Red Moscow

Chapter 1539 Landing Field Defense Battle (12)

Although the problem was solved, Sokov felt that the German troops in ambush could not be easily bypassed, so he ordered Sameko: "Comrade Chief of Staff, immediately tell the Director of Reconnaissance and the Director of Intelligence that we must, in the shortest possible time, carry out Know the number of the German army and the size of the troops."

"Comrade Commander," Sameko asked in surprise when he heard Sokov's order, "Didn't we give up the counterattack against the enemy? Is it still necessary to find out the number and scale of the enemy?"

"Of course it's necessary, Comrade Chief of Staff." Seeing that Sameko didn't understand what he meant, Sokov explained to him: "I took a closer look at the terrain there, although our troops advancing from the ground couldn't find it." The enemy's hiding place, but it couldn't be easier for the air force to find their location."

When Sameko heard this, he suddenly realized: "Comrade commander, are you planning to request the Air Force to bomb the enemy's ambush troops?"

"That's right." Seeing that Sameko had guessed his intentions, Sokov nodded and said, "If our air force can destroy this German army, then our landing site will be under pressure in the next few days. will be greatly reduced.”

After saying this, Sokov called the director of the communications corps over and asked politely: "Comrade director of the communications corps, can we talk directly to the headquarters of the front army?" , Not only is the speed slow, but it is also not easy to explain the problem clearly.

"Comrade Commander," Sameko said before the Director of the Communications Corps could speak: "We are several hundred kilometers away from the Front Army Command, and I'm afraid we won't be able to contact them by phone for a while. If there is anything to do, use the telegram." .”

Unexpectedly, as soon as Sameko finished speaking, the director of the communications corps said unexpectedly: "Comrade commander, yes, our phone here can directly communicate with the headquarters of the front army. Not only the headquarters of the front army, but also Marshal Zhukov. Can talk directly."

What the director of the communications corps said confused Sameko. He asked in amazement: "Director of the communications corps, do you know what you are talking about? We are hundreds of kilometers away from the headquarters of the front army. How are your telephone lines laid? "

"Comrade Chief of Staff," the director of the Communications Corps looked at Sameko and said with a smile, "Actually, it is not as complicated as you imagine to establish a telephone connection with the Front Army Command. Between our cities, there are dedicated After we occupy the city, as long as these communication lines are reactivated, we can establish a communication link with the front army headquarters.”

Although Sokov seemed to understand what the director of the communications army said, he knew in his heart that he could talk to Konev, who was hundreds of kilometers away, and quickly ordered the director of the communications army: "Help me pick up the phone immediately." Through the Front Army Command."

After the call was connected, Zakharov on the other end of the phone was very surprised when he learned that Sokov was going to talk to him. When he heard Sokov's voice coming from the receiver, he couldn't wait to ask: "Soko Comrade husband, where are you now?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army," Zakharov's question made Sokov confused: "Where else can I be, of course it is in Kremenchug."

"Are you in Klemenchug?" Zakharov asked very unexpectedly: "Then how did you establish telephone contact with the Front Army Command?"

Sokov glanced at the director of the communications corps standing beside him, and replied with a smile: "Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army, this is all thanks to the director of the communications corps. In a short period of time, establish a telephone connection with the front army headquarters."

After the two chatted for a while, Zakharov asked the purpose of Sokov's call: "Comrade Sokov, it's so late, you called, is there anything important?"

"I have something to ask for help from you and the commander."

As soon as Zakharov heard that Sokov wanted something from himself, he suddenly regained his energy and said quickly, "If you have anything to do, just speak up. As long as we can do it, we will definitely help you with all our strength."

"The situation is like this. On the west side of the No. 1 outpost on the right bank landing site, there is a German armored force ambushing." Sokov said straight to the point: "The purpose of the enemy lurking there is to prepare the counterattack force of the nearby 1st Mechanized Army. , I hope that the Front Army Command can dispatch the air force to deal with the German armored forces in that area..."

