Red Moscow

Chapter 1609

It was the 9th Grenadier Regiment and the 5th Assault Gun Battalion of the Viking Division that attacked the 84th Division in Chijilin City. Regardless of the troops they invested, there were not as many as the 84th Division, but in the face of their powerful offensive, the Soviet army, lacking heavy weapons, could only choose to retreat in the end and retreated to the suburbs.

Fortunately, after the defeated Soviet army withdrew from the city, the German army did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, so that the commanders and fighters of the 84th Division were able to regroup their troops on the outskirts of the city, which made Fomenko very grateful.

The troops withdrew to the village previously occupied by the Belgin regiment, found a spacious wooden house, and established the division headquarters.

After doing all this, Fomenko ordered the three regiment leaders to come over and discuss with them the next move.

"Comrades, today is a shameful day for our 84th Division." After the three regiment leaders arrived, Fomenko said bluntly: "We were actually driven out of Chigirin by an enemy with fewer numbers than us. This is a great shame and humiliation to all our commanders and fighters."

After he finished speaking, the room fell into a brief silence.

Colonel Rusuf, the head of the 254th Regiment, was the first to break the silence: "Comrade Commander, there is a reason why our troops were defeated by the enemy. Our army lacks heavy weapons such as artillery, and the enemy attacking us is hiding. Outside the range of the machine guns, use artillery to bombard our army's firepower points. When our army's firepower points are almost destroyed, we will send infantry to attack, making it impossible for us to resist their attacks."

"Colonel Rusov," Fomenko interrupted him before he could finish speaking, and said sharply, "are you going to use such an excuse to justify your superiors and cover up our failure?"

Originally Rusuv wanted to say a few more words, but after being scolded by Fomenko, he obediently shut his mouth, wanting to hear what the other party planned to say next.

"Comrade Deputy Commander," after reprimanding Rusuv, Fomenko aimed at Belkin again: "If your regiment can move faster and occupy more areas after entering the city, then you can force the enemy When attacking, we have to disperse our forces. In this way, our confidence in smashing the enemy's attack will be greater."

Hearing Fomenko call his name, Belkin raised his head and said seriously: "Comrade commander, I feel that I must explain to you that the commanders and fighters of our regiment acted very quickly in the battle to capture Chigirin. But no matter what, this is a city that the Germans have occupied for two years. Not only do they have more troops than us, but they are also more familiar with the city than us. Before we can further expand the results of the war, their counterattack began.

If I hadn't acted decisively and ordered the Second Battalion to stop attacking in time and retreat to the streets occupied by the First and Second Battalions for defense, I am afraid that our regiment would be wiped out or driven out of the city by the enemy before the main force of the division arrived. "

"Comrade Commander, there are many reasons for our division's defeat." Seeing the tense atmosphere in the room, Manuoxin hurried out to smooth things over: "Our commanders and fighters fought tenaciously in the face of the crazy German attack, but the enemy's strength It was so strong that we ended up having to withdraw from the fight."

"The political commissar is right. The defeat this time is indeed due to the fact that the German army is too powerful." The division chief of staff felt that he should also make a statement at this moment, so that everyone can have a clear understanding of today's defeat: "According to our interrogation The captured prisoners, the troops who came to reinforce and attack us were the elite Viking division of the Germans. If it hadn't been for their appearance, and with the combat effectiveness of the defenders in the city, we would have taken the city before noon tomorrow. "

The combat effectiveness of the Viking Division is obvious to all in the Soviet Army. Even some Soviet troops who have suffered from them will panic when they talk about this unit. If their superiors do not provide them with coordinated combat troops, they will not have the guts to fight against the Viking Division. . Now the 84th Division, which has achieved great military exploits, still suffered a big loss after encountering this unit.

"Comrade Chief of Staff," Fomenko calmed down a bit after he fired, turned his head to look at the Chief of Staff who had just spoken, and asked, "Does the headquarters have any instructions?"

The chief of staff quickly replied: "I received a telegram from General Sameko, who told us to regroup with the 188th Division and launch an attack on Chijilin tomorrow."

"What, launching an attack on Chigilin?" Hearing this news, Fomenko almost jumped up from his seat: "Comrade Chief of Staff, does the superior know our actual situation?"

