Red Moscow

Chapter 1595

"Comrade Commander," Sameko asked tentatively after Sokov finished speaking, "Look, when will we call the division commanders for a meeting, after all, the offensive battle on the right bank will start soon."

"I think it will be two o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Considering that the right bank landing site may be attacked by the German army tomorrow morning, Sokov decisively set the meeting time at two o'clock in the afternoon: "At that time, all division heads should be can spare time."

"Okay, Comrade Commander." Sameko said smoothly, "I'll call the division commanders and order them to come over for a meeting at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."


Everything was as Sokov expected. The German army launched an attack on the landing field at 8 o'clock in the morning, but their attacks were smashed by the Soviet army who stood firm.

At noon, the German army stopped attacking the landing field. The division commanders and brigade commanders who commanded operations at the front knew that the German army would not launch a new attack in the afternoon after the German attack failed in the morning, so they left the front with peace of mind and went to Klemenchug to see the military Meeting.

"Commanders, commanders!" Seeing that the commanders he had notified were all present, Sameko stood up from his seat and said to everyone: "We will now officially start the meeting. First, let me introduce the current situation in the right bank area to you. The enemy's situation."

After Sameko briefly introduced the situation on the right bank, he turned to look at Sokov and asked, "Comrade Commander, can you say a few words next?"

Sokov nodded, then stood up, facing his subordinates and said: "Commanders, with the liberation of Poltava, the main force of the front army is now moving towards the Dnieper River, which means Our army group is about to launch an offensive against the German army in the right bank area."

Hearing that Sokov said that he was about to launch an offensive against the Germans on the right bank, the division commanders and brigade commanders at the front all had their eyes brightened, thinking that this day had finally come, and they no longer had to stay on the ground and wait for the Germans to attack, but took the initiative. Attack them.

As soon as Sokov finished speaking, Fomenko stood up and asked loudly: "Comrade Commander, when can we launch an attack on the Germans?"

Sokov was not surprised to see that the first person to speak was Fomenko. You know, twenty days ago, the 84th Division was ready to attack the German army, but it was temporarily terminated due to special reasons. Presumably, for such a long time, Fomenko must have been aggrieved when he saw that the friendly forces and the enemy were fighting in full swing, but there was no movement in his defense zone, so he smiled and said to him: "General Fomenko, don't worry. .. it will be at least a week before we attack the enemy."

"What, wait another week?" Fomenko said with some disappointment: "Comrade Commander, I'm afraid that if we continue to wait like this, my soldiers will be exhausted."

"We lack the materials for continuous combat, and it will take about a week to complete the supplements given to us by our superiors." Sokov said to Fomenko: "You can let the soldiers take the time to practice cycling. You know, once the German army The defense line has been breached, and I am afraid that you can only catch up with the fleeing enemies by riding bicycles."

"Comrade Commander, you can rest assured about this." Fomenko said carefreely: "Our soldiers are practicing cycling every day, and many of them will surely get a place in the cycling competition even if they go to participate in the cycling competition."

Fomenko's words caused laughter from the commanders present, and the atmosphere in the headquarters became more relaxed.

"General Fomenko, I'm afraid there is no chance to participate in the bicycle race, but you can tell the soldiers that whoever has better cycling skills can catch up with the enemy faster." Sokov continued the topic just now after saying this. : "This attack will start from the 84th Division's defense zone."

Fomenko was overjoyed to learn that the attack was starting from his own zone. But within two minutes of being happy, his expression became serious: "Comrade Commander, is our division the only one attacking alone?"

"How is this possible, General Fomenko?" Sokov said: "Colonel Koida's 188th Infantry Division will be transferred to you to launch an attack with you. In addition, Major General Gritsenko's 188th Infantry Division The 384th Division will serve as your reserve."

Koida and Gritsenko, who were sitting in the crowd, were extremely excited when they learned that their troops would participate in the attack on the German army, and they wanted to shout "Ulla" on the spot.

"Colonel Koida."


"Your division will march towards the defense zone of the 254th Division tomorrow, and the bigger the momentum, the better."

