously impacted Lin Qi's soul, leaving him in a state of panic and confusion. When you are depressed, you must always control your emotions so as not to panic or even lose control of your behavior.

But precisely because of the obviousness, he could feel the subtle changes in the pressure. As the position of his fingers moved, the intensity of the filth was clear at a glance.

That's it, hehe.

Lynch smiled, looked back at Officer Natalie, and found that she was staring at Lynch's soul in mid-air, dumbfounded, looking as if she was stunned.

"what happens?"

The police officer looked at Lin Qi with dull eyes and pointed at the soul statue above his head with an expressionless face.

there is a problem? Lin Qi lowered his consciousness and focused on the soul image. Isn't this normal... huh? Why did the light spots in the power become three?

Power, concealment, ability, mysterious intuition, direct perception of mysterious filth through physical contact, more sensitive to changes in filth, but the impact is also stronger.

The automatically understood information made Lin Qi's surprised soul image disappear immediately, and he stammered and asked: "What's going on? Why is there an extra one?"

The police officer's face was full of doubts about life, and she said in a rigid tone: "In addition to the two methods mentioned yesterday, there is actually another way to master abilities, which is to occasionally develop your own unique abilities. That is the most suitable way. The best ability to use your own characteristics.”

I see, but what does this have to do with hiding?

No, it is indeed relevant.

"I understand that concealment is not only about hiding oneself, but also seeing through concealment is part of concealment. Perceiving mysterious changes and discovering hidden targets is also within the scope of my authority. It seems that my understanding of authority is still too small. It’s superficial. It’s an unexpected gain this time. But it seems that mastering the ability is quite easy. It’s not as difficult as I thought. What’s wrong with me? Why are you looking like this? I remind you that murder is illegal.”

"Easy? I really want to beat you bastard. You know why I didn't say it yesterday, because the difficulty of developing abilities is too high and is not within the scope of normal considerations. Not only does it need to be extremely compatible with the soul image, but also only true Only by thoroughly understanding the capabilities can we make the most reasonable assumptions, and finally find the right method to successfully develop new capabilities.”

The police officer grabbed Lynch by the collar, blushed and lowered her voice and roared:

"Being able to develop a new ability within five years of mastering a power is considered a genius. What about you, the first ability you just learned yesterday, damn it. How many people can't develop a new ability in their entire life? , you told me it’s easy? Do you dare to say it’s easy again?”

"Don't dare." Lin Qi shook his head desperately, feeling that jealous women are really scary.

But he did guess why he could develop new abilities. Although he has just come into contact with divine power and concealment, his neighbor Ms. Luna has been able to control it for who knows how many years. It is impossible for any mortal to have a more thorough grasp than her. The reasonable suggestions she gives, combined with his own less rigid approach from a different world. It is not surprising that new capabilities are developed using method assumptions.

"Hmph, you were born to be a soul-discarder. I'm not angry. I should have gotten used to it. I'm not angry at all." The policewoman waved her fist angrily, and finally calmed down and recalled the mission. She whispered, "Let's look together. You look for those photos, and I'll see if there are any other clues. We don't have much time. I guess they will find this place soon. I don't believe they will honestly abide by the rules and wait outside."

"Okay." Lynch nodded and warned, "But don't move too much, don't leave obvious signs of searching."

"Huh?" The policewoman was stunned, but looking at the blue uniforms and rangers outside the window, she showed a strange smile, "I understand, it's wrong to wake up other people's dreams."

Responding with a tacit look, Lynch activated his new ability for the first time and stretched out his finger towards the room.

The perception is completely different. Before, he could only receive information from visual, tactile and olfactory feedback, but now he uses his soul to sense it directly. The mysterious pressure is directly reflected in the consciousness through the contact of the fingertips, which is very obvious.

Okay, now I can distinguish the intensity change.

No matter where the source of the filth is now, even if it is no longer here, its trajectory in the room can be deduced based on the concentration of filth it left behind.

That's it, I'm coming to you, mysterious.

Go back to the front door and touch each object carefully with your fingers.

There is no obvious residue on the shoe cabinet, which is a good sign. It means that he did not put the things on the shoe cabinet when he changed his boots before leaving. It is very likely that he did not take the things with him when he went out.

There is obvious residue on the desk. Well, maybe he was checking the photos there, but there is no residue in the drawer, which means he did not put them in.

Why is there such a strong residue on the bed, and the range is so large, almost covering the entire bed, well, it is very likely that he spread the photos on the bed. Looking carefully, the number of photos is not a matter of three or five.

Hiss, the concentration of filth on this wall is a bit scary. He used this place as a notice board, nailing things on it, which is more convenient to observe than putting them on the bed, but the concentration is several times higher than that on the bed. Is it because it has been left there for too long, or something else happened?

Bookcase... Officer Natalie, please make way. I'll change places quickly. It's okay. The concentration here is very light. The things have never been here. It's really strange. Bookcases are the most suitable place to store photos and are the most concealed.

As he moved slowly, Lynch gradually outlined the movement trajectory of the photos in the room in his mind. He could find reasonable inferences for each trajectory. However, after searching the entire room, he still couldn't guess the possible location of the photos.

No, I can't find a clue this way. I need to find a characteristic sign to determine its location.

But its most obvious sign is that the concentration of filth is high. There are no other signs.

No, I understand. The high concentration of filth is the biggest sign.

The whole house is stained with such a thick mysterious filth. It can only be stained by it from a distance.

Then, will it be like the diffusion of ordinary odors? The closer to the source, the higher the concentration of filth?

Donnie has been dead for several days. If the things are in the room, they have been there for several days. If this diffusion phenomenon is true, a few days should be enough to produce a distinguishable difference.

Yes, that's right, this idea should be...

"Hurry up, they are going back."

Officer Natalie's reminder came from the window. She was holding a small bag with several items in it, and she was looking back from outside.

"Give me a few more minutes, is it in time?" Lynch suppressed his excitement, "I think I'm going to grab its tail."

"It's in time, but as soon as possible, if you don't want to be discovered and let them be on guard, we have to leave time to evacuate."


Lynch squatted back on the ground, pressed his hands on the ground, carefully felt the induction sent back from two different directions, and slowly moved his position. After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and said excitedly: "Sure enough, the left is light and the right is heavy, it should be on the left."

Immediately turned, with the left side as the target, using the same method to feel the concentration difference in each direction, and outlined the direction of the filth erosion based on the difference. Once several erosion transmission lines were determined, the situation immediately became clear, and all transmission directions pointed to the same point.

Window sill

As soon as his fingers touched the windowsill, a strong mental shock came over him, causing Lynch to step back two steps, pressing his forehead, and cold sweat broke out.

But he was full of joy, because unless the other party wanted to throw something out of the window, he shouldn't have taken the photo and put it on the windowsill.

This kind of obvious abnormal performance is what he wants now.

"It's here."

Lynch pointed to the windowsill. There were not many things there, just a few potted plants, and a few wooden blocks underneath.

Could it be buried in the soil? Yes, many movies play this way.

The flower pot is the best place to bury it.

Lynch quickly took a pen and poked the pen deeply into the soft soil.

But the feel transmitted back was completely normal, just ordinary soil, nothing unusual.

Damn it, isn't it? That's right, the size is not suitable, it's not a two-inch headshot, it can't be buried in such a small flower pot.

The blue uniform outside the window has returned to the building next door, and some people are pointing in this direction. Lin Qi feels that all the blood vessels in his body are tightened, and his anxious muscles are trembling.

I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious yet.

Think about it again, what have I overlooked.

The difference in pollution on the windowsill is no longer obvious, and it can no longer be judged as before, but there are only a few things here, and there should be no place to hide.

Lynch and Natalie worked together, lifting the flower pots one by one and checking the bottom of the flower pots.

It is true that some flower pots have a concave area under them, which is just enough to hide things, but these flower pots are the most ordinary ones, and there is nothing underneath.

That's right, they are all padded with wooden blocks, and if there is a concave area, it would have been... huh?

"Wooden blocks?"

The two of them paused at the same time, looked at each other, and saw the joy on each other's faces.

Natalie immediately lifted a flower pot, and Lynch picked up the wooden block underneath and shook it.

The thick wooden block is solid and heavy in the hand, just like Lynch's mood at the moment.

Put it back in place, and pick up the wooden block under the second flower pot. The second and third pieces are always solid wood.

However, until the fourth and last flower pot was lifted up, Lynch's eyes changed immediately when he touched the wooden block.

It feels light and hollow.

With a strong sense of mysterious filth and oppression, Lynch shook the red brick-sized wooden block, held both ends and pulled it into two pieces. The two ends were connected together with a mortise and tenon structure, and the middle was hollow, with a stack of photos inserted in it.

"That's it."

Lynch raised his fist and gently punched the policewoman to celebrate, then put the photos into the policewoman's evidence bag and put the wooden block back.

I hope you don't get too happy when you find this thing.

The two cleaned the room again as quickly as possible, trying to erase the traces they left, then smiled at each other and slipped out of No. 32 lightly.

The blue uniforms outside were still noisily checking, going in and out of the nearby buildings. The two took advantage of the gap to go around the side of the building. As soon as they hid in, a cheer came from behind.

"Found it, 32D."

Then there was a noisy sound of footsteps and Walker's annoying voice.

"Well done, we are one step ahead this time. Those useless people in the Watch can only follow our carriage and eat horse manure. You go and seal off the area, and don't let those "idle people" from irrelevant departments in."

"Yes, sir."

"Everyone else follow me in. This time we will even move the furniture. I don't believe that those useless people who only follow us can find anything again. Hahaha, unless they can still be one step ahead of us now, otherwise we in the City Hall will definitely win this time. Those idiots sent by the royal family deserve to be trampled under our feet..."


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