Red Moscow

Chapter 1098

Major Briski, the commander of the first battalion, went out in person and led the soldiers to a place fifty or sixty meters away from the enemy's position.

He looked forward with the binoculars and found that there were only three Romanian soldiers in the trench that was more than 200 meters long. Instead of faithfully performing their duties as sentinels, these soldiers gathered together to chat and let out a low chuckle.

Major Briski called a sergeant next to him, and said to him: "Sergeant, take a few people to sneak over and kill these sentries. Remember, don't shoot unless you have to."

The sergeant nodded, took the three soldiers out of the hiding place, and crawled towards the enemy's position.

As a commander with rich commanding experience, Major Briski naturally understands that the use of sneak attacks can minimize the casualties of the troops, so through the telescope, he can look at the enemy's sentries for a while, and the sergeants for a while. They are afraid that they will be noticed by the enemy while they are moving. Once the guns are fired prematurely and the enemy on the ground is alarmed, the sneak attack will become a storm.

Fortunately, what the major was worried about did not happen. The four soldiers approached the trench smoothly, and then rushed to the sentry with lightning speed, and killed the sentry with a dagger. After killing the sentinel, the sergeant patrolled the trenches and sent Major Briski a safety signal after not finding any trace of the enemy.

"Brothers, listen to my orders." Major Briski shouted to the soldiers on the left and right in a low voice: "Forward!" Then he got up from the ground first, holding a bayonet-mounted rifle, bent over and strode forward walked forward.

Soldiers jumped into the trenches scrambling to find the hidden places where the enemy was hiding. After finding it, he rushed in and stabbed randomly with a bayonet to kill all the enemies inside.

It was relatively smooth at the beginning, but when the enemy in the fifth shelter was eliminated, a seriously wounded soldier fired a grenade without hesitation. After a loud bang, all the people in the bunker fell to the ground regardless of enemy or friend.

The explosion in the bunker woke up the enemies in the nearby bunker. They rushed out with weapons without even caring about their clothes. Some people just rushed out and fell under the guns of the Soviet army before they could clearly see where the enemy was. The rest of the people quickly retreated, hid inside and shot.

As long as the exposed shelter is exposed, no matter how fierce the firepower inside is, it will not be a problem for the attacking Soviet soldiers. They only need to approach the shelter from the side, throw a grenade emitting white smoke into it, and after an explosion, rush in and shoot with submachine guns, they can completely clear out the enemies inside, and they can also minimize the casualties of the soldiers.

According to Major Briski's thinking, even if it was a sneak attack, to eliminate hundreds of Romanian officers and soldiers on the ground, at least one or two hundred casualties would be required. But within twenty minutes, the gunfire in the trenches gradually subsided. Let the company commanders count the casualties, and only less than 30 people were sacrificed.

The sneak attack was won with such small casualties, which greatly boosted the confidence of several company commanders. They asked Briski to fight, hoping that their company would be the first to rush to the second line of German defense.

The gunshots and grenade explosions on the ground just now rang together. It is obviously unrealistic not to alarm the Germans. Briski reminded his company commanders: "The battle we just had has alarmed the Germans, and they must have been prepared. If any company takes the lead in attacking, it will definitely suffer huge casualties."

Unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, several company commanders were still competing for the task: "Comrade Battalion Commander, give the task to our first company. Since we are the first company, we should take the lead. Leave such a dangerous task to us. "

"Who said you should take the lead in the first company, our second company can do the same. Comrade Battalion Commander, let's give the task to our second company."

"We are three in a row..."

Seeing several company commanders arguing happily, Major Briski waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop fighting. The first company immediately gathered its troops and launched an attack on the enemy's position. According to the information we have, the second line There is only an incomplete company of the German army on the ground, and I hope to rely on your strength to destroy them."

"Don't worry, Comrade Battalion Commander." The first company commander who had just accepted the mission said confidently, "We will definitely not let you down."

A company of more than 200 soldiers was blocked by German fire when they were 100 meters away from the second line of defense. In addition to machine guns, submachine guns, and rifles firing on the position, there was also a tank half buried in the ground, which fired at a distance from the soldiers. From time to time, soldiers were blown away by shells or felled by flying shrapnel, but they did not stop, but quickly approached the enemy's position with the help of craters or obstacles as cover.

Under the cover of darkness, a soldier approached the tank, which was firing guns and machine guns, and threw two anti-tank grenades at it, blasting it into a ball of fire.

The tank was blown up, and the firepower of the position was suppressed by the Soviet army again, and the situation of the German army on the position became more and more difficult. Seeing this, the company commander jumped up from the ground and shouted: "Comrades, come with me!"

Just when they rushed to a place more than ten meters away from the trench, a dazzling flame suddenly appeared in front of them. From a distance, something that looked like a mound of earth suddenly spewed out a flame that was twenty or thirty meters long, enveloping dozens of charging commanders and fighters in one go.

After Major Briski saw a huge flame flash by, dozens of active Pyromen appeared in his field of vision. They let out horrible screams in the flames, some fell to the ground and rolled on the spot, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies; The ground burns motionless...

Damn it, it's a German flame-breathing tank! Seeing his subordinates struggling and screaming to death in the raging fire, Major Briski couldn't help being heartbroken. He rushed to the side and shouted: "Bazooka, where is the bazooka?"

Following the shout, a soldier carrying a bazooka ran over, waiting for Briski to give an order. The major pointed at the flame-breathing tank in the distance, gritted his teeth and said, "Go and kill that flame-breathing tank immediately, and avenge our sacrificed soldiers."

"Yes!" The soldier carrying the bazooka agreed, and climbed out of the trench with his ammunition hand, bent over and ran towards the flame-breathing tank in the distance.

Although the bazooka shot by Sokov has a range of 120 meters. However, in order to ensure that the German fire-breathing tanks could be destroyed, the soldiers went to a distance of 60 meters, chose a suitable launch position, aimed at the fire-breathing tanks and pulled the trigger. The rockets with white smoke tails flew towards the enemy tanks.

With the sound of "Boom", a thick pillar of fire vacated from the uncovered hatch of the fire-breathing tank and rushed straight into the sky. A moment later, the pillar of fire retracted from the air and spread to the entire tank body, causing the tank that was still raging just now to start burning.

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