Red Moscow

Chapter 1507 Advance to the Dnieper River (1)

The day after the 27th Army occupied the fortress of Meliefa and the railway junction, units of the 7th Guards Army passed through this area and advanced in the direction of Poltava.

After a day of fierce fighting, the German 8th Army, which consisted of the 3rd Tank Corps, 47th Corps and 11th Infantry Corps, retreated towards Poltava and Kremenchug.

The defeat of the German army in Kharkov and Meriefa not only opened up the road from Poltava to the Dnieper River for the Steppe Front Army, but the neighboring Voronezh Front Army also made smooth progress, forcing the German Army to retreat across the entire left bank of Ukraine.

Seeing that the Steppe Front Army and the Voronezh Front Army were progressing smoothly, the Supreme Command adjusted the original combat plan the next day, stipulated a new demarcation line, and made some changes to the offensive direction of the Front Army.

The task of the Voronezh Front was to take Kiev, which had been lost for two years, from the Germans.

The task of the Steppe Front is to quickly attack in the general direction of Poltava and Kremenchug, prevent the enemy from establishing a solid front and destroy the enemy Poltava and Kremenchug groups.

Due to the outstanding performance of the Steppe Front Army in the Battle of Kursk and the Battle of Kharkov, the Supreme Command no longer regards them as a reserve team, but uses them as the main force.

In order to strengthen the strength of the Steppe Front Army, the base camp transferred the 37th Army under the command of General Sarokhin from its own reserves, assigned to the 5th Guards Army of General Zadov of the Voronezh Front Army, and was also transferred back to the Steppe Front Army. In addition, General Glagolev's 46th Army was transferred from the Southwest Front.

Konev was really overjoyed that there were three more army groups under his command. Originally, during the Battle of Kursk, his troops were dismantled to pieces, but now not only the removed troops were rebuilt, but also new troops were obtained. In this way, in the next battle, his chances of winning will be greatly improved.

Konev excitedly said to Zakharov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I really didn't expect that the Supreme Command was so generous this time and gave our three armies at once."

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Although the three armies assigned by the superior have not yet entered the designated positions, Zakharov is still overjoyed: "As long as the new troops are in place, we will be able to increase our strength in terms of strength." Compared with the German army, it will have the upper hand."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, superiority in military strength means nothing." Seeing that Zakharov was getting carried away, Konev quickly reminded him: "Don't forget, when our army was in this area at the beginning of the year, not only did our army surpass the German army in strength. people, and even more weapons and equipment than the Germans. But in the end, our army suffered a disastrous defeat, and even the liberated Kharkov and Belgorod fell into the in the hands of the Germans."

Konev’s words reminded Zakharov that he thought of the Soviet army winning first and then losing in this region at the beginning of the year. Won't it happen again?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff, you can rest assured about this." Konev comforted him and said, "After the Battle of Kursk and the Battle of Kharkov, the elite German troops have been almost wiped out by our and Comrade Vatutin's troops. Even if the Germans can replenish these lost soldiers in the shortest possible time, their strength will be greatly reduced."

"That's true." Zakharov said in agreement: "Especially Comrade Sokov's 27th Army, the combat power they possess is very terrifying. I sometimes even think about it. A group of German armies, who can win the final victory."

Regarding Zakharov's statement, Konev smiled wryly and shook his head: "Comrade Chief of Staff, have you forgotten that the German army's organizational system is different from ours. The strength of a division of them is 15,000. and our division has only 6,000 to 9,000 people. Even if the number of divisions is the same, the strength of the troops will be far lower than that of the enemy. Using Sukov's 27th Army to deal with a German army, this is This idea is inherently absurd."

However, Zakharov's words also reminded Konev. After staring at the map for a while, he looked up and said to Zakharov: "Chief of Staff, according to reconnaissance information, the Germans will desperately defend Poltava. And tried to use this place to delay the advance speed of our front army for a long time.