"Wait a minute, Comrade Sokov." Unexpectedly, when Zakharov heard this, he interrupted Sokov's words: "Counterattack, what counterattack, why didn't I receive your report?"

Sokov knew that before carrying out various large-scale military operations, the action plan must be reported to the Front Army Command for record. At this moment, Zakharov heard that he had a counterattack plan but did not report it. Naturally, he would be very unhappy. He quickly explained: "Chief of Staff of the Front Army, please listen to my sophistry... No, it is an explanation. The counterattack plan is the mechanization of the first General Solomatin, the commander of the army, formulated it, but after he reported it to me, I denied it. Therefore, the counterattack plan was terminated, so I did not report the counterattack plan to you.”

Sokov's explanation aroused Zakharov's curiosity: "Comrade Sokov, tell me, why do you deny this counterattack plan?"

"The situation is this. The counterattack plan of the 1st Mechanized Army is to completely smash the enemy who is trying to capture the No. 1 outpost and consolidate the defense there." Sokov explained: "For a small position, use so many I don’t think it’s necessary to have more elites to fight back.”

"I think General Solomatin's plan is very good." Zakharov asked puzzledly: "Comrade Sokov, can you tell me the reasons for your opposition?"

"The reason is very simple. The area of ​​the No. 1 outpost is too small." Sokov said neither humble nor humble: "Since there is no strong permanent fortification above, if there are fewer troops, it will not be able to stop the enemy's fierce attack; If there are too many troops deployed, it will inevitably lead to heavy casualties under the fierce enemy fire. It is precisely because of this consideration that I decided to simply abandon the No. 1 outpost and let the mechanized army fully defend the second-line position."

"Then do you think the troops of the mechanized army can block the enemy's advance in the second-line position?"

"It's absolutely fine, Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army." Hearing Zakharov's question, Sokov quickly explained to him: "The terrain in front of the second-line position is flat, and the attacking enemy will be exposed to our army's firepower from a long distance. When Relying on the terrain, our army can destroy the enemy's vital forces in large numbers, and then use armored assaults to crush the enemy's new attacks and inflict even greater casualties on them."

Konev, who had just returned from the 7th Guards Army, saw Zakharov on the phone, so he asked the staff officer on the side: "Who is the chief of staff calling?"

Seeing that it was Konev who asked himself, how could he dare to conceal it, the staff quickly replied truthfully, "It's a call from General Sokov, commander of the 27th Army."

Konev knew that Sokov would not take the initiative to call if he had nothing important to do, so he hurried to Zakharov and asked him, "Is it Sokov?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Zakharov covered the microphone with his hand and said to Konev: "Solomatin planned to launch a counterattack against the enemy in the front after dawn, but Sokov vetoed it. .”

"Why?" Konev asked puzzled.

"General Solomatin's counterattack is just to smash the enemy attacking the No. 1 outpost and consolidate the position as much as possible to block the German attack." Zakharov spoke very quickly to Konev. : "But Comrade Sokov feels that there is no need to waste our precious troops for a small position."

"Sokov did the right thing." As soon as Zakharov finished speaking, Konev expressed his attitude: "A small position is not as important as we imagined. If you gather here One is that it is easy to suffer heavy casualties under the enemy’s artillery fire, and the other is that once the enemy cuts off the retreat, this army will become a lone army.”

After Konev finished expressing his opinion, he asked again: "What else did Sokov say?"

"His scouts found a German armored unit on the west side of the No. 1 outpost. According to various signs, this unit is setting up an ambush here, preparing to attack the counterattack unit of the mechanized army."

"Give me the phone." Konev stretched out his hand to Zakharov, and continued: "Sokov called at this time, probably because he wanted us to deal with this German armored force."

"Let us deal with it?" Hearing what Konev said, Zakharov became more and more confused: "We are hundreds of kilometers away from the landing site on the right bank. Even if we fly over with wings, I am afraid it will be too late."

"The infantry is definitely too late, but the air force can." Konev took the microphone and stuck it to his ear: "Comrade Sokov? I'm Konev. If you need help, just ask. I will definitely assist you with all my strength.”