"Comrade Commander, I have reported the situation here to the Group Army Command in detail." The chief of staff replied: "Although this telegram was sent by General Sameko, he specifically explained at the end of the telegram that This is what Comrade Commander means."

Knowing that Sokov meant it, Fomenko stopped complaining. As a division commander under the 27th Army, he knew Sokov's character very well. If he was not sure of victory, he would never issue such an order. Thinking of this, he tentatively asked: "Are we and the 188th Division the only troops participating in the offensive tomorrow?"

"In addition to us and the 188th Division, there are also the 384th Division, the 1st Artillery Division, and the Air Force." The chief of staff reported to Fomenko: "In addition, we will deliver enough new rockets and bazookas overnight to us Make sure our offense is successful."

After listening to the chief of staff's report, Fomenko took the telegram in his hand and browsed it carefully. The content above was the same as that reported by the division chief of staff, and it took him less than a minute to read the telegram.

When he raised his head again, with a smile on his face, he said to the three regiment leaders: "Comrades, if the troops promised by the commander can arrive within the stipulated time, we can definitely arrive at noon tomorrow. I will launch an attack on Qijilin where the enemy is entrenched, and I am sure to annihilate the defenders in the city."

No one refuted Fomenko's statement, but took it for granted. According to everyone's thinking, three infantry divisions plus one artillery division, under the cover of the air force, launched an attack on the city occupied by the German army. Even if there were some twists and turns, the city could be taken in a short time.

As for the idea of ​​not being able to capture the city, it never appeared in everyone's mind. If so many troops, with the cover of the air force, can't take down a small city, then what qualifications do they have to become a member of the 27th Army.

"The first thing we have to do now is to contact the 188th Division of Colonel Koyda." The chief of staff of the division said from the side: "According to the telegram from the superior, they should be nearby, and we should send someone to find them as soon as possible." them."

"That's right, Comrade Chief of Staff, what you said makes sense." Fomenko agreed with the statement of the division chief of staff, "I will send my adjutant to take a few soldiers to find the 188th Division later. of their whereabouts, and strive to establish contact with them as soon as possible.”

But before Fomenko sent his adjutant, the chief of staff of the division received a call from the checkpoint outside the village. After listening to it, he showed a surprised expression on his face and said repeatedly: "Comrade captain, immediately send someone to arrest the comrade of the friendly army." Send it to the division headquarters, and it must be fast!"

After putting down the phone, he said emotionally: "Comrade Commander, the checkpoint at the entrance of the village reported that more than a dozen commanders and fighters from the friendly army came to the entrance of the village. The officer leading the team said that they belonged to the 188th Division and were ordered to contact us. .”

"Where are the people? Let the Sentinel bring them to us quickly."

"Don't worry, Comrade Division Commander." The chief of staff replied, "I have issued an order to the checkpoint to send comrades from the friendly army to the division headquarters as soon as possible."

Seven or eight minutes later, an officer wearing a steel helmet and a rain cape, led by a sentinel, strode into the division headquarters. After quickly scanning the epaulets of the crowd, his eyes settled on Fomenko. After standing at attention, he raised his hand to salute, and said in his mouth, "Hello, General Fomenko, I am Captain Griza, commander of the 4th company of the 2nd Battalion of the 562nd Regiment of the 188th Division, and I was ordered to come here to establish contact with you."

"Hello, Comrade Captain." Fomenko stepped forward and shook Griza's hand, and said enthusiastically, "On behalf of the commanders and fighters of the whole division, I welcome you."

When Griza let go of Fomenko's hand and was about to speak, a familiar voice suddenly came from the side: "Griza, didn't you see me? Why didn't you say hello to me?"

Grisa followed the prestige and found that the person speaking was actually Belkin. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and hurriedly raised his hand to salute Belkin: "Hello, Comrade Colonel. It's so wonderful to see you here. Surprised."

"I'm not surprised to see you here again." Belkin said, stepped forward and pulled Griza's hand from his forehead, and pulled it hard towards his face, giving the other party a warm welcome. Hugs: "My old friend, how are you?"

"Very well, thank you for your concern, Comrade Colonel."

Seeing Belgin and Grisa being so intimate, Fomenko asked Belkin curiously: "Comrade deputy division commander, do you know this captain of the friendly army?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Belkin naturally did not hide from Fomenko about his friendship with Grisa: "When I was partnering with the commander of the 73rd Infantry Brigade, Grisa was me. His subordinates, and later came to the 27th Army. I really didn't expect to meet him here today."

