Red Moon Returns

Chapter 6 The Passion of the Fiery Lady

May 13, 1399, 21:10.

The silver moon has risen and complements the red moon.

Three speeding carriages broke out of the thick smoke and fog in the gray fog area and merged into the dwindling traffic on the Rhine Avenue.

The team from the Hall of Order has set off, targeting the Randall Mansion located on Affin Lane in Iris District.

Lynch sat opposite Officer Angel in the police carriage, holding a red ring box in his hand and stroking the surface of the ring, feeling a slight burning sensation on his fingertips.

[Listen deeply to the mysterious memories, and your spirit will be impacted, awakener. 】

Will it be serious?

[Your will is strong, and this memory will not have irreversible effects. 】

I understand, come on.

It wasn't Lynch's reckless risk-taking, but it was that he had no choice.

Lin Qi knew that he was an ordinary person now. Apart from the voices in his head, he had no ability to resist the mystery. Although he accepted the invitation of the police officer, he did not like to leave his fate to others to decide.

From Granville's records, he deduced that this thing was a strange thing that ordinary people could use. In the current situation, it was a straw to grasp when drowning.

With a weapon, even a useless rare item, I feel confident.

So when he heard that the price was not too serious, he immediately chose to accept it.

He gritted his teeth and held his breath.

The next moment, countless messy lights and shadows appeared in his mind, and extremely strange whispers sounded in his ears.

It was the feeling of countless distorted light and shadow fragments overlapping together and flooding into the brain at the same time.

For a moment, his mind was filled with blazing flames, burning human figures, screams of terror, and roars of despair.

Fear gripped his heart instantly, just for a second, and the shirt on his back was already wet with sweat.

The fear became stronger and stronger, but fortunately, the female voice soon sounded again, and the gentle and soothing voice easily dispelled the fear that occupied my heart.

[The passion of the fiery lady burns the soul and turns into flame. Containment method, no wearer. 】

Lynch smiled stiffly at Officer Natalie on the opposite side, and felt relieved: Will his soul be burned if he takes it with him? And then he becomes as angry as the person in the picture?

[Yes, Awakener. 】

Will the person you bring with you die?

[If worn for a long time, yes. 】


Lynch retracted his finger and looked up to see Officer Angel opposite, staring at him with squinted eyes.

"I really want to test whether I am keen on inspiration? What's the result?"

Lynch just smiled.

"I admit that your will to survive and your ability to analyze are worthy of admiration, but your keenness of inspiration is determined at birth. You can't possibly tell me that you are the same. The proportion of such people is less than one in ten thousand. If you can't do it, you can't do it. It’s normal not to feel anything.”

"I'm just curious when I see a strange object for the first time. Can you tell what this thing is?"

The police officer glared at him and said angrily: "My inspiration is very low and I can't tell."

Lynch nodded and handed the ring box to her with the ring open, and the police officer also took it.

At the moment of contact, the police officer suddenly paused and glared at him with a fierce look, but still took away the ring box.

Um? What's wrong? No, a ring? Miss? What am I doing?

Lin Qi felt his face was a little hot. He coughed twice and said, "Isn't this a dangerous and rare object? The police should confiscate it."

The police officer snorted viciously, looked at it carefully, covered it and threw it back.

"It is a horror-level rare item, and it is in a containment state. The danger is extremely low. Private possession is not prohibited, but if it gets out of control, you will be responsible for the consequences."


"You keep it for now, and then decide after the incident is over." The lady sighed and looked away and explained, "Although I don't know what effect it has, since Granville carries it with him and is ready to use it, it means safekeeping and temporary use. It will not pose a fatal threat to the holder, so you should keep it first, and then consider whether to take it with you if your life is in danger. Maybe there is a chance to save your life. In addition, Mr. Leviv, have you considered one thing? ?”


"What if the incident is over and you really survive." The police officer said with a bit of schadenfreude, "You will definitely not get your six pounds back, and you will not be able to get the commission money again, and I will not be able to see it. How can you live on three and a half shillings while you plunder Randall's house?"

Lin Qi opened his mouth and suddenly felt that the world was full of dark malice.

"This thing is allowed to be held by ordinary people. If it is determined later that it has nothing to do with the incident, I will introduce you to a shop that sells rare items. You can sell it and take the money to live a good life away from the mysterious world. This is The happiest ending.”

"Is there such a store?"

"Well, it just needs an introduction from someone in the mysterious world, otherwise this kind of business will not be open to ordinary people. Remember to go to that store. I don't want strange items to flow into the hands of people with evil hearts."

"I understand." Finally having some power to protect himself, Lynch clutched the ring box tightly: "I will keep it, but, fear level? Containment state?"

