Red Moscow

Chapter 1550 Special Company

"Damn, what's going on here, why is there a signal flare?" The blue flare that rose suddenly hit Gorokhov in the face, and he said angrily: "Is there a German hiding in the city?" secret agent?"

"This is normal, General Gorokhov." Sokov said disapprovingly: "We have not liberated this city for a long time, and many tasks have not been straightened out. enemy."

"I don't know what target the spy indicated to the enemy plane?"

It was dark outside, and Sokov didn't know what target the spies in the city were guiding the German night bombers, so he turned his head and asked Lunev: "Comrade Military Commissar, do you know what target the spies are guiding the enemy planes? "

"It should be a nearby stadium, where a lot of supplies are stockpiled." After Lunev answered this question, he said to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, we are too close to the bombing site of the enemy plane, so we should move quickly." Let’s avoid unnecessary losses.”

Sokov is not a person who pretends to be a hero. He knew that the building he was staying in might become the target of the German bombing in a short time, so he agreed to Lunev's proposal and left with a group of people. out of the office. But instead of taking people to the street immediately, he entered the air-raid shelter under the building, planning to leave here after the bombing was over.

As soon as they entered the air-raid shelter, the enemy plane came over the target and began to drop aerial bombs.

Sokov sat in a corner with his back against the wall, feeling the vibrations from the ground, and began to think about how to strengthen the city's air defense.

And Managarov's thoughts at the moment coincided with Sokov's. He looked up at the ceiling and said to Sokov thoughtfully: "General Sokov, I don't think there is any air defense force in the city. No. The German planes dispatched at night may cause us limited losses; but if they carry out air strikes during the day, our losses will be very large."

"You make a lot of sense, Comrade General." Sukov agreed with Managarov's statement, but now he is also a clever woman who can't live without rice, so he can only say helplessly: "However, our air defense force is very strong. Now, in order to ensure the safety of the Dnieper River Bridge, they are all deployed on both sides of the bridge, facing the incoming enemy planes, we have no power to fight back at all.”

"Even if we deployed anti-aircraft artillery units in the city, we would not be able to spot enemy planes in the sky without searchlights." Lunev said: "It is still impossible to shoot them down."

The air defense of the city is a headache for Sokov. After all, every time he captured a city before, his troops would leave the city and rush to a new battlefield. Whether it is the city's air defense or ground defense, comrades from the friendly army are in charge, so he doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Now Konev ordered him to stick to Kremenchug, so that after the main force arrived, they could cross the Dnieper River smoothly. In this way, what he has to face is no longer just ground defense, but also attacks from the air.

The German bombing did not last long, and a dozen bombers quickly dropped their bombs and left the sky above Klemenchug.

The bombing caused little damage to the city. Since the target of their bombing was a stadium hoarding supplies, not many targets were bombed.

When Sokov returned to the headquarters, Sameko greeted him and asked with concern: "Comrade commander, when I learned that the area bombed by enemy planes was exactly where you were, I couldn't help feeling sorry for you and Managaro. General Husband is worried."

"That's right, the enemy bombed the stadium not far from us." Sokov said disapprovingly, "But before that, we have already moved to a safe place." After taking a sip from the teacup on the table, Some anxiously asked, "How is it? What is the loss of our army in the air strike?"

"The Germans attacked the gymnasium where supplies were stored." Sameko replied with a smile: "But they didn't know that all the supplies stored there were emptied before dark. Even if the entire stadium was blown up, we The losses suffered will not be too great.”

Hearing what Sameko said, Lunev couldn't help asking curiously: "Comrade Chief of Staff, where have all those supplies been moved?" The reason why he asked this question was because he was responsible for distributing rations to the residents of the city. When it comes to food, the supplies stored in the gym are not used at all.

"Didn't the commander say yesterday that caves should be dug on the cliffs along the Dnieper River and supplies should be stored in them to ensure the supplies of our army and the enemy in the long-term battle." Sameko explained to Lunev: "These Materials that were originally stored in the gymnasium are now moved to caves in the cliffs of the Dnieper River."

After Sameko said this, seeing Gorokhov eager to try, he smiled and said to him: "General Gorokhov, these materials were moved by General Solomatin's 1st Mechanized Army. That is to say, in the days to come, they will have the right to use this batch of materials first."

Don't see that Solomatin's 1st Mechanized Army is now under the command of Sokov's 27th Army, but whether it is in the minds of Managarov, Gorokhov, Tsarev and others, They still regard this force as part of the group army. Therefore, after what Sameko said, the three were still very satisfied.

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Sukov thought of the three blue flares he saw, and felt that if he wanted to defend the city, the first thing to do was to eliminate the German spies in the city, lest they become the German night bombers. Instruction target: "I think a special team should be formed immediately to clear out the spies lurking in the city."

"Comrade Commander, I don't think it is necessary." Sokov just put forward his thoughts, but he was refuted by Sameko: "Since our army occupied Kremenchug, the superiors have sent An internal affairs force of nearly 100 people, their duty is to hunt down and eliminate German spies lurking in the city. If we set up a similar force again, won’t there be some overlapping functions?”

"Comrade Chief of Staff, if it was in the past, I wouldn't worry about clearing out the hidden spies in the city at all. After all, if there are professionals to do this kind of thing, the effect will be better." Sokov said seriously: "But what happened today One thing that made me understand that if we simply rely on the internal affairs troops sent by our superiors, sometimes it will be counterproductive.”

Sameko didn't know about Julis, the owner of the bakery, so when he heard Sokov say this, his face was full of confusion: "Comrade Commander, I don't quite understand what you mean, can you explain it to me?" ?”

"Comrade Military Commissar," Sokov didn't want to talk too much about this kind of matter, so he said to Lunev, who personally handled the matter, "you should tell Comrade Chief of Staff what happened."

