Red Moscow

Chapter 1304 Arming

After Marankin's troops withdrew to the designated location, they began to seize the time to build fortifications.

The time is too short, so don't expect to build any reinforced concrete fortifications. You can only dig some trenches and communication trenches in the main defensive areas to build the so-called defensive depth.

Malankin personally took the chief of staff and political commissar to inspect the construction of the fortifications.

When he came to the section of the 233rd Regiment, the regiment commander ran over and reported to Marankin: "Comrade Commander, the 233rd Guards Infantry Regiment is building fortifications, please give instructions!"

"Please continue!" After Marankin finished speaking, he asked the head of the regiment: "Comrade head, how wide and deep is your trench?"

"The trenches in the completed area are generally 1.5 meters deep and 1 meter wide. When soldiers are operating in the trenches, they only need to bend over and don't have to worry about being hit by stray bullets."

"Are there any bomb holes?" The chief of staff of the division interjected and asked, "You must know that if the enemy wants to break through your regiment's defense line, they will definitely carry out heavy shelling. If there are no bomb holes, you may suffer huge losses."

Hearing what the division chief of staff said, the head of the regiment grinned and replied: "Comrade chief of staff, don't worry. Our regiment is not the first day on the battlefield, and we have already considered this issue. I ordered the soldiers to At intervals of 30 meters, dig a blast hole that can accommodate at least half a squad."

After reporting the situation of the fortifications, the head of the regiment asked Marankin tentatively: "Comrade commander, there are only more than 700 people left in our regiment. If the German army uses superior forces to launch a fierce attack on us, I am afraid that we will not be able to hold on for long." time."

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander." Marankin comforted the other party and said, "I will place the 173rd Artillery Regiment two kilometers behind you. When the enemy attacks you, they can use artillery fire to attack the enemy's attacking troops. Intercept."

"Comrade Commander," Ma Lanjingang finished, and the division chief of staff added, "In addition to the artillery regiment belonging to the division, there is also the tank unit led by General Trufanov. They can also provide you with strong fire support."

Marankin raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said to the regiment leader: "Comrade commander, you have to remember that you are not fighting alone, and we will provide you with support at critical moments. Maybe in another two hours, or even later." In a short time, the enemy will attack you, and you must prepare for battle in advance."

"Isn't there friendly troops fighting the enemy in front?" Hearing what Marankin said, the head of the regiment asked in surprise, "Could it be that they can't stand it so soon?"

"Colonel Koida's 188th Division is in charge of the attack," Marankin said to the regiment commander, "but their strength is limited. Even if they can severely damage the German 3rd Armored Division under the cover of artillery fire and tank troops, they will not be able to attack." It is also difficult to continue to fight. I am afraid that they will withdraw from the battlefield soon and go to other places to regroup, and after all this is done, they will come to reinforce us."

"Then how long do we need to hold on?" the leader asked cautiously.

"I don't know, Comrade Colonel." Marankin replied truthfully: "When the reinforcements will arrive, it depends entirely on the speed of the regrouping of the friendly forces. But you must hold on to the position for at least two hours. How can you do it?" Are you there?"

The head of the regiment pondered for a moment, straightened his back and replied: "Comrade commander, I can't promise you how long we can hold on. But I can tell you that as long as we are alive alone, we feel that the enemy will not pass through." our position."

After listening to the leader's statement, Ma Lanjin punched him right on the leader's chest. This is a habit in the army, which means praise and praise: "Good job, Comrade Colonel. After this battle is over, I will definitely give credit to your regiment." In order to let the regiment leader concentrate on directing the battle, he He also added, "Don't worry, how many people your regiment loses in the battle, I will replenish you in the future."

After inspecting the positions of the 233rd regiment, Marankin headed towards the position of the 235th regiment, asking his chief of staff as he walked, "What is the distance between the two regiments?"

"1,200 meters." The division chief of staff replied without hesitation: "There are three to five communication trench links between the two lines of defense, which are convenient for the retreat of the first-line troops or the reinforcement of the second-line troops."

"The enemy doesn't have much time left for us." Marankin shook his head and rejected the proposal of the division chief of staff, considering that it would take a lot of manpower to dig several 1,200-meter-long traffic trenches: "Instead of wasting time and manpower to build traffic trenches that are of little use, it is better to use this time to build trenches well. After all, soldiers need to rely on trenches to stop the enemy's attack."

"Understood, Comrade Division Commander." The division chief of staff quickly replied, "I will immediately inform the regiments that they will not dig the communication trenches connecting the various lines of defense for the time being, and will do their best to build trenches for combat use."

It took the three of them an hour to inspect the defensive positions of the three infantry regiments and the artillery regiment, and then returned to the division headquarters at the rear.

After entering the door, the political commissar of the division who had been silent all this time said worriedly: "Comrade commander, I just took a closer look. Our number of soldiers is too small. In the trenches, one person must be responsible for at least two to three meters of land. Our Compared with the German army, infantry equipment does not have any advantages. Even with the cover of artillery and tanks, I am afraid that we will not be able to withstand the enemy's attack for long."

"Comrade political commissar, don't worry." Marankin's thoughts were similar to those of the political commissar, but in order not to affect the morale and morale of the troops, he still said with a smile on his face: "Since General Sokov said he would send us reinforcements, I believe He will definitely not lie to us, the reinforcements will arrive sooner or later."

"No, I don't feel at ease." The political commissar of the division said: "I have a little friendship with Colonel Shepilov, the political commissar of the 182nd Division. I will ask him to see if their troops have received an order to mobilize."

Perhaps because he was worried that Marankin would oppose his proposal, the political commissar of the division added: "The location of the 182nd division is only ten kilometers away from us. Even if we march on foot, we can arrive within two hours."

"Okay, Comrade Political Commissar." Just hearing Sokov's written promise, but not seeing the shadow of reinforcements, Marankin still felt a little uneasy. Since my political commissar said that he knew the political commissar of the friendly army, he could just use him to inquire whether a division that was closer to him showed signs of mobilization. "Go call and ask to see if they have received a transfer order from their superiors."

After a few minutes of phone calls, the political commissar replied to Marankin with a serious face, and said to him: "Comrade commander, I asked Colonel Sepilov, and he said that they had received a message to him an hour ago. Our order to move closer is currently gathering troops, and they will arrive at our place in about three to five hours."

"Comrade Political Commissar, they are only ten kilometers away from us, how could it take so long?" the division chief of staff questioned, "Colonel Shepilov is not lying to us, is he?"

"No, Comrade Chief of Staff." The political commissar of the division said seriously: "Not long ago, their division added a group of recruits without any combat experience, which seriously diluted the combat effectiveness of the troops. In order for the troops to fully To play its due combat effectiveness, the division needs to make some adjustments, so it will delay some time."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, stop asking." Marankin raised his hand to stop the Chief of Staff who wanted to ask further, and said, "Since the 182nd Division has received a transfer order, I believe other units have also received similar orders. They are about to come to us. We will do our best to hold off the enemy's attack until reinforcements arrive."

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