Judging from today's fighting situation, as our army approached Poltava, the resistance of the German Eighth Army troops became extremely tenacious. The 7th Guards Army organized several assaults, but was still unable to break through the German defenses. "

"You are right, Comrade Commander." Zakharov nodded after hearing this and said: "The enemy has set up minefields and other obstacles extensively in the direction of Poltava, and has blown up railways and road bridges. .

The Poltava garrison was twice as large as before, and they built defensive positions along the right bank of the Volskra River, and fortifications were built around and inside the city. Masonry buildings are suitable for perimeter defense, where the enemy has established artillery and mortar fire systems to cover the approach of the Volskra River. And all the bridges and ferries on the river were destroyed when the enemy retreated.

In short, Poltava has built a strong defensive hub, which is the link connecting the various defensive areas and strongholds of Left Bank Ukraine. What we can figure out now is that the German army is defending Poltava to contain our army's attack. "

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Konev waited for Zakharov to finish speaking, and asked tentatively, "How long do you think it will take to take Poltava with our army's current strength?"

"It's hard to say, Comrade Commander." Zakharov shook his head and said, "The reason why we were able to quickly occupy Belgorod and Kharkov is entirely because Sokov's troops played a pivotal role in it." If they don't participate in the siege, I think it will take at least a month to take Poltava."

"One month." After repeating the time Zakharov said, Konev shook his head slowly and said, "No, it's too long. You know, in such a long time, the enemy can Take their time to withdraw their main force to the right bank of the Dnieper River, and build a new line of defense there to resist our army's attack."

He tapped the table with his fingers and said thoughtfully: "But we can use other tactics to shorten the time to capture Poltava."

Zakharov is also a smart person. He remembered that he had just mentioned the 27th Army to Konev, so he tentatively asked: "Comrade Commander, what combat mission do you want to assign to Comrade Sokov?"

Seeing that Zakharov guessed what was on his mind, Konev did not hide it. He pointed to the map and said: "I plan to let Sokov's troops go around Poltava to capture the Klemen Hill on the Dnieper River. Occupy the bridge on the river. This not only cuts off the retreat of the Poltava defenders, but also allows us to cross the river and break through the German Dnieper defense line when the main force of our army reaches the Dnieper River.”

"Can you make it in time?" Zakharov asked worriedly.

"We have to try." After finishing his sentence, Konev told Zakharov: "Chief of Staff, please call the 27th Army Headquarters. I will personally assign combat missions to Sokov. .”

Sokov received a call from Konev and listened quietly to the other party assigning him a combat mission. After Konev finished speaking, he finally asked, "Is there any question?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander of the Front Army." Sokov quickly replied: "Our army is now about 300 kilometers away from Klemenchug. More than 80,000 troops have to pass through quietly. The enemy's line of defense, it may be very difficult to attack this city on the Dnieper River."

"You're right, Comrade Sokov." Konev did not deny what Sokov said, but said truthfully: "If it wasn't for the arduous task that other troops could not complete, I would still I won’t consider you. After all, you just liberated the Melliefa Fortress and the railway junction a few days ago, and the commanders and fighters are exhausted and need some time to rest.”

Sokov heard that Konev was using aggressive tactics against him, but he knew very well that it was a great achievement to break through the German defense line on the Dnieper River first. Moreover, according to the information he has, the German army has mobilized a large number of Soviet prisoners of war to build a line of defense. If he acts quickly, he can quickly establish a landing field on the left bank of the Dnieper River and rescue a group of Soviet commanders. can get stronger.

Sokov is very willing to carry out this combat mission, but before accepting the mission, many things must be clarified first. He tentatively asked: "Comrade Commander of the Front Army, I would like to ask, how many days do you plan to give me to liberate the Kremlin?" Lemenchug?"

"Comrade Sokov, we are short on time." Konev calculated the time required for the march, and said to Sokov: "I can only give you five days, how about it, can you complete the task? "

"I'm sorry, Comrade Front Army Commander." Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Sokov replied firmly: "Please forgive me, I can't complete the task you gave me in such a short period of time."

This time it was Konev's turn to wonder: "Why?"