Lunev nodded, and told Sameko about the bakery owner Yulis. Finally, he said: "I think the way the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs handles things is too simple, rough, and even extreme. If they are entrusted with the task of purging hidden secret agents in the city, I think more innocent people will be implicated."

"I agree with General Lunev's statement." As soon as Lunev finished speaking, Gorokhov began to agree: "If the personnel from the Ministry of Internal Affairs continue to mess around, it will not wait until the goal of eliminating the secret agents in the city is not achieved. The purpose, and perhaps even panic, is that the residents of the city are resistant to us."

"That's right." Seeing that Gorokhov supported his opinion, Sokov felt very relieved, and he continued: "So we have to re-form a special company to be responsible for hunting down hidden spies in the city, and at the same time, avoid Injure innocent people to maintain order and stability in the city."

Now that Sokov has made his position clear, Sameko wisely did not contradict the other party, but asked cautiously: "Comrade Commander, how big is the special company you are talking about, and who is going to lead it?" ?”

On the way back, Sokov had already carefully considered this issue. Although it was a special company, the establishment must be more than one company, otherwise it would be impossible to carry out work in such a large city. So he replied slowly: "Now the troops stationed in the city are the 98th Guards Division. Let them transfer a company, plus a guard company from the headquarters, to form a new special company. The company commander has Lieutenant Samoilov, he is from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he is a professional in how to eliminate hidden spies in the city."

Lunev took Samoilov to deal with Yulis during the day, and felt that it was very appropriate for him to be the commander of the special company. As soon as Sokov finished speaking, he took the lead and said: "I agree with Comrade Commander that Samoilov be the commander of this special company."

Sameko knew that Samoilov was Sokov's confidant, and the two had established a deep friendship as early as during the Stalingrad defense war. Now that it is not too much to assign him such a position, he nodded agreed. However, Managarov, Gorokhov and others belong to the 53rd Army, so naturally they will not express their opinions casually on the appointment and removal of personnel in the 27th Army. As a result, Samoilov became the company commander of the special company as a matter of course.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Sokov called Samoilov over. He said to him: "Comrade Lieutenant, in order to eliminate the hidden German spies in the city, we decided to set up a special agent company. One company was drawn from the 98th Guards Division and one from the Army Guards to form this force. And you, It's the company commander of this special company."

Samoilov waited for Sokov to finish speaking, and asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, which company in the security force of the headquarters do you plan to organize into a special company?"

Sokov thought for a while and replied: "Lieutenant Serelkov's guard company is not bad, I will put them into your company first."

"Great, this is really great." Samoilov has dealt with Serelkov before, and he feels that this elderly commander not only has rich combat experience, but also has a lot of luck. . Can someone else exchange a cart of vodka for a cart of captives? Despite his excitement, he humbly asked Sokov for instructions: "Comrade Commander, I don't know where we should start investigating the hidden secret agents?"

"Anyway, we are new here and we are not familiar with the situation in the city. If we continue to use the previous method to deal with lurking enemies, not only will the effect be poor, but it may also cause panic among the residents." Sokov He also has little experience in maintaining order in the city, but he still put forward his own ideas to Samoilov: "You can rely on the residents of the city and let them provide you with clues to find the enemies lurking in the crowd. "

After hearing this, Samoilov said with some embarrassment: "But Comrade Commander, we have not been in Klemenchug for a long time, and we are not very familiar with the residents in the city. Will they assist us in our work?"

"Comrade Lieutenant, I know that it is a very difficult task to track down the secret agents hidden in the city." Sokov emphasized to Samoilov: "So you must find ways to get the support of the residents. If you If it is difficult to carry out the work, you can go to Yulis, as the owner of a bakery, he has contacts with many people. You should be able to obtain useful information from him."

One word awakened the dreamer, and Sokov's words made Samoilov ecstatic: Yes, how did I forget Julis? You know, I can be regarded as his savior. If he hadn't rescued him from prison today, he would be dragged out and shot tomorrow. If I want to ask him to help me find some clues, it shouldn't be a big problem.

After trying to understand this, Samoilov immediately replied excitedly: "Understood, Comrade Commander. I will get in touch with Julis as soon as possible to see if I can get useful information from him."

Seeing that Samoilov understood his intentions, Sokov felt very relieved. In any case, Julius is now the best entry point. In addition to his usual contact with a wide range of people, he also protected 32 Jews. The Jews are now full of gratitude to him, now that the sky has been restored. If he makes any request, these people will definitely try their best to satisfy his wish.

He waved his hand at Samoilov and said, "Comrade Lieutenant, if you have nothing to do, hurry up and form your company. If you can achieve good results this time, you will not only get higher grades in the future." rank, I will let you take on more important positions."

After Samoilov left, Sameko tentatively asked Sokov: "Comrade Commander, do you really think that the special company commanded by Lieutenant Samoilov can clear up the hidden forces in the city in a short time?" secret agent?"

Whether the special company can eliminate the spies in the city in a short period of time, Sukov can't be too arbitrary. After thinking for a while, he said: "Comrade Chief of Staff, we all know that Lieutenant Samoilov is from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he is very experienced in handling such matters. I believe that even if he can't clear the city in a short time The spies here can also restrain the enemy's activities."

After talking about the hidden secret agents in the city, Sokov raised the issue of air defense again: "Comrade Chief of Staff, air defense in the city is a big problem now. If enemy planes launch air strikes during the day, we can also ask Goliu General Nove's air force was dispatched to drive them away from the sky above the city.

But if the night came, we didn't install searchlights, and we couldn't find the position of the enemy plane in the air. We could only watch the enemy's aerial bombs fall in the city and explode, causing us huge losses. "

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