Fomenko knew a little bit about Sokov's affairs. He knew that when he was transferred to the post of commander of the 27th Army, he had brought dozens of subordinates over to enrich the grassroots commanders of the divisions. It is said that they are ordinary subordinates, but anyone with a discerning eye knows in their hearts that these subordinates are all Sokov's cronies.

Fomenko did not expect that the captain of the friendly army who came to contact him was also Sokov's confidant, and his attitude towards Griza was naturally a little warm: "Comrade captain, you have traveled for so long, you must say You must be thirsty. Come here." His last words were only for a staff officer standing at the door. The staff officer hurried forward, leaning forward slightly, waiting for the other party to assign him a task.

"Go and get the captain a cup of hot tea, and get something to eat." When Fomenko said this, he looked at Griza and said with a smile on his mouth: "I think Comrade Captain must be tired and tired at the moment." Hungry."

When the staff officer went out to prepare things, Fomenko came to Griza again, looked at him and asked, "Comrade Captain, where is your division now?"

"Is there a map?"

"Yes." After the chief of staff removed the debris on the map, he made a gesture of invitation to Griza: "Comrade Captain, do you think this map is suitable for use?"

Grisa looked down at the map for a few moments, and quickly found a familiar location. He quickly pointed to Fomenko and said, "General Fomenko, the troops of our division are stationed here now."

The chief of staff hurriedly looked up to see where the 188th Division was sitting. After seeing clearly, he gestured with his hand, and then reported to Fomenko: "Comrade commander, we are less than eight kilometers away."

Fomenko hummed, and then said to Grisa: "Comrade Captain, the superior ordered us to launch an attack on the city at noon tomorrow. Have you received such an order?"

"Yes, Comrade General, we have received such an order." Grisa said to Fomenko with a serious expression: "In the area where our division is stationed, some commanders and fighters who were separated from your division were found. Through talking with them, the division commander Knowing that you have suffered a lot in the city. It just so happened that at this time, he received an attack order from the headquarters, and he quickly dispatched several liaison teams to search for your whereabouts."

Speaking of this, Griza couldn't help grinning: "It turned out that I was lucky and found you here." Then, he took out a piece of paper from the pocket of his military uniform and handed it to Fomenko, "This is The contact code of our division's radio station."

Fomenko took the paper without looking at it, handed it to his chief of staff, and told him: "Order the operator to send a report immediately, and establish contact with the 188th Division as soon as possible."

Taking advantage of the time when the radio operator sent the report, the staff brought refreshments to Griza, and Fomenko greeted him warmly: "Comrade Captain, you have worked hard, let's have something to eat."

In order to find the whereabouts of the 84th Division, Griza and his subordinates tossed outside for several hours. He was already tired, hungry and thirsty. When he saw the tea, biscuits, rusks and canned beef stew in front of him, Can't help swallowing saliva. However, he was not in a hurry to eat, but raised his head to thank Fomenko, and then said: "Comrade General, there are more than a dozen of my subordinates outside, they may be thirsty and hungry at the moment, I wonder if you can... ...?"

Although Grisa didn't finish his sentence, Fomenko didn't understand what he meant, and quickly ordered the staff officer: "Comrade staff, there are more than a dozen comrades from the friendly army outside, and you can help them prepare some food by the way." .”

"Yes, Comrade Commander." The staff officer nodded, "I'll do it now."

Hearing Fomenko's arrangement and seeing the staff leave, Griza picked up the food on the table and ate. While eating, he asked curiously: "Comrade General, will our two divisions participate in the attack tomorrow?"

If other low-ranking officers asked this question, Fomenko would not only not give him an answer, but would even scold him. But the officer sitting in front of him now is one of Sokov's cronies, so Fomenko will naturally treat him differently. Fortunately, the order to attack tomorrow is not a top secret, so even if you tell Griza, you don't have to worry about leaking the secret.

Fomenko smiled and said: "Comrade Captain, the defenders in the city have received reinforcements. It is certain that we will not be able to capture the city with the strength of our two divisions alone. The headquarters also ordered the 384th Division and the 1st Pao Division to come over overnight. When the troops are all here, it will not be too late for us to attack the enemy."

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