Red Moon Returns

Chapter 98 Temple


Enduring the indescribable stench, Lynch forcefully closed the cold door of the temple.

The noise outside the door stopped abruptly, and the inside and outside seemed to be divided into two worlds.

The imagined collision did not occur, but Lynch still leaned his back against the ice door and waited quietly for a while.

It seems that I made a wrong judgment. Sure enough, there is no simple thing in the mysterious world, but where is the mistake?

After screening the mystical knowledge he had learned again, Lynch realized that he had used the three elements of dreams, but ignored another rule.

The principle of unstable dreams.

Due to the volatility and associative nature of the consciousness of living beings, the dreams of living beings will inevitably show unstable characteristics. In the example, dreams will have periodic or non-periodic changes, which will run through the dream from beginning to end, and will not be distinguished by the length of time.

This is one of the necessary conditions for judging dream events. If the facts violate the principle of unstable dreams, it means that the current event is not a dream, at least not completely a dream of living beings.

Damn it, I got it wrong the first time I did the question. Is this the sadness of a poor student?

However, Lynch was not disappointed. It was reasonable to be wrong. He had analyzed another solution before.

Replicate Maya's previous behavior.

Maya entered the depths of the temple at that time and then woke up. Although according to the principle of uncertainty of results, since the imitator cannot completely replicate all the details of the template, the current state will deviate from the template, resulting in a correlation effect similar to the hometown butterfly effect, and the final result may have a huge deviation, but that is only a possibility. There is at least a 65% chance of reproducing the template effect.

This probability is also worth a try.

So from the beginning, Lynch made two preparations. The temple is his last retreat.

It's just that this retreat is really hard to describe.

It's freezing cold and smelly.

The weird and terrifying whispers continued to come from the depths of the temple, and the green flames flickered and cast countless twisted and hideous reflections around.

This place is as disgusting as a nightmare.

'Neighbor, I won't be poisoned or frozen to death if I go in. '

[Usually not. 】

Next time, don't be so strict about this kind of thing. I'm afraid.

Lynch sighed and turned away from the cold door.

It seems that the temple is a forbidden place for monsters. The problem is that this is not necessarily good news. I feel that I have been treated the same as the protagonist of a horror movie.

With a self-deprecating smile, Lynch filled his bullets and walked carefully inside with his cane.

The corridor of the temple was empty, cold and dry. The ice surface around was engraved with murals. Lynch mustered up the courage to look at it. It was not a weird mysterious image, but a very normal mural, recording the funeral ceremony of this city.

All the people who died in this city, whether outsiders or residents, would have their bodies sent to this temple. After being processed by the priests, they would be placed on the altar deep in the temple and swallowed by a god sleeping deep in the temple, becoming food for the gods. The residents here believe that offering corpses to the gods will cleanse all their sins in their lifetime. Therefore, stealing corpses or preventing residents from dying is the greatest blasphemy and will usher in the most severe punishment from the priests.

‘It seems that this so-called god is Mordiggian. The cold of embalming, the disease that cannot be treated, and the final death, these are the origins of its three powers. ’

[Hmm. ]

Lin Qi nodded and walked forward along the deep corridor. The murals on both sides became more and more weird as he went deeper, and detailed the whole process of the dead from entering the door to entering the stomach.

Just the first step of corpse processing, Lin Qi felt nauseous in his stomach, and finally looked away.

The strange murmur became more and more erratic, sometimes in front and sometimes behind, and the sound became louder and louder, as if thousands of people were chanting Mordiggian’s name repeatedly, making Lin Qi more and more confused. Even if he covered his ears, he could not stop the erosion of the sound at all, as if the sound did not need to ‘listen’ to the process at all.

It was simply a soul attack.

[Hmm. ]

Is it really a soul attack?

When Lin Qi heard it, he did not dare to delay too much, and tried to speed up cautiously.

The corridors of the temple all sloped downward, surrounded by identical ice walls, as if they led all the way to the ground.

Lin Qi didn't know how long he had walked, as if time had lost its meaning, and the surrounding scenery finally changed.

At the end of the passage was an empty hall. In the middle of the hall was a large hole with a diameter of more than ten meters. The cave was unfathomable, as if it led directly to the depths of an endless hell. The smell of decay and death came out of the hole, turning into steaming green smoke, penetrating the wall and drifting outside the temple.

Directly above the big hole, there was a huge platform, which was hung by several iron chains, swaying in the air, and connected to the outside by several suspension bridges.

The entire platform was covered with dried blood, which piled up layer by layer and covered the surface of the platform, turning the platform into a strange purple-black color, especially the altar in the middle of the platform, which was like a bed, with dark red in the purple-black, which made people feel disgusted when looking at it from a distance.

There was a person lying on the altar. Although the distance was too far to see clearly, one could tell it was the female reporter Maya by her clothes. Maya lay motionless on the altar, wearing the clothes she had just changed before going to bed. There were no obvious scars on her body, as if she was asleep.

Hiss, another Maya?

Lin Qi realized that perhaps this was the core area of ​​this space, which might be a dream or not. Do I need to wake her up here?

However, looking at the platform hanging at the entrance of the cave, Lin Qi felt his calves go weak. It was bottomless and dark below. If he fell down, it was hard to say where he would fall into, but he would definitely die, and this was...

Lin Qi looked carefully at the cave, and his heart tightened. It was not a deep, dark, empty cave below. It was a cave filled with darkness.

The darkness was not real darkness. It was like boiling water, constantly rolling and surging, and quickly spreading upwards.

"I followed a long black shadow deep into the temple, and then I saw a huge mass..."

It turned out that her description was not abstract, but real reality. Damn it, I understand. After she came in, she didn't just wake up from a dream. She was also eroded and began to transform into a ghoul.

I don't want to replicate even this kind of thing.

Run quickly, no, wake her up first, at least take her out, but how can I wake her up?

Lin Qi was confused for a moment. Seeing the speed of the darkness rising, he made up his mind and wanted to rush to the shaky platform, at least to pick up the female reporter first.

[Read. ]

‘Huh? ’ Lin Qi was stunned. This is not the memory of the strange object, can it be read?

But he didn’t have time to think about it. Lin Qi subconsciously chose to believe his neighbor, and immediately emptied his mind and felt everything around him with his soul.

This was very fast, and he got a mysterious response in a blink of an eye.

[Use light to fight darkness, use temperature to fight cold, and embrace death with flames. ]

Lin Qi’s heart moved, and he put on the ring at the first time, turned into a ball of fire and rushed to the platform.

The next moment, a scream suddenly sounded from my ear.


Happy New Year everyone, I also want to update three times, but I haven’t finished writing the third chapter. After I come back in the afternoon, I will try to finish it and update it.

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