Red Moscow

Chapter 1503 Persuasion

Konev suddenly and unexpectedly asked: "Comrade Sokov, do you have mortars?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander of the Front Army." Sokov didn't understand Konev's intention of asking, and quickly replied, "Every division has a mortar battery. I wonder why you are asking this?"

"The civilians who are surrounded by the enemy are now in the middle of the positions of the two armies, so that you cannot see or hit the enemy." Konev smiled and said to Sokov: "But you can use mortars to bombard the enemy's Position, this will definitely cause confusion among the enemy, and then most civilians will be able to escape into our position."

One word awakened the dreamer. After listening to Konev's words, Sokov slapped the table fiercely, thinking that ginger is still old and spicy. Konev is really good at coming up with such a method. , repeatedly said: "Comrade Front Army Commander, your method is really good. I will immediately notify the divisions and let them use this method to deal with the enemy."

"However," although Konev's method is good, Sameko said with great apprehension: "comrade commander, if we really use this tactic against the Germans, it will cause them confusion, but once they find out Civilians fleeing to our positions, there is still a possibility of shooting and causing some casualties to civilians."

After thinking for a while, Sokov felt that although Konev's method was not perfect, it was worth a try under the current circumstances. As for civilians fleeing to their own positions, they may be killed by German firepower, this is unavoidable. Thinking of this, he raised his head and said to Sameko: "Comrade Chief of Staff, immediately convey my order to the divisions, use mortars to bombard those stubborn enemies, and find a way to rescue our civilians."

"Okay, Comrade Commander." Seeing that Sokov had made up his mind, Sameko knew that it would be useless to say anything else, so he said helplessly, "I'll go and issue combat orders to the division commanders."

Before Sameko left, Sokov told him from behind: "Chief of staff, you tell the division commanders that when they start shelling the German army, they must report in time any enemy's reaction, so that we can make decisions. Correct judgment."

While Sameko was on the phone with the commanders of the divisions, Konev and Sokov started a frank conversation: "Comrade Sokov, I heard that you plan to go to the Frunze Military Academy after the battle is over. Advanced study, is there such a thing?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander of the Front Army, there is such a thing." To Konev's question, Sokov truthfully replied: "You know, at the beginning of the war, I was just an ordinary soldier. I served as the commander of the group army in two years. Now I feel more and more that my ability is limited, and it is very difficult to command such a huge army. If I can go to the Frunze Military Academy to study some military theories systematically, it will be very beneficial to me. Commanding operations in the future will be of great help.”

After hearing what Sokov said, Konev smiled. But he quickly shook his head and said, "Comrade Sokov, you are wrong. If you really enter the Frunze Military Academy, I don't know what you can learn.

But I know one thing very well, that is, once you leave the 27th Army, your superiors will immediately send someone to take over your position. Your philosophy of governing the army is different from ordinary people, which is why you can train an elite army. The new commander may not necessarily approve of your approach, and will definitely make large-scale adjustments according to his personal preferences. As a result, the combat effectiveness of the 27th Army may not advance but retreat. You can think about it clearly. "

Sokov didn't expect that he just wanted to go to Frunze Military Academy to study charging, but Konev refused. He even wondered if he could call Zhukov privately and ask his opinion if Konev firmly disagreed.

Konev said that the 27th Army will undergo major adjustments with Sokov's departure. Such an adjustment may make the troops stronger; it may also make the troops lose combat effectiveness step by step.

Sokov was thinking this when he suddenly heard Konev say: "Comrade Sokov, don't think I'm scaring you. You know, after the new commander takes office, he will definitely bring a group of his cronies, To replace your subordinates, so that the troops become unstable. Whether this instability will affect the combat effectiveness of the troops is temporarily unknown."

When Sokov proposed to go to the Frunze Military Academy, apart from having the idea of ​​studying military theory, more importantly, he hoped to study in the military academy, make more contacts, and make plans for his future. But now hearing Konev say this, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Comrade Commander," Sameko finished the phone call and walked back to report to Sokov, "I have already called all the division commanders, and they all said that they would start shelling the German army immediately."

