Red Moscow

Chapter 1552 Attack and Defense

Seeing his companion lying not far away and howling, a soldier immediately came out of his hiding place, bent over and rushed to his companion, reached out and grabbed his collar by the back of his collar, and dragged him back.

However, the Soviet soldiers on the ground would not easily let the German soldiers drag their wounded to a safe place, aimed at the soldier dragging the wounded, and fired two bursts in a row, killing him directly in front of the position.

Originally, there were some German soldiers who wanted to drag their wounded comrades back, but when they saw that the soldiers who went out to save others were beaten to death on the spot before they could drag their wounded comrades back, they all gave up their original idea. , Continue to hide in the bomb crater or other places where you can hide, and start shooting at the Soviet army on the position.

The German commander saw through the binoculars that his subordinates were immobilized on the hillside by the firepower of the Soviet army, and quickly ordered the tanks to fire on the high ground. As the order was issued, the tanks 800 meters away from the distant position fired one after another, bombarding the exposed firepower points on the high ground.

The round of shelling ended, and the two civil firepower points that had been spitting out flames and suppressed the German officers and soldiers were destroyed by the artillery fire. However, the German infantry did not charge immediately. They wanted to wait for their tanks to destroy all the firepower points before launching an attack.

Seeing that the two firepower points on the position were destroyed by artillery fire, Captain Narva immediately sensed the intention of the German army, and quickly ordered the remaining few machine guns to stop firing, and shifted the shooting position in time, allowing the soldiers to use submachine guns, assault rifles and The enemy started shooting.

After the German tanks fired several rounds in succession, the firepower of the machine guns on the hillside completely disappeared. The German commander thought that the firepower of the Soviet army had been successfully destroyed by the tanks, so he sent another signal to let the infantry charge again.

The German officers and soldiers who received the attack signal did not rush out of their hiding places rashly, but threw grenades in the direction of the Soviet positions first. When the gunpowder smoke from the explosion of the grenade blocked the sight of the defenders, they came out of their hiding places one after another, and kept pulling the trigger while rushing forward to shoot.

On the other side of the mountain a few hundred meters away from the high ground, the first battalion commander, Captain Mikhaiev, was observing the battle with a telescope, and beside him were two other company commanders in the battalion.

"Comrade battalion commander," Yegor, the commander of the second company, saw that the enemy had already rushed to the high ground and started a hand-to-hand combat with the first company holding the position. Why don't we send our Erlian up there?"

Mikhaiev put down the binoculars in his hand, turned to look at Yegor and said, "Comrade Yegor, don't you have confidence in Captain Narva and his men?"

"Of course there is confidence." Yegor looked at the fierce battle in the distance, and said with some difficulty: "However, they have too few people, and I am afraid that they will have to pay a heavy price to block the enemy who has superior numbers and equipment. "

"Don't worry, Comrade Yegor." Mikhaiev said confidently: "I believe that Captain Narva has the ability to smash the enemy's attack and firmly hold their position."

Seeing that Yegor seemed to want to say something more, Mikhaiev waved his hand and said in an unquestionable tone: "I believe that Captain Narva and his men, no matter how fierce the enemy's offensive is, they will be able to hold on. own position."

As soon as he finished speaking, a soldier beside him suddenly exclaimed: "Look, our troops have retreated."

Everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of the high ground, and they saw that a company of commanders and fighters withdrew from the top of the hillside one after another, retreating towards the reverse slope.

"Oops!" Seeing this, the commander of the third company said to Mikhaiev: "Comrade battalion commander, let us go up to the company for reinforcements, otherwise the company's position will be lost."

Mikhaiev couldn't help being taken aback when he saw a company of commanders retreating from the top of the hillside, and hurriedly raised his binoculars to observe carefully. After watching for a while, the worry on Mikhaiev's face disappeared, and his mouth was still slightly upturned, as if he had seen something happy. He turned his head and said to the commander of the third company who asked for the battle: "Comrade company commander, do you really think that the commanders and fighters of the first company will hand over their positions to the Germans like this?"

"Isn't it?" The third company commander asked in confusion: "The commanders and fighters of the first company have all withdrawn from the top of the hillside. Isn't this handing over the position to the Germans?"

"Third Company Commander," Yegor said after observing the battle in the distance, "Withdrawing from the top of the mountain does not mean handing over the position to the enemy. Sometimes it is to better destroy the enemy."

"The first company gave up the position on the top of the hill," the third company commander said unconvinced: "How can we destroy the enemy better..." Before he finished speaking, there were several soldiers in the trench more than forty meters away from the top of the hillside. Machine guns started firing, and the German officers and soldiers rushing down from the top of the mountain were caught off guard and fell to the ground one after another. The corpses and wounded rolled down the hillside.

"You see, the third company commander." Mikhaiev said with a smile: "This is the tactic used by Captain Narva. The mountain on the side of the reverse slope is a bit steep. When the enemy rushes down from the top of the mountain, They had to slow down to avoid falling. In this way, they would be targeted by a company of commanders and fighters."

Having said that, Mikhaiev once again turned his attention to Egor: "Second Company Commander, if I'm not mistaken, this is the tactic that the First Company Commander learned from the commander, right?"

"That's right." Yegor nodded, and said proudly: "Commanders often say that fighting is not just about being brave and dashing, you need to use your brains more, so that you can win the greatest victory with the least casualties. .”

The German officers and soldiers who were caught off guard hurriedly retreated to the top of the slope, ready to shoot condescendingly with a company of commanders and soldiers halfway up the mountain. However, due to the problem at the top of the slope, the German officers and soldiers staying in the trench could not see the company of soldiers below at all, so they could only lean out and shoot.

As a result, as soon as they emerged, they became the targets of the sharpshooters on the ground. After more than 20 people were killed, the rest of the officers and soldiers could only shrink back obediently, so as not to become the targets of the sharpshooters below.

Seeing this scene, Mikhaiev said with emotion: "Captain Narva did a great job. Although the company is not equipped with snipers, he has selected a group of sharpshooters in advance to replace the snipers. The rising enemy."

When the enemy was beaten too hard to stand up, the commanders and fighters of the company took the opportunity to launch a counterattack. The soldiers came out of the trench with their weapons in hand. Instead of shouting "Ulla" while rushing like before, they quietly climbed to the top of the hill with their heads buried. When they were still more than ten or twenty meters away from the trench, they threw the stringed grenade at the top of the hillside, and continued to rush forward before the smoke cleared.

The German officers and soldiers at the top of the hillside had just been blown up by a grenade that fell from the sky, making them howl like ghosts and wolves. Before the gunpowder smoke cleared, he saw the Soviet commanders who had been driven out by him appear in front of him again. When the few German officers and soldiers who had just regained consciousness were about to shoot to resist, the Soviet commanders and fighters had already made the first move. After the clear gunshots rang out, the German officers and soldiers were beaten to death in the trenches.

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