Red Moscow

Chapter 1300 Joint Action

After receiving the order, Koyda immediately ordered the observers of the divisional artillery regiment to go to the area where the German 3rd Armored Division was assembled to conduct reconnaissance and provide shooting parameters for the rear artillery.

At dawn, just five minutes before General Sturm's 3rd Armored Division began its attack, the Soviet shelling began.

The two artillery divisions and the artillery regiment of the 188th Division, a total of 500 artillery pieces of various calibers, bombarded the positions where the enemy assembled at the same time. For a moment, thick smoke billowed from the enemy's position, black gunpowder smoke covered the sky, and even the rising sun became gray.

Sokov, who was far away in the rear command post, learned that the artillery was shelling the enemy's position, and asked Koyda with some concern: "Comrade Colonel, how is the movement on the enemy's side? Has there been any return fire?"

"No." Keida replied excitedly: "The enemy may never have imagined that our army would suddenly shell them. Now their positions are shrouded in gunpowder smoke, and they have no way to fight back."

"Comrade Colonel," knowing that the enemy was suppressed by artillery fire and unable to fight back, Sokov suddenly had a bold idea: "How many troops can you use now?"

"Comrade Commander," if Sokov asked the same question a few hours ago, Koyda might have set up an ambush, but at this moment, seeing that the enemy was hit by friendly artillery fire, he replied truthfully: " I still have more than 2,000 troops in my hand, ready to go into battle at any time."

"Very good." Sokov remembered that General Poluboyarov's tank army had only one mechanized brigade in addition to three tank brigades. With this strength, it would be somewhat difficult to attack the German army. With the assistance of the enemy, you can achieve greater results: "After the tank army launches an attack on the enemy, your troops will also go into battle afterward, trying to exaggerate the results."

"Comrade commander, don't worry." Koyda assured Sokov: "Our division will definitely cooperate with comrades in the tank army to hit the Germans severely."

After the shelling was over, the first unit to carry out the assault was General Poluboyarov's 4th Guards Tank Corps. Sukov felt that this battle was of great importance, so he called the other side and asked straight to the point: "Comrade General , how are you getting ready?"

"Comrade Commander, the three tank brigades are all ready to go. As soon as the shelling stops, they can launch an assault on the enemy's defense zone." After a brief report on the situation, General Poluboyarov said with some embarrassment: " But our infantry is too small, and there is only one mechanized brigade that is not full of strength, and it may be very difficult to completely disable the enemy."

"General Poluboyarov, after the shelling stops, you just charge forward without worrying about the strength of your troops." Sokov comforted Poluboyarov and said, "I will find a way to provide support for you. "

After Waiting for Sokov to put down the phone, Sameko tentatively asked: "Comrade Commander, apart from the remnants of the 188th Division of Colonel Koida, where can we find troops to cooperate with the tank army? Do you plan to use the 384th Division?" With the 182nd Division?"

"The troops of the 384th Division are too scattered, and it is impossible to complete the assembly in one day." Sokov shook his head and said: "The 182nd Division has just added a group of old and weak soldiers, and the combat effectiveness of the troops has been greatly diluted. fighting."

"Then where can we find troops to cooperate with the tank army?" Sameko asked anxiously.

"Isn't there the 81st Guards Division of General Marankin? No matter how heavy their casualties in the early stage, they can always get together a force of one or two thousand troops. In addition, there is also General Trufanov's tank unit, which also has dozens of tanks. Tanks." Sokov said with a smile: "We can invite them to join the battle and cooperate with our troops to attack the troops that are being bombarded. Even if they disagree, they can stick to the Kochetovka area and ensure our The rear of the army is safe."

Having said that, Sokov also thought that there were too few troops participating in the attack. Don't look at the enemies near Kochetovka being dumbed down by artillery fire at this moment, but behind them are the 48th and 52nd Panzer Corps. Facing such a huge enemy, even if your entire army is here Not necessarily their opponents, let alone fight against them.

After staring at the map for a while, Sokov raised his head and looked at the communication area not far away. Seeing that the director of the communications army was busy, he called the other party: "Comrade director of the communications army, please come to me."