Confirming that Sameko had conveyed the order, Sokov nodded silently, and then he asked Sameko the question in his heart: "Comrade Chief of Staff, do you think I should study at the Frunze Military Academy?"

After hearing this, Sameko hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Nonsense, of course, is telling the truth."

"I don't think it is necessary at all." Sameko is used to partnering with Sokov. If he changes to a commander with a different style at this time, he feels that it may take a long time to adapt. "Your military command level is not comparable to that of many commanders who graduated from military academies. If you insist on studying, the position of commander of the group army will definitely be replaced by then. I think the arrival of the new commander is a good thing. Our army group will have some adverse effects."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, tell me." Sokov asked curiously, "Those adverse effects?"

"Your combat philosophy is incomparable to many commanders, there is no doubt about it." Sameko said carelessly: "Also, after so many battles, our army can still maintain a strong combat effectiveness, yes It has something to do with your bold use of those rescued commanders and fighters. If it were another person, do you think he would show sympathy for these commanders and fighters and incorporate them into the army just like you did?"

"General Sameko is right." As soon as Sameko finished speaking, Konev added: "If a new commander is replaced, he will not have the courage to kill tens of thousands of rescued commanders at once. Incorporate into your own combat unit. In addition, if you are no longer in the unit, the Weapons and Equipment Department will no longer take special care of this unit. This can be seen in the 6th Guards Army, which was changed from the 21st Army.”

Konev's words reminded Sokov that since he was transferred to the commander of the 27th Army, many advanced weapons that the Weapons and Equipment Department had given priority to the 21st Army had stopped supplying directly. After the group army was changed to the 6th Guards Army, the assault rifles had to undergo a large-scale replacement due to lack of ammunition. The equipment of the soldiers became the Bobosha submachine gun and the Mosin Nagant rifle again.

"Then there is no need for me to study at the Frunze Military Academy?"

"It's not necessary at all." Konev shook his head and said, "I think you can play a greater role if you stay on the battlefield."

"Okay." Seeing that Konev and Sameko agreed unexpectedly, and they both firmly opposed his study at the Frunze Military Academy, Sokov let go of his obsession: "Since you have the same opinion, then I will follow your persuasion and no longer consider going to the Frunze Military Academy, but will continue to stay in the army."

Knowing that Sokov was willing to give up the opportunity to study and stay in the army, both Konev and Sameko smiled happily: "It seems that you have figured it out. Only the battlefield is the most suitable place for you."

After a few people chatted for a while, the phone on the table rang suddenly, and Sameko went to pick up the phone: "I'm Chief of Staff Sameko, where are you?"

"I'm Zhukov! Is Sokov there?"

"Yes, yes." Sameko quickly passed the phone to Sokov, and said at the same time, "Comrade Commander, your call is from Marshal Zhukov."

Knowing that it was Zhukov's call, Sokov quickly took the receiver with both hands, and said in his ear, "Hello, Comrade Marshal, what instructions do you have?"

"Misha," Zhukov said kindly, "I just received a call from the director of the Frunze Military Academy, saying that he agrees with you to study at the academy. I hope you can report to the school within a week."

"Ah, the dean of the Frunze Military Academy informed me to report at the school?" Sokov asked in surprise, "Comrade Marshal, did you make a mistake?" As soon as the words came out, Sokov realized his mistake, How cautious Zhukov is, how could he make such a low-level mistake?

"No mistake, I also checked with the other party." Zhukov briefly explained, then asked: "Misha, what do you think about, do you really plan to study at the Frunze Military Academy?"

"Comrade Marshal, how should I put it?" Sokov replied with some hesitation: "At first I really wanted to study at the Frunze Military Academy, but after calming down recently, I felt that what I could learn in school was limited. It's better to stay in the army."

Zhukov laughed loudly after hearing this, and said repeatedly: "Misha, I called you this time to persuade you to give up the opportunity to study and stay in the army to command operations. I was thinking about how to persuade you. , You actually told me that you have decided to stay in the army.