Don't look at Zakharov covering the microphone with his hand, but Sukov heard the conversation between him and Konev. At this moment, when he heard Konev's voice, he said straight to the point: " Commander of the Front Army, I would like to ask you to dispatch the air force to bomb the German armored forces in ambush. If our air force can severely damage the German armored forces, then in the next battle to defend the landing site, the pressure we will bear will be greatly reduced lighten."

"No problem." Konev readily agreed to Sokov's request, but he still reminded Sokov: "There is no problem with dispatching planes to bomb the German armored forces. But in order to improve the bombing effect, you have to It is necessary to provide the number of the German army and the distribution of their forces. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Commander of the Front Army." Konev agreed to dispatch air force support, and Sokov couldn't help but burst into ecstasy. As for providing the Air Force with the enemy's unit designation and the distribution of troops, this should be done. The Air Force can carry out targeted bombing only after knowing the distribution of German forces on the ground: "Before dawn, I will definitely report the detailed enemy situation to you."

"Very good, very good!" Konev said after two good points, "Comrade Sokov, then I wish you good luck!"

When Konev put down the phone, General Kistyakov, the representative of the base camp, just happened to walk in from outside. He happened to hear Konev's last words and asked quickly: "General Konev, you were talking to the 27th just now. Army Commander Sokov on the phone?"

"Yes, General Chistyakov." Konev did not hide anything, nodded and replied truthfully: "I was indeed on the phone with Comrade Sokov just now."

"It's so late, is there anything important for him?"

"Yes, General Chistyakov." Since Chistyakov is the representative of the headquarters, the question he raised must be answered, so Zakharov interjected: "He asked us to dispatch the air force after dawn. Bomb German armor lurking on the west side of Outpost 1."

"What is the enemy's armored force lurking on the west side of the No. 1 Outpost?" Chistyakov asked cautiously after hearing this, "This is not a conspiracy by the Germans, and they deliberately revealed false information to us, right?"

"I don't think so." Konev shook his head and replied, "Sokov is a very cautious person. The information he reported has been verified repeatedly, and its credibility is very high."

If it was someone else, Chistyakov might have to ask for some more details, but since Konev has endorsed Sokov, he did not continue to entangle the matter, but changed the topic: "Konev General Husband, will you send your air force to attack that lurking armored force?"

"Yes." Konev nodded and replied: "The anti-aircraft firepower in Poltava is extremely strong, and our air force can't play much role there. Instead of sitting by and watching the battle, it is better to send them to Go to Sokov and take part in the battle to defend the landing site."

After Konev finished speaking, without waiting for Chistyakov to speak again, he turned around and said to Zakharov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you should immediately call General Goryunov, Commander of the Air Force, and ask him to have an appointment." Mentally prepare. After Sokov sends detailed information, they will immediately dispatch to attack the German armored forces on the landing ground."

"I'll call General Goryunov right away." Zakharov immediately smiled when he heard Konev's order: "The anti-aircraft firepower in Poltava is strong, and the air force fighters we attacked were lost. Quite a few, and finally had to stop air operations. Because of this, Goryunov was in a very bad mood, and it is said that he hid in his office every day and drank.”

"It's not okay to drink in the office every day." Konev told Zakharov: "You tell him on the phone later that if he continues to drink, be careful that I will dismiss him. It’s outrageous, but it’s just a small defeat, how can you give up on yourself?”

"Comrade commander, you don't worry too much." Zakharov replied with a smile: "As soon as Goryunov hears the order we gave him, he will immediately wake up. At that time, you will If he is not prohibited from drinking, he will take the initiative to refrain from drinking, so as not to affect the command of the troops."

Konev raised his hand and looked at his watch, and then urged Zakharov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, it's getting late. It takes a lot of time to refuel and reload the plane, so hurry up and get in touch with General Goryunov. Let him start preparing now. As soon as the information provided by Sokov and the others arrives, the bomber formation can attack in time."

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