Hearing Sokov's call, the grey-haired director of the Communication Corps quickly came to Sokov. He straightened his body and asked expressionlessly, "Comrade Commander, what instructions do you have?"

"Can you get through to the headquarters of the First Tank Army?" Sokov asked tentatively, "I want to talk to General Katukov."

After thinking for a while, the director of the Communication Corps nodded vigorously and replied: "Yes, Comrade Commander. Although we don't have a phone directly connected to the headquarters of the First Tank Army here, I can connect to them through other military lines. headquarters."

"Then act quickly, Comrade Chief of the Communication Corps." Knowing that he could talk directly to Katukov, Sokov urged the other party: "I have an urgent matter and need to get in touch with General Katukov immediately. "

When the director of the communications corps answered the phone, Sokov was in a particularly disturbed mood. He knew that if he wanted to severely damage the German army in the direction of Oboyan, he needed the assistance of the First Tank Army. Although he and Katukov are both the commanders of the army group, but others are generals, and he is just a small major general, will he listen to his proposal?

After a long wait, the director of the Communications Corps held the microphone and said to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, the phone of the First Tank Army Headquarters has been connected, and General Katukov wants to talk to you online."

Sokov walked over, took the microphone from the director of the communications corps, thanked him with a slight smile, put the microphone to his ear, took a deep breath, and said respectfully: "Hello, General Katukov ! I'm Sokov."

"Hello, Misha." Katukov called Sokov by his nickname, and said with a smile, "I heard that your troops fought well. After annihilating the skeleton division outside Prokhorovka, The 19th Armored Division was annihilated in the Gleznoye area and achieved brilliant results."

"General Katukov, you're flattered." Sokov knew that he had something to ask of Katukov, so he lowered his posture: "Without the cooperation of you and other friendly forces, we would have achieved such a result. It's simply impossible."

After hearing what Sokov said, Katukov grinned slightly, and then asked: "How do you think of calling me at this time? You know, there is no direct phone call between you and my headquarters." .”

"General Katukov, I have something to ask you, so I ordered my communications director to find a way to connect to your call through other military lines."

"Is there anything important?" Katukov guessed that Sokov was calling himself, and said bluntly, "If I can help, I will definitely help."

"That's right, General Katukov. My troops captured Kochetovka before dawn." Sokov said: "Now I am using hundreds of artillery from two artillery divisions to bombard the attempted German units to recapture Kochetovka. As soon as the bombardment is over, I will order an attack on the enemy..."

When Sokov mentioned Kochetovka, Katukov immediately found the location on the map, and quickly judged Sokov's intention: "So, you want to severely Beat the Germans and force them to retreat in the direction of Oboyan?"

"Yes, that's how I think about it." Seeing that Katukov had guessed his combat intention, Sokov silently nodded 32 likes for the other party in his heart, and continued: "With my current strength, To carry out a surprise attack on the enemy may not achieve great results, so I would like to ask you to send troops to launch a feint attack as soon as possible to contain the main force of the German army so that they cannot deploy large troops for reinforcements in a short time."

"Misha." Katukov stared at the map for a while after Sokov finished speaking, and then said: "The troops closest to you are the 67th and 52nd Guards Divisions, but these two The division is not under my jurisdiction, I can't mobilize them..."

When he heard the number of the 67th Guards Division, Sokov's heart beat faster than expected. You must know that when this division was reorganized from the 304th Infantry Division into the Guards Division a few months ago, it was under his own command Yes, in the first battle to annihilate the Imperial Division, the division still made great achievements.

Just when Sokov was thinking wildly, Katukov continued: "The only troops I can mobilize now are Krivoshein's Mechanized 3rd Army. I can order them to launch a feint attack to attract the Germans. Be careful, so that the enemy does not dare to boldly transfer the main force to your combat area."

After finishing the call with Katukov, Sokov breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Sameko: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I have already agreed that when we launch an offensive, General Katukov will order the General Riveschein's 3rd Mechanized Corps will launch a feint attack in the direction of Oboyan, restraining the main force of the German army and preventing them from deploying troops to reinforce the attacked troops in a short time."