"As I said just now, the distance from us to Klemenchug is more than 300 kilometers." Sokov explained: "Even if we adopt a rapid march speed, the commanders and fighters who carry weapons and supplies, at most To be able to walk fifty kilometers, that is to say, it will take about six days to walk the entire distance. And the time limit you gave us is five days, please forgive me, I can’t do it at all.”

"In fact, the distance is not as far as you think." Konev said: "Don't forget, your army group is now at the railway junction station, you can take a train, bypass Poltava, and go directly to Klemenchug. If If the speed is fast, all your troops can reach the outside of Klemenchug in a day at most."

When Sokov heard it, yes, his troops are now living in the Melefa Fortress and Railway Junction Station. Wherever they want to go, they can take the train. The original journey of a few days, if you take the train, you can reach the destination in at most ten hours.

But not long after he was happy, he thought of a key question, and asked quickly: "Comrade Commander of the Front Army, I wonder if the facilities along the way to Klemenchug have been destroyed by the German army?" Even if the railroad tracks were removed halfway, or special vehicles damaged the railroad sleepers, their own troops still could not reach the outside of Klemenchug quickly.

Hearing Sokov's question, Konev was silent for a long time, and finally said: "According to the information we have, the Germans did destroy railways and roads in many places when they retreated. If you take the train to Klein On the way to Menchug, there may be areas destroyed by the enemy along the way."

Hearing what Konev said, Sokov couldn't help but want to curse. But the other party was his immediate superior, so he could only suppress his anger, and asked with some dissatisfaction: "Comrade commander of the front army, if the train of our army's troops is on the way to Klemenchug, it will be attacked by German soldiers." What should we do about the damaged areas? We can’t let them get out of the car and march on foot, it will waste a lot of time on the road.”

"Comrade Sokov, this is how I think about it." Konev thought for a moment, and said to Sokov: "I can arrange a group of engineering troops to act with your vanguard. They will be responsible for emergency repairs in the lot. Although the speed of driving will be affected to a certain extent, it is better than your marching on foot."

"Understood, Comrade Front Army Commander. I accept your mission, when can I leave?"

"If tens of thousands of you need to be mobilized, the defense of the Melefa Fortress will become empty." Konev said carefully: "You can divide the troops into several echelons and set off by car one by one. As for the departure time, I think There is no need to delay, we can set off when it gets dark today."

Sokov put down the phone and told Sameko the task assigned by Konev. After hearing that, Sameko couldn't help being surprised: "Is this true, Comrade Commander? We have just completed the liberation of Merefa. For the mission of the fortress, the higher-ups gave us a new combat mission so quickly."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, don't be too happy." It may be that Sameko was a little too excited, Sokov poured cold water on him: "You know, our troops fought against Hal in the battle of Kursk. In the battle of Corfu, they all made immortal feats. But the superiors have not expressed anything until now. I am worried that it will chill the hearts of the commanders and fighters. If the hearts of the soldiers are scattered, the team will be difficult to lead. This is really a headache..."

At this moment, Lunev suddenly broke in from the outside. He waved a piece of paper in his hand and excitedly said to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, good news. This is the latest announcement from the Supreme Command."

"Announcement?!" I heard that it was the latest announcement from the Supreme Command, which immediately aroused Sokov's interest: "What announcement?"

Lunev held the piece of paper in front of him and read it aloud: "During the battle to capture Kharkov, all the soldiers, officers and generals demonstrated fearlessness and the ability to destroy the enemy. I would like to express my gratitude to all the commanders and fighters of the Front Army. The 10 divisions of the Steppe Front Army - Belgorod Guards 89th Infantry Division, 84th, 116th, 183rd, 252nd, 299th, 375th Infantry Division, Guards The 15th, 18th and 98th Infantry Divisions were honored with the honor of being named after 'Kharkov'."

After reading the announcement, Lunev said excitedly: "Comrade commander, did you hear that? Among the 10 divisions awarded the lofty honor of 'Kharkov', our army group accounted for two."

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