After listening to Sokov's words, Keida couldn't help being stunned. His first reaction was that Sokov gave the wrong number when assigning the task, referring to Fomenko's 84th Division as Shechtman's 254th Division. So he cautiously reminded Sokov: "Comrade Commander, did you say the wrong number? You said the 84th Division was the 254th Division."

"That's right." Sokov looked at him and said, "I'm talking about Colonel Shechtman's 254th Division, not General Fomenko's 84th Division."

Sokov's words made Koyda a little confused. He asked inexplicably, "Comrade Commander, aren't you going to transfer our division to the 84th Division's defense zone and attack the enemy at the same time as them?"

"Yes, Colonel Koyda, I did say that." Sokov said with a smile, "But does it have anything to do with your participation in the attack?"

"Comrade Commander," Koyda cautiously reminded Sokov: "The defense area of ​​the 254th Division is to the south of the landing field, while the defense area of ​​the 84th Division is to the northwest of the landing field. The two are not the same place."

Sokov glanced over the faces of the commanders present and saw that most of them showed puzzled expressions, so he smiled and explained to them: "Commanders, do you find it strange inside? Why should I An order for Colonel Koida to take part in an attack to the northwest, but order his troops to move south?"

This question was also the answer that everyone present wanted to know. Seeing that everyone nodded to figure out what was going on, Sokov continued: "If we mobilize our troops, we will definitely be noticed by the Germans immediately, so we Only then did the decision to transfer the 188th Division to the south be made.

When the Germans see us increasing our troops to the south of the landing field, they will definitely think that we will carry out an assault in this direction, and they will definitely recruit troops to strengthen the frontal defense. "

"Comrade Commander, you are right." Keida asked curiously: "In this way, the enemy can indeed be confused and they will not know where our attack is. But I would like to ask, do you plan to When will we be transferred to the 84th Division's defense zone?"

"Colonel Koida, I just said that your division was transferred to the 254th Division defense area in the south, just to achieve the purpose of confusing the Germans." Sokov had already had a mature idea in his heart, and took this opportunity to tell himself Let your subordinates listen and let them also learn the advanced tactics from the ancient eastern country: "Trucks can be used to transport troops to the 254th Division's defense area with great fanfare during the day, and then withdraw after dark. In this way, increase troops to the front during the day, and send troops to the front at night. The troops were quietly withdrawn, giving the Germans the illusion that we were about to attack their positions from the south of the landing field, forcing them to disperse their forces."

"Comrade Commander, your idea is really great." Hearing this, Fomenko couldn't help but praise Sokov: "The Germans will definitely think that we are constantly adding troops to the defense zone of the 254th Division. Attacks will be launched from that direction."

After Koyda figured out Sokov's intentions, he thought about it for a long time, and then put forward his own idea: "Comrade Commander, I think it is possible to secretly transfer the main force of the division to the position of the 84th Division, and use one regiment to attack the Germans. It’s enough for people to use this kind of deception tactics.”

"No, Colonel Koyda, this is absolutely not possible." As soon as Koyda put forward his idea, he was opposed by Sameko: "If we only use one regiment to move back and forth, it will be easy for the Germans to detect Anomalies have been detected, so all of you must participate in this deception."

"Okay, Comrade Chief of Staff." When Koyda said this, he deliberately glanced at Sokov, and saw that he was sitting there expressionless, and seemed to have no objection to Sameko's statement, so he could only force himself Scratching his scalp, he said, "I obey your order and let all the commanders and fighters of the division participate in this deceitful operation."

"General Poluboyarov!"

"Here!" General Poluboyarov, commander of the 4th Guards Tank Corps, heard Sokov ordering himself, stood up quickly, and at the same time agreed loudly.

"Starting tomorrow, your tank corps can go forward to the landing field on the right bank and enter the defense zone of the 254th and 300th divisions."

Before Sokov could finish speaking, General Poluboyarov couldn't wait to ask: "Our troops stationed in the landing field is also to confuse the enemy, right?"


Hearing Sokov's answer, Poluboyarov continued to ask: "Comrade Commander, with all due respect, there are too many forests, lakes and swamps in the northwest, and my tank army cannot be deployed at all."