Just when Sokov and Sameko were complacent, Lunev poured cold water on them: "Comrade Commander, I think you seem to have not considered something."

Sokov asked in surprise, "What happened?"

"Even if General Krivoshein's troops launch a diversionary attack in Oboyan, they will attract the attention of the enemy and make them afraid to send reinforcements." Lunev reminded Sokov: "But if they bombard us with artillery fire What about the attacking troops? The flesh and blood of the soldiers cannot stop the enemy's steel and fire."

Lunev's words shocked Sokov, and he immediately realized that he had thought the problem too simply. Even if the German army cannot withdraw troops to reinforce the troops attacked by itself, it can still use artillery fire to suppress its own attacking troops. At that time, I do not know how many commanders and fighters will fall under the enemy's artillery fire.

After thinking about this matter, Sokov picked up the phone again and ordered the director of the Communications Corps to connect to the headquarters of the Prairie Front Army. As soon as he heard Konev's voice, he couldn't wait to say: "Comrade Commander of the Front Army, I would like to ask for your help."

"Ask for my help?" Konev asked in confusion on the other end of the phone: "Comrade Sokov, tell me, what can I do to help you?"

"Comrade Commander of the Front Army, my troops are about to launch a fierce attack on the enemy in the Kochetovka area. But I am worried that during the attack, they will be intercepted by enemy artillery fire." Sokov said anxiously: "So I hope you can provide air cover for my troops to deal with the enemy's artillery. If you find one, destroy one, and the enemy's artillery must not be able to pose a threat to our attacking troops."

Hearing what Sokov said in one breath, Konev couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and then said to the microphone: "Comrade Sokov, why do I feel like your logistics minister, and I need to meet your requirements at any time?" Everything you ask for."

"Comrade Commander of the Front Army," Sokov felt relieved when he heard that Konev was not angry, and continued: "Although my troops are temporarily assigned to the command of the Voronezh Front Army, I will always be your subordinate. If If we can get the air support you provide, then we will be able to achieve greater results in the offensive. At that time, not only will we be honored, but you will also be able to stand up straighter when you meet other front army commanders in the future. "

"Okay, Comrade Sokov, don't say any more." Konev said a little bit dumbfounded: "Tell me when you plan to launch an attack, and I will arrange the Air Force to provide you with air support as soon as possible."

Sokov raised his hand and looked at his watch, and found that the artillery had been shelling the enemy for more than half an hour, and quickly said into the microphone: "Comrade Commander of the Front Army, we plan to prepare for an hour of artillery fire in the area where the enemy is located. Now the shelling has been going on for 40 minutes, that is to say, there are still 20 minutes before our tanks and infantry will attack the enemy, and we hope that the air force can arrive before our attack."

"What, the ground attack is going to be launched in twenty minutes?" Konev was still a little unhappy when he heard Sokov say this: "Why didn't you inform me earlier, you know, it is very difficult for fighter jets to refuel and attach ammunition." It takes time. I think it will take an hour at the fastest before the Air Force can reach the battlefield."

Knowing that it would take an hour for the air force to arrive at the battlefield, Sokov was a little anxious: "Comrade commander of the front army, please think of a way. If the air force really has to wait an hour to arrive at the battlefield, I'm afraid my offensive troops It had already suffered heavy casualties under German artillery fire."

"All right, all right, stop complaining in front of me." Konev said angrily, "I can only order the air force to rush to the battlefield as quickly as possible, but whether it can reduce your casualties is up to you." Own luck."

After Konev hung up the phone, he raised his head and said to the Chief of Staff Zakharov who was standing aside: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you should contact the Air Force immediately and order them to dispatch an aviation division to the Kochetovka area. Assist the attack launched by Sokov's troops. As long as the German artillery positions on the ground are found, they will be destroyed cleanly, and the enemy's artillery fire must not be allowed to cause unnecessary casualties to our offensive troops."

"Understood, Comrade Commander." Zakharov nodded and replied, "I'll call the Commander of the Air Force Group and ask him to send a plane as soon as possible to assist Sokov's troops in the attack."

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