Officer Natalie pondered for a moment and whispered: "In Rand, not only rare objects, but all mysteries are unified and divided into five levels according to their harmfulness, destructive power, duration, and impact on public perception. The fear level , destructive level, catastrophic level, destruction level, advent level, some countries also use e to a to grade these contents, but they are not prohibited for ordinary civilians to understand. "

"Most of the horror-level mysteries are those that even if ordinary people know about them, the mystery will not get out of control. It is spread as a horror story among the people. Even if it gets out of control, it will only cause panic in a small area and kill a few related people at most. This kind of mystery is in In the containment state, even if ordinary people master it, their lives will generally not be in danger.”

"At the destructive level, we must try to control the spread of information to prevent ordinary people from knowing. If it gets out of control, it will cause damage to the living order of ordinary people. If ordinary people are exposed to this kind of strange object for a long time in the containment state, they are likely to fall into the trap in three to five years. Permanent madness, once used, there is a high chance of death on the spot.”

"Disaster-level mysteries, information must be strictly controlled, and it is generally believed that only soul-shifters and special people can know it. If it is out of control, it will cause harm equivalent to natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. Ordinary people have been exposed to mysteries for a long time, even if they are under containment. Within six months, they will be infected by filth and fall into madness. For mysteries of this level and above, the seven major kingdoms and the twelve main churches have unified institutions to contain them, and our Catcher in the Rye is Rand. special institution.”

My own experiences were too mild compared to these descriptions. Lynch felt horrified at the thought that there might be similar mobile natural disasters around him. But he still couldn't help but want to listen, and couldn't help but ask: "What about the destruction level and the advent level?"

The police officer shook her head: "The remaining two types of classified information are prohibited from being disclosed to ordinary people, and it is impossible for ordinary people to see them, otherwise it will be a disaster."

"Okay, but you just mentioned containment?"

"Well, the containment state is the safest state for strange objects, and the impact on reality is within the controllable range. Once the containment conditions are used or destroyed, it will enter the active state, and the effects and side effects will begin to appear, and the degree of pollution to reality will also increase. It will rise straight up. At this time, if you stop using it and restore the containment conditions, you can immediately appease the strange object and return to the containment state to avoid irreversible consequences, otherwise it will slip into an out-of-control state. "

Lynch somewhat understood what the fiery lady's passionate containment method meant. It should be that when you put it on, it enters the active state and takes effect, and when you take it off, it returns to the containment state. It is surprisingly safe.

"That is the most dangerous situation. An out-of-control strange object will radiate its dirty power crazily and at the same time maximize its own effects. In this state, normal means can no longer appease the strange object. We must Listen to their memories and enter the world of their memories to suppress them.”

"How to suppress it?"

"Each strange object is different, and you can only explore them slowly in their memories." Officer Natalie sighed and added, "Or the inspiration is sharp enough to interpret its information in the memories, so as to clearly suppress it. way. So such people can greatly improve our hunters’ survivability, but it’s a pity...

In short, that statue should be some kind of terrifying or destructive strange object. What you encountered today was that someone made it active and targeted you victims. Find it, and then find a way to stop its activity. After the effect stops, it is possible for you to return to normal. "

"It shouldn't be an out-of-control strange object."

"I hope not, that is the most serious situation." The police officer's face darkened, she looked at the two moons outside the window and said faintly, "However, as long as I find it, even if it is an out-of-control strange object, I will suppress it. Within the remaining two and a half hours.”

Lin Qi pursed his lips, lowered his head and said, "Thank you."

"This is the respect you deserve and it is also my responsibility."

During the conversation, the rows of chimneys and huge factories outside the window gradually decreased, and the pungent burnt smell in the air gradually became fresher.

Lynch understood that he was far away from the heavily polluted fog area, passed through a corner of the river valley area, and officially entered the Iris area where the rich lived.

Through the car window, the buildings outside the window become more and more exquisite and beautiful, with lush vegetation and greenery.

Just at the end of the road below you, a two-story exquisite mansion stood in the two-color moonlight.

The gorgeous Victorian-style building is brightly lit and peaceful.

However, looking from a distance, Lynch felt an indescribable sense of depression coming from the mansion.

It's like the depression and dullness before the storm is coming.

"This is Randall's mansion?"

Officer Natalie's voice interrupted his gaze.

"Well, I've been here once before."

Lynch nodded, feeling his heart beating extremely fast. He looked at his pocket watch and saw that it was a fifty-minute drive.

At 22 o'clock, two hours countdown.

Officer Natalie waved her hand, and more than a dozen police officers surrounded the mansion.

"We're on board too."


Lynch nodded vigorously, gripped his cane, and took a deep breath.

He took a big step out.

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