"General Poluboyarov, I think you have misunderstood." Sokov waited for the other party to finish speaking, and then said: "After your army has entered the defense zone of the 254th and 300th divisions, you must put on a set of preparations. The posture of the armored assault, coupled with the 188th Division's repeated forward movement, gave the Germans an illusion that the direction of our army's next stage of attack would be to the south of the landing field, causing them to concentrate their forces in the wrong direction. "

The division commanders and brigade commanders present here are all veteran commanders who have experienced many battles, but they were still surprised after hearing Sokov's arrangement. According to their thinking, if you want to attack a certain place, you only need to concentrate your forces in that direction, and after intensive artillery bombardment, use infantry to carry out the assault.

What Sokov said about pretending to gather a large number of troops in an irrelevant direction was to launch a surprise attack on the Germans in other directions by surprise, so as to achieve the purpose of quickly breaking through the German defense line. Most of the commanders here have heard of such a novel tactic for the first time, but this does not prevent them from brainstorming the entire process of offensive operations.

"Comrade Commander," this time it was Major General Gritsenko, the commander of the 384th Division, who said emotionally: "Your method is really good. The deployment of troops to the south of the landing site with great fanfare will definitely attract the attention of the Germans. In this way, the defense of the northwest line of defense that we really want to attack will become lax, and we will be able to break through the German defense in the shortest time as soon as we launch an attack."

At the military meeting presided over by Sokov, Managarov and his deputies were not far away. After hearing the tactic that Sokov was going to implement, several people were stunned. Managarov turned to Derevyanko and said: "Comrade Chief of Staff, General Sokov's tactic is good. You must Write it down, maybe we can use it someday."

For a long time, Derevyanko looked down on Sokov in his heart, and was somewhat resistant to the combat orders he issued. Hearing Sokov's novel tactics at the military meeting today made Derevyanko look at him with admiration. Hearing what Managarov told himself, he quickly tapped his head with his fingers and replied, "Don't worry, Comrade Commander, I have already remembered it, and I will never forget it."

Gorokhov waited for the conversation between the two to come to an end, and leaned over and said in a low voice: "Tell me, what is General Sokov's head made of? He can even come up with such a novel tactic. No wonder he met him." Germans have suffered greatly."

"Every time I see General Sokov giving orders, I have a feeling." Managarov said with a wry smile: "I feel that I have fallen behind. Compared with him, I feel like a recruit who has just joined the army."

When Managarov and others were discussing Sokov in a low voice, the meeting here was coming to an end. Sokov stood up again, glanced at the faces of every subordinate present, and asked, "Who has any questions, you can take this opportunity to ask them."

"Comrade Commander," Sokov said, Colonel Shechtman, the commander of the 254th Division, stood up and said rather aggrieved, "I would like to ask, when will our division be able to participate in the offensive?"

Hearing Shechtman's question, Sokov and Sameko looked at each other, and both saw smiles in each other's eyes. Sokov turned to Shechtman and said, "Comrade Colonel, the task of your division is to stick to the existing position and prevent the Germans from advancing."

Shechtman was a little unhappy about Sokov's vague answer, and he said with a sad face: "Comrade commander, seeing the friendly forces attacking the enemy, and we can only stay in the trenches doing nothing, I am worried that the commanders and fighters will attack the enemy." Emotional."

"I think you will be the one who will be emotional in the future." Sokov did not hesitate to expose the other party's lies, and said bluntly: "You are not doing nothing in the trenches. You must know that once the 84th and 188th divisions approach The enemy has launched an attack and achieved results, and the enemy in the south of the landing field will definitely rush to reinforce them. If you do not stop them, the flanks and rear of the troops that are attacking the enemy will be in danger of being exposed to the enemy."

"Comrade Commander is right." As soon as Sokov's words came to an end, Sameko got up and added: "The 84th and 188th Divisions unexpectedly launched an attack on the enemy in the northwest direction, and they will definitely catch the enemy by surprise. Great results. The Germans will panic at that time. In order to prevent their defense line from being cut by our army, they will definitely launch a crazy counterattack. If you don't block the enemy, the attacking troops will suffer serious damage. Threats, let alone attacking at that time, whether you can retreat completely is a problem."

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