Very well, this is very good. Although you lack some systematic military theories, this does not affect your ability to be an excellent commander who makes the enemy fearful. I think if you do go to school, the Germans will pop champagne when they hear the news. We can't give the Germans such an opportunity. "

"Don't worry, Comrade Marshal, I will never give the enemy such a chance."

After chatting for a while, Zhukov asked about the progress of the Merifa Fortress, and Sokov gave Zhukov a detailed report on the use of civilians by the German army as human shields. After hearing this, Zhukov grabbed a tea mug in front of him and threw it on the ground, muttering, "Damn Germans, they used such despicable methods."

After a short pause, he continued to ask: "Have you taken any measures?"

"Yes, Comrade Marshal, we have taken measures." Sokov reported to Zhukov: "I originally wanted to order people to get close to the civilians who were coerced, and take advantage of the weakness of the Germans who do not understand Russian to make them all lie down. Our fighters can then fire at the exposed enemy.

But unexpectedly, the enemy is very cunning, they have already guessed what method we will use to deal with them. They arranged for snipers to hide in the crowd, and whenever they saw our commanders leaving the position, they would shoot immediately, causing us a lot of casualties. "Sokov gritted his teeth and said: "Fortunately, Commander Konev came up with a good way to bombard the enemies hiding behind the civilians with mortars, catching them off guard. "

After hearing this, Zhukov was silent for a while, and then asked: "What is the effect, have the civilians been rescued?"

"Comrade Marshal, the order has just been issued, and it may take a while before we know the effect of this."

"Well, I know." Zhukov nodded and said, "Once the trapped civilians are rescued, call me immediately."

"Understood, Comrade Marshal." Sokov readily agreed, "I will notify you as soon as possible."

Sokov ended his conversation with Zhukov, and when he put down the microphone, he remembered that ten minutes had passed since the order was issued. He didn't know how the divisions that received the order were doing now, so he said to Sameko: "Chief of Staff , you call the commanders of the divisions and ask them how the situation is there?"

"Okay, I will call the division commanders immediately to find out how the battle situation is going with them."

After Waiting for Sameko to leave, Konev sat in front of Sokov and said with a smile: "Did you hear that, Comrade Sokov? Not only me and your subordinates don't want you to leave, even Marshal Zhukov, And I don’t want you to leave the army to study among the students.”

Sokov laughed dryly and replied: "Comrade Front Army Commander, you are very correct. I did not think carefully. I will not have such unrealistic ideas in the future."

"Comrade Sokov, if you really want to study systematic military theory, it's not impossible." Konev said to Sokov, "You can enter the Frunze Military Academy after we defeat the Germans. Not too late."

Konev's words made Sokov dumbfounded. If he really waited until the end of the war, what would be the use of entering the Frunze Military Academy by himself? But you can think about these words in your heart, but you can't say them casually, otherwise you will offend Konev. He can only perfunctory: "Yes, yes, Comrade Commander of the Front Army, you are so correct. I still wait When the battle is over, go to Frunze Military Academy to study again."

"Comrade Commander, good news, good news." At this moment, Sameko, who called the division commanders, suddenly raised a piece of paper, rushed over and said to everyone: "This is Colonel Koida of the 188th Division. Telegram sent."

If it was normal, Sokov would definitely have grabbed the telegram without hesitation to see what was written on it, but seeing that Konev was also waiting for news, he kept saying, "Read and listen!"

"When the 188th Division fired mortars at the German positions, the Germans became panicked, and some ran back to the bastion to hide, and others lay down on the spot." Sameko continued: "And The civilians who were coerced, took advantage of the chaos of the enemy, decisively sent people to rush over, and brought the civilians back to our army's position."

"Good job." Knowing that the civilians trapped in the 188th Division's defense area had fled into our army's position, Sokov's heart sank again. He said repeatedly: "Colonel Keida, after the civilians have been resettled, he ordered the troops to continue attacking the bastion. When the enemy's strength was greatly weakened, he quickly and decisively took down